Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (OOC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

1 minute ago, satkaz said:

Well, I was thinking that Danjo to be something the group can't reach immediately for whatever reason, since that would practically push Jace out fairly quickly. The group would have to work to make a name before starting to expand on stuff.

How would going after Danjo push Jace out? You mean after his goal has been accomplished, he'd have no reason to stay?

Just now, KungFuFerret said:

How would going after Danjo push Jace out? You mean after his goal has been accomplished, he'd have no reason to stay?

At this point, yes.

2 minutes ago, satkaz said:

At this point, yes.

K, I'm just kind of putting up a shopping list at this point anyway, I have an idea on how to proceed, but there's no need to advance on it currently.

1 minute ago, KungFuFerret said:

K, I'm just kind of putting up a shopping list at this point anyway, I have an idea on how to proceed, but there's no need to advance on it currently.


Anyway, the current situation is good enough motivation to stay. After all, can't even try to stowaway with groups looking out for the one who started it all :P

1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:

I personally like to GM a bit of a sandbox campaign for these things, so I will respond effectively to whatever the overarching goal is for the group. I'd personally recommend IC characters taking this chance to discuss what they actually want to do. I'm sure Munch will be able to make some suggestions around that.

Just making sure you were sandboxing and I wasn't about to derail an objective. Leto could go all the directions @KungFuFerret listed. However, I agree our characters are a little xp young to control a full sector with just us. I do think we should capitalize and make some underworld growth opportunities while the local Hutt is distracted with gang recruitment.

Was our party of PC's ok with using the base/business/homestead frameworks to a developing gang or underworld organization with the party resources? Unless we are doing heist/con/robberies, we might need npc's assistance to accomplish the other goals. When you think about the amount of npcs used by the Duros to 'control the sector' we might have to use the base/business/homestead system framework to build towards those goals.

Did you have a name for Salc's the nightclub already @Rabobankrider ? I pictured the nightclub targeting lower mid-tier level ladies as somewhere to dance safely throughout the week. Less bar, pub, cantina-ish and more dance club (Black & neon purple light vibe/drinks/gogo dancers/holographic motion art theme) and Salc as a Devaronian who just never wants the party to stop. Someone who wants to party with the guests and keep the care-free high rolling all night (While Leto manages operations/personnel).

The base/business/homestead framework is fine.

Hmm, current situation right now...well, in order to expand, we need men, materials, and money.

Materials could be the best thing right now. We could grab some stuff to improve ourselves and improve our chances for further goals while getting some bargaining chips for potential contacts. Money would be nice, but I feel like we need some connections and a better base before we can spend. Men, we would need either money or something that no other gang can give in the area to get (hmm, maybe some actual community service should be done for later; helps when you have the locals on your side.)

If we buy gear or improve our equipment using the party $$ resources, we could RP it as crates Re'peek has already stolen goods. If we start off with just PCs, we might want to start off as an organization that personally contacts the contractor to remain off the radar for a bit. That might give us a chance to grow a little or reasons to RP the the development of base/business/homestead framework (need a better name :P ) progressively.

Edited by Vergence

@Vergence , I'd say you can choose the name for the club, and your description of it sounds fine to me.

If you guys do decide to go after equipment, there will be opportunities for robberies, heists etc. To be honest though any of the choices you've all listed are feasible, and could lead to overall victory.

5 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Ok @KungFuFerret : You know Danjo is son of Malto, that he spends most of his time drinking, gambling and sleeping his way across the upper sectors of Nar Shadda, only to descend to the lower levels when him and his cronies look to pick a fight. You also know when he does work he buys and distributes weapons around the planet, and still works closely with his Dad. Your setback is some important missed information that I will be disclosing eventually :P

So, this is mostly just for a bit of scale here, as the names and places mean nothing to me IRL. On a Firefly Scale of Criminality, where does Danjo roughly fall? The high end being people like Niska, the middle of the road being people like Badger, and the bottom being people like the crew of Firefly. I get that he's the son of someone else, I'm just curious what level of trouble one in the know would assume would come with this guy.

He would be the high end of Badger level crime. In his territory he is well known as a dangerous man and a bit of a brat, but on an international level he is relative small fry.

I think it would be best to play this in a tv show format:

First half of the season is us trying to learn more about Danjo while we pull jobs and earn a reputation. Second season is some filler while ultimately leading to is trying to assanaite Danjo.

base/business/ homestead structure is fine


I'm fine with that, I just wanted to kind of get out the ideas where everyone could see them, to let them cook and simmer. And to let others inject ideas that can improve the potential. It's all long term stuff.

