Where is the First Order?

By Raging Celt, in Star Wars: Legion

There are hints of the Clone Wars but where is the First Order era?

Relax. One era at a time.

Hmm. Didn't realize I was hyperventilating. All good.

Legion is adverised as GCW-era. That was true of X-Wing for a long time but there are obviously ships from TFA now.

Edited by Manchu

There's a ton of stuff right in the core Episode 4-6 era of the GCW, then they can tap into E 1-3 since they pretty much had real set-piece battles happening, and then add in Rogue One and the E7-9 era too... So many expansion options.

They need to stay as far way as possible from the First Order and Resistance, they are just reskinned Rebels and Imperials adding nothing new to the game except minor stat changes and bad characters

Ever heard of "the first shall be last?"

41 minutes ago, garciaj113 said:

They need to stay as far way as possible from the First Order and Resistance, they are just reskinned Rebels and Imperials adding nothing new to the game except minor stat changes and bad characters

I disagree. I really enjoy the sequels, and so does my 5 year old.

Technically speaking, all new units will offer minor stat changes. Really, how different are stormtroopers and snow troopers? They have one ability difference, everything else the same (for the base unit).

While the old grognards will play the game, the new movies are what many youngsters are familiar with, and these youngsters are the next generation of gamers. The First Order and Resistance need to be included as do prequel content.

Heck, a First Order army box (or CIS) would be a good way to introduce them as a new army.

Also, another reason to add the First Order is no minis exist for the new movies. There are some out there that will also use their Legion minis to play role-playing games, and want the new units.

But if you don't like the sequel content, don't buy it. But just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't worthy.

23 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Really, how different are stormtroopers and snow troopers? They have one ability difference, everything else the same (for the base unit).

Nope, Snowtroopers have lower speed.

And Fleet Troopers and Rebel Troopers have different weapons.

I'm personally not averse to eventually there being ST factions, but I'd prefer they work through the well established OT and PT material first. Because there is so little established for the Resistance and First Order right now, their basic units would just be Rebel Troopers and Stormtroopers with slightly different sculpts. Battle Droids would easily be quite different from regular infantry, and Clone Troopers should be distinct due to their specific training and upbringing. Once LFL lets the training wheels off and we can seriously start exploring the sequel era, build up a more robust selection of units, then FFG should move into it.

You'd be out of First Order and Resistance units to use in less than 6 months, and they'd just be like Empire and Rebels units. Meanwhile FFG could go for years digging into Legends or even their own in-house material and never run out of Rebel and Imperial units.

Nothing but the original trilogy should be released until 3-4 options are available for every type of unit for each army. Settle down with the first order and ALL other star wars properties. THEY WILL COME IN TIME, maybe not all of them though. Chillax. The OT is the most beloved part of the star wars universe bar none. Let FFG do their job and churn out some cool units from all of the three original trilogy movies. Guys we primarily have units form only endor and a little hoth. Let ffg make more units before whining about other S*** would you? I am not talking about anybody here but there are people just yelling for everything else. Let the process continue.

Edited by boogle22

People will do a disservice to the game if we do not fill out the armies we have no before moving on. FFG will already be making neutral units between imperial and rebel waves.

Not that it means anything, but Clone wars is closer in time than first order. I am thinking clone wars will come before first order because of content and canon is established.

3 hours ago, UnitOmega said:

Nope, Snowtroopers have lower speed.

And Fleet Troopers and Rebel Troopers have different weapons.

I'm personally not averse to eventually there being ST factions, but I'd prefer they work through the well established OT and PT material first. Because there is so little established for the Resistance and First Order right now, their basic units would just be Rebel Troopers and Stormtroopers with slightly different sculpts. Battle Droids would easily be quite different from regular infantry, and Clone Troopers should be distinct due to their specific training and upbringing. Once LFL lets the training wheels off and we can seriously start exploring the sequel era, build up a more robust selection of units, then FFG should move into it.

You'd be out of First Order and Resistance units to use in less than 6 months, and they'd just be like Empire and Rebels units. Meanwhile FFG could go for years digging into Legends or even their own in-house material and never run out of Rebel and Imperial units.

Fair enough, I missed the speed, but still, there isn't much difference and that comes down to the game mechanics, as we get more units we are bound to get identical or near identical units.

Legion is in a strange place right now. Two factions isn't enough, but so early into its infancy, it needs to get established.

