PbP: Jedi Quest OOC

By awayputurwpn, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

@Matt Skywalker your check will deal enough damage to kill the remaining stormtroopers with whom you're engaged. What would you like to with your Triumph?

While Maa't's turn is being wrapped up, please be thinking about what you'd like to do in the following round. The stormtroopers are retreating and it looks as if the riot-control walker will be operable soon.

What you know about walkers is that personal-scale weapons are likely to be ineffective.

With my triumph I'll notice a weakness in the walker. If that's okay with you anyway

Cool, I'll PM you!

With that, anyone can feel free to take the next PC turn.

If it's armor 2, I should be able to ding the walker with a crit each round- (what I was trying to do with my 10 advantage called shot, but I missed) and breach 1 sabers that can hit 11 damage can do the same- you dont have to push hull trama through to inflict a crit, just get through the armor.

On the other hand, if the GM is trying to set up "This is an unwinnable fight, run now" that might be a Knowlege warfare check. :P

I'm going to be MIA for a few days so I'd like to get my turn over ASAP for next round if possible. How far am I from the spider mech? Can I quick strike since it hasn't acted yet? If I can at least get to Short Range via freerunning then I can give it a hawkbat swoop attack with my main saber.

Edited by Mychal'el

A quick strike vs the walker is still possible.

Getting there in one round would require two Enhance-powered "Force Leaps" (roll two separate power checks, generate at least two Force Points per check) as maneuvers before performing the Hawk Bat Swoop. Aiming wouldn't be a possibility, but if you got a Triumph or two you could potentially do some damage.

I'll share what I shared with Matt Skywalker regarding the walker.

Maa't cleaved his lightsaber through the torso of one trooper and Force-pulled the other into the path of his blade, and both were dead before their armored bodies hit the floor.

In the distance, Maa't saw the door rising and the walker powering up. He knew about these walkers...They had strong magnetic clamps on their feet, powered by a generator on their back. This made it extremely difficult for a Force-user to lift them. They also had thick armor plating, something that even a lightsaber would take some time to cut through. No physical viewport, just guns where the head would be. This walker was piloted by using the facility's holocam security system.

1 hour ago, awayputurwpn said:

Getting there in one round would require two Enhance-powered "Force Leaps" (roll two separate power checks, generate at least two Force Points per check)

So my Freerunning or Improved Freerunning talents are no good here?

Edited by Mychal'el
2 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

I'll share what I shared with Matt Skywalker regarding the walker.

2 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

He knew about these walkers...

Do the other characters have this knowledge as well ? Whether it be somewhat common knowledge, or coincidence that we've all just happened to hear about it before, or we all did our homework before diving into this heist.

Edited by Mychal'el
5 hours ago, Mychal'el said:

Do the other characters have this knowledge as well ? Whether it be somewhat common knowledge, or coincidence that we've all just happened to hear about it before, or we all did our homework before diving into this heist.

It would be best if @Matt Skywalker could reveal this in character, but I don't like bottlenecking a PbP game, and do want you to be able to benefit from his Triumph.

5 hours ago, Mychal'el said:

So my Freerunning or Improved Freerunning talents are no good here?

You can spend 4 strain to activate Improved Freerunning if you wish, in place of one of the Enhance (Force leap) power checks.

17 hours ago, Rakaydos said:

On the other hand, if the GM is trying to set up "This is an unwinnable fight, run now" that might be a Knowlege warfare check. :P

Meant to address this earlier—I will never try to get you guys to run away by passive-aggressively throwing stuff at you. However, I similarly never guarantee that any fight is winnable. Whether you choose to stand and fight or do something else is completely up to you guys :)

That being said, if you wanted a tactical read on the situation, an Easy (1eC) Knowledge Warfare check, made as an action during your turn, would indeed be appropriate!

I will say this—if you decide that you want to retreat, do so and expect your fellow PCs to follow suit, rather than wishing that someone else would make the first move to retreat!

13 hours ago, Mychal'el said:

Can I quick strike since it hasn't acted yet?

You'll have to wait until the walker has acted now, which means no quick strike for you!

But Jarash got like two uses of that talent on the walker already, so this was a good encounter for Quick Striking.

5 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

chin-mounted concussion missiles.

Could concussion missiles punch holes in the side wall of this structure leading to the outside?

You could certainly try something like that! As to the outside, you're not entirely sure at the moment which side of this room is an outside wall, if any are.

2 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

As to the outside, you're not entirely sure at the moment which side of this room is an outside wall, if any are.

And we don't know if we are below sea level or not?

8 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

You'll have to wait until the walker has acted now, which means no quick strike for you!

In that case I'd like to get as close as I can to the walker albeit on the lower walkway so I'm not in it's path, and then use my Marked For Death talent on it. Thats a committed force die in exchange for two advantages in every combat check against this thing. I just can't recover strain from those two advantages unfortunately.

The "safe space," completely out of line of sight from the walker, is at long range on the ramp, meaning that two Force-leap maneuvers could get you there. One Force-leap will put your at medium range, and in full view, of the walker. The walker itself is at currently long range from you.

You are free to do what you like!

1 hour ago, Mychal'el said:

And we don't know if we are below sea level or not?

You're somewhere close to sea level, is all you know.

1 hour ago, awayputurwpn said:

You are free to do what you like!

Im asking: Within one turn, can I get to said "safe space" - short range from the walker and have a Maneuver to use my Marked For Death talent on the walker?

  • The way I'm reading it, Marked For Death talent is like painting a big Bullseye with the Force so that all the individual party members can benefit from it, yes?
Edited by Mychal'el

Right, what I meant by "the choice is yours" in that case is limitation of maneuvers. Your don't get three maneuvers in a round, so it's basically a dilemma for your character.

As to the exact effect of the talent, I'm AFB right now. If the talent is unclear, you can paste the text here and I'll give you a ruling. I seem to remember it only works for you.

5 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

paste the text here and I'll give you a ruling.

Marked for Death

Force talent. The character may take the Marked for Death maneuver, selecting one target and committing [force die]. The character adds automatic [advantage] [advantage] to combat checks against that target while [force die] remains committed, but cannot use the Marked for Death talent again until the character uncommits [force die], the original target is incapacitated, or the session ends. [Advantage] gained in this way cannot be used to recover strain.

27 minutes ago, Mychal'el said:

The character adds automatic [advantage] [advantage]...

That's just you :)

25 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

That's just you :)

Dang, no party buffs. Ok, I want to take cover as close as possible to the walker, then do something else useful ASAP

Okay, so that will put you at short range of the walker, underneath it and out of its line of sight. Go ahead and roll the Force dice, and narrate your turn!

41 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

Okay, so that will put you at short range of the walker, underneath it and out of its line of sight. Go ahead and roll the Force dice, and narrate your turn!

So is that two force dice twice for two maneuvers, zero actions? Am I going the same direction as Tovera? I'd like to use my turns to allow for character dialogue as much as possible.