Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (OOC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

42 minutes ago, KungFuFerret said:

Except the gualo noodles! THOSE ARE MINE!! HANDS OFF! *puts postit note on noodle container with a picture of a cat on it*

Usshkr sees the picture of the cat on the container of food and proceeds to feed the "Cat food" to stray cats outside the Base.

Am I understanding correctly that Usshkr worked with Shura and Hetaera has reacquainted herself with Shura recently? Trying to figure out how to tie everybody into the story through IC :P

3 minutes ago, Vergence said:

Am I understanding correctly that Usshkr worked with Shura and Hetaera has reacquainted herself with Shura recently? Trying to figure out how to tie everybody into the story through IC :P

Usshkr just met Hetaera 4 months prior because he was on the brink of death in an alleyway. He doesn't really know any of her friends. I'm sure that this isn't the first time Usshkr has come to act as muscle when it wasn't necessary. Probably scared some of her "boyfriends".

2 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Usshkr just met Hetaera 4 months prior because he was on the brink of death in an alleyway. He doesn't really know any of her friends. I'm sure that this isn't the first time Usshkr has come to act as muscle when it wasn't necessary. Probably scared some of her "boyfriends".

Right, did Usshkr work at the same courier company that Shura works for?

Yes as occasional hired muscle. He was replaced by a Wookiee he technically doesn't know that yet. The Wookiee's job interview was kicking Usshkr's ***.

6 hours ago, Vergence said:

Am I understanding correctly that Usshkr worked with Shura and Hetaera has reacquainted herself with Shura recently? Trying to figure out how to tie everybody into the story through IC :P

So.. it's a small moon.

I am also somewhat puzzled.. who knows who.. through whom.. from when..?

This is what I do know:

  • Hetaera and Shura were friends, surviving together on the streets of Nar Shaddaa, as girls.
  • When slavers kidnapped them, Shura fought, and was badly beaten.
  • Haetara was more submissive, and quickly sold, presumably while Shura's face was healing up for the auction block.
  • Shura was rescued by Zay..
  • ..who is Leto's eldest brother.

These events all took place.. about 10-15 years ago, maybe, give or take..?

In more recent events:

  • Hetaera just recently helped manipulate her own independence, following years of servitude.
  • Hetaera recognizes Shura's distinctive scar running through her eye, at a table full of mercs, and they quickly reestablish their childhood bond.
  • Hetaera lucks into a life debt, finding Usshkr near death, and now the hapless Trandoshan follows her around.

This is where it gets fuzzy for me.. not sure the order of these last two events, or how the courier service fits in..?

Edited by Edgehawk
1 hour ago, Edgehawk said:

T his is where it gets fuzzy for me.. not sure the order of these last two events, or how the courier service fits in..?

Like I mentioned Usshkr was ocasional hired muscle when "goods" were transported. So he likely doesn't know Shura. His connection to them is betrayal since they hired a Wookiee to take him out. How Shura is connected is up to her.

3 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

So.. it's a small moon.

I am also somewhat puzzled.. who knows who.. through whom.. from when..?

This is what I do know:

  • Hetaera and Shura were friends, surviving together on the streets of Nar Shaddaa, as girls.
  • When slavers kidnapped them, Shura fought, and was badly beaten.
  • Haetara was more submissive, and quickly sold, presumably while Shura's face was healing up for the auction block.
  • Shura was rescued by Zay..
  • ..who is Leto's eldest brother.

These events all took place.. about 10-15 years ago, maybe, give or take..?

In more recent events:

  • Hetaera just recently helped manipulate her own independence, following years of servitude.
  • Hetaera recognizes Shura's distinctive scar running through her eye, at a table full of mercs, and they quickly reestablish their childhood bond.
  • Hetaera lucks into a life debt, finding Usshkr near death, and now the hapless Trandoshan follows her around.

This is where it gets fuzzy for me.. not sure the order of these last two events, or how the courier service fits in..?

The courier was the target of the gang to heist at the end of the first session. Since then the Hired Gun PC’s background are tied to the courier.

Or at least I assume for Shura since she is stated as our courier information broker in OOC but none of us passed our checks to know that for IC.

Sorry for the delay, I'll be organizing a load of stuff tomorrow for you guys.

3 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Sorry for the delay, I'll be organizing a load of stuff tomorrow for you guys.

Fight Club! Fight Club! Fight Club!

25 minutes ago, SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION said:

Fight Club! Fight Club! Fight Club!

Usshkr is currently in a Club but there is no fighting, sadly.

28 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Usshkr is currently in a Club but there is no fighting, sadly.

You sat back down! lol

Waiting for @Edgehawk post first but we basically need to create a hook IC to invite you guys into the plan. Either Tucker, the courier, or Shura somehow.

5 minutes ago, Vergence said:

You sat back down! lol

What else was he gonna do, he's not one for Clubs so dancing is not on the table. He's not gonna start a fight that would endanger his Charge!

So is anyone currently at the hideout? Or are you all out and doing things and meeting each other?

Meeting each other as soon as I get Home I'll reply to @Edgehawk

I know @ExileofEnya caught on but just so @Rabobankrider knows or anybody that needs to understand the Tucker archetype, I stole the personality from Red VS Blue .

32 minutes ago, Vergence said:

I know @ExileofEnya caught on but just so @Rabobankrider knows or anybody that needs to understand the Tucker archetype, I stole the personality from Red VS Blue .

Caboose would have been a much better personality. Tucker's an ***!

6 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Caboose would have been a much better personality. Tucker's an ***!

I don’t want to like the guy we are heisting from :D

Before I have Usshkr answer is there any chance he knows Tucker? At least his name. He did do some work with the courier's.

12 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Before I have Usshkr answer is there any chance he knows Tucker? At least his name. He did do some work with the courier's.

I was hoping that was the case for Usshkr or Tucker stood out in Hetaera's mind when she saw Shura with the Mercs recently.

3 minutes ago, Vergence said:

I was hoping that was the case for Usshkr or Tucker stood out in Hetaera's mind when she saw Shura with the Mercs recently.

well when I was creating Usshkt he did mention I knew some lower managing types so is Tucker some of them?

XD I will give bonus xp if you all end up as the cast of red vs blue

Also, I know I said I'd be sorting stuff soon, but I think it'll have to wait till Monday, things have gotten hectic.

10 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Also, I know I said I'd be sorting stuff soon, but I think it'll have to wait till Monday, things have gotten hectic.

We will still be here.

17 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

well when I was creating Usshkt he did mention I knew some lower managing types so is Tucker some of them?

Not sure if @Rabobankrider had a chance to create the courier background yet. I mentally pictured him as an annoying lackie that was easy to track to get the plot rolling. Someone who easily stood out in everybody's minds, dressing as if he played a bigger role than he actual does.

EDIT: But, he might pretend to be the boss by impressing others or to mess with his coworkers :P

Edited by Vergence