Where is the First Order?

By Raging Celt, in Star Wars: Legion

18 minutes ago, VAYASAN said:

Ep1 , yes childish, only becomes more like a star wars film when the door opens and Maul is there to confront the Jedi.

Ep 2, sluggish plot, poor efects aging agreed.

Ep3 imo is brilliant and shows Anakins downfall and rise of the empire brilliantly. Love so many bits such as Obi Wan coming down the ramp to confront his pupil. Only real bad thing for me is 'the high ground'.

Droid army agreed....so many spider bots etc it looked like they were giving children a robot wars exhibition. A bit like now with TLJ, everyone loves ATAT walkers...but somehow Disney imagined people would love them more if they looked like they had gorilla arms........no.

EP 1 - you mean the grumpy looking, black suited boy. He only looks so angry because at the birthday party he cames from, he would have the unicorn face painting not the cat.

Ep 3 - For my opinion the mind change is far too fast from "the emperor is the sith, we must arrest him" to "I will kill all the children".

@gorilla AT-AT's I absolutly agree with you. This was like "Look AT-AT's! You like AT-AT's so we build them bigger with fat legs! That is so cool, so other but same."

Btw in my native language the trade federation aliens, have french accent. It is absolutely weird and unfunny to see at least coward frog like aliens with french accent as the most present villains.

Edited by TobiWan
15 minutes ago, TobiWan said:

EP 1 - you mean the grumpy looking, black suited boy. He only looks so angry because at the birthday party he cames from, he would have the unicorn face painting not the cat.

Ep 3 - For my opinion the mind change is far too fast from "the emperor is the sith, we must arrest him" to "I will kill all the children".

@gorilla AT-AT's I absolutly agree with you. This was like "Look AT-AT's! You like AT-AT's so we build them bigger with fat legs! That is so cool, so other but same."

Btw in my native language the trade federation aliens, have french accent. It is absolutely weird and unfunny to see at least coward frog like aliens with french accent as the most present villains.

Agree with everything cept the Anakin mind change, it had obviously been on his mind all along that the Jedi were as 'good' as advertised...and when it came to the crunch, he could go down the path that would see his wife die, so committed fully to the dark side. Dont see a problem with it myself.

15 hours ago, Animewarsdude said:

I think the Darth Vader comics take place after Rebels, since the queen he fights is just an egg in Rebels.

You are 100% correct, and that's my fault. I was attempting to reference "Dark Lord of the Sith" which starts right at the "Noooooo"

3 hours ago, VAYASAN said:

Agree with everything cept the Anakin mind change, it had obviously been on his mind all along that the Jedi were as 'good' as advertised...and when it came to the crunch, he could go down the path that would see his wife die, so committed fully to the dark side. Dont see a problem with it myself.

I think at least this is matter of opinion. For me it was a real motherfu....ng move, because it was like an hour in filmrealtime, from "I hvae doubts" to "kill the jedi , the younglings too". But I've no problem if anybody say it's ok for him.

Edited by TobiWan
11 minutes ago, TobiWan said:

I think at least this is matter of opinion. For me it was a real motherfu....ng move, because it was like an hour in filmrealtime, from "I hvae doubts" to "kill the jedi , the younglings too". But I've no problem if anybody say it's ok for him.

For me it was more that he as a kid and growing up had lost everything and as far was he was concerned, he was facing the one hing he really cared about that he still had (Padame) and Palpatine manipulated the situation.

He couldnt face losing her. Then he realised what he had done and went all in as he didnt have much choice but side with Palpatine.

4 hours ago, TobiWan said:

Sorry, but in this case I'm a "hater". Episode I was in my opinion a very terrible, unnecessary childish movie, the plot of Episode II was not very interesting for me and Episode III has very worst plot holes and logic brakes in the whole film universe. For all three movies I can honestly say, the most effects aged terrible.

About the design of the droid army, I'm not a fan. In my opinion they looks to clumsy. In expression Big spiders with big round eyes and long laser-canon noses, fragile battle droids. I mean, common, no one expected them as the intellectual beasts on the battlefield. But they loose head, arms and legs and be defeated by shock waves where a human will fall to ground in maximum? Who will build a BATTLE droid with such a durability? The clone army on the other side, is the imperial army with slightly changed armor.

Growing up in the prequel era was only to a small degree about the movies, but rather about the games, toys, general merchandise, comics, and cartoons. While many of those I grew up with can't see it, I know that the movies are at the very least dramaticaly flawed, but I am still very nostalgic for the imagery.

