Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (OOC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

I'll try sort posts out tomorrow or Thursday. :)

Ok @Shlambate you can recover 5 wounds for your character. Also before I forget, @KungFuFerret please add 2 obligation to your character for the imperial tag you took. Also also before I forget, I will be introducing obligation into this, so you all have a base of 5 in case that hasn't been taken into account.

@Rabobankrider Does this healing count as a healing check or not? If not he gains one more hp,

It wouldn't be a healing check so you can take an extra.

Ok, quick recap of links to bring the group and the heist together:

It’s Munch’s Birthday! Time to hire Hetaera... Conversation: ugh do you guys do heists too? :D

44 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Ok, quick recap of links to bring the group and the heist together:

Yeah and that's why he didn't trust the scruffy looking nerf herder. Stupid smuggler sharing the same haircut as Tucker and asks to many questions! Usshkr doesn't like him one bit. ;)

Edited by Shlambate

What would the Mechanics difficulty to fix the wounds on HU-1K? @SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION

It would be treated the same at a medicine check I think, so average mechanics check if the wounds are over half of the threshold, easy if it's under half, but if you don't have a toolbox the check has an extra purple added to it.

It's exact half I did 7 wounds because I rolled poorly.

3 hours ago, Shlambate said:

It's exact half I did 7 wounds because I rolled poorly.

It was a good fight though, I liked the contrast between our builds.

6 minutes ago, SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION said:

It was a good fight though, I liked the contrast between our builds.

I always prefer going for high damage instead of Crits. It's too easy to kill with Crits I'd rather be one punch man!

Minions are easy to one punch with high crit chances. But to each their own.

Minions are easy to one punch with high crit chances. But to each their own.

Ok @SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION you recover 1 wound and 1 strain


Here is my next mechanics check on HU-1K :D

Mechanics check on HU-1K : 2eP+1eA+2eD 1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png p-a-a.png a-s-a.png d-th.png d-f-th.png

Edited by BeingofMortis

Sorry guys, something has come up so I will now be sorting posts tomorrow.

On 3/12/2018 at 3:34 PM, BeingofMortis said:

Here is my next mechanics check on HU-1K :D

Mechanics check on HU-1K : 2eP+1eA+2eD 1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png p-a-a.png a-s-a.png d-th.png d-f-th.png

How do you think I should spend my triumph?

I'd say you could remove the easiest critical injury with that.

Ok, so it now looks like you guys have a link to bring the group together properly now, which will let you start to plan this heist in earnest, once you've gotten all together I can set up the next stage. Through the combined knowledge of your investigations you will also have access to the following information:

@KungFuFerret has a rough idea of the location, and working with @Shlambate you should be able to pinpoint the building or routes they may take.

@AdvocatXD will have access to previous cargo manifestos, contacts, code words etc when she gets back to work.

When you guys get to the panning stage I will message the appropriate people with the specifics they can bring to the table.

@AdvocatXD I will make a post for you returning the work tomorrow so you can carry on down that route.

@ExileofEnya what's your current plan at the minute?

Also guys on a side note, please don't go too over the top in creating details such as the equipment your digging up etc. I'd say I'm pretty liberal when it comes to this type of stuff, but do remember that at this point you are the bottom of the criminal ladder. You'll start to work yourself up soon enough, but it is going to take work to amass resources etc.

On 3/6/2018 at 12:20 AM, Vergence said:

For party resources we already have 3x Starhawk/Speeder Bikes with Sidecars and Speeder Truck/A-A5m. This is what I've got so far for minimal gear to pull off the heist. I tried staying 1k or less on each item to display room for improvement. Feel free to toss-in input.

Electronic Lock Breaker 1,000c (heist gear)

Laserhone Huntsman Vibrospear 950c (+3 brawn dmg that sounded Trandoshan)

x5 Heavy Blaster Pistols 700c each (basic range weapons)

3x Armored Clothing 1,000c (for Jex, Shura and Jace)

Riot Armor 950c (cheap armor with HPs for Giz to mod)

9x Disguise Kits 100c (more narrative)

Surveillance Taggers 165c each

3-4x Electrobinoculars 250c each

This is the list we’ve been working with for the starting party resources slowly discussed for months. The only things recently added are for the new players. Is the list still fine?

That sounds fine so far

I'll be sorting posts tomorrow :)