PbP: Jedi Quest OOC

By awayputurwpn, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

I shouldn't have to highlight this but I gave you a secret weapon that is worth more than all of your white DPs combined:

On 1/2/2018 at 0:56 AM, Mychal'el said:

"He made a copy of that place's secured database. He's got all the top secret stuff they were workn' on down there. And he's got everythn' they know about ur little party..."

"...Oh, and he's still decrypting most of it, but he's got all their intel on force people throughout the galaxy too."

@Tramp Graphics , I want Korath to shine as much as you do.

I think you missed the point of staying in atmosphere while removing the tracker. I don't want the enemy to be able to find my exit point. That's why I told S3 to tether himself securely and remove the tracker immediately, while enroute. As for the database, Korath doesn't really have time to go over that until he's safely in hyperspace.

I'm going to have you always roll for your own droids. He's already outside.

Edited by Mychal'el
23 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Using Intuitive Navigation with my Astrogation check, assisted by the Jedi Star's Astrogation droid brain (2 ranks in Astrogation compared to Korath's 1 rank), Give me a Difficulty.

Considering you are sandwiched between a giant Star Destroyer and a planet, most possible hyperspace routes are currently unavailable.

Last "round" would have would have been a Formidable Astrogation check

Now that you have started plotting a course it is currently Daunting

Each round that your droid brain is devoted to calculating the route will reduce the difficulty by one. It is currently devoted as per your character's command.

Your character and your droids (including my standard R7 astromech) may each have one action each round at your command. You will be rolling.

The ship's current altitude is practically fixed until you decide to jump to lightspeed. You have full steering capabilities like a satellite until you refuel. Your destination is in an asteroid belt so you will be able to dock without need of sublight engines there.

You will be rolling first, but for each round everything is happening simultaneously.

The fighters are attacking this round. Lasers are mid-air.

Edited by Mychal'el
On 1/10/2018 at 4:20 PM, Mychal'el said:

Considering you are sandwiched between a giant Star Destroyer and a planet, most possible hyperspace routes are currently unavailable.

Last "round" would have would have been a Formidable Astrogation check

Now that you have started plotting a course it is currently Daunting

Each round that your droid brain is devoted to calculating the route will reduce the difficulty by one. It is currently devoted as per your character's command.

Your character and your droids (including my standard R7 astromech) may each have one action each round at your command. You will be rolling.

The ship's current altitude is practically fixed until you decide to jump to lightspeed. You have full steering capabilities like a satellite until you refuel. Your destination is in an asteroid belt so you will be able to dock without need of sublight engines there.

You will be rolling first, but for each round everything is happening simultaneously.

The fighters are attacking this round. Lasers are mid-air.

Which is precisely why I took off for the other side of the planet and told the droid to tether himself and immediately remove the tracker in transit . The whole point is to evade the enemy, prevent them from finding my exit vector and give me a clear avenue where they could not plot possible hyperspace destinations from my "last known trajectory." It was to explicitly avoid this situation.

Supreme Full Throttle gave my a Speed of five for two rounds, enough to lose the tie fighters for a little while at least. After that, I dropped down to speed three. The droid, properly tethered to the ship, as well as relying on the magnets built into its rollers (which are standard on R2 units), was to go out, while still in transit to the other side of the planet, and remove the tracker, dumping it into the ocean, I then continue on, using Supreme Full Throttle again, as well as the Short Cut talent tree, if necessary, altering course as needed to prevent the enemy from figuring out where I might exit the atmosphere from, and plot a course out without them being able to track me or figure out any possible destinations.

You missed the whole point of my actions as well as my previous post where I explicitly told the droid to tether itself and remove the tracker immediately . I did not wait until I exited the atmosphere to remove the tracker. It was done in transit in order to completely evade the First Order. I never changed that plan.