Now for those designs - I think they are more hit than miss. The main line battle droids are sadly never allowed to act it, but the design ist pretty sleek. The colour pallet of the trade federation is a pleasant beige. The destroyers are just cool, as are vulture droids (when they aren't ruined by stupid slapstick humor). And the clone army is definitly way different from the imperial one. The vehicles are much smaller (AT-RT vs. AT-ST i.e.) and their design is a lot more varied and elegant. The colour pallet also is way more open with bold colours on almost any design.

I think they should just head all the way back to the Old Republic next. Who doesn’t want to see armies of Sith and Jedi pitted against each other for control of the galaxy’s destiny?

On 4/18/2018 at 7:40 PM, boogle22 said:

People will do a disservice to the game if we do not fill out the armies we have no before moving on. FFG will already be making neutral units between imperial and rebel waves.

bless this man for telling the truth. I've known many games that have died too quickly because they released content too fast or not at all. If you run out of or rush content, then the players are killing the game more than the developers.

5 hours ago, Copes said:

You are 100% correct, and that's my fault. I was attempting to reference "Dark Lord of the Sith" which starts right at the "Noooooo"

Its all good, I've only read the first few issues so I didn't know if they had flash backs or something filling out earlier bits.

1 hour ago, LordUrban said:

I think they should just head all the way back to the Old Republic next. Who doesn’t want to see armies of Sith and Jedi pitted against each other for control of the galaxy’s destiny?

This is where my hate comes out. I generally abhor the old republic setting. Knigts of the Old Republic was one of the most lackluster, railroading, and predictable games I have ever played.

I find something ironic about it now though, I've seen many complain about the lasy design of the first order, and the design principles applied to the sequel trilogy could also be applied to the old republic.

If the sequels are lazy, the kotor games doubly so.

Why were peoples underpants/every piece of clothing made from cortosis?

Answer is poor game mechanics/underlying rules system for those games.

But as much as I truly hate the offal that is the kotor setting, if you like it.. cool. Hope they make an army for you. Personally, I'd rather see the sequels stuff, but there is room for it.

I hope Disney goes for more source creation in the Galactic Empire age. Stuff from the Solo to Endor time period. Stuff where they give more droids, tanks, troopers, specialists, and characters.

On 4/19/2018 at 3:28 AM, Yodhrin said:

Hopefully in a galaxy far, far away from here, where they will remain for a long time.

There is a *lot* of GCW-era material to cover before Apple Store Stormtroopers and Army Surplus Rebels should get a look in.

“Apple Store Stormtroopers”

^ HA. They totally are! How did I not notice this?? The AppleStormtroopers.

“Introducing ‘iTrooper’.

Galactic Soldiering, simplif-i-ed.

’Let the past d-i-e.’


Coming this holiday season, ABY 150.

Designed by Apple in California.”


On 4/18/2018 at 6:57 PM, That Blasted Samophlange said:

While the old grognards will play the game, the new movies are what many youngsters are familiar with, and these youngsters are the next generation of gamers. The First Order and Resistance need to be included as do prequel content.

If this is true, I weep for Star Wars.

it doesn't matter what we hate or like. Finish what you start. After the devs make all the OT units they can think up go ahead into the prequels or the new movies. Although the prequels were horrendous, ALL OF THEM. I will not deny someone their love of something, but let the devs flesh out this universe from a far far away before any others.

11 hours ago, Yodhrin said:

That presumes the only people who could be interested in Legion are those presently aware of it. The reality is plenty of folk will only stumble upon the game well after they've started added non-GCW era content, or will hear about it because of the doubtless big buzz if & when they do push out PT/ST content, or will periodically swing back around and see what's been happening since their last year+ ago check-in, etc etc.

I mean, look at Games Workshop. They treated Sisters of Battle - both their players and their fiction - like hot garbage for 20 years with absolutely zero real hint that they intended their attitude to change, now they're finally giving them the all-plastic range revamp they needed(they've been using pretty much the same all-metal models since the 90's) and while there's some skepticism and grumbling people are, generally, hyped; and most of those people aren't the folk who've been waiting 20 years to see the faction given its due, they're new players or returning players or people who collected other armies but will give the Sisters another look once they have a modern miniature range.

The most important factors in whether or not PT/ST content would succeed for Legion are A: the models are good, and B: they let people know it's coming long enough before it does that they can plan to make purchases. The first is pretty assured, even on predominantly-GW forums only the snobbiest "miniature collector" types were dumping on Legion's models, and the second only requires four to six months of notice(longer would be better in a general sense, but in a "this box of models is coming out on this date" sense a few months is usually sufficient for those of us who actually have to budget our hobby spending to make adjustments).

No. No, no, no. No.


