Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (OOC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Maybe Leto should become a Nannarium Root Flower grower to pass these knowledge checks :D What kind of Underworld check is it to see what Leto knows about the other competing local gangs for sector control? He is basically trying to weigh his options on targets. Figure out what each gang's economy is etc.

Edited by Vergence

Average check, boost dice for being a local.

Ok @Vergence :

Possible target 1: The Krang brothers. They're a couple of petty thugs who run a small scale racketing business at the edge of the sector. They have no allegiances, and are essentially a pain in the **** of most sector bosses they come across.

Possible target 2: A small nameless gang that is used as a courier service by other small gangs, ranging from spice to guns.

Possible target 3: Bright Sparks swoop gang: A roaming gang of swoop riders who don't seem to serve much of a purpose outside of smashing up a few shop fronts and drinking themselves stupid.

The disadvantage is you aren't sure of the gangs strengths compared to your own.

18 hours ago, satkaz said:

Hmm, think a lot of us are willing to run a heist. Maybe we could rob another low-level gang for their drugs and guns. Maybe we could rob a place where Imperials are confiscating drugs and guns!

Shall we heist the nameless couriers for some supplies?

1 hour ago, Vergence said:

Shall we heist the nameless couriers for some supplies?

Seems good. Hopefully we won't stir up more trouble than we want at the moment.

8 hours ago, Vergence said:

Shall we heist the nameless couriers for some supplies?

Sounds like a plan.

Sorry for the delay, I'll sort posts tomorrow.

How does the party feel about spending some basic party resource credits on gear to make sure we have at minimum Heavy Blaster Pistols, Disguise kits or any nonparamilitary level equipment and roleplay it already stolen goods within a crate at the hideout?

Also, before I forget it's worth remembering that although it is a lawless planet, carrying around rifles and military tech will attract unwanted attention, especially by the empire.

Can Re'peek make a stealth or streetwise check to go out and try and get some information about our target? Obviously this would take some time and not an instant answer, but I'd like to start working that angle while it's on our minds.

1 hour ago, Vergence said:

How does the party feel about spending some basic party resource credits on gear to make sure we have at minimum Heavy Blaster Pistols, Disguise kits or any nonparamilitary level equipment and roleplay it already stolen goods within a crate at the hideout?

Yeah, that'll work. I was thinking we need some comlinks to keep track of the situation.

1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:

Also, before I forget it's worth remembering that although it is a lawless planet, carrying around rifles and military tech will attract unwanted attention, especially by the empire.

Yep, gotta save the big guns for when we're sure we are good.

Hmm, I wonder what Jace could do. I guess there could be an arms dealer selling stuff in their proverbial trucks that Jace could talk to. See if they know the lay of the land.

19 minutes ago, satkaz said:

Yeah, that'll work. I was thinking we need some comlinks to keep track of the situation.

Yep, gotta save the big guns for when we're sure we are good.

Hmm, I wonder what Jace could do. I guess there could be an arms dealer selling stuff in their proverbial trucks that Jace could talk to. See if they know the lay of the land.

Yeah, I agree. What gear does Jace need? Your basically our ranged combatant.

I'm sure the party will need macrobinoculars, taggers, comlinks, thieving equipment (ex: lock breakers, burning gel), binders?, disguise kits (humanoids) or camo paint (for the droid- temporary black mirialan tattoos?). I'm trying not to go overboard but, I believe we might need all these to have a chance to pull the heist off. Thoughts?

Re'peek won't turn down gear to help him sneak around and break into things more easily.

1 hour ago, Vergence said:

Yeah, I agree. What gear does Jace need? Your basically our ranged combatant.

I'm sure the party will need macrobinoculars, taggers, comlinks, thieving equipment (ex: lock breakers, burning gel), binders?, disguise kits (humanoids) or camo paint (for the droid- temporary black mirialan tattoos?). I'm trying not to go overboard but, I believe we might need all these to have a chance to pull the heist off. Thoughts?

I think for just carrying around, a heavy blaster pistol will do. Armoured Clothing would be the next best thing otherwise.

For more involved heists that allow us to go loud, a blaster rifle and some laminate will do, but that's in the future.

As for more non-lethal weaponry, there's the Stun Grenade from the AoR Core, both the Gas Mine and Noise Grenade from Desperate Allies, and of course, the drug grenade that we could make later, also from Desperate Allies.

For stealthing, there's the stealth suits from Jewel of Yavin. Scanner goggles are nice, as well as some binders, for keeping people safely down and not mucking about.

(This is bringing me back to Payday all over again.)

Let’s make a list of what our characters need for his heist with cost and roleplay it from there.

Leto currently needs a disguise kit (100c) and Heavy Blaster Pistol (700c). If he plays a surveillance collecting role obviously more gear but he can be the driver (3x green dice). Unless the plan needs him to be a con artist.

Edited by Vergence

@KungFuFerret , you could do a hard underworld check to get sone info onnthe target, but itnwould involve going out and talking to people as a heads up.

I'm currently thinking of making tbis one a short session, so when you guys have a rough idea of a plan, the enxt session will open with you guys getting yourselves ready organising the heist.

2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@KungFuFerret , you could do a hard underworld check to get sone info onnthe target, but itnwould involve going out and talking to people as a heads up.

I'm currently thinking of making tbis one a short session, so when you guys have a rough idea of a plan, the enxt session will open with you guys getting yourselves ready organising the heist.

Huh, will you look at that.

Knowledge Underworld : 1eA+1eP+3eD 2 successes, 3 threat
a-s-a.png p-s-a.png d-th-th.png d-th-th.png d-th.png

Question though, if knowledge underworld involves going out onto the streets and talking to people, then what is Streetwise for? That's always been what I understood as that type of skill, going out and talking to people.

Edited by KungFuFerret

That's a very good point that in all honesty I hadn't considered. I've just checked the rules and it should have been streetwise. However because this is my fault you don't have to re-roll if you don't want to.

Same here, I'll try for a Streetwise check to find any dealers in weapons. Maybe they might be involved with Tucker.

Yeah, once Leto heads to work he can gather information there or his regular neighborhood contacts. I perceive the club as a lower mid level crowd and the neighborhood as the industrial sectors true colors for angles on receiving information.

Edit: Would it be a hard Streetwise check to gather info on the couriers?

Edited by Vergence
14 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

That's a very good point that in all honesty I hadn't considered. I've just checked the rules and it should have been streetwise. However because this is my fault you don't have to re-roll if you don't want to.

Eh, I guess I'll stick with the results I got.

Ok, I'll be wrapping up this session in the mext couple of posts as it's objective of pulling the group together has effectivly been achieved. The next session will be the planning, preparing for and pulling off tour heist. Everyone can have 10xp for their troubles.

Alright, added a point of Cool to Jace and got Expert Tracker for tracking those targets.

And Re'peek is getting Street Smarts, and Bypass Security, both on Tier 1 of the Thief tree, opposite sides.