You glazed a over everything I said I was trying do and rushed to a faulty conclusion, assuming I left the tracker on the ship until orbit. I did not do that , I wanted the tracker off immediately . No ifs ands, or buts. I ordered S3 to tether himself and remove that tracker immediately in transit, long before making any attempt to escape the atmosphere. I had no intent to leave atmosphere with that tracker still attached. and would not have made any attempt to do so as long as that tracker was still in place.

That's basic Evasion 101

Edited by Tramp Graphics

@Tramp Graphics

Tie fighters have speed 5 so the Jedi star, which only had speed 5 for 2 rounds, was unlikely to loose the tie fighters even for a little while to ditch the tracker (you'd need to use the chase rules to have any chance of escape) . Unless the Jedi star was submersible or had night shadow coating/cloaking device there would be no way I would let your plan work if I was the gm, even if you ditched the tracker. The Jedi star just isn't fast enough to lose tie fighters even with all 3 full throttle talents. I'm not the gm, but if I was I would have had the tie fighters catch up to and start firing on the Jedi star just as soon as full throttle expired and s3 was on the tether. Basically you'd lose s3 almost certainly and only if the dice smiled on you (your triumph, or their despair) would you manage to ditch the tracker, and then you would have had to destroy them and the next 2 waves of tie fighters that caught up to have any chance of escaping. I think Mychal'el went easy on you and that you should count yourself lucky for having him as a GM.

You went for the simple solution but simple does not mean easy.

Edited by EliasWindrider
11 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

You glazed a over everything I said

Kaminoan water must taste really irony ;)

On 1/3/2018 at 2:31 AM, Mychal'el said:

Do you actually want to send your droid out onto the ship's hull in atmosphere? That's a great way to lose a droid.

On 1/3/2018 at 2:25 AM, Mychal'el said:

In atmosphere the Jedi Star does not have enough fuel to outrun a First Order Destroyer at sublight speed for more than a few hours (Galactic Standard Time). Moving out of orbit at sublight speed now will mean moving back into range of the Destroyer.

On 1/6/2018 at 0:53 AM, Mychal'el said:

The cutting edge First Order ships kept up with their prey easily from low orbit, conserving fuel and patiently waiting for the Freighter to waste all of it's energy fighting gravity, atmospheric pressure, and the frequent stormy Kaminoan weather.

Korath's droid can safely remove the tracker with an average mechanics check now that the Jedi Star is in low orbit. The Jedi Star has enough fuel for one jump to Hyperspace and use of it's Reaction Control System (basic satellite steering) but not the sublight engines. The Destroyer's tractor beam is not yet in range but the fighters are.

Edited by Mychal'el

@Tramp Graphics

Your droid will succeed at removing the tracker when you roll a success for your droid. You didn't roll anything yet, so I assumed you were waiting to get out of atmosphere, like I warned you to do.

You're welcome to roll a belated Formidable Mechanics check for your droid while your ship was speeding away through the stormy Kaminoan atmosphere. I'll just edit the results retroactively into the narrative, no worries.

Remember, this is a game and I'm not your enemy. Pick your battles, save your energy, relax, and have fun. I want you to enjoy yourself, but not if it means arguing, especially over silly stuff . Unless it's the characters who are arguing, that can be fun.

Edited by Mychal'el
On 1/11/2018 at 8:22 PM, EliasWindrider said:

@Tramp Graphics

Tie fighters have speed 5 so the Jedi star, which only had speed 5 for 2 rounds, was unlikely to loose the tie fighters even for a little while to ditch the tracker (you'd need to use the chase rules to have any chance of escape) . Unless the Jedi star was submersible or had night shadow coating/cloaking device there would be no way I would let your plan work if I was the gm, even if you ditched the tracker. The Jedi star just isn't fast enough to lose tie fighters even with all 3 full throttle talents. I'm not the gm, but if I was I would have had the tie fighters catch up to and start firing on the Jedi star just as soon as full throttle expired and s3 was on the tether. Basically you'd lose s3 almost certainly and only if the dice smiled on you (your triumph, or their despair) would you manage to ditch the tracker, and then you would have had to destroy them and the next 2 waves of tie fighters that caught up to have any chance of escaping. I think Mychal'el went easy on you and that you should count yourself lucky for having him as a GM.

