Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (OOC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Ok, just want to confirm, are you guys planning to wait a day for the gang to get together?

I don't know, Usshkr wants to go now. He sees this as a chance to reclaim his score if he kills the Wookiee he regains all he lost.

What does everyone else think?

Now is fine, player time. In character, I figured Shura was going back to work, but could join us after. A screen wipe would be fine.

1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:

Ok, just want to confirm, are you guys planning to wait a day for the gang to get together?

Yeah, I thought that was the objective. We were just short Jex and Shura presently.

As far as IC, ‘Hide Out Crew’ was planning on doing the investigation and planning route for the heist. Objective being, making credits without becoming identified.

Ok cool, I'd personally recommend @AdvocatXD makes use of the data available at work to give you guys a good place to start your planning. :)

@Rabobankrider tell me what Usshkr would know! Here or in private whatever floats your boat.

Ok, @Shlambate , so you would know that the couriers 'face' works out of a bookies in your sector. You would know the guy by the bets he places during the day, and he will only speak to you if you can prove you've been recommended by a previous client. However he would also know that you're meant to be dead. The basic protocol is you place the order with him, pay half there and half on arrival. Details such as cargo and the route is only known by a select few. Once the pilot knows where to go, the information is stored off site in case it needs to be used in the future (blackmail etc).

You'd also know that only a single truck is used at a time, and they travel light. Usually there's about 6 guards including the pilot, and they usually carry pistols and stun batons, nothing more heavy.

@ExileofEnya , are you still active?

I think I might need to bow out of this for now. I'm having trouble as of late finding time and inspiration for roleplaying.

Feel free to NPC Jex, or if anyone wants to take over him feel free to.

Fair enough, if you ever want to join in again, please let me know. :-)

@SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION , is the truck you mentioned in your post one that was already agreed on in the groups equipment or is that one you've just added in yourself? Because if this is one that you've added this is what I was on about regarding adding to your equipment without asking me and I'm going to need you to change your post.

Edited by Rabobankrider

I think we are ready for the setup of the meeting scene if you are @Rabobankrider

Maybe we can post the vehicle profiles under the character roster to explain who has which vehicles to avoid confusion (Giz speeder truck, Shura, Re’peek, and Leto bikes).

Yeah, I'll have to double check the final amount of vehicles etc later. If anyone can remember what vehicles they started with that would be very helpful.

@AdvocatXD , in terms of the data you took, you would have records of the couriers jobs for the last six months. Most of it would be out of date and largely useless. However there is one job on the books that hasn't been done yet. The cargo has been redacted, which is the only case of this being seen in the files. The route is using back road and quiet alleyways, with only a couple of times it takes main roads. It starts in the industrial sector that Ree scouted, and actually gives you the exact location of the warehouse. The route ends in a residential area a few miles away from Ree's house. You can do an average knowledge (underworld) to find some more info on the area. The name on the current customer is Faad Doos, but there's no other details.

@Vergence I'll be able to sort the post in a day or so for you guys to progress. :)

Edited by Rabobankrider
On 1/2/2018 at 2:58 PM, Vergence said:

The last idea floating is 3x Starhawk Speeder Bike with Sidecar with Maneuvering Thrusters and one A-A5m Emergency Response Vehicle (attachments open to driver choice).

In my first IC post, I mentioned Leto owning one of the three swoops.

On 2/20/2018 at 9:50 PM, BeingofMortis said:

Giz has the speeder truck. I figured it made sense for him to have the truck since he has the highest in planetary piloting. The Gadgeteer in him added attachments to fit his character. Speeder Truck/A-A5m "Smog"

I think @SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION either forgot or had a serious typo IC but I believe he wasn’t trying to acquire new vehicles. Just park the existing ones.

If that's the case that's fine. I was just unsure if Jex had claimed one and that was a second one came from.

Nope, just Giz for the speeder truck, Shura, Re’peek, and Leto for speeder bikes. If under the roster we post the characters and vehicle links, it might avoid future confusion :D

Yeah, I'll sort that tomorrow. :-)

@SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION , please let me know if the truck you mentioned was Giz's or a new one.

@Vergence I think Usshkr has successfully pushed the meeting up to today! So you can meet Shura, Hetaera and Usshkr there with HU-1K.

I knew we had a truck didn't know it belonged to Giz, will modify my post.

1 hour ago, Shlambate said:

@Vergence I think Usshkr has successfully pushed the meeting up to today! So you can meet Shura, Hetaera and Usshkr there with HU-1K.

We will just bring the whole party with @Rabobankrider playing Jex so we can get you healed before the heist.


I will bring Jex back into the campaign in my next post but for the heist he will be on a backburner (healing afterwards etc), so you guys may want to invest in a healer at some point as I don't really want to turn Jex into a GMPC if I can avoid it.

average underworld : 2eA+2eD 4 failures, 2 advantage
a-a.png a-a.png d-f-f.png d-f-f.png

I got two advantage! :D

Edited by AdvocatXD

Ok, I'd say you know the area is run by a local gang, and is a relatively secure place, but you're not sure who runs it.

Ok, I don't think I'll have time to sort out ic posts till tomorrow or Tuesday, so just sorting ooc stuff. As this is a new area for the campaign, can everyone make a post of them arriving at the club. If you post before I have time to sort mine the place would be pretty much empty at this time in the morning except for some serving staff etc. This should lead us nicely into finally making the group into one. :)

24 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Ok, I don't think I'll have time to sort out ic posts till tomorrow or Tuesday, so just sorting ooc stuff. As this is a new area for the campaign, can everyone make a post of them arriving at the club. If you post before I have time to sort mine the place would be pretty much empty at this time in the morning except for some serving staff etc. This should lead us nicely into finally making the group into one. :)

Still keeping the Destiny Point Pool, then?