PbP: Jedi Quest OOC

By awayputurwpn, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

7 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

I'm out for the evening GMing a local game. Feel free to take your turns, and I'll finish the narrative in Korath's scene tomorrow morning.

Have fun. ?

@Tramp Graphics ,

17 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

The Dark Sider sent a blast of lightning from his fingers at Korath, who caught it on his blade, hurling it back against his foe.

"What part of

19 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

Reflect will not work against Force lighting

17 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

did you not understand?"

I agree with you @Tramp Graphics that the RAW is wrong because it's not only featured in the movies, it's a major plot point! There also really should be an Improved Reflect that bounces blaster fire back to the enemies, that's clearly in the movies and tv shows too. I wonder if any house rules have fixed that...

I need a picket sign that says "FFG FAIL!"

(Some on this forum might think I'm blasphemous because they worship FFG RAW)

I can't wait for Gensys though! House rules rule! :lol:

Edited by Mychal'el

There is an Improved Reflect that bounces blaster fire back to the enemies.

What we see in the movies, as I explained to @Tramp Graphics , is the Protect power doing what it was designed to do. Lightsabers often confer defensive bonuses (Setback dice), which apply to Unleash because it's a combat check. RAW holds up.

Furthermore, if I give a firm ruling such as the above quoted by @Mychal'el (where I specifically identified a talent that wouldn't work), please don't argue a point or talk about how bad you think the rule is. As I said before, we'll debrief after the encounter, so please keep notes and bring them up then. Until that time, please trust that I know what I'm doing as a GM.

So let's get on with the game.

1 hour ago, awayputurwpn said:

Until that time, please trust that I know what I'm doing as a GM.

I never doubted you as a GM or your ruling. I was pointing to your ruling as the authority actually (see quotes). I just have it out for the establishment, not authority in general.

Apparently I was confused by their use of the word "Reflect"

But yes, I will comply

Thank you for correcting me

Edited by Mychal'el

So, @awayputurwpn , any new narrations for the IC thread?

Had to work late this morning, but will have something up soon. Mychal'el's roll did something interesting.

37 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

// Here's how we'll handle it: at the top of the next round, the two of you will make a contested check. For now, the Ensnare quality applies to both of you as you are trying to one-up the other. //

So, are we talking another Protect roll or what?

It will be a Contested check, his Resilience skill against your Resilience or Lightsaber skill (or other skill, if you can make a good case for it). The winner of the check will be able to direct the Burn quality of the previous Unleash attack at the loser for that round (Burn 2, base damage 9).

During this time, the Protect/Unleash power is unavailable to you both, but you are welcome to use your action on your turn to use another Force power, so long as it doesn't involve moving around.

(the aforementioned Mace Windu vs Darth Sidious is a good example of what's happening here. If you have any ideas as to what you'd like to try for your action, lay em on me!)

5 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

It will be a Contested check, his Resilience skill against your Resilience or Lightsaber skill (or other skill, if you can make a good case for it). The winner of the check will be able to direct the Burn quality of the previous Unleash attack at the loser for that round (Burn 2, base damage 9).

During this time, the Protect/Unleash power is unavailable to you both, but you are welcome to use your action on your turn to use another Force power, so long as it doesn't involve moving around.

(the aforementioned Mace Windu vs Darth Sidious is a good example of what's happening here. If you have any ideas as to what you'd like to try for your action, lay em on me!)

OK. That's what I wanted to know. Your post kind of confused me because it didn't say what skill to use

Just now, Tramp Graphics said:

OK. That's what I wanted to know. Your post kind of confused me because it didn't say what skill to use

Yeah it's basically whatever you can justify in the narrative. It's not coming just yet though, so I didn't want to outline the process several posts before it actually goes down, because I've found that those kinds of things get forgotten and I end up having to repeat myself anyway :D

But now you know. And knowing...

5 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

Yeah it's basically whatever you can justify in the narrative. It's not coming just yet though, so I didn't want to outline the process several posts before it actually goes down, because I've found that those kinds of things get forgotten and I end up having to repeat myself anyway :D

But now you know. And knowing...