You went for the simple solution but simple does not mean easy.

BTW this is exactly the reason I avoid ships with a base speed of less than 4, i.e. so I can get a high output ion turbine to boost the speed to 5 and at least keep pace with most modern star fighters (e.g. xwings and tie fighters)... seriously if you think you can avoid imperial entanglements in a ship that's slower than a tie fighter then you've got delusions of grandeur. That you got upset with Mychal'el when he simply ruled that your plan failed without making you suffer serious consequences for it shows that you are in fact delusional about the relative speeds of the Jedi star and tie fighters.

We already had this conversation, in part, when you claimed the (3rd party homebrew stats for the) yz-900 was a fast ship because it had speed 3... well even with the full suite of full throttle talents you can't hope to do better than simply keep pace with a tie fighter for 2 rounds. It's just not going to happen.

Before you try this again you should get a high output ion turbine, then with full throttle you can marginally outpace a tie fighter and get yourself a little (probably not more than 1 round) breathing room. In the mean time suck it up and get your head back in the game.

Edited by EliasWindrider
On 1/12/2018 at 4:21 AM, Mychal'el said:

@Tramp Graphics

Your droid will succeed at removing the tracker when you roll a success for your droid. You didn't roll anything yet, so I assumed you were waiting to get out of atmosphere, like I warned you to do.

You're welcome to roll a belated Formidable Mechanics check for your droid while your ship was speeding away through the stormy Kaminoan atmosphere. I'll just edit the results retroactively into the narrative, no worries.

Remember, this is a game and I'm not your enemy. Pick your battles, save your energy, relax, and have fun. I want you to enjoy yourself, but not if it means arguing, especially over silly stuff . Unless it's the characters who are arguing, that can be fun.

Thank you. I just needed a difficulty for the droid, What would the difficulty be after dropping back down to speed three?

Mechanics : 3eP+4eD 0 successes, 2 advantage
p-a-a.png p-s-a.png p-s-s.png d-th.png d--.png d-f.png d-f-f.png

I'll use the two advantage to give him some boost dice on a second try.

Also, what's the difficulty Hacker will need to break through the jamming?

On 1/11/2018 at 10:22 PM, EliasWindrider said:

@Tramp Graphics

Tie fighters have speed 5 so the Jedi star, which only had speed 5 for 2 rounds, was unlikely to loose the tie fighters even for a little while to ditch the tracker (you'd need to use the chase rules to have any chance of escape) . Unless the Jedi star was submersible or had night shadow coating/cloaking device there would be no way I would let your plan work if I was the gm, even if you ditched the tracker. The Jedi star just isn't fast enough to lose tie fighters even with all 3 full throttle talents. I'm not the gm, but if I was I would have had the tie fighters catch up to and start firing on the Jedi star just as soon as full throttle expired and s3 was on the tether. Basically you'd lose s3 almost certainly and only if the dice smiled on you (your triumph, or their despair) would you manage to ditch the tracker, and then you would have had to destroy them and the next 2 waves of tie fighters that caught up to have any chance of escaping. I think Mychal'el went easy on you and that you should count yourself lucky for having him as a GM.

You went for the simple solution but simple does not mean easy.

Except that I did lose the tie fighters, at least for a while (5 extra Advantages will do that). That should be long enough for the droid to remove the tracker. Also, for a freighter , particularly one of this size , Speed three is fast.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
42 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Except that I did lose the tie fighters, at least for a while. That should be long enough for the droid to remove the tracker.

"Lose" is a relative term. They easily tracked you and followed you at a distance from orbit. They are speed 5 so they can catch anything flying in a straight line except maybe an A-Wing or Tie/In. Since there are no terrain features on Kamino to maneuver behind it would be impossible for a speed 3 ship to give them the slip unless it had submersible or cloaking capabilities as Elias mentioned.

