Sorry About The Mess: Arena D

By Richardbuxton, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Hope your dog is ok.

Destiny roll - 1eF : 1 Dark Side [1eF=DS]

I cant remember the official ruling on if we have weapons drawn at the start of the fight my 1st round they were 2nd they weren't so I'll let you decide if we want them to be or not. Seems from your RP that they are both weaponless though.

Edited by SithArissa

Standard ruling: both particians haven't drawn theire weapons yet.

also @LordBritish "Gute Besserung" towards your Dog! Really hope he is fine!

Aye; we both start off with our gun's and swords in holsters. Improved quickdraw means that I can draw two weapons as a incidental which is what I meant in my descriptive blurb. You have the first turn @SithArissa

And aye, I should know later today what the result is.

Edited by LordBritish

Unarmed I will use a maneuver to get into short range then I will use a Deception check on Tanson to make him believe Arissa is not a threat so he wont draw any weaponry on his turn or at the very least he makes no attacks on a success. Roll coming soon. @LordBritish

Deception Check - 1eP+1eA+1eB+1eD : 2 successes, 2 advantage [1eP=S/A] [1eA=S/A] [1eB=S/A] [1eD=F/Th]
p-s-a.png a-s-a.png b-s-a.png d-f-th.png

Success. I'll let you decide the extent of what happens @LordBritish But with the 2 Advantage I will gain another free manoeuvre and move into engaged range.

Edited by SithArissa

Hmmm, I can go for that. ^^ Though at the very least I would like to know of the favour of the deception check you are trying; flirtatious? Thankful POW? Just so I kinda get a bit of insight to the narrative going on here to respond. ^^ I do have something in mind actually. Just wanted direction.

Edited by LordBritish

Arissa is a charmer. She'd probably try flattery if not outright seduction.

Ahhh alright, got it. ^__^ I am going to attempt to lift her lightsaber with skullduggery (Since it isn't drawn yet.) I imagine that would be bested by either stealth or some other check based on concealing her weapon of choice. (e.g. the Rodian is casually checking her out, as you do! Thankfully Tanson is really foolish in that sense.). With successes indicating he's able to successfully knock it away (but that would be his entire action) while being unsuccessful would mean she would have the initiative on the first check (e.g. he doesn't find it until too late, if her intention was to indeed strike him down)

His check is 1 yellow 2 green, do you want to spend any destiny points @SithArissa ?

@LordBritish Skulduggery is opposed by perception usually according to the core books, but I would argue if you are going to try pick pocket someone right in front of you it would need at least some black dice added if not a straight upgrade. My suggestion is vs my perception of 1 Yellow 1 Green so 1 Red 1 Purple with either 1 upgrade to 2 Red or 2 set back dice for 1 Red 1 Purple 2 Black. Gonna be nice and tell you that I do have Resist Disarm so even a successful check wouldn't get my saber off me.

Edited by SithArissa

Hmm I see. This puts me into a corner where my only choice is to be hit. Hmm, I'll sleep on my response I think.

You do have high charm/deception yourself equal to my cool/discipline, you can always try your own flirtation.

This monologue was something Tanson had prepared for this day. Since a psycho had ripped off his arm two months ago and a red saber had cornered in a construction sight 4 months before that; Tanson was beginning to feel what it was like to play in the big leagues; so much so he was begnning to feel in his gut when another one of those fated confrontations were taking place and his spider sense was tingling so much; he had started rambling before he even had a clear view of the prisoner.

One explanation cut the Rodian short, this stranger immediately took the momentum of the situation in stride.

"Y-You saved me! Thank you so much! I thought I would never be free"

That halted the Rodian's monologue as tilted his head off to the side; the preplexed expression concealed within his visor as the prisoner ran, her features; which would be usually coldly elegant gleamed with unbridled hope, enhanced by deep red eyes that gleamed just the right way under the imperial lights, her ragged clothes, once a sleek article refined for free movement, was torn around the edges and she had even elected to remove her shoes in the cell to appear more desperate then she was; each of these a calculated ploy to lure her would be liberators into a false sense of security, close enough to bring the bandaged lightsaber to bare the moment her would be captor's would attempt to take advantage of. No, she was the predator in this situation, though an experienced eye might have seen through this ploy, everything was a calculated risk in this game.

And Tanson, well, was far experienced. The man brought his hands to the back of his head pushed the button at the base of his neck, the visor clicked open to reveal a boyish face that was contorted in two parts mixture of concern and anger. Not the usual opportunistic hunger that made most prey easy to cut.

"By the force. What did they-"

The Rodian sighed and cast a glance over his shoulder as he drew his blaster with (Quickdraw), his blaster pointed down the corridor as he began to walk; it was clear that he didn't regard the woman as a threat but had even stepped up as to protector.

"Never mind, after living under the kriffing imps all my life, all my life You don't have to worry now,you are safe, well for now at least."

"So, does this flower have a name? What brought you to the planet of the fungi? I would offer you a drink to wet the whistle but all I have is booster blue, unless that's your taste."

