PbP: Jedi Quest OOC

By awayputurwpn, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

You can talk to Tovera, but at the moment she's taken cover and is biding her time at medium range from the walker (and also, now, from you) so you'll need to shout at her. Once you have each other's comm frequencies, communication will be easier ;)

8 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

You can talk to Tovera, but at the moment she's taken cover and is biding her time at medium range from the walker

So did I pass her on a narrow catwalk without seeing her? Would a vigilance check be an incidental?

57 minutes ago, Mychal'el said:

So did I pass her on a narrow catwalk without seeing her? Would a vigilance check be an incidental?

Well it's not that narrow. I don't think I ever called it a catwalk. It's about 3 meters across, give or take. But in any case I figured I'd give you freedom in the narrative; given that she'd taken cover, you might not have seen her as you blew past.

41 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

given that she'd taken cover, you might not have seen her as you blew past.

Ok, just wondering

ANy Storm Trooper blasters lying around?

11 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

ANy Storm Trooper blasters lying around?

Most definitely. There are a couple very dead stormtroopers engaged with Chundarr, whose blasters and shields are all in perfect working order.

Edited by awayputurwpn

Chundarr grabs the largest one he can find to blast the walker (since he has no ranged weapons as of yet). What kind is it?

It's your standard issue F11-D blaster rifle, with an electroscope and a folding stock. Remember that the walker has no Adversary talent, but I will spend a Destiny Point to upgrade the Difficulty once (so it's 2eD+1eC at long range).

OK, I don't have the stats on that weapon. but once Mychal'el and Maa't are done, I'll post Chundarr's actions in the IC thread.

14 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

OK, I don't have the stats on that weapon. but once Mychal'el and Maa't are done, I'll post Chundarr's actions in the IC thread.

Cool beans. It's a standard blaster rifle. 9 damage, crit 3, long range. You don't need to do the math for the damage this round, since the stormtroopers guarding the walker just take one hit to go down, regardless of damage.

2 minutes ago, Rakaydos said:

Examining the supports under the heavy walker, Tovera tested a vibroknucker against the metal. Perhaps the whole thing could be brought down from here by dropping the bridge from under it.

You can make a Simple (1eD) Skulduggery check or an Easy (1eC) Mechanics check (Difficulty upgrade accounted for). Degree of Success will determine how effective a solution can be wrought with Tovera's direction.

Hey @Rakaydos , could you please roll 1eC instead of the 1eD that you rolled for Difficulty. Trying to get you guys some Destiny Points ;) You can keep the two green dice rolled.

Edited by awayputurwpn

difficulty : 1eC 0 successes, 2 threat

Thank you! Results will be IC when I have the time to form a cogent post :)

Korath spends five minutes using Heal, once a minute, to recover Wound Points. Posted In the IC thread.

56 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Korath spends five minutes using Heal, once a minute, to recover Wound Points. Posted In the IC thread.

Cool, good initiative! However, you're in structured time with the rest of us, and you just woke up :) So just one roll for now (you can keep the first one), and you'll also need to roll an Formidable (4eD+1eC ) Discipline or Resilience check in order to use the Force. The reason why will become clear momentarily.

Also, I failed to mention that you were at your Wound Threshold (hence the consciousness). So your Wounds should be 18 prior to the Heal power check.

You're not sure at the moment how or why you were healed/woken.

Edited by awayputurwpn
3 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

Cool, good initiative! However, you're in structured time with the rest of us, and you just woke up :) So just one roll for now (you can keep the first one), and you'll also need to roll an Impossible (4eD+1eC ) Discipline or Resilience check in order to use the Force. The reason why will become clear momentarily.

Also, I failed to mention that you were at your Wound Threshold (hence the consciousness). So your Wounds should be 18 prior to the Heal power check.

You're not sure at the moment how or why you were healed/woken.


2eA+1eP+4eD+1eC : 2 failures, 2 threat [2eA=-, A/A] [1eP=A] [4eD=Th/Th, Th, F, Th] [1eC=F/Th]
a--.png a-a-a.png p-a.png d-th-th.png d-th.png d-f.png d-th.png c-f-th.png

Thanks! Will get IC post up and the round will reset in just a moment.

@Tramp Graphics the limits of Korath's situation aren't meant to be a complete shutdown of your PC, but a limitation. Feel free to get creative—just because you can't easily make Force power checks and can't perform maneuvers, there might be other things Korath could do on his turn besides brute-forcing his restraints or neural disruptor.

Something to think about!

15 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

@Tramp Graphics the limits of Korath's situation aren't meant to be a complete shutdown of your PC, but a limitation. Feel free to get creative—just because you can't easily make Force power checks and can't perform maneuvers, there might be other things Korath could do on his turn besides brute-forcing his restraints or neural disruptor.

Something to think about!

I don't need brute force to get out of restraints. I have a Coordination of YYG and Skullduggery of YG . Same difficulty for Coordination ?

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Sure, thing you could make a Daunting (4eD+2eS) Coordination check as well. The setbacks are for the position in which your find yourself...not a whole lot of wiggle room.

6 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

Sure, thing you could make a Daunting (4eD+2eS) Coordination check as well. The setbacks are for the position in which your find yourself...not a whole lot of wiggle room.

Coordination:slip bonds

1eA+2eP+4eD+2eS : 1 success, 4 threat
a-a.png p-s-s.png p-s-a.png d-th.png d-th.png d-f-th.png d-f-th.png s-th.png s-th.png

Oh, okay. Go ahead and throw up the narrative! You've slipped your bonds and have two maneuvers left. You can do things like stand up, remove the neural disruptor, etc. Your gear is not on your person, except for your robes.

I'll fill in the Threat after you describe the success.