Legends of the Alliance - IA App Coming Soon

By werdnaegni, in Legends of the Alliance

6 minutes ago, VadersMarchKazoo said:

Of course this has been a controversial issue for years, but if video game licensing is a problem for FFG, then it may be easier for them to provide it for free. But I don't know if this is a real thing, nor am I a copyright lawyer.

Yeah...one of the rumors that had been going around is that FFG could not release the IA app until they made a deal with EA since they technically have the rights to ALL Star Wars related digital "games"...(a companion app for an analog game would be a stretch of that definition at best).

Need that update soon to get GIA on the table.

Hoping the next campaign will be free to download, like Nerekhall was for Descent.

Very excited to see the side missions and other content that the expansion packs will bring!

But... but.. FFG doesn't own the video game rights!!!!!11- whine sniff ***** complain.

So glad that the haters can finally shut their face holes, the app is here and it is glorious!!!!

Very happy I already own at least one of everything as I feel IAs stock just went up in value and down in quantity across the world lol.

Edited by FrogTrigger

This is from the rulebook and is so interesting:


"When resolving activation instructions, players frequently have multiple options that satisfy the instructions. When this happens, players should follow the Imperial rule, which means always choosing the option that is most punishing for the players."

Ouch- moral delima nested in a conflict of interest :P - especially in the last move of a nail biter

Did everyone notice the new 'Attack Action' and icon in the HotA App Rulebook?

That could bring some clarity to what actually does and doesn't constitute as counting as an attack for those that have trouble with it. While I find the distinction easy, it isn't always for others. I'm looking forward to seeing how that is implemented, and whether we will see it go into future Imperial Assault campaigns (the ones with an Imperial Player).

App rules question:

Example in rulebook: "The Stormtrooper has a total of 2 damage , so Diala suffers 2 damage. Since the Stormtrooper successfully resolved an attack action, it must skip any additional attack action instructions it receives this activation."

The new rulebook says that Imperial figures are limited to one attack action per activation- just like in previous campaigns. But in the example is says that the "stormtrooper has successfully resolved an attack action and therefore..." So as worded it seems to imply that if it was unsuccessful - the trooper might get another shot? I'm sure I'm just reading too much into it...but that's sort of a poor example. If it's as it used to be it should say "Since the stormtrooper has resolved an attack action, it must...".


Edited by VadersMarchKazoo

Lots of good stuff in the rule book guys worth a read. I especially like that they are integrating allies seamlessly right off the bat. You still need to earn them, which is fine, but it seems as though this will happen in more ways than one (encounters between story missions could be similar to the little side tidbits in RTL?). I think it's pretty cool that you can gain allies through encounters, which I'm guessing will just be text based rpg style side trips.

The first campaign will integrate items and heroes from other campaigns but will only use allies,tiles and enemies from the core as far as I can see. I am ok with this, in fact I kind of prefer it. Like a back to our roots type approach. The game has become very heavy with content so slimming it down and starting slow will be fun. Then I imagine as it progresses they start tying new campaigns to existing box expansions slowly integrating the existing content and letting us recycle and re explore/experience our already paid for boxes. Win win imo.

Verh excited for this, well done FFG.

4 minutes ago, VadersMarchKazoo said:

App rules question:

Example in rulebook: "The Stormtrooper has a total of 2 damage , so Diala suffers 2 damage. Since the Stormtrooper successfully resolved an attack action, it must skip any additional attack action instructions it receives this activation."

The new rulebook says that Imperial figures are limited to one attack action per activation- just like in previous campaigns. But in the example is says that the "stormtrooper has successfully resolved an attack action and therefore..." So as worded it seems to imply that if it was unsuccessful - the trooper might get another shot? I'm sure I'm just reading too much into it...but that's sort of a poor example. If it's as it used to be it should say "Since the stormtrooper has resolved an attack action, it must...".


I think you're reading too much into the wording, but I had a couple of moments in reading the rules and getting a little unsure about what they mean.

Like how "if a Rebel ability" causes the Imperial action to become invalid it skips that action.

Does this include Jyn's Quick Draw? Does this count as the rebel having "used" that ability? What if that ability is once per turn?

Sooooo many questions...