He gave a chuckle as he twirled the clinder between his fingers; if she wanted the booster blue she could have it.

(Tanson is going to attempt a charm check, since he is being unusually genuine for a merc and that she was a prisoner until now, I will be adding two boost dice to the check to reflect his strong barginning position/narrative flare, with success sticking doubt into the Twilak in her decision to attack him. XD Do you want to spend a destiny point?

I will spend my moves after my turn has been conducted. I have to know though; what is your end goal of your social check? Are we resolving this as a social combat or is your eventual end goal just to shank him? Personally; I find the prospect doin the lando thing, end up with a com number of a evil sith lady is a pretty fun objective. Either that or buddying up for a bunch of heists. Both sound crazy)

Edited by LordBritish

Well its a combat PvP tournament idk that a social win would work? But as I'm feeling better now I'm happy to draw out the social checks till one of us has a chance at the kill/win. I imagine Arissa would play with her food.

Make the charm check but I have 1 rank in nobody's fool so it would be against my cool with 1 upgrade for 2 Red 2 purple.

Charm vs cool : 4eA+2eB+2eC+2eD 2 successes, 1 threat
a-a-a.png a-s-a.png a-s.png a-s-s.png b-a.png b--.png c-f-f.png c-th-th.png d-th-th.png d-th.png

Sorry for the delay @SithArissa , I was busy with my actual DnD session. I am also glad you are feeling better! You may spend the threat as you wish

Two choices really. We can either play cat and mouse until one of us fails, at which point combat commences and for the sake of resolution we should probably rotate through checks to prevent repeats, or we can treat success as strain until one theshold is exceeded. If it's the latter, it would probably be a bit more climatic and abstract in nature.

The Rodian seemed to trail the end of his previous sentence as something occured to him; Hutt policy dictated that any "extras'" recovered from the end of the mission basically belonged to Dei. For the slave Twiliak, it was basically into the frying pan from the oven. The Rodian began to stroll back toward the entrance to short distance; methodically checking each of the cells as he passed them.

Edited by LordBritish

Are you actually moving away from me or is it just narrative? We can do success = strain if you think it'll be the best. And are we starting strain loss from now or the last 2 rolls?

Funny thing here ^^ never imagine a social battle, but hey this is RPG!

Please count the Strain loss from the checks starting with the last roll

the interlude was to determin which way this event went of to, so it is reasonable to start the strain count at this point

Both; though it isn't a distance that can't be covered with 1 move; though I see it more as a steady stroll. Just as said even if social combat is engaged; this is still a imperial prison, reinforcements will likely be on it's way.

And sure that works for I. ^^

As said; I generally enjoy the banter too much. I guess if I actually make it to the semi final brackets I can throw caution to the wind. XD

Arissa pushed down the wave of frustration as the Rodian walked away from her, FROM HER! No one walks away from her. This .... she wasn't listening if he had mentioned his name. It wasn't important. He wasn't important. But he did have some small charm she had to admit. Perhaps she could play along with this game of flattery for now. She put on her best flustered damsel persona and rushed along side him "Tel me stranger, other than being my hero, what brings you to this **** hole?" She flashed a smile. One practised to look like the innocent and hopeful Twi'lek Jedi she had once been promised to be by that fool old man.


Gonna do a charm check as the 1st round of the social battle my charm vs your cool as I did a deception before.

Edit - that word is h-e-l-l why is that censored?

Charm Check -

1eB+1eP+3eA+1eC+3eD : 1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph [1eB=S/A] [1eP=Tr] [3eA=A/A, A, A/A] [1eC=Th/Th] [3eD=F/Th, Th, Th]
b-s-a.png p-tr.png a-a-a.png a-a.png a-a-a.png c-th-th.png d-f-th.png d-th.png d-th.png

So I will add the success to the threat you had earlier for 2 strain to you. And the triumph will upgrade your next checks difficulty by 1 in addition to my nobody's fool ability. I don't think I have any strain to heal yet? Otherwise there isn't much I can do with the advantage. @LordBritish

Edited by SithArissa

he had two Successes on his Charm roll so you suffered 2 strain there.

Edited by Nightone

I heal 1 With the advantage then. W- 0/13 S - 1/15

Ahhh nuts. Not being able to use most of my build is actually physically painful. XD The destiny ability is strong, but not having that point to spend is kinda harsh.

Deception vs discipline (Boost dice from the prop crystal taken from a prevous competitor. XD) : 3eA+1eB+2eC+1eD 1 failure
a-a.png a-a-a.png a--.png b--.png c-f-th.png c-th-th.png d--.png

The Rodian had played it smooth thus far; draw the gun, sling the damstral along, then when she asked who he was he would play it cool and tell an embellished tale, his brother's journal had given him enough material and he was just starting to earn a name for himself on the rim, so usually the act of conversation came smoothly to the Rodian.