Your only way out of this mess is to jump to get to a crowded place to lay low for a bit, and refuel. I'm super excited for your characters regarding that part.

Edited by Mychal'el
32 minutes ago, Mychal'el said:

"Lose" is a relative term. They easily tracked you and followed you at a distance from orbit. They are speed 5 so they can catch anything flying in a straight line except maybe an A-Wing or Tie/In. Since there are no terrain features on Kamino to maneuver behind it would be impossible for a speed 3 ship to give them the slip unless it had submersible or cloaking capabilities as Elias mentioned.

Your only way out of this mess is to jump to get to a crowded place to lay low for a bit, and refuel. I'm super excited for your characters regarding that part.

If you fly low enough, the waves themselves can mask the ship from an enemy's sensors, including RADAR . That's the whole point to "nap of the Earth" flying and why I chose to remain in atmosphere. When used over the ocean, it's called "Sea Skimming" . The effect is the same. This was also mentioned in TFA when Finn tells Rey, "Fly low, it confuses their sensors!" That's why it's so important to get the tracker off the ship. Once the tracker is off, I can use Short Cut (Passive) and Improved Short Cut (Incidental) to "boost" my piloting skill, combined with the complete Full Throttle talent suite and Skilled Jockey (Passive: removes Setback equal to ranks in Skilled Jockey to all piloting checks), to lose any tail completely in a chase by using "Sea Skimming". I have no illusions that it will be easy (I certainly expect Setback dice for the risks. However, it is doable and should provide at least some boost dice to lose them. However, it all depends on ditching the tracker . And, once I do get the tracker off, and ditch it in the ocean, that should also buy some time before they can figure out what happened.

And, no, I will not be flying in a "straight line".

Edited by Tramp Graphics
1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Thank you. I just needed a difficulty for the droid, What would the difficulty be after dropping back down to speed three?

Mechanics : 3eP+4eD 0 successes, 2 advantage
p-a-a.png p-s-a.png p-s-s.png d-th.png d--.png d-f.png d-f-f.png

I'll use the two advantage to give him some boost dice on a second try.

Also, what's the difficulty Hacker will need to break through the jamming?

Except that I did lose the tie fighters, at least for a while (5 extra Advantages will do that). That should be long enough for the droid to remove the tracker. Also, for a freighter , particularly one of this size , Speed three is fast.

1) Read my lips "chase rules" vs speed, advantages have jack squat to do with how far/fast you travel.

2) I recall you making a check to activate full throttle not a series of opposed pilot checks for a chase (as in the other side of chase opposed check didn't happen so you weren't using chase rules)

3) you're delusional if you think you lost the fighters because the gm mychal'el ruled that you did not.

4) Relatively Fast for a largish freighter does not make one "fast" in an absolute sense, it will not be enough to help you avoid/escape imperial entanglements/tie fighters. The way freighters escape tie fighters is called a hyperdrive, although an asteroid field will do in a pinch if your hyper drive isn't working. (Asteroid fields have a strong impact on chase rules chases)

57 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

If you fly low enough, the waves themselves can mask the ship from an enemy's sensors, including RADAR . That's the whole point to "nap of the Earth" flying and why I chose to remain in atmosphere. When used over the ocean, it's called "Sea Skimming" . The effect is the same. This was also mentioned in TFA when Finn tells Rey, "Fly low, it confuses their sensors!" That's why it's so important to get the tracker off the ship. Once the tracker is off, I can use Short Cut (Passive) and Improved Short Cut (Incidental) to "boost" my piloting skill, combined with the complete Full Throttle talent suite and Skilled Jockey (Passive: removes Setback equal to ranks in Skilled Jockey to all piloting checks), to lose any tail completely in a chase by using "Sea Skimming". I have no illusions that it will be easy (I certainly expect Setback dice for the risks. However, it is doable and should provide at least some boost dice to lose them. However, it all depends on ditching the tracker . And, once I do get the tracker off, and ditch it in the ocean, that should also buy some time before they can figure out what happened.