Leto is going to be dumping xp into social skills for a bit so he won’t becoming ‘combat ready’ anytime soon.

If we start with robbery/con/heist jobs, I think everybody could play their character concepts. The question is what type? Basically, what are we seeking as a party? Ingredients for Jex to cook up some Breaking Bad or steal from a few businesses when their goods are moving as examples.

In my present concept for Leto, he can try to gather underworld business contacts for jobs to run as a party, investigate people or goods movement based off gossip/conversation, and play leadership roles for npcs. I think somebody with a higher willpower like Jace should carry the organizational boss role. I’ll just charm over his words like the twilek for Jabba :P

HU-1K will continue to punch, his concept is to hit people hard, so I can easily continue to do that.

On a side note could we enter into a fight club?

1 minute ago, SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION said:

HU-1K will continue to punch, his concept is to hit people hard, so I can easily continue to do that.

On a side note could we enter into a fight club?

I don't mind. Might be a solid way of meeting contacts or making some spare cash. The only thing is we lost your mechanic!

True, but I’m sure plenty of mechanics and doctors and such would be hanging around a fight club for easy jobs, they’re pretty much guaranteed a client if they wait for enough fights.

Give me some time and I'll find a way to get the Mechanic skill.

I am all on board for giving Jex the opportunity to break bad and start to begin his slow unravelling of his morality as he puts his skills to use.

Thinking about it further, I forgot if we buy a garage we get a free mechanic npc. That could solve any issues at a street fight level.

So, since technically my PC is the one that "owns" the place, let me just say that I, and Re'peek by proxy, don't care if people want to upgrade it however they want. I personally don't have any specific desire for any particular upgrades, it just seemed fitting, given backgrounds, for Re'peek to be the owner of the place. He's more about taking things from other people, than worrying about upgrading stuff he has. His thought process is "why soup up my speeder when I could just steal a newer model and be done with it?" :D

So feel free to discuss amongst yourselves how you want to buy upgrades, and what stuff, I have no problem with any of it.

The main challenge is just roleplaying it into the story. Leto doesn’t need any base upgrades himself either but obviously would be involved and be pro hide-out addons by seeing the benefit.

If we want a garage, for story reasons maybe target the Duros swoops (seeing them as weak atm) for a chop shop opportunity as example. Basically, just create a story arc or whatever we spend money on for party resources.

Edited by Vergence

Yeah, I just wanted to clarify that point, so it didn't come up later and delay things.

1 hour ago, KungFuFerret said:

Yeah, I just wanted to clarify that point, so it didn't come up later and delay things.

Same, thank you! I'm trying to push the evolution of ideas to 'cook and simmer' with the players or inspire decision making.

We are at the point were everybody pointed out actions that our characters are interested in or open too. Now we need to just pick one as a party and roleplay it into the IC with posts. HU-1K wants to fight club, Jace needs gear, Jex is open to Int based roles, and Re'peek & Leto are best at noncombat roles but, open to everything mentioned. Right now, what route best fits given our present situation? I think all characters are open to making money. We just have to tactfully plan what our current characters can perform. Most heist/robberies need a get-away vehicle (our speeder truck into the story) and somebody to drive it as their role. How do we want to progress from here?

To be fair if you guys do go long term into organized crime (which you'll probably need to to become KINGS OF NAR SHADDAA DUN DUN DUUUUN), I can see you guys all running different different aspects of the business:

@Vergence : Vice

@satkaz : Killings, kidnappings etc

@KungFuFerret : Theft and smuggling

@ExileofEnya : Production and distribution of spice (you'll have to make your own strain :p)


Again though, it's really down to how you guys want to play it. I'll ensure all characters stay hooked into the setting so don't worry too much about that (I get the feeling Danjo will be a recurring character early on at least). If you play your cards right all routes will eventually lead to the upper levels (unless you all decide to go straight, that would really mess with my plans XD).

Hmm, think a lot of us are willing to run a heist. Maybe we could rob another low-level gang for their drugs and guns. Maybe we could rob a place where Imperials are confiscating drugs and guns!

Sounds good to me. Part of the reason I've introduced Munch is because he will act a little bit like a mission hub. IC his connection to the holo net will provide you guys with necessary targets for missions you want to do etc. Of course eventually you'll all have to get your own contacts, but he is your starting point. If you guys are ready feel free to raise your plans ic and Munch will respond accordingly.