3 minutes ago, VadersMarchKazoo said:

App rules question:

Example in rulebook: "The Stormtrooper has a total of 2 damage , so Diala suffers 2 damage. Since the Stormtrooper successfully resolved an attack action, it must skip any additional attack action instructions it receives this activation."

The new rulebook says that Imperial figures are limited to one attack action per activation- just like in previous campaigns. But in the example is says that the "stormtrooper has successfully resolved an attack action and therefore..." So as worded it seems to imply that if it was unsuccessful - the trooper might get another shot? I'm sure I'm just reading too much into it...but that's sort of a poor example. If it's as it used to be it should say "Since the stormtrooper has resolved an attack action, it must...".


My take on that is that it was the first attack action the figure was able to complete without having to skip it first. For instance, if the first action is to attack an opposing figure but there are no valid targets, you would skip to the next action in the list which most likely would be then to move towards the nearest hostile figure. You then start at the top of the list and go though it again...it may be that now the figure has a valid target. Of course, this would be the second action, so it's redundant at this point. But remember, in this case, "successfully resolved" really means "was not skipped". Maybe FFG will tighten up that verbiage. It's been a standard mechanic since Descent that enemy figures could only ever get one attack action per activation unless their special abilities specified otherwise.

2 minutes ago, Otakuon said:

My take on that is that it was the first attack action the figure was able to complete without having to skip it first. For instance, if the first action is to attack an opposing figure but there are no valid targets, you would skip to the next action in the list which most likely would be then to move towards the nearest hostile figure. You then start at the top of the list and go though it again...it may be that now the figure has a valid target. Of course, this would be the second action, so it's redundant at this point. But remember, in this case, "successfully resolved" really means "was not skipped". Maybe FFG will tighten up that verbiage. It's been a standard mechanic since Descent that enemy figures could only ever get one attack action per activation unless their special abilities specified otherwise.

That's sort of what I was thinking too , given the new rules regarding moving figures. But still. If you had skipped the attack the first time around, then you wouldn't have resolved an attack an it's a mute point. So why word it that way? I'm sure the simpler answer is true. One attack is one attack:)

So excited that we now have more evidence this is moving forward. I finally get to play the rebel side. As the owner of the game, I always ended up on the imperial side of the campaign.

2 hours ago, Union said:

I am tempering people's wild expectations with reality. There are thousands of FtP MMO and RPG apps out there and people have a tendency to think they're getting a full featured program with AI and health tracking like them rather than something that makes you do all the grunt work and decision making. The app is what it is, but it does not "replace the Imperial player" in the way most people expect.

Which is why I've not been very excited about it. I'll grab it and give it a play with my girlfriend (we currently love playing two player campaigns, with her controlling two heroes). But I actually really enjoy being the Imperial player, much more than I tend to enjoy being a Rebel player. I might end up continuing to be the Imperial player with the app.

Last time I played Mansions of Madness there were six of us and I took over the app and monsters and ended up enjoying it quite a lot.


4 hours ago, Xepui said:

When a hero recovers more (Strain) than it has suffered, it does not recover any (Health).

So no resting for health in Legends of the Alliance?

The rules mention “Medpacks” so I think they are using these to more closely control how much Rebs can heal. I think it’s a good idea. Also they implemented “perils” which press you with bad effects if you are dawdling and playing super safe and slow. I love it!

1 hour ago, FrogTrigger said:

But... but.. FFG doesn't own the video game rights!!!!!11- whine sniff ***** complain.

So glad that the haters can finally shut their face holes, the app is here and it is glorious!!!!

Very happy I already own at least one of everything as I feel IAs stock just went up in value and down in quantity across the world lol.

No one was complaining about getting the app though. There was just potential issues that might arise with it being considered one and only EA had the rights to Star Wars video games.

I for one am happy that we have some progress with the app release. Coding the AI for it is probably pretty tough and getting balance right.

22 minutes ago, neosmagus said:

I might end up continuing to be the Imperial player with the app.
Last time I played Mansions of Madness there were six of us and I took over the app and monsters and ended up enjoying it quite a lot.

I think you are misunderstanding the app. There is no Imperial player. It isn't like the MoM app, but rather a co-op like the Descent app (which is a lot of fun).


