PbP: Jedi Quest OOC

By awayputurwpn, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

@Tramp Graphics this is all while the robed figure is standing directly over you...How do you get enough leeway to do this before he reacts?

Edited by awayputurwpn
26 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

@Tramp Graphics this is all while the robed figure is standing directly over you...How do you get enough leeway to do this before he reacts?

Ok, instead of pulling the latches on the binders securing his feet, I'll pull his lightsaber off his belt and then activate it in his face while I pull the neural disruptor off my head.

Edited by Tramp Graphics


For a Destiny Point, I'll allow it! Go ahead and change the narrative to fit. (His lightsaber is red, naturally)

For the Threat, the robed figure will disengage and prepare for a throw down (getting some goodies on his next action).

I did want to dodge whenever possible

2 hours ago, Matt Skywalker said:

I did want to dodge whenever possible

Attacking Maa't (fix for Dodge 1) : 1eC 1 failure, 1 Despair

I'll alter the IC post ASAP-let me know if you have an idea for the Despair.

Edited by awayputurwpn

What does the despair do?


Edited by Matt Skywalker
1 hour ago, Matt Skywalker said:

What does the despair do?


Okay so. The Despair takes away some Threat, which means Maa't got hit twice instead of once due to the Linked quality. BUT, the Despair completely eliminates the rest of the walker's stormtrooper squad.

So damage on Maa't is 18 (Pierce 1) minus soak, plus 18 (Pierce 1) minus soak. I want to say that will make for 28 wounds total, so you might want to use Reflect on one or both of those hits ;) 3 strain will reduce the wounds suffered by 8, and you can do it twice. Let me know how you'd like to proceed!

Next PC can go while we sort Maa't out.

20 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:


For a Destiny Point, I'll allow it! Go ahead and change the narrative to fit. (His lightsaber is red, naturally)

For the Threat, the robed figure will disengage and prepare for a throw down (getting some goodies on his next action).


I'd like to hack away at the bridge supports from underneath the walker. What's my difficulty?

Not sure if my training saber is any good mechanically, I just have it for looks. So if it's wise OOC, I'd like to just use it defensively or for despair weapon loss protection.

My character is very OCD about everything being symmetrical.

Edited by Mychal'el

Very nice. And yeah, the training saber is good for stunning people.

I PMd the difficulty to you, can you check your inbox from a couple days ago? I'm on my way out the door, will have more time to reply later

Hey, @awayputurwpn , can you give me more detail about the room Korath is in? Namely, how many exits and where they are, what kind of objects are in the room and how many and how large, and can he see where his stuff is, particularly his lightsaber?

Maybe this is Korath's chance to finally get a red lightsaber

Edited by Mychal'el
15 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Hey, @awayputurwpn , can you give me more detail about the room Korath is in? Namely, how many exits and where they are, what kind of objects are in the room and how many and how large, and can he see where his stuff is, particularly his lightsaber?

Korath hasn't had any time for tactical evaluation, since he acted quite hastily and has had to keep his eyes on the robed figure ever since. He is assuming there is an exit behind him, but so far all he's seen in this darkened room is the security holovid displays, and even those he hasn't been able to examine in any meaningful way. If you want, you can spend a maneuver to look around on your turn.

@awayputurwpn ,

Question about me attacking the supports: any way to break multiple supports in one turn?

Edited by Mychal'el
2 hours ago, Mychal'el said:

@awayputurwpn ,

Question about me attacking the supports: any way to break multiple supports in one turn?

Yes, more Success! The more Successes you roll, the quicker you go. Also Triumph.

You can aim for more potential Success, just like with a combat check, then though this technically isn't a combat check.

10 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

Yes, more Success! The more Successes you roll, the quicker you go. Also Triumph.

2 successes last turn equalled 1 successful cut through 1 girder. So would 1 success equal half a successful cut through 1 girder?

10 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

You can aim for more potential Success, just like with a combat check, then though this technically isn't a combat check.

I could have aimed last time? I didn't use a Maneuver at all! Newbie tactical gaming fail!

Been busy with school lately, will try to have something up later.

12 hours ago, Mychal'el said:

I could have aimed last time? I didn't use a Maneuver at all! Newbie tactical gaming fail!

No worries, go ahead and roll a Boost and post it here :) First time's free.

Aim : 1eB 1 success, 1 advantage

Thank you!!!!!

Edited by Mychal'el

This will have a cumulative effect that you may see the effects of in the next round.

@awayputurwpn ,

In whatever turn order is best for the party, I'd like to aim and hit the supports under the walker again but stop short of collapsing the bridge completely so everyone can get away safely

6 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Great! One point though, Protect/Unleash doesn't have any ongoing effects. It's a use-it-or-lose-it kind of deal that works until the end of your turn. So you won't be able to just keep it going.

I'll get an action up in a minute.

I'm out for the evening GMing a local game. Feel free to take your turns, and I'll finish the narrative in Korath's scene tomorrow morning.