And, no, I will not be flying in a "straight line".

That would have been exciting and fun (and complicated), except you fast forward the narrative to the other side of the planet and we missed all that unfortunately. Im willing to edit in your droid's attempt but anything else is too much.

You already did it

Edited by Mychal'el

No freighter is going to be as fast as a tiny fighter. That’s a given. Large ones, over fifty meters, of course are going to be slower and less maneuverable. That’s where piloting comes in. And it was Mychal’el who said I outran those TIEs, at least for the short term. But, yes to completely lose them I will need to outfly them, not just outrun them.

7 minutes ago, Mychal'el said:

That would have been exciting and fun (and complicated), except you fast forward the narrative to the other side of the planet and we missed all that unfortunately. Im willing to edit in your droid's attempt but anything else is too much.

You already did it

Actually, you were the one to “fast forward“ to orbit. I was fully expecting a proper chase.

My last IC post before you said I was in orbit confronting a Star Destroyer was me telling S3 to tether itself and get the tracker off the hull, and that was right after I hit the thrusters to outrun pursuit. You then posted that I was out of fuel and in orbit.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

No freighter is going to be as fast as a tiny fighter. That’s a given. Large ones, over fifty meters, of course are going to be slower and less maneuverable. That’s where piloting comes in. And it was Mychal’el who said I outran those TIEs, at least for the short term. But, yes to completely lose them I will need to outfly them, not just outrun them.

Hwk-1000 is as fast as a tie fighter, there are plenty of sil 4 speed 4 freighters that you can add high output ion turbines to if you don't like the Hwk-1000. There are a few speed 4 sil 5 ship (and 1 sil 6), mostly military or system patrol that have speed 4 out of the box + ion turbines

1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Actually, you were the one to “fast forward“ to orbit. I was fully expecting a proper chase.

My last IC post before you said I was in orbit confronting a Star Destroyer was me telling S3 to tether itself and get the tracker off the hull, and that was right after I hit the thrusters to outrun pursuit. You then posted that I was out of fuel and in orbit.

You declared that you flew to the other side of the planet keeping the planet between you and the first order ships, that's where YOU fast forwarded it. I believe you meant to say that was your plan but you said it like it already happened. The gm went with your fast forward but changed the part that you narrated that you got away because you saying it doesn't make it true.

But here's the big picture that I'm sure you missed, STOP ARGUING WITH AND BLAMING THE GM BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT GOING TO WIN THIS, I DOUBT YOU WOULD IF ASKED SACRIFICE THE GAME OVER THIS STICKING POINT BUT THAT IS IN EFFECT WHAT YOU ARE ACTUALLY CHOOSING BY CONTINUING TO ARGUE, there is plenty of blame to go around (most of it yours), and Mychal’el is "at fault" for not yet knowing how to compensate for your particular personality and "communication style" (I'm not sure I could do any better and I've known you in real life since 2003 or 2004).

2 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Hwk-1000 is as fast as a tie fighter, there are plenty of sil 4 speed 4 freighters that you can add high output ion turbines to if you don't like the Hwk-1000. There are a few speed 4 sil 5 ship (and 1 sil 6), mostly military or system patrol that have speed 4 out of the box + ion turbines

You declared that you flew to the other side of the planet keeping the planet between you and the first order ships, that's where YOU fast forwarded it. I believe you meant to say that was your plan but you said it like it already happened. The gm went with your fast forward but changed the part that you narrated that you got away because you saying it doesn't make it true.