Is half the battle. ?

I really dated dated myself there.?

You and me both ;)

G.I. Joe is timeless

4 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

He readied himself for the final strike that would collapse the entire walkway, jumping up through the gap. All it would take was one final plunge of the lightsaber, straight down.

// With the Advantage rolled, everyone has one action to get clear of the collapsing bridge, and can make two maneuvers to do so, on top of an Easy Athletics/Coordination check, upgraded once (1eC). This means that Maa't and Tovera can maneuver through the south exit, and Jarash & Chundarr can go north/northwest. If any of you want to traverse the long range, you can try, but the Athletics or Coordination attempt will be a Hard Difficulty upgrade thrice, plus two setbacks for the walker who is still tracking targets (so 3eC+2eS). //

I know it's for the next round because I just had my turn but which way is my exit after I finish the bridge off?

Edited by Mychal'el
8 minutes ago, Mychal'el said:

I know it's for the next round because I just had my turn but which way is my exit after I finish the bridge off?

South is the closest exit to you, along with Tovera and Maa't.

Pg 301, F&D

"The Force user makes an Unleash power check and rolls a Ranged Attack as part of the roll. The attack uses an average discipline check instead of the normal difficulty for ranged attacks."

Pg150, F&D

"When a character suffers a hit from a Range Light, Range Heavy or Gunnery combat check..."

Huh. I never noticed that before.

I think I would understand the book better if it was translated into Mando'a LOL

Edited by Mychal'el
6 hours ago, Rakaydos said:

With everyoe else clearing off the bridge, Jarash puts a handful more shots into the critical remaining segmets of the bridge...

I'm not off the bridge yet, will this kill me??????

Edited by Mychal'el
1 hour ago, Mychal'el said:

I'm not off the bridge yet, will this kill me??????

The dice haven't been rolled yet, so no way to know that ;)

2 hours ago, Rakaydos said:

Lets get Mcheal off the bridge before the collapse.

Thanks. Was that intended for IC?

I can totally make it off in time, I'm pretty sure, maybe, what's the difficulty @awayputurwpn ?

Also what's the likelihood the walker can save itself without my interference?

I maybe want to try a Captain Falcon style jump-grab-kick-backflip off the walker/ fly back to the ledge! Cap's aerial up-B recovery move.


Edited by Mychal'el
8 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

// What would you like to do with the Triumph? //

2 hours ago, Rakaydos said:

Lets get Mcheal off the bridge before the collapse.

I just realized you were spending your triumph. I thought it was narration.

Edited by Mychal'el
17 hours ago, Mychal'el said:

I can totally make it off in time, I'm pretty sure, maybe, what's the difficulty @awayputurwpn ?

Also what's the likelihood the walker can save itself without my interference?

I maybe want to try a Captain Falcon style jump-grab-kick-backflip off the walker/ fly back to the ledge! Cap's aerial up-B recovery move.


(Sorry, I didn't see the post edit til just now) You will need the following:

An Enhance + Athletics Roll, with 2 Force points. The difficulty of just jumping to safety and leaving the walker to its own devices is Average (1eC+1eD+2eS) or Daunting (1eC+3eD+2eS), depending on whether you want to leap into the nearby open doorway to the south or onto the much more distant portion of the walkway to the north, near the turbolifts.

The difficulty of making sure the walker goes by jump-grab-kick-backflipping before you jump to safety is Impossible (Destiny Point needed, 4eC+1eD+2eS). The 3 difficulty upgrades are for its Silhouette 3 (it has a lot of mass), and one for a DS Destiny Point flip.

The setbacks are for the fact that the structure is currently collapsing around you.

There is a possibility that if you simply jump to safety, the walker will be able to make it off the collapsing bridge as well. You aren't aware of how likely or unlikely that is.

Ok, I can have it up tonight

Well I guess that's curtains for me ...gently wafting curtains.

Good game guys. May the force be with you.