First, as the mere words “Games Workshop” make me want to bash my head against the wall, though I don’t really care much about the wall, I am somewhat fond of my head, I will certainly not be ‘looking’ at GW, metaphorically or otherwise, for my own safety.

It is an undeniable, scientific fact that GW has nothing but sheer contempt for their customers. Except perhaps the earliest days, they always have, and they still do. What has changed is not their *attitude*, but their *circumstances*. This has been happening for the past many many years, of course, but GW being the brain dead twats that they are, have only just now noticed that not only do they have actual competitors who are doing basically the same type of thing as they are, but many of these competitors (such as, well... FFG) are doing said things approximately 800 infinity billion times *better* than them. At least, that’s what the consumers seem to think, given that FFG et al continue to experience explosive growth while GW continues to hemorrhage business and money. As everyone knows, there is only thing that GW despises almost as much as their customers: change. Specifically, change as it relates to anything they do and/or how they go about doing it. However, recently, for the it’s time in a couple decades they have suddenly (in their own *** backwards way, somewhat) been acting in direct opposition to *both* of those... principles(?)... They are doing relatively new/different things, *and* those things are, incredibly enough, things that their customers actually *want*, eg advancing the narrative, remembering that the Sisters of Battle exist- ****, they’re bringing back the SQUATS (well, *a* squat...)! The SQUATS. That there is some **** omega-level fanservice.

How do we reconcile this madness? Has the universe flipped its wig? Is the end of days come? Ragnarok? The Wolftime? The Illuminati? Magnets!? (Still don’t know how those work...).

Is it possible that GW has spontaneously grown something resembling a human heart to replace the shriveled black abomination that resides in their chest...? They say anything’s possible... mmm...

No. ‘They’ lied. Some things are not, in fact, possible. This is one of them.

What then? Well, I’m glad you asked. It’s quite simple. Something motivates GW which outweighs the combined hatred of both of GW’s 2 most hated thing. There is only one force in the cosmos with that much power. The one thing that GW loves most; one thing they love more than they hate all that they hate. One thing.


There is nothing on Gods green earth that GW loves more than money. (Though Space Marines are a relatively close second. Especially if they’re blue.) GW would set their grandma on fire if someone offered them ten bucks and they thought they could away with it. And hey, you know what? That’s fine. (Liking money, I mean. Not setting your grandma on fire. That’s horrible.) They’re a business. That’s kinda the point. No problem. But don’t try to act like you’re doing it outta the goodness of your heart because we’re your best friends and you just want us to be happy cause you love us soooo much. No. Get outta here with that. You are not my friend. You don’t care about me. You just want my money. No problem. I don’t blame you. I want my money too. That’s why I got it. Offer me something sufficiently cool, and you can have it. That’s business. Simple. That goes for GW, FFG, whatever. I like FFG. I like the way they do business. But FFG is not my friend. I’m quite content with this arrangement- I have too many friends as it is. I don’t need any more friends. However, I *do* need more little plastic Star Wars mans to move around on a table and shoot other little plastic Star Wars mans while wearing my and making “Pew pew pew” noises and laughing at my brother-in-law as his pitiful terrorist insurgents are crushed by the brave soldiers of the Empire, defending the citizens of the galaxy from ne’er do wells and maintaining order and the rule of law in place of the chaos and anarchy that such misguided ‘freedom fighters’ would seek to impose, to the detriment of all society. I do this while wearing my Darth Vader helmet and hitting him with my lightsaber when he inevitably loses, because I’m a goddamn adult and I got my priorities straight. But I digress.

Point being, GW finally noticed that doing the same **** for 20 years isn’t working anymore. And it is working less and less at an uncomfortable rate. And now they’re panicking. At first, they just tried pulling some random **** out of their *** that, despite their endless statements to the contrary, NO ONE asked for (ie ‘Age of 8thmar’). But it *was* different... so... the result would be different... and ‘does work’ is different than ‘doesn’t work’, therefore, it would work. Boom. Problem solved. The Emperor protects.

Except no. It didn’t. And he doesn’t. This was and probably still is a genuine shock to them. Now, they’re *really* panicking. They are downright desperate. Desperate times, desperate measures and all... Thus, the unthinkable: “What if... we... listen... to the customers... it’s so crazy, it just might work...”.

ERGO... it only took 20 years, but we’re getting those plastic Sisters of Battle...

It just might’ve been enough, too...

Maybe... like... 5 years ago...


A lot can happen in 5 years. And it has.

Nobody told GW.

3 hours ago, kenngp said:

If this is true, I weep for Star Wars.

