Sorry About The Mess: Arena B

By Richardbuxton, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

//My apologies for ending it this way and wasting your time. I concede, and do let the wookiee win//.

1 hour ago, Darth Lectus said:

//My apologies for ending it this way and wasting your time. I concede, and do let the wookiee win//.

// Twas hard fought, good sir. //

Heat 4B @awayputurwpn with Grrwalryyhl vs @Richardbuxton with Arrther


23 = in an animal stampede (land, falling hazards, impacts with animals)

Initative Skill:

69 = Vigilance (you both are not aware at first off each other)

Starting Range:

74 = Long

Destiny Pool: @awayputurwpn choose high or low, then @Richardbuxton shall roll the d100 winner decides on color.

You also may roll initative any time.

Vacation and recreation time, Big Game Hunting in the vast veldts of Cathar, get the chance to calm down your daily buisness nevres while you acustome to the vast wilderness and don't forget to make space in your dent for the HUGE trophy you'll mostlikely bring home...

the advertisment really sounded well especaliy since he really could use some recreation time to acustome to the new arm... after that green niktonian maniac ripped the original out of all joints... But Arrther didn't expected it to turn out like this... at one moment he was taking aim with a rented hunting rifel at a reptilian wyvern like thing he had never seen before, and in the next moment the earth was shaking and the fearfull deep roaring screams of a herd of Rontos was approching him... he let the rifle where it was and started running, just to be surrounded by the giantic manmals with in a minute... the last thing he saw of his guid was when it disappear with a scream beyound the stamping feet of the leading bull...