But here's the big picture that I'm sure you missed, STOP ARGUING WITH AND BLAMING THE GM BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT GOING TO WIN THIS, I DOUBT YOU WOULD IF ASKED SACRIFICE THE GAME OVER THIS STICKING POINT BUT THAT IS IN EFFECT WHAT YOU ARE ACTUALLY CHOOSING BY CONTINUING TO ARGUE, there is plenty of blame to go around (most of it yours), and Mychal’el is "at fault" for not yet knowing how to compensate for your particular personality and "communication style" (I'm not sure I could do any better and I've known you in real life since 2003 or 2004).

I also said my intent was specifically to remain in atmosphere well after the tracker would have been removed; with the point of my actions being specifically to evade pursuit and detection in order to get a clear exit vector by putting the planet between me and the enemy. That requires a role-played chase and evasion encounter with piloting checks. He jumped right from me ordering S3 out to remove the tracker to me being in orbit completely skipping over everything else that logically should have taken place in between. It can’t be done with just one use of the Full Throttle tree.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
24 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I also said I was staying in atmosphere well after the tracker would have been removed; taking actions specifically to evade pursuit and detection in order to get a clear exit vector. That required a role-played chase and evasion encounter with piloting checks. He jumped right from me ordering S3 out to remove the tracker to me being in orbit completely skipping over everything else that logically should have taken place in between.

You really need to learn to stop arguing when it can't gain you anything and it will cost you something. And I've already pointed out to you in all caps that this is one of those situations.

Even now Mychal’el is bending over backward to let you retcon removing the tracker in atmosphere, it's not going to let you evade pursuit, nor should it because you are slower than a tie fighter and kamino doesn't have any terrain to hide behind. there's no obstacle course that chase rules would make a difference for. Pick your battles carefully because if you argue over everything the game will die, heck if you argue over MOST things the game will die. Instead you should be thinking about how you could have better worded your requests without implying a fast forward or a particular outcome that was the gm's not yours to decided. Before arguing about anything you should ask yourself, "would I rather not play at all if I don't get my way on this" and if the answer isn't "yes" then you shouldn't be making an issue out of it (whatever it was).

YOU really really really need to recognize that the game and real worlds do not function the way you think they should and learn to react/adapt to external stimuli that's says reality (including the "game reality") is different than what you were expecting.

Edited by EliasWindrider

Did you read the link I provided about “sea skimming”?

1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Did you read the link I provided about “sea skimming”?

Are you deluding yourself into thinking that a possible outcome of this argument is that the game world gets retconned to how you wanted your escape to happen? This a real world people interaction question not a do you think you have a reasonable argument question.

4 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Did you read the link I provided about “sea skimming”?

Did you read anything we are saying? Your unrelenting obstinance is a severe hindrance to your human relationships. If people are replaceable to you, then you may not care. Maybe that's why you don't listen to others. Your argumentative spirit is unbearable. I don't know if you actually want to play this game or if the game your really playing is arguing with people until they give up.

I just wanted to get your character to the end of this session QUICKLY and give him some sweet narrative meat to take to the next table. I had such an awesome meal prepared.

But you keep pushing for more, then when I give you an extra inch because I'm feeling generous, you take a mile. Then when you exhaust me with ridiculous arguments, and I agree with whatever you want just to make the argument stop, then you start another argument because you would rather do that than actually play.

I don't understand why you think this is ok to treat people this way but it isn't.

Edited by Mychal'el
20 hours ago, Mychal'el said:

Did you read anything we are saying? Your unrelenting obstinance is a severe hindrance to your human relationships. If people are replaceable to you, then you may not care. Maybe that's why you don't listen to others. Your argumentative spirit is unbearable. I don't know if you actually want to play this game or if the game your really playing is arguing with people until they give up.

I just wanted to get your character to the end of this session QUICKLY and give him some sweet narrative meat to take to the next table. I had such an awesome meal prepared.

But you keep pushing for more, then when I give you an extra inch because I'm feeling generous, you take a mile. Then when you exhaust me with ridiculous arguments, and I agree with whatever you want just to make the argument stop, then you start another argument because you would rather do that than actually play.

