Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (OOC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Alright. So Jace is at the bar. How far would it be to the back door, @Rabobankrider , assuming the Ganks in the front are willing to shoot at anybody in front of them, making the front entrance a rather deadly option?

Edited by satkaz

I think I said it was medium range from the bar, so you should be able to follow the others out if that's your plan.

12 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

I think I said it was medium range from the bar, so you should be able to follow the others out if that's your plan.

Yeah, that's what I'm doing.

I’m not sure even if Re’peek drove his bike could we move the party. Leto decided to walk to the bar :P Could Leto perform a streetwise check to know the other alley path? @Rabobankrider

Edit: Although fitting everybody on Re’peek’s bike might create an interesting coordination check and add to the narrative. :D

Edited by Vergence

They both lead around to the front, the cantina it kind of tucked into a whole between two bigger buildings.. You could try steal a bike if you want :P Or just running is an option.

Edited by Rabobankrider
17 minutes ago, Vergence said:

I’m not sure even if Re’peek drove his bike could we move the party. Leto decided to walk to the bar :P Could Leto perform a streetwise check to know the other alley path? @Rabobankrider

Edit: Although fitting everybody on Re’peek’s bike might create an interesting coordination check and add to the narrative. :D

Like so?


I've seen this thing happen in real life, too.

Did you bring your bike @KungFuFerret ? What does the party want to do?

2 minutes ago, Vergence said:

Did you bring your bike @KungFuFerret ? What does the party want to do?

Yeah he probably did, I personally hadn't really thought about it, but if it's his standard form of transportation, he would've driven up on it to get breakfast at the club. To be honest I didn't really consider the whole "we have vehicles" angle when I was typing up his activities. :D

@Rabobankrider About the Imperial ID/Badge thing Re'peek just stole, can you describe it? Is it just the Imperial Insignia, or was it the kind that actually has credentials on it?

On 1/5/2018 at 4:46 PM, Vergence said:

@Rabobankrider Starhawk Speeder Bike with Sidecar SWsheets

Here is the 3x speeder bike party resource for @Rodfrey , R'peek, and Leto if you want to edit the link with the main roster. I couldn't find the side car image so if somebody's google fu is better than mine, great!

Re’peek pilots, Leto piggybacks, Jex & Jace side car and we strap HU-1K to the rear repulsorsled and tow him like cargo? :P

Sounds good, just let me pull a piece of metal off of the wall to ride on.

Given the recent scene in front, maybe we should not all jump on next to the Ganks? Perhaps, Re’peek goes to grab his bike, we go walking the opposite direction (right) and he picks us up a little ways down?

Edited by Vergence

That seems like the best idea.

@Rabobankrider So I asked earlier about the kind of Imperial badge/ID that Re'peek swiped, whether it was just their emblem, or if it was an ID with credentials. Before we get too far from that scene time wise, I'd like to know if you don't mind :P

Sorry, I thought I'd posted it up but it hadn't saved. It'd be about the same shape and size as a dog tag, but woth no hole for a chain. It'd be black with the imperial logo embossed on the front in red and on the back the pilots serial number written in basic. There'd also be a small chip in the centre, similar to those used in swipe cards etc.

So can you give me a mental image of this scene now after they come out yelling about attacking the Imperials? Is this a typical packed street on Nar Shadda still, with the obvious people running around? Or is it just like, us and them at this point?

It would be largely deserted, there's still a small gathering of people from the club and those who turned up to see what happened, but now everyone is RAPIDLY leaving the scene.

We could switch up plans again if Re’peek wants. I hear there is a night club under a large purple holovid :D

Well there is now!

29 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Well there is now!

Hey I've played SWTOR, trust me, there is a nightclub around every corner with a holovid of a twi'lek dancing. It's apparently mandatory zoning codes for that planet :P

Since we're standing there with the new muscle looking for more targets, and there isn't much in the way of other people around, perhaps someone really good at Deception should try and pull a "They went thata way!" on the guards :P

....and I just looked at our stats and I'm the best one to try and do that, hah! Would anyone like to assist to give me a boost or something? Otherwise Re'peek's just of the mind to hot foot it out of there.

13 minutes ago, KungFuFerret said:

Since we're standing there with the new muscle looking for more targets, and there isn't much in the way of other people around, perhaps someone really good at Deception should try and pull a "They went thata way!" on the guards :P

....and I just looked at our stats and I'm the best one to try and do that, hah! Would anyone like to assist to give me a boost or something? Otherwise Re'peek's just of the mind to hot foot it out of there.

I'll give the assist, then, saying that our poor (imaginary) targets have blasters hidden and ready to fire on the Ganks. :P

Edited by satkaz

Blame Seb :lol: :lol: :lol:

So what would be the difficulty for such a deception?

I'll just make it an average for this one. They're killers, not thinkers :P

Anyone mind if I spend a Destiny Point to upgrade this check?