As much as I really want first order troops - I honestly love the look of them, I do admit that it would make more sense to add in the confederacy from clone wars. But that brings up the issue of how similar the clones will be to stormtroopers.

4 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

While the old grognards will play the game, the new movies are what many youngsters are familiar with, and these youngsters are the next generation of gamers. The First Order and Resistance need to be included as do prequel content.

As a youngster myself i say Prequels before Sequels. I know that I’m kinda in the grey zone of “born just as the prequels were coming out and grew up watching clone wars” but i still think that for this game, the clone wars has more opportunities to make units

Well, for starters, the Clone Troopers and B-1 droids should be a flip of weapons and armor dice.

The DC-15 (DC-15A in Legends, but TCW retconned the DC-15A as the carbine and the DC-15s as the sidearm) is a long range, high power, accurate weapon, while the E-5 is a pretty cruddy gun, known to produce excessive heating and other cost-cutting measures. Similarly, B-1s are frail as butts but Clones are fully armored. How they handle that in like, cost adjustment I don't know, though it would be probably accurate if CIS had the cheapest basic infantry who only win by numbers but the republic's clones are very good but expensive.

They're in the unknown regions, didn't you watch the SWVII opening crawl?

On 8/19/2017 at 4:56 AM, Raging Celt said:

There are hints of the Clone Wars but where is the First Order era?

Hopefully in a galaxy far, far away from here, where they will remain for a long time.

There is a *lot* of GCW-era material to cover before Apple Store Stormtroopers and Army Surplus Rebels should get a look in.

Standard Orders.


I hope they are a long time down the line.

I have been one to resist this growing theme of Disney ruining Star wars....I loved rogue one...but thought TLJ was a right mess of a film with far too much political correctness inserted. Now I read that Lando is flirting with Han in a scene from Solo? Surely they arnt going to push that bollocks on us and its just daft rumours...

5 hours ago, Jabby said:

As a youngster myself i say Prequels before Sequels. I know that I’m kinda in the grey zone of “born just as the prequels were coming out and grew up watching clone wars” but i still think that for this game, the clone wars has more opportunities to make units

To be honest, if you only have seen the films, the prequels have not so many new exclusive units for a droids army. Battle Droids as core, super droids and guards as special, destroyer and battle droids speeder as support, the tank as heavy. At least it's the same with the sequels and the decision "which faction is a better release" is more driven by feelings than logic.

I loathed the prequels, but I'd cheerfully face or even run a battledroid army. First because the designs are just fine, and second because you're not really supposed to barrack for an army of undead idiots, but they're still fun.

But if anyone says "roger roger" I will punch them!*

*By "punch" I mean wince and then ironically frown at. And then laugh, because hey, magic space wizards.

18 minutes ago, TobiWan said:

To be honest, if you only have seen the films, the prequels have not so many new exclusive units for a droids army. Battle Droids as core, super droids and guards as special, destroyer and battle droids speeder as support, the tank as heavy. At least it's the same with the sequels and the decision "which faction is a better release" is more driven by feelings than logic.

Remember that scene when they attacked the volcano planet and there was like a million robot things fighting each other (which I didnt like at all)?

Surely there were loads of things there? Then all the stuff coming out of the water and all the wookie stuff in that battle. Then the gungans etc.

20 minutes ago, Weatsop said:

I loathed the prequels, but I'd cheerfully face or even run a battledroid army. First because the designs are just fine, and second because you're not really supposed to barrack for an army of undead idiots, but they're still fun.

But if anyone says "roger roger" I will punch them!*

*By "punch" I mean wince and then ironically frown at. And then laugh, because hey, magic space wizards.

I hate gungans...but talking about Legion, how they fought in terms of the shields etc could be quite interesting.

they they start adding daft things like boombas or whatever they are with joke rules, then...no.

Yeah, I'm there. That is a genuinely interesting fight.

Treat a joke army serious, with serious rules? I'll play.

Make joke rules? I'm out.

13 minutes ago, VAYASAN said:

Remember that scene when they attacked the volcano planet and there was like a million robot things fighting each other (which I didnt like at all)?

Surely there were loads of things there? Then all the stuff coming out of the water and all the wookie stuff in that battle. Then the gungans etc.

I've only spoke about the droid army and yes, episode II has many different droid stuff, but most of them are to big for Legion.