5 minutes ago, ryanjamal said:

I think you are misunderstanding the app. There is no Imperial player. It isn't like the MoM app, but rather a co-op like the Descent app (which is a lot of fun).


I think you are misunderstanding the MoM app :P (it works the same way). I think what neosmagus meant was that he would make all of the imperials rolls, move the figures, etc. (while still letting the app control what they do).

Additionally, if any of you are still look to buy into the game, or have a friend who was waiting for this point to buy in, I have a copy of the core and all of wave 1 fully painted up for trade on the trade forum. I may also have it up for trade locally on craigslist.

6 minutes ago, ManateeX said:

I think you are misunderstanding the MoM app :P (it works the same way). I think what neosmagus meant was that he would make all of the imperials rolls, move the figures, etc. (while still letting the app control what they do).

Lol, if I had thought for a moment I would have realized this ?. Nice catch.


I can't wait for this to come out! I've been slowly working on my collection and have it down to two blisters remaining. Just need to find Hera and a Jawa then I'll be set.

Having played the descent app it's nice when you get only two or three people together and you don't want to have to worry about dividing into teams.

WOOHOO! I have been holding off on selling my core set to see if they would release an app. I'm so excited to give this a try!

With the 5 core missions, I wonder how replayable it will be.

Oh boy, good time to be an IA fan! And finally: an IA app that that supports IOS devices, hehe.

Also, welcome forum members from other FFG boards ;)

Combing through the app rules now, lots of goodies sprinkled throughout.

Highlights include: Peril, Fame, Medpacs, emphasis on exploration, The Imperial Rule

The instructions section is a little confusing. All the examples use: instruction (singular) but I thought the norm was to:


Each figure in the group, one at a time, resolves the displayed instructions from top to bottom

It makes these examples confusing. For example, why is the stormtrooper in example 1 finished its activation after resolving the instruction? Shouldn't it have another action?

Screen Shot 2017-11-20 at 10.26.42 PM.png

Edited by Armandhammer
52 minutes ago, Armandhammer said:

Oh boy, good time to be an IA fan! And finally: an IA app that that supports IOS devices, hehe.

Also, welcome forum members from other FFG boards ;)

Combing through the app rules now, lots of goodies sprinkled throughout.

Highlights include: Peril, Fame, Medpacs, emphasis on exploration, The Imperial Rule

The instructions section is a little confusing. All the examples use: instruction (singular) but I thought the norm was to:

It makes these examples confusing. For example, why is the stormtrooper in example 1 finished its activation after resolving the instruction? Shouldn't it have another action?

Screen Shot 2017-11-20 at 10.26.42 PM.png

I noticed that "finishes" too. Very weird. I think it's a typo. Every other example says "continue with remaining instructions on the app" basically. I am wondering, if the first instruction is an attack and they can't do it(skip), and the 2nd and 3rd instructions are both "move" instructions, do we just move the Imps two times, or do we go back to instruction 1 after completing instruction the 2nd?

edit: I agree wholly with your assessment of what is exciting about the rules: Perils, Fame. Medpacs, exploration, tripping effects by killing things, looting, or revealing areas. All very welcome additions. I think the exploration is going to be the secret sauce for my group. Good thing I have all my map tiles indexed and sorted in folders for quick access! When I didn't for our first campaign I was surprised as how LONG it took to find and assemble the map. It was a real time and energy sink.

Edited by Conviction
4 hours ago, FrogTrigger said:

But... but.. FFG doesn't own the video game rights!!!!!11- whine sniff ***** complain.

So glad that the haters can finally shut their face holes, the app is here and it is glorious!!!!

Very happy I already own at least one of everything as I feel IAs stock just went up in value and down in quantity across the world lol.

Better believe they had to work out a licensing deal to get this officially announced. EA is the worst but they just crashed and burned badly with battle front, so whatever pull they had got horribly weakened. Are the two related, maybe, maybe not, either way, a deal had to be worked out and deals can always be worked out. It is a hurtle that FFG had to over come and it is nice to see they finally did. Everybody wanted the app and nobody trusts EA to do the right thing or even just a nice thing. The 'haters' weren't hating on this app, but EA, and boy are the haters justified.