PbP: Jedi Quest OOC

By awayputurwpn, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

If you dont want to roll correctly, we will just move on. Deception at 1 difficulty dice. You are out of there scanner ranges right?

If successful you are done with chase.

10 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Actually Nytwing, yes an Afterburner and Nitrous do. You accelerate extremely quickly, as in a matter of seconds, A round lasts a minute, sometimes more. By comparison, a matter of seconds is pretty “instantaneous”. It’s not a slow acceleration. You’re pushed back in your seat from the multiple G forces high acceleration. That’s Full Throttle. That’s why the talent opens the way it does. You are pushing the engine beyond what it is normally capable of. That inherently means accelerating to that new top speed immediately, not over several more rounds. The effects of the talent do not allow for slow acceleration over several rounds of maneuvers, and the talents as written certainly suggest immediate acceleration. The base talent, being only an increase in speed by one, is certainly done immediately, the Supreme talent also specifically states that the increase in speed is by two instead of one, all in one action (or maneuver with the Improved talent). Nothing in the talents say that it requires further maneuvers to actually accelerate. The rule as written inherently makes it an immediate acceleration to that higher speed from your normal top speed.

A round is not strictly a minute.


Rounds can represent roughly a minute or so in time, although the elapsed time is deliberately not specified. Players should keep in mind that a round lasts long enough for their character to move to a new location and perform an important action. They should also remember that although each round is broken up into turns that happen sequentially in gameplay, narratively the turns are occurring at roughly the same time.

Yes, the talent opens with " The character may push a ship or vehicle past its limits of speed." By increasing the top speed, that's exactly what you're doing. If, under normal circumstances, a ship's top speed is (for illustration's sake) 3, and a player uses Full Throttle to increase it to 5, that's pushed past its limits of speed. Nowhere does it say that the ship instantly skips from 3 (or lower) to 5. I'd expect that a proponent of strict RAW would abide by the RAW. There's nothing to even remotely hint that it "inherently" causes such an instant jump.

Just sent it as a question to the devs. So, hopefully we'll see soon.

11 minutes ago, Nytwyng said:

A round is not strictly a minute.

Yes, the talent opens with " The character may push a ship or vehicle past its limits of speed." By increasing the top speed, that's exactly what you're doing. If, under normal circumstances, a ship's top speed is (for illustration's sake) 3, and a player uses Full Throttle to increase it to 5, that's pushed past its limits of speed. Nowhere does it say that the ship instantly skips from 3 (or lower) to 5. I'd expect that a proponent of strict RAW would abide by the RAW. There's nothing to even remotely hint that it "inherently" causes such an instant jump.

Just sent it as a question to the devs. So, hopefully we'll see soon.

A round, in structured time is roughly one minute, by RAW (F&D page 204). The key word here being roughly . It certainly does not mean a round only lasts a few seconds . Roughly a minute means anywhere from 45 seconds to one and a quarter minutes or so, not five seconds, not twenty seconds. It means one minute, give or take five to fifteen seconds.

The base Full Throttle talent increases the top speed by one as a single action . By RAW, Accelerating one speed happens within one round. It doesn’t take long. Now read the Supreme version of the talent. Supreme Full Throttle increases that speed by two instead of one, all within that single action. With the Improved talent, it’s a single maneuver. So, yes, it is relatively instantaneous. It does not require multiple maneuvers over multiple rounds. Given that the talent has such a short time limit, requiring multiple maneuvers accelerate to that higher top speed would make the Supreme talent unusable . Now, FYI, I also asked the Devs that question.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
59 minutes ago, killerbeardhawk said:

If you dont want to roll correctly, we will just move on. Deception at 1 difficulty dice. You are out of there scanner ranges right?

If successful you are done with chase.

Ok. I used two of Hacker’s advent for boost dice. The other four I’ll spend to increase the missile’s range by four, which would push the missile’s range from Short to beyond Extreme. That should lead them all (including that SD) on a nice wild gundark chase. ?