Why do you feel the need to weep for people enjoying Star Wars? Not some **** knock-off, completely legitimate brand name Star Wars. What is it with people being so exclusive of what they love and despise within something they really enjoy?

9 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

This is where my hate comes out. I generally abhor the old republic setting. Knigts of the Old Republic was one of the most lackluster, railroading, and predictable games I have ever played.

I find something ironic about it now though, I've seen many complain about the lasy design of the first order, and the design principles applied to the sequel trilogy could also be applied to the old republic.

If the sequels are lazy, the kotor games doubly so.

Why were peoples underpants/every piece of clothing made from cortosis?

Answer is poor game mechanics/underlying rules system for those games.

But as much as I truly hate the offal that is the kotor setting, if you like it.. cool. Hope they make an army for you. Personally, I'd rather see the sequels stuff, but there is room for it.


You did NOT just compare The Old Republic to that.... abomination...

That did not just happen.

That is a statement of fact.

None of that ever happened, let’s all go on with our lives.

“Move along... Move along...”

(Ok, I’ll admit, the thing about Cortosis underpants did make me laugh. That was kinda silly. But in all fairness, Star Wars has more than its share of sillinesses... like how fully armored stormtroopers being bonked with a stick by a muppet results in instant death... or really stormtroopers in general...)

12 hours ago, LordUrban said:

I think they should just head all the way back to the Old Republic next. Who doesn’t want to see armies of Sith and Jedi pitted against each other for control of the galaxy’s destiny?


8 hours ago, SirKyleJordan said:


You did NOT just compare The Old Republic to that.... abomination...

That did not just happen.

That is a statement of fact.

None of that ever happened, let’s all go on with our lives.

“Move along... Move along...”

(Ok, I’ll admit, the thing about Cortosis underpants did make me laugh. That was kinda silly. But in all fairness, Star Wars has more than its share of sillinesses... like how fully armored stormtroopers being bonked with a stick by a muppet results in instant death... or really stormtroopers in general...)

Not only did I compare it, I stand by it. From my point if view, kotor is the abomination.

10 hours ago, SirKyleJordan said:

No. No, no, no. No.



I wasn't actually trying to delve into GW's motivations, cynical or otherwise, just pointing out that it's not actually necessary for FFG to announce concrete plans for PT/ST stuff right at his very moment in order for them to be successful sales-wise in the eventual future time they actually release them. It might result in a few fans of those eras who are presently interested in the possibility of PT/ST Legion being driven away, just as plenty of Sisters players were driven away over the years by GW's silence, but just as with the Sisters PT/ST content will still be successful if & when they release some because, providing the models are good, many of the people who will buy them don't even know Legion exists yet, or are happy doing GCW stuff for the moment, or will find when the time comes that their annoyance at their favoured era being left out of the initial run is overcome by their desire to play in it when that becomes possible.

I agree the prequel movies weren't that good. One can do much more with CGI and a plastic model, so who is to say what that era figures will look like? I say finish GCW first, even if it is only two factions. FFG has mentioned Scarif and Lothal in Legion articles, so I expect "Rogue One" and "Ghost" miniatures before we see pre or post GCW.

When someone complains about a corporate entity not doing what “the customers” want, that means not doing what the author wants, yeah?

50 minutes ago, Bohemian73 said:

I agree the prequel movies weren't that good. One can do much more with CGI and a plastic model, so who is to say what that era figures will look like? I say finish GCW first, even if it is only two factions. FFG has mentioned Scarif and Lothal in Legion articles, so I expect "Rogue One" and "Ghost" miniatures before we see pre or post GCW.

The problem here is you can't “finish” the Original Era. As new stories get-written (games, movies, comics, etc) you add new units that others will want.

I do agree the existing factions should be fleshed out more, but releasing an Army Box* for a faction, minus dice, rules, and rulers, could work. Also, it can run concurrantly to other releases.

* By army box I mean the equivalent to what we get in the core box for each faction. Commander, two squads and a support unit. Release these units as stand alone expansions, you have an army done with relatively little work.

Adding in new factions, especially if the do play differently, will help keep the game fresh, as opposed to countless mirror matches of Vader on Vader action.

I don't disagree that Scum could be a faction, I still only see two factions for GCW. Scum doesn't fit all dark or all light IMHO.

2 hours ago, Bohemian73 said:

I don't disagree that Scum could be a faction, I still only see two factions for GCW. Scum doesn't fit all dark or all light IMHO.

I've mentioned before that ‘scum’ should have characters that are light side allied or dark side allied and can be bought by the allied faction, or some of these ‘scum’ characters should work like an AI controlled enemy.