PbP: Jedi Quest OOC

By awayputurwpn, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

3 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@awayputurwpn , while Korath is taking that trip down, I'd like to purge the Dark Sider's crystal. As a Lightside Paragon, it is something I can do. You do have to option to require a Discipline check, but it's not absolutely mandatory. If you feel like I should hold off until we get to the ship, I can. It's up to you.

You're gonna need some time to meditate, more time than you have right now. But I like the idea!

Edited by awayputurwpn
Just now, awayputurwpn said:

You're gonna need some time to meditate, more time than you have right now.

OK. Not a problem.

Hey @awayputurwpn , will the trip on the turbo lift give me enough time to try a quick Heal check to get back a few more Wound points?

1 minute ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Hey @awayputurwpn , will the trip on the turbo lift give me enough time to try a quick Heal check to get back a few more Wound points?

Sure, you can use your action for that.

22 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

Sure, you can use your action for that.


I'm off for the night, running a face to face game, but will return in the morrow.

@Rakaydos @Matt Skywalker I responded in the IC thread, if you could please alter your posts so as to conform to the ongoing narrative I'd appreciate it.

Until tomorrow, gents!

Yes, @Matt Skywalker , what are Chundarr and Maa't going to do?

It would be nice if you played off each other a bit :)

15 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

It would be nice if you played off each other a bit :)

I agree, but we haven't heard from either Matt or Raykados since the lift doors closed.

Calling up astromech droid brain, telling it to fly to the hangar.

Hey @awayputurwpn , Are we headed to the same docking bay the Jedi Star is docked?

Edited by Tramp Graphics
9 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Hey @awayputurwpn , Are we headed to the same docking bay the Jedi Star is docked?

Yes indeed!

Hey, @Matt Skywalker , where're you at?

37 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Hey, @Matt Skywalker , where're you at?

Sorry forgot to say that I'll be busy till Monday. Mentioned it on other threads

Just now, Matt Skywalker said:

Sorry forgot to say that I'll be busy till Monday. Mentioned it on other threads


I'll be traveling this week and next, so will be very spotty. Take some opportunity in the meantime to do some introductions.

2 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

I'll be traveling this week and next, so will be very spotty. Take some opportunity in the meantime to do some introductions.

I don't think the ride up the turbolift would be that long. @Rakados , any response to Korath's question regarding if there was anyone missing?

4 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I don't think the ride up the turbolift would be that long.

Feel free to take over as GM.

Or you could let me decide how long the turbolift ride takes.

Just an update guys, I'm hoping for some time to post after Tuesday but won't be able to do much of anything before that.

On 11/22/2017 at 10:22 PM, Matt Skywalker said:

Sorry forgot to say that I'll be busy till Monday. Mentioned it on other threads

When you get a chance, please post IC to contribute to the dialogue.

Guys, thinking we need to put this to bed here. I like the idea of a super-powered roleplaying campaign, but with the level of inexperience and inactivity, it's just not going to get off the ground.

My recommendation would be to get your beginner level characters together and do some round-robin GMing like you were planning. Mistakes will be made, but that's okay.

If you want to salvage the story, have Tramp Graphics, Mychal'el, and Rakaydos work together to narrate your daring escape. The dark figure tries to stop you from leaving with his incredible Force powers—perhaps one of your master-level PCs stays behind so that the rest of you can escape aboard the Jedi Star. But all of you staying to fight him would mean death for your PCs, trust me.

Then you can get crunchy with the mechanics as you fast-forward to a time where you've gathered your apprentices and are actively teaching them the ways of the Force, sending them on missions together while you try to unravel the mystery of this latest threat to galactic peace.

All you need is one GM who has a main story in mind, and then you can alternate GMs who run the side missions.

But I'm just not up for continuing. I stayed long after the proposed trial period simply to finish out the first encounter :) ...and I think it's best if I leave the creativity in your hands. It could be a difference in play styles, which is contributing to a freezing of forward momentum; and I'm definitely sensing a difference in expectations from certain players. But in any case, you're the ones who had a vision for how the story was going to play out in the first place, so I think you're best suited to drive the story forward cooperatively.

My advice, again: ditch the high-powered roleplay—for now—with a narrative fast-forward (like a video game cutscene), and then do some apprentice level stuff to together.

8 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

If you want to salvage the story, have Tramp Graphics, Mychal'el, and Rakaydos work together to narrate your daring escape.

All you need is one GM who has a main story in mind, and then you can alternate GMs who run the side missions.

It could be a difference in play styles, which is contributing to a freezing of forward momentum; and I'm definitely sensing a difference in expectations from certain players.

My advice, again: ditch the high-powered roleplay—for now—with a narrative fast-forward (like a video game cutscene), and then do some apprentice level stuff to together.

I believe this story is definitely salvageable. The differences in play styles and expectations, however, may be irreconcilable (amicably) for me.

I've realized that I don't really like being a player. Perhaps Gensys will be different, but even with video games, I always liked the idea of creating them more than playing them.

So I would be willing to write an interactive cutscene that satisfies the expectations of all the players, and preserves the continuity of everyone's previous efforts. I'd have to get PMs from each of you to find out your character wishlists of course.

I'll write my character's out, and I can leave you guys with a satisfying end and an exciting new beginning with a big juicy plot thread to pull at.

...If y'all want.

Edited by Mychal'el

@awayputurwpn , I’m just waiting on @Matt Skywalker to post. I definitely feel the game is salvageable particularly if we can get a few more players, preferably experienced ones. I’ve been wanting to invite Satkas to join after we had completed this session. If you know any other experienced players to invite be my guest.

Edited by Tramp Graphics