I’ve also applied the threat Korath rolled as a setback on the Deception check. Here’s the roll:

Deception : 1eA+1eP+2eB+1eD+1eS 2 successes, 2 advantage
a-s-a.png p-a.png b-s.png b-a.png d-th.png s--.png

I’m not sure what to spend the advantages on, since I’m not selling a good or service. Increasing the effectiveness of the “false trail” would be most appropriate, but how, I’m not sure.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
18 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Ok. I used two of Hacker’s advent for boost dice. The other four I’ll spend to increase the missile’s range by four, which would push the missile’s range from Short to beyond Extreme. That should lead them all (including that SD) on a nice wild gundark chase. ?

I’ve also applied the threat Korath rolled as a setback on the Deception check. Here’s the roll:

Deception : 1eA+1eP+2eB+1eD+1eS 2 successes, 2 advantage
a-s-a.png p-a.png b-s.png b-a.png d-th.png s--.png

I’m not sure what to spend the advantages on, since I’m not selling a good or service. Increasing the effectiveness of the “false trail” would be most appropriate, but how, I’m not sure.

Nice. Now what?

14 minutes ago, killerbeardhawk said:

Nice. Now what?

We’ll Now I can edit my Jan 9 IC post, to narrate the chase (at least my part) and then calculate a hyperspace jump. I plan on moving what’s currently in that post to the next post I make after your IC post. However, I will need some time to actually narrate the events that have transpired, as well as some dialogue.

@killerbeardhawk , Jan 9 IC post updated. I just need your narration and an astrogation difficulty.

Once the ship is in hyperspace, we can call it, and work on reorganizing and recruiting for the “sequel”. You might want to talk to @awayputurwpn to figure out XP and such.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
16 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@killerbeardhawk , Jan 9 IC post updated. I just need your narration and an astrogation difficulty.

Once the ship is in hyperspace, we can call it, and work on reorganizing and recruiting for the “sequel”. You might want to talk to @awayputurwpn to figure out XP and such.

Normally for PBP i give 1xp for every IC post. Count them up.

While you look at post can you give me a total of conflict points you've accumulated follow the RAW rules for conflict?

2 hours ago, killerbeardhawk said:

Normally for PBP i give 1xp for every IC post. Count them up.

While you look at post can you give me a total of conflict points you've accumulated follow the RAW rules for conflict?

Well, for Korath, I counted roughly 45 posts, give or take 1or2, not including the Astrogation check I still need to make in order to go to hyperspace, but I need a difficulty for that. The intended destination is Kafrene , in the Expansion Region.

As for Conflict, at the most, he might have gotten one or two from having to use a DSP or two on his Protect roll vs the Dark Sider's Force Lightning to reduce the damage to 0.

35 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Well, for Korath, I counted roughly 45 posts, give or take 1or2, not including the Astrogation check I still need to make in order to go to hyperspace, but I need a difficulty for that. The intended destination is Kafrene , in the Expansion Region.

As for Conflict, at the most, he might have gotten one or two from having to use a DSP or two on his Protect roll vs the Dark Sider's Force Lightning to reduce the damage to 0.

Can you get an accurate count of the DSP and any conflict given by GMs in game. Plus any times korath earned conflict according to the the RAW conflict chart before you roll.

Theres no need to roll for astrogation, as a fail would just prompt another roll.

Edited by killerbeardhawk
13 minutes ago, killerbeardhawk said:

Can you get an accurate count of the DSP and any conflict given by GMs in game. Plus any times korath earned conflict according to the the RAW conflict chart before you roll.

Theres no need to roll for astrogation, as a fail would just prompt another roll.

The only two I know of as possible are from the Protect roll. Korath didn't do anything else that would warrant Conflict. He could have killed the Dark Sider after defeating him, but showed him mercy instead, and left him alive, albeit locked in his room. So, no, I don't know of any other potential Conflict. No lying for personal gain, no theft (aside from swiping the Dark Sider's own lightsaber off his belt for self defense), no knowingly allowing others to commit evil, no abuse, no unprovoked violence, no property destruction, no resorting to violence as first solution, not threats of violence, no unnecessary cruelty, no torture, nothing.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
37 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

The only two I know of as possible are from the Protect roll. Korath didn't do anything else that would warrant Conflict. He could have killed the Dark Sider after defeating him, but showed him mercy instead, and left him alive, albeit locked in his room. So, no, I don't know of any other potential Conflict. No lying for personal gain, no theft (aside from swiping the Dark Sider's own lightsaber off his belt for self defense), no knowingly allowing others to commit evil, no abuse, no unprovoked violence, no property destruction, no resorting to violence as first solution, not threats of violence, no unnecessary cruelty, no torture, nothing.