I don't understand why you think this is ok to treat people this way but it isn't.

Mychal'el I think I've built up more of a tolerance to Tramp than anyone else on these boards, possibly more than anyone else in the world who is still alive. I also have a desire for tramp to get to a point where he can retire Korath as I think Tramp will interact with real world people significantly better if he's not playing Korath. So I am willing to take over as a GM in a lower detail email game with Tramp only. I think that maybe just maybe after going through 3 GMs BEFORE finishing THE FIRST SESSION tramp may be in a place to recognize something needs to change.

My plan is for Korath to wrap up his unfinished business as fast as possible and then he'll die climactically and heroically in a self sacrificial way that saves a young apprentice (**** get a lot of input in designing the apprentice character from a fluff perspective). Interactions with the apprentice will be 3rd party low detail, because I will not in character roleplay an apprentice to tramp ever again. I will get tramp's input on a lot of the story/plot before declaring it and will frequently say "you don't need to roll for that it just happens." But I'm not going to back and forth argue with you about anything, if you disagree with anything I decide you get exactly 1 email to make your case for a different outcome, before I make my final ruling. If you try to continue arguing after I declare a "final rule" a figurative big rock will fall (severe negative consequences, I'm thinking conflict in response to Tramp's/Korath's anger at the universe not obeying his will appropriate, up front warning I'm giving you a 60% chance of falling to the dark side for arguing with trying to bend the universe/force to your will ). I'm going to roll physical dice and will just tell you the net symbols outcome, I will tell you the negative dice when I call for a roll, you'll reply with specify positive dice and talent based modifications of the negative dice before I roll. If you verbally berate your apprentice in character it will earn you conflict for verbally abusing your apprentice.

@Tramp Graphics if you're OK with that let me know and I'll take over the gming, I think this is your "last" chance to finish Korath's story... feel free to take it or leave it.

It's a shame because I was really excited to finish this story. I had a whole NPC thing ready to go. Just make sure he drops off my droid on Kafrene please?

Godspeed @EliasWindrider !

On 1/15/2018 at 9:39 PM, EliasWindrider said:

Mychal'el I think I've built up more of a tolerance to Tramp than anyone else on these boards, possibly more than anyone else in the world who is still alive. I also have a desire for tramp to get to a point where he can retire Korath as I think Tramp will interact with real world people significantly better if he's not playing Korath. So I am willing to take over as a GM in a lower detail email game with Tramp only. I think that maybe just maybe after going through 3 GMs BEFORE finishing THE FIRST SESSION tramp may be in a place to recognize something needs to change.

My plan is for Korath to wrap up his unfinished business as fast as possible and then he'll die climactically and heroically in a self sacrificial way that saves a young apprentice (**** get a lot of input in designing the apprentice character from a fluff perspective). Interactions with the apprentice will be 3rd party low detail, because I will not in character roleplay an apprentice to tramp ever again. I will get tramp's input on a lot of the story/plot before declaring it and will frequently say "you don't need to roll for that it just happens." But I'm not going to back and forth argue with you about anything, if you disagree with anything I decide you get exactly 1 email to make your case for a different outcome, before I make my final ruling. If you try to continue arguing after I declare a "final rule" a figurative big rock will fall (severe negative consequences, I'm thinking conflict in response to Tramp's/Korath's anger at the universe not obeying his will appropriate, up front warning I'm giving you a 60% chance of falling to the dark side for arguing with trying to bend the universe/force to your will ). I'm going to roll physical dice and will just tell you the net symbols outcome, I will tell you the negative dice when I call for a roll, you'll reply with specify positive dice and talent based modifications of the negative dice before I roll. If you verbally berate your apprentice in character it will earn you conflict for verbally abusing your apprentice.

@Tramp Graphics if you're OK with that let me know and I'll take over the gming, I think this is your "last" chance to finish Korath's story... feel free to take it or leave it.

@Tramp Graphics an accept or decline would be appreciated.