He turned and for the first time really looked at her and for perhaps the first time in his life; his tongue turned to lead. She was glorious, so much so that he felt that his mind was completely clouded, that he couldn't form a tale, an side effect of one of the force's more subtle applications, it applied just a soft pressure on his mind to shift his thoughts, just subtly, just enough for this feeble minded to be mandible. Only she had pushed so hard on his little mind that he actually completely faltered under her presence and instead told a simple, rather factual tale.

"Well, you know how it is, Hutt's want some fella's breaking out, I'm just one of the collection boys. Yeah, I'm hoping to make it big one of these days, already dropped one red saber, but I guess I will settle for being a hero today."

Oh boy. As smooth as a hedgehog. But at least he didn't mention anything too bad.

"So, what is this jewel's name?"

Oh lord.

"My name is vaylz. I am Jedi in training! or..... I was. Me and my Master were captured and we've been in here so long. They split us up and tortured me, they hurt me......" Tears were welling in Arissa's eyes. Tears as fake as the story she was spinning. "But then...... then I gave in. I. I did things. Horrible things. And my master. He's gone. Because of me." Arissa moved towards the Rodian putting her head onto his chest lightly sobbing making the pretence of looking for comfort. This is a sob story she had used in the past. This fool will swallow all the little morsels of lies she'll feed him. Making him fat for the slaughter.

Deception Check - 1eP+1eA+1eB+1eD : 1 success, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph [1eP=Tr] [1eA=S/A] [1eB=A/A] [1eD=F/Th]
p-tr.png a-s-a.png b-a-a.png d-f-th.png

So, 1 strain to you. Another upgrade of difficulty to your next check from the triumph. And I'll take another blue dice on my next check from the advantage.

Slowly getting there. W - 0/13 S - 1/15

You are at W - 0/12 S - 7/17 yes @LordBritish ?

Edited by SithArissa

(Aye that is correct. Sorry @SithArissa I will be consistent in noting it down. I'm going to expand this to start using a greater set of skills since I'm obviously gonna lose if I don't shake this game up. XD)

The Rodian was completely enticed by the tale, his eyes widened and, after an awkward moment he holstered his Nova Viper to cradle the twilik's head into his chest, gently brushing his hand over the lakku (OH MY) and rested his cheek on her forehead as he sighed.

"Alright, just take a moment luv, you've already been through too much."

In short it would have been the perfect time to strike, a blade ignited straight through the heart would finish him before he was even aware. As a man in a questionable leather outfit once said; she had him now! Yet the opportunity as as fleeting as Han Solo's chances of appearing in episode 8 as the Rodian grasped her shoulders and gently pulled her back to look her dead in the eyes with a firm, soft tone that conveyed a sense of urgency.

"I would be a liar if you said you were safe now, but truth be told I've come with a crew of guys who are probably getting impatient in not reporting back right now, the kind of guys who would probably love nothing more then to slap a slave collar around your neck and make you work the pole from dusk to dawn. So if you have any of that Jedi composure left I'm gonna need it right now. Do you still have it?"

He waited for a response. He needed her coherent for this (pfft).

"Good, There's a Landa class shuttle* we used to get in sitting on the hanger; we can take the lift up. There, I'll draw their attention since they will be expecting me, you get to the shuttle and I'll be along shortly. You follow?"

Leadership vs Displine : 4eA+2eC+1eD 2 successes
a-a-a.png a-s-s.png a-s-s.png a-s.png c-f.png c-th-th.png d-f-f.png

Arissa: W - 0/13 S - 3/15

Tanson: W - 0/12 S - 7/17

Edited by LordBritish

It was obvious that the Rodian wouldn't be alone in such a place, but it was too soon to introduce new players to the game. They would have to be eliminated and she couldn't let the Rodian handle them himself there was no guarantee he would survive and she still had use for him. For now anyway. Perhaps it was time she showed some backbone. A Jedi would never let slavers assist them she can use that to her advantage.

"You, you came with slavers? Are..... are you a slaver? Are you here looking for wares? You've come to capture me all over again? NO I WONT LET YOU!" She pushed him away and reached for her saber, only to have it in hand there was no need to ignite the blade. "Tell me why you are here! Tell me how many are there? Answer me! She screamed almost hysterically while keeping the tears flowing making it look like she was desperate and would do what was needed to keep safe. All a lie of course, she knew she was safe, because she was the dangerous one.


Gonna do a Coercion check vs your Discipline with my extra blue from the advantage last round as well as my sense emotions.

Coercion Check - 2eB+3eA+1eD : 0 successes, 7 advantage [2eB=A/A, A/A] [3eA=A, A/A, S/A] [1eD=F/Th]
b-a-a.png b-a-a.png a-a.png a-a-a.png a-s-a.png d-f-th.png


3 advantage to reduce my strain down to 0. 2 to add a blue to my next check and 2 more to add a black to your next check.

And I guess we are going to the shuttle now @LordBritish .

Edited by SithArissa

Oh boy. I get the feeling this is going to take a very long time. I'll have a little think on how to respond, just working through your strain theshold is gonna be a nightmare. XD

You might have had a better chance in combat :P