What about using the force for personal gain? I believe you received conflict for lieing to a TIE fighter patrol and using the force to get out of commiting amthe crime of trespassing.

4 minutes ago, killerbeardhawk said:

What about using the force for personal gain? I believe you received conflict for lieing to a TIE fighter patrol and using the force to get out of commiting amthe crime of trespassing.

Not for personal gain, rather to avoid unnecessary violence. If I hadn't, then there would have been bloodshed, not only that, but I wasn't even near their outpost yet, and didn't even know that it was a First Order outpost until they came at me. Besides, The First Order is an enemy of the Republic, so they're a valid war time target. Not only that, but I wasn't there to infiltrate their base anyway, I was simply looking for Force Users, and just got caught up in that mess. .

Edited by Tramp Graphics
1 minute ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Not for personal gain, rather to avoid unnecessary violence. If I hadn't, then there would have been bloodshed.

So what your saying is you not going to take conflict even tho the Game Master said you needed to.

1 minute ago, killerbeardhawk said:

So what your saying is you not going to take conflict even tho the Game Master said you needed to.

Not saying that at all. I'm just pointing out why is shouldn't.

6 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Not saying that at all. I'm just pointing out why is shouldn't.

If you believe, as a player, you can make that choice to not take conflict assigned to you, by all means dont take the conflict. It will set a concerning precedent for all other GMs and players.

When you have the total roll the d10. When are you planning to post in character?

Edited by killerbeardhawk
Just now, killerbeardhawk said:

If you believe, as a player, you can make that choice to not take conflict assigned to you, by all means dont take the conflict. It will set a concerning precedent for all other GMs and players.

That's not what I'm saying. As a player, I do not have the right to choose whether I gain Conflict or not. However I do have the right to defend why I believe Conflict is legitimately not warranted.

What Korath did in going to Kamino and entering the compound wasn't a criminal act, nor done for personal gain. That's because the First Order is a valid enemy combatant in a time of war. Moreso , it is a terrorist organization out to usurp the legitimate government, and, therefore, a legitimate threat to the galaxy. Even more so, they're a Dark Side organization. As such, Korath, being a Jedi, is duty bound to put a stop to their operations when they are uncovered. That includes engaging in infiltration missions when necessary. And using the Force, including Influence, for that purpose, is not an evil act . The Force, and the Jedi Code allows the use of subterfuge and deception, if it is for a noble cause. Seeking out other Force users, defeating the Dark Side, fighting evil and tyranny, all are noble causes . That is what I am saying, nothing more. Now, had I used the Force to break into someone's home to rob them, that would be a valid reason for Conflict. I specifically chose that action because, I knew from decades of past experience playing Star Wars, in its various incarnations, that such an action is not worthy of Conflict (or Dark Side points in previous systems), whether by RAW or by canon precedent.

Now, had I used the Force to break into a Republic facility to steal government secrets to sell to the enemy (or highest bidder), or otherwise destabilize the rightful government, with the intent of causing suffering to the people of the galaxy, that would be a crime and thus Conflict worthy. If I had used the Force to break into the Kaminoans legal operations, or government facilities to rob or sabotage them as an act of terrorism or personal gain, that would be a crime, and therefore Conflict worthy.

However, to infiltrate an outpost of a terrorist organization , when it is discovered, particularly while on a peaceful mission, is not a crime. And, therefore, using Influence to trick the enemy, rather than engage in combat, while infiltrating said terrorist organization, should not warrant Conflict.

And, for the record, I know such an action is perfectly legitimate engagement because I was in the Army, and the military routinely engages in infiltration missions during war time, as well as against terrorist targets. In fact, they are a necessary part of warfare. And even the Jedi engaged in Infiltration missions. The Jedi Shadows , for instance were specifically tasked with such infiltration missions. That's what they did. That's all they did. They infiltrated criminal organizations, terrorist organizations, and other Dark Side organizations to root out evil. And they regularly used the Force while doing so.

