PbP: Jedi Quest OOC

By awayputurwpn, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Don't you have a starting character?

If not make one

I'll help I know what its like to have this happen

Edited by Matt Skywalker
11 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

OK, I'll use my Lightsaber skill:

3eP+2eD : 1 success, 1 threat, 2 Triumph [3eP=S, Tr, Tr] [2eD=F/F, Th]
p-s.png p-tr.png p-tr.png d-f-f.png d-th.png

Niiiice. Will get some narrative up later tonight.

21 hours ago, Mychal'el said:

Well I guess that's curtains for me ...gently wafting curtains.

Good game guys. May the force be with you.

Don't count your character out yet.

Hey, @awayputurwpn , what are the chances Korath was able to recover his utility belt when he recovered his lightsaber, and with it, the rest of his gear? If I remember correctly, you did say that his belt had been taken. I don't necessarily mind needing to replace it, but...

4 hours ago, Matt Skywalker said:

// I'm going to save the armoured figure with the force

: 4eF 3 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
f-ls-ls.png f-ls.png f-ds-ds.png f-ds.png

One point to activate one to activate strength, and one to go to long range, if he's at extreme I'll use the dark side.//

Maa't reached out to the force. whoever this figure is, he doesn't deserve to die. he feels both sides but with the light he starts to lift the figure

This is my choice

What, killing your character?

21 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Hey, @awayputurwpn , what are the chances Korath was able to recover his utility belt when he recovered his lightsaber, and with it, the rest of his gear? If I remember correctly, you did say that his belt had been taken. I don't necessarily mind needing to replace it, but...

That will require a Destiny Point spent, and then add to your narration that you found it lying next to the door or something like that.

3 hours ago, Matt Skywalker said:

What, killing your character?

Mychal'el asked me if he could make a sacrifice for the party. I thought it sounded like a good idea.

I would encourage everyone to respect his wishes in this manner.

Not to mention that the troopers are almost upon you, and numbering at least in the dozens. Rules-wise, we're talking like 8 full minion groups and counting.

Maa't, would you like to aim your Force power at the oncoming troopers? They are at extreme range, but you can make a Discipline check to hurl some of them if you like! Give yourself and Jarash a running start.

13 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

That will require a Destiny Point spent, and then add to your narration that you found it lying next to the door or something like that.

That's a given. ?

As a reminder, I don't get notifications when you edit a post. If you do so, please post somewhere or PM me and let me know :) otherwise it's just sitting there for hours and I am unaware.

So, now we're just waiting on Tovera to act?

5 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I thought that was what my roll was determining already. :unsure: That's why I asked. What's the result of what it tells me? How close are each of these Force signatures to Korath and to each other, and what other details do I get about them from the two activations of the Magnitute upgrade?

As a player, I know of three other force sensitives aside from myself: Mychal'el (who's presumably dead), Maa't, and Tovera.

Let's use the OOC thread for OOC stuff.

I've given you instructions in the IC thread as to who to choose. The power requires a single, specific target. If you're confused, please read the description of the Seek power and magnitude upgrade on pages 302-303 of the Core Rulebook. The request I made just earlier is relevant, and will help the situation: when using a Force power (or talent, etc) please let me know what the effects are supposed to be (e.g. instead of "I use Seek on Brad," please give a description of the power such as, "I will activate the Seek basic power to gain insight into the general location or direction of Brad (regardless of current distance)." Sometimes, putting the power or talent into writing yourself will help the player work through the actual effect of said power/talent.

Finally, separating player knowledge from character knowledge, all the information that Korath has is what I posted in the IC thread. He doesn't know Tovera, Maa't. or Mychal'el. He also doesn't know that Mychal'el is presumably dead.

If you're still having trouble, just flip a coin. Heads = Archangel, Tails = Blackguard.

5 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

Let's use the OOC thread for OOC stuff.

I've given you instructions in the IC thread as to who to choose. The power requires a single, specific target. If you're confused, please read the description of the Seek power and magnitude upgrade on pages 302-303 of the Core Rulebook. The request I made just earlier is relevant, and will help the situation: when using a Force power (or talent, etc) please let me know what the effects are supposed to be (e.g. instead of "I use Seek on Brad," please give a description of the power such as, "I will activate the Seek basic power to gain insight into the general location or direction of Brad (regardless of current distance)." Sometimes, putting the power or talent into writing yourself will help the player work through the actual effect of said power/talent.

Finally, separating player knowledge from character knowledge, all the information that Korath has is what I posted in the IC thread. He doesn't know Tovera, Maa't. or Mychal'el. He also doesn't know that Mychal'el is presumably dead.

If you're still having trouble, just flip a coin. Heads = Archangel, Tails = Blackguard.

I get that, I'm literally seeking out the closest Force signature(s). I don't remember the terms "Archangel" and "Blackguard" used previously, which is what confused me. Korath's looking specifically for the same Force signature (s) that were virtually right around to corner from him, he was originally headed towards before getting blind-sided by that Dark Sider (which would have been Maa't and Tovera). Whether Maa't was "Blackguard" or "Archangel", I don't know.

Okay that's good enough. I'll get an IC post up hopefully tonight.

Hey all, I'm away on anniversary vacation as of now. Posting will be pretty spotty, but feel free to roleplay. You're out of combat for the moment, but not out of danger. Feel free to add some detail to your surroundings and narrate your attempts to find each other.

@Tramp Graphics if you dont mind I'll take chundarr now.

Recognise the refernence BTW

All yours.

Had some time, so here's what we'll do. Essentially, what we've got going is a chase. I'll need everyone to go IC and make Simple (-) Athletics checks ASAP, since you're all either running away from danger and/or trying to catch each other.

14 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

Had some time, so here's what we'll do. Essentially, what we've got going is a chase. I'll need everyone to go IC and make Simple (-) Athletics checks ASAP, since you're all either running away from danger and/or trying to catch each other.

Is there any sort of direct path or objects I can use to Freerun directly to the others? I have Freerunning , Shortcut , Improved Shortcut and Enhance .

1 minute ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Is there any sort of direct path or objects I can use to Freerun directly to the others? I have Freerunning , Shortcut , Improved Shortcut and Enhance .

Depends on the Athletics check!

6 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

Depends on the Athletics check!

Rolled and posted in IC thread.

@awayputurwpn any updates?

Yep, apologies once again, some family stuff came up and I lost a chunk of what I was writing :/ embarrassing since I always cloud save, but not this time. Tonight for sure.

I'm going to flip a destiny point and use mind over matter.

@awayputurwpn , while Korath is taking that trip down, I'd like to purge the Dark Sider's crystal. As a Lightside Paragon, it is something I can do. You do have to option to require a Discipline check, but it's not absolutely mandatory. If you feel like I should hold off until we get to the ship, I can. It's up to you.