PbP: Jedi Quest OOC

By awayputurwpn, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

2 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Where are they getting a Boost die from? Their Handling?


7 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I'm using the Piloting Space Control upgrade, which is a normal combined check as per F&D 280-281. That doesn't require committing Force dice. The Base Enhance power is used as part of an Athletics check, and it doesn't limit how many dice you roll as part of the check. Korath has both Piloting control upgrades (both Planetary and Space). As per the rules for combined Force Power checks (F&D page 280-281), you roll your Force dice (as per normal Force power checks) , as part of your skill check. (F&D Page 280 Force Power Checks second paragraph first sentence):

Korath has a Force Rating of 4 , so that's four Force Dice he can roll for any Force Power check, unless a given power or talent says otherwise.

Enhance (with the Piloting (space) Control upgrade allows me to spend the resulting Force Points as my choice of Successes or Advantages to any combined piloting checks I make.There's no committing required. The upgrades Enhance has that require you to commit dice are the two that increase your Brawn or Agility attributes (F&D page 288), not the ones that combine with skill checks. That's where you got confused. I'm not committing any dice to boost an attribute. I'm just making a standard combined Enhanced Piloting (space) roll.

Please do not talk to me like i do not know any rules or have never read the rule book. Its very condescending and rude.

I was simply asking if you had done an Enhance Action to commit force to agility. The answer was simply "no, i have always been using Enhance: piloting".

So both piloting succeed. Please roll them all again for next round plus the other rolls you were going to do. I guess we will do these rolls until something changes. Please make the TIEs roll have two boosts now.

Supreme Full Throttle (maneuver):

Piloting (Supreme Full Throttle) : 2eA+1eP+2eD 0 successes
a--.png a-s.png p-s-a.png d-th.png d-f-f.png

I’m back down to Speed three this round.

Here’s Korath’s piloting action for the chase:

Piloting (chase) : 2eA+1eP+4eF+3eD+1eC 1 failure, 2 threat, 3 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
a-s-a.png a-s.png p-s.png f-ds.png f-ls.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png d-f-th.png d-f-f.png d-f.png c-th-th.png

Improved ShortCut cancels one Failure and I spend the three LSPs for Three more successes Here’s S3’s third attempt to remove the tracker:

Mechanics : 3eP+5eB+4eD 4 successes, 6 advantage
p-s-a.png p-s-a.png p-a-a.png b-a.png b-a-a.png b-s.png b-s-a.png b-s-a.png d-f.png d-th.png d-th-th.png d--.png

fially, success. Now what to do with those 6 Advantages.


Co-pilot : 2eA+2eD 2 successes
a-s-a.png a-s.png d--.png d-th.png

TIE pilots:

Piloting : 2eA+2eP+2eB+2eC+2eD 2 successes, 1 advantage
a-a.png a-s.png p-s-a.png p-s-s.png b-s.png b-a.png c-f.png c-f-th.png d-th.png d-f.png

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Looks like the TIEs move into close range then is your speed 3. can you roll them shooting. Should be PPAA vs D (Due to size difference) plus any bonuses you have while being shot.

1 hour ago, killerbeardhawk said:

Looks like the TIEs move into close range then is your speed 3. can you roll them shooting. Should be PPAA vs D (Due to size difference) plus any bonuses you have while being shot.

How’s that? I had more successes on the chase roll when the Short Cut and LSPs are added in. Even with the slower top speed, that should still put me one range band farther out because of the better piloting roll. It’s only if they get more successes that they’re supposed to close the distance by the difference in speeds.

16 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

How’s that? I had more successes on the chase roll when the Short Cut and LSPs are added in. Even with the slower top speed, that should still put me one range band farther out because of the better piloting roll. It’s only if they get more successes that they’re supposed to close the distance by the difference in speeds.

If you want to play it like that then, i guess we will continue to roll chance piloting. Please give yourself two setbscks and the TIEs the two bopsts again.

If you want to just go ahead and continue to roll each round factoring in threats and advantages on rolls until they are in close range (we will roll initiative at that point) or you go into extreme range in which case the TIEs can no longer follow you.

Ok, Now that S3 has the tracker removed, once he gets back inside (however long that’ take), I want to have Hacker remove the warhead ( on one of my concussion missiles and replace it with the tracker ( he’ll need at least an interim Mechanics and Intellect stat for that, at least until I can rebuild full stat for him, beyond a standard R2 unit’s ability). How long will that take and what difficulty? I’ll use three of the Advantages from S3’s last Mechanics roll for boost dice to my next piloting check and the other three for whatever the Mechanics check is to swap the warhead for the tracker is.

On 4/2/2018 at 9:55 AM, killerbeardhawk said:

@Tramp Graphics ill GM, but you must post in character.

On 4/3/2018 at 3:06 PM, Tramp Graphics said:

I'm alright with that.

On 4/2/2018 at 9:44 PM, Mychal'el said:


Here's the link to the IC thread currently clocking at 12 pages of potentially salvageable yarn versus the currently 20 21 pages (and climbing) of excruciatingly trivial arguments in the OOC thread.

Save the story!

Edited by Mychal'el

Hey, @killerbeardhawk , I was doing a bit of research a few days ago regarding the ship’s of the Forst Order that should probably be taken into account regarding the TIE fighter stats. The TIE/FO ( the First Order’s answer to the TIE/Ln) has shields, something the Imperial TIE/Ln does not have.

1 hour ago, Mychal'el said:

Agreed. Weird that this chase is occurring as a purely mathematical/mechanical exercise.

2 hours ago, SavageBob said:

Agreed. Weird that this chase is occurring as a purely mathematical/mechanical exercise.

Stalling with endless debates belies the fact that one would rather do that than actually role play.

On 1/21/2018 at 6:45 PM, Tramp Graphics said:

As for crunch vs narrative, I actually like the narrative system.

Prove that you actually like the narrative system @Tramp Graphics .

On 4/2/2018 at 9:55 AM, killerbeardhawk said:

@Tramp Graphics ill GM, but you must post in character.

Post IN Character as Korath. Can you not follow your GM @killerbeardhawk 's simple direct order?

Edited by Mychal'el
13 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Ok, Now that S3 has the tracker removed, once he gets back inside (however long that’ take), I want to have Hacker remove the warhead ( on one of my concussion missiles and replace it with the tracker ( he’ll need at least an interim Mechanics and Intellect stat for that, at least until I can rebuild full stat for him, beyond a standard R2 unit’s ability). How long will that take and what difficulty? I’ll use three of the Advantages from S3’s last Mechanics roll for boost dice to my next piloting check and the other three for whatever the Mechanics check is to swap the warhead for the tracker is.

I would say two rounds, 2 challenge dice. Whats the droids mechanic skill?

6 hours ago, killerbeardhawk said:

I would say two rounds, 2 challenge dice. Whats the droids mechanic skill?

Hacker's? Since I lost his old D6 sheet, I haven't been able to convert him directly, so his stats need to be rebuilt from scratch either as a Nemesis level NPC or as a pregenerated PC, I haven't come up with proper stats for him yet, since I'm not really sure how to create droid characters, and not sure whether I should build him as a PC (in case someone needs a character)or NPC. That's why he stayed on the ship originally. And, given that the only Nemesis creation rules I've seen so far are for Bounty Hunters and Inquisitors , if he were to be rebuilt as an NPC, I'm not sure how to stat out such a "custom" Nemesis level NPC. This is the first time in this game I've needed stats for him as of yet.

What I can say about him is, if rebuilt as a PC (since he was one of the PCs in the original D6 campaign), he'd be roughly the same XP level as Korath (and given that he wouldn't have to spend any on Force powers, that means a lot of higher ranks in skills and talents). He's a master computer slicer (hence the name Hacker), as well as an excellent tech. Both his Computers and Mechanics skills should be significantly higher than Korath's in either, most likely Maxed out, or nearly so (so at least 4 ranks in each if not 5, but I didn't want to go too hog wild in rebuilding him, and I didn't want to just throw down some arbitrary, over-the-top stats); He'd also be a notorious Scoundrel and Gambler. Whether as a PC or NPC, his highest Attributes should be Intellect , Cunning , and Willpower in that order , with his lowest being Presence . He's technically savvy, a computer genius, cunning, devious, sneaky, a good shot (he has a blaster pistol), a smart @$$, great at getting into places "he doesn't belong", etc.

If he were rebuilt as a PC, he'd have the entire Slicer tree maxed out, as well as most, if not all, of the Outlaw Tech tree, and at least a few talents each from the Scoundrel and Gambler trees, and at least one other spec tree, and a Signature Ability. As an NPC, he should be a Nemesis with several ranks in each of the various code breaking, slicing, and other technical talents from the Slicer and Outlaw Tech trees, and his most important skills being Computers , Mechanics , Deception , Skullduggery , Streetsmarts , Knowledge (Underworld) , and Ranged Light (in that order).

Unlike S3, Hacker's not your run of the mill R2 unit. During the hiatus, I definitely need to work on full stats for him (with some help), but for now, we just need a couple of the more relevant ones. I'll leave the final determination up to you for that. I hope that helps.

14 hours ago, Mychal'el said:

Stalling with endless debates belies the fact that one would rather do that than actually role play.

Prove that you actually like the narrative system @Tramp Graphics .

Post IN Character as Korath. Can you not follow your GM @killerbeardhawk 's simple direct order?

I will, once there is something to post. And to do that, we actually need to resolve at least some rolls, particularly since I need to add this to the Jan 9 post in order to fit it into the chronology properly. So chill out.

2 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I will, once there is something to post. And to do that, we actually need to resolve at least some rolls, particularly since I need to add this to the Jan 9 post in order to fit it into the chronology properly. So chill out.

It's taken three months to resolve one encounter?

1 hour ago, Nytwyng said:

It's taken three months to resolve one encounter?

Well, to be fair, I was offline on and off for days and even weeks at a time during that time. ?

4 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Well, to be fair, I was offline on and off for days and even weeks at a time during that time. ?

You made plenty of time to argue a ton in the OOC thread

Would you agree your second PC Hacker woukd have full Mechanics 5/5? If so roll it.

Please continue rolling the chace rolls as well with the bounses in setbacks and Advantage.

21 minutes ago, killerbeardhawk said:

Would you agree your second PC Hacker woukd have full Mechanics 5/5? If so roll it.

Please continue rolling the chace rolls as well with the bounses in setbacks and Advantage.

Yep. That works for now.


Piloting (Full Throttle) : 2eA+1eP+2eD 3 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph
a-s-s.png a-s.png p-tr.png d-th.png d-f.png

Back up to speed 5. Any suggestions for that Triumph?

Piloting (Chase) : 2eA+1eP+3eB+4eF+4eD 1 success, 3 advantage, 4 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
a-s.png a-a-a.png p-s-a.png b-s.png b-a-a.png b-s.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png d-f-f.png d-th.png d-f.png d-th.png

Spending the 4 light side as successes, with the added Success from the Improved Short Cut , that gives me 5 successes . I'll spend the Advantages to regain some much needed Strain.

Hacker's Mechancis check:

Mechanics (remove Warhead and replace with Tracker) : 5eP+3eB+2eD 3 successes, 6 advantage
p-s.png p-s-a.png p-s-a.png p-a.png p-s.png b-a-a.png b--.png b-a-a.png d-f.png d-th.png

Suggestions for those Advantages?

Autopilot's Co-pilot check

Co-pilot : 2eA+2eD 0 successes
a-a.png a-s.png d-th.png d-f.png

No boosts from that for next round :(

TIE Fighters:

Co-pilot : 2eA+2eP+2eB+2eD+2eC 2 successes, 3 advantage
a-s-s.png a-s-a.png p-a-a.png p-s-s.png b--.png b-a.png d-f.png d-th.png c-f.png c-f.png

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Looks like at that new speed (i never knew Full Throotle increased your current speed, always thought it was max) you get away?

I dont understand why you dont add setbacks for threats or roll challenge dice?

Is boost dice for advantages at a 1 for 1 ratio the only thing you ever want to spend advantages on? Do you not feel like your gaming the dice system by doing so? I would say with this simplistic use of adavantages you can uograde next pilot check for your triumph.

Edited by killerbeardhawk
29 minutes ago, killerbeardhawk said:

Looks like at that new speed (i never knew Full Throotle increased your current speed, always thought it was max) you get away?

Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
The character may push a ship or vehicle past its limits of
speed. The character may perform the Full Throttle action,
attempting a Hard Piloting check. With success,
the ship's top speed increases by one for a number of rounds
equal to Cunning. The ship still cannot perform actions or
maneuvers it could not perform normally (such as actions
that have a minimum speed requirement).

Looks to me like you were right...TOP speed increases.

Edited by Nytwyng

@killerbeardhawk ,

Let me know if you need me to edit anything in my posts in the IC thread to maintain continuity

On 4/8/2018 at 4:44 PM, killerbeardhawk said:

Looks like at that new speed (i never knew Full Throotle increased your current speed, always thought it was max) you get away?

I dont understand why you dont add setbacks for threats or roll challenge dice?

Is boost dice for advantages at a 1 for 1 ratio the only thing you ever want to spend advantages on? Do you not feel like your gaming the dice system by doing so? I would say with this simplistic use of adavantages you can uograde next pilot check for your triumph.

Well, any Threat I roll is up to you to decide on what they mean. The main reason why I used Boosts for those other Advantages is because of my currently low rank in Piloting (Space) ( Korath only has one actual rank in Piloting (Space) , and has to rely on his Agility and the Force to boost his piloting skill). So any boost to his piloting skill is welcome. And, the Co-piloting action (which is what I had the Autopilot doing) specifically gives boost dice to the pilot.

Is boost dice the only thing I want to spend advantage on? No . It just seemed appropriate for that previous round, and all I could think of at the time, given that the job S3 was doing was complete. Remember, the Advantages I originally rolled (from those Light Side pips) for my first Full Throttle check before the chase began, was to confuse the TIEs sensors by flying low ( exploiting a weakness in the enemy , as suggested in the book under Piloting ). That's not really appropriate for a mechanics check though.

For Hacker's roll, there are several possibilities for use of those 6 advantages, and passing them all off to Korath for boost dice, while tempting, might be going overboard. I was thinking that at least one of Hacker's Advantages could cut the time down. However, according to the rules, that's usually the result of additional successes , not Advantages. Hacker had 3 net Successes , so, that should drop the time down to one round at worst, I think. The book says 10-20% per additional success (but what's 20% of one round ?), with two additional successes, that's to cutting the time by nearly 50%. which should drop the time from two rounds to one. The suggested uses of Advantage listed in the book under the Mechanics skill don't really seem to fit, so I'm not exactly sure what to use them on.

One thought I had for the Truimph is a rogue wave potentially coming at the TIEs, if they're low enough (collision anyone).

But, depending upon what you decide next, regarding Hacker's roll, I may use Korath's next action to roll a Deception check (which some of Hacker's Advantages would come in handy for, I'll admit since I only roll a YG for my Deception skill), depending upon the difficulty for the check) to fire that disarmed missile with the tracker mounted to it skyward, then head off in a new direction, over the horizon and get out of the line of sight of the Star Destroyer (f I haven't already succeeded in that endeavor) , to trick the TIEs and Star Destroyer into tracking the missile instead of the Jedi Star, allowing Korath to escape free and clear without them being able to calculate the Jedi Star 's potential destination from its hyperspace trajectory (since they wouldn't know what that trajectory is). I don't think it would be too difficult, given that the Jedi Star should be outside of the Star Destroyer's maximum sensor range by now. However, if you have any other suggestions for those Advantages, I'm all ears.

On 4/8/2018 at 5:13 PM, Nytwyng said:

Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
The character may push a ship or vehicle past its limits of
The character may perform the Full Throttle action,
attempting a Hard Piloting check. With success,
the ship's top speed increases by one for a number of rounds
equal to Cunning. The ship still cannot perform actions or
maneuvers it could not perform normally (such as actions
that have a minimum speed requirement).

Looks to me like you were right...TOP speed increases.

(Emphasis mine)

As the opening sentence for the talent states, the talent pushes the vehicle beyond its limits of speed, accelerating it to speeds faster than it normally could reach, albeit for a very limited amount of time, equal to Cunning. In my case, that's 2 rounds . With the base talent, that's an increase in top speed by one ; with Supreme Full Throttle , it's an increase in top speed by two instead . Essentially it's like hitting a Nitrous Oxide turbo booster or afterburners .

If you think about it, you wouldn't use Full Throttle unless you were already traveling at your vehicle's normal top speed before using the talent, particularly since it requires an action (or maneuver with Improved Full Throttle ) to initiate. The Full Throttle talents would be useless if the ship didn't actually accelerate to that new speed , given how short the time limit is for the talents' effect, and actually required you to spend more maneuvers to actually accelerate after the fact. This is particularly true of Silhouette 5 spacecraft, which only get one pilot only maneuver per round. The Jedi Star 's normal top speed is speed 3 , which is what I dropped down to when I failed my second Full Throttle roll. And that's how fast I was traveling for the rest of that round. The following round (the one I just rolled), I succeeded in my Full Throttle roll (albeit with a Threat) with a Triumph, accelerating the ship back up to the higher top speed for that round and the coming round (2 rounds total), after which, if I want to keep pushing it, I'll need to roll again.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

(Emphasis mine)

As the opening sentence for the talent states, the talent pushes the vehicle beyond its limits of speed, accelerating it to speeds faster than it normally could reach, albeit for a very limited amount of time, equal to Cunning. In my case, that's 2 rounds . With the base talent, that's an increase in top speed by one ; with Supreme Full Throttle , it's an increase in top speed by two instead . Essentially it's like hitting a Nitrous Oxide turbo booster or afterburners .

If you think about it, you wouldn't use Full Throttle unless you were already traveling at your vehicle's normal top speed before using the talent, particularly since it requires an action (or maneuver with Improved Full Throttle ) to initiate. The Full Throttle talents would be useless if the ship didn't actually accelerate to that new speed , given how short the time limit is for the talents' effect, and actually required you to spend more maneuvers to actually accelerate after the fact. This is particularly true of Silhouette 5 spacecraft, which only get one pilot only maneuver per round. The Jedi Star 's normal top speed is speed 3 , which is what I dropped down to when I failed my second Full Throttle roll. And that's how fast I was traveling for the rest of that round. The following round (the one I just rolled), I succeeded in my Full Throttle roll (albeit with a Threat) with a Triumph, accelerating the ship back up to the higher top speed for that round and the coming round (2 rounds total), after which, if I want to keep pushing it, I'll need to roll again.

Put all the emphasis on it that you like. Bump up the font. Italicize. Underline. Change color. Doesn't change what's written, and as someone who spent a couple of months on a single encounter arguing to stay beholden to RAW, I'd expect you to appreciate the RAW, whether it benefits you or not.

Yes...it pushes the vehicle beyond its limits...by temporarily increasing its top speed. Nowhere does it say that you instantly reach that new, temporary top speed. (Even using your simile, a booster or afterburner wouldn't accelerate you to top speed instantly.) Editorialize about how it would be useless all you like...either you want to stick to RAW (as you did for two months), which says nothing about instantly accelerating to the new top speed, or you want the rules to behave the way someone reviewing them thinks makes better sense, which you fought against for two months. I just did a quick search of both the "Dev Answered Questions" and "EOTE Errata" threads for "full throttle," and turned up no hits. So, the wording would appear to be pretty self-explanatory.

45 minutes ago, Nytwyng said:

Put all the emphasis on it that you like. Bump up the font. Italicize. Underline. Change color. Doesn't change what's written, and as someone who spent a couple of months on a single encounter arguing to stay beholden to RAW, I'd expect you to appreciate the RAW, whether it benefits you or not.

Yes...it pushes the vehicle beyond its limits...by temporarily increasing its top speed. Nowhere does it say that you instantly reach that new, temporary top speed. (Even using your simile, a booster or afterburner wouldn't accelerate you to top speed instantly.) Editorialize about how it would be useless all you like...either you want to stick to RAW (as you did for two months), which says nothing about instantly accelerating to the new top speed, or you want the rules to behave the way someone reviewing them thinks makes better sense, which you fought against for two months. I just did a quick search of both the "Dev Answered Questions" and "EOTE Errata" threads for "full throttle," and turned up no hits. So, the wording would appear to be pretty self-explanatory.

Actually Nytwing, yes an Afterburner and Nitrous do. You accelerate extremely quickly, as in a matter of seconds, A round lasts a minute, sometimes more. By comparison, a matter of seconds is pretty “instantaneous”. It’s not a slow acceleration. You’re pushed back in your seat from the multiple G forces high acceleration. For example, the F-16 with full afterburners has an acceleration of 12.7 meters per second. That’s Full Throttle. That’s why the talent opens the way it does. You are pushing the engine beyond what it is normally capable of. That inherently means accelerating to that new top speed immediately, not over several more rounds. The effects of the talent do not allow for slow acceleration over several rounds of maneuvers, and the talents as written certainly suggest immediate acceleration. The base talent, being only an increase in speed by one, is certainly done immediately, the Supreme talent also specifically states that the increase in speed is by two instead of one, all in one action (or maneuver with the Improved talent). Nothing in the talents say that it requires further maneuvers to actually accelerate. The rule as written inherently makes it an immediate acceleration to that higher speed from your normal top speed.

Edited by Tramp Graphics