You asked me to point out where Korath might have earned Conflict by RAW . By RAW, the only thing he did where Conflict should be awarded was using those two DSPs when using Protect in his fight with the Dark Sider. His use of Influence on the First Order TIE Fighter "welcoming committee", does not fall under any of the actions which warrant Conflict by the RAW because it was not for personal gain, nor in the commission of an actual crime. Infiltrating and enemy compound-- particularly a known terrorist organization out to topple the rightful government and enslave the galaxy-- is not a crime. Not only that but infiltration was not what he was there to do in the first place. And, he was intercepted outside of the outpost's airspace well before he even knew the First Order was there. He was there to find potential Jedi, and entered the outpost to investigate the situation after finding the dead troopers. Everything he did was within legal parameters, and within the Jedi Code for a Jedi engaging in a legitimate mission in enemy territory. You need to look at the intent of a given action, and the circumstances surrounding an action, not just the action itself.

In fact, the book itself covers such a use of Influence as being not an evil act:


However, Influence is not Inherently evil. Many Force users have used Influence to protect the helpless or deal with a threat in a way that avoids violence. It is much better to convince a guard to return to his post than to have to kill him.

(F&D page 294)

The use of Influence in infiltration missions engaged against enemy targets has been used by the Jedi order for millennia as a legitimate use of the Force, fully within the tenets of the Jedi Code.

Understand, I am not trying to weasel out of legitimate Conflict. I am defending what I legitimately believe to be an action that should not warrant Conflict. So, what I am saying is that you, as GM, might want to reconsider whether that situation is really Conflict worthy, based upon RAW, and precedence set in canon. The final decision is up to you.

On 4/10/2018 at 4:58 PM, Tramp Graphics said:

Infiltrating an enemy compound-- particularly a known terrorist organization out to topple the rightful government and enslave the galaxy

Side note:

I've been thinking for a while that this would be an excellent campaign premise for Imperial characters. Im thinking of co-GMing it PbP.

Working title:

Battlefront II.II.II

Heroes of the Empire

Edited by Mychal'el
15 hours ago, Mychal'el said:

Side note:

I've been thinking for a while that this would be an excellent campaign premise for Imperial characters. Im thinking of co-GMing it PbP.

Working title:

Battlefront II.II.II

Heroes of the Empire

Whats at this new planet the droid knows about?

Was this just a place holder for the introduction of new players?

19 minutes ago, killerbeardhawk said:

Whats at this new planet the droid knows about?

Was this just a place holder for the introduction of new players?

On 1/7/2018 at 6:44 PM, Mychal'el said:

The newcomer astromech chirped abruptly. Hacker translated, "Sevendee-Seven says he's got a contact on Kafrene who can help us loose some of this heat and refuel."

This is from Mychal'el's post on 7 Jan. 18:44.

This could be a Resistance or underworld contact (definitely ideal for a new PC).

Edited by Tramp Graphics
13 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

This is from Mychal'el's post on 7 Jan. 18:44.

This could be a Resistance or underworld contact (definitely ideal for a new PC).

Saw that. Would want to have all new pcs start there and run an encounter or so before korath meets up with them. Who are the new players?

8 minutes ago, killerbeardhawk said:

Saw that. Would want to have all new pcs start there and run an encounter or so before korath meets up with them. Who are the new players?

Still need to recuite some more. So far, @Rabobankrider is in, potentially sharing/alternating GM duties. But he won't be able to until the end of the month, so the game will be on hiatus until then. My starting character is still on Mandalore barring some unexpected emergency. I'm gonna talk to some of the other players in the Revan's War campaign to see if any more of them are interested. The rest of the information on the R7 unit was other locations (plural) leading to other potential Force users (aka PCs).

17 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Still need to recuite some more. So far, @Rabobankrider is in, potentially sharing/alternating GM duties. But he won't be able to until the end of the month, so the game will be on hiatus until then. My starting character is still on Mandalore barring some unexpected emergency. I'm gonna talk to some of the other players in the Revan's War campaign to see if any more of them are interested. The rest of the information on the R7 unit was other locations (plural) leading to other potential Force users (aka PCs).

Hiatus it is.

1 minute ago, killerbeardhawk said:

Hiatus it is.

Yep. did you read my last post from Tuesday? I need a final ruling from you on it.

4 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Yep. did you read my last post from Tuesday? I need a final ruling from you on it.

I read it. Im not sure why you think intimidation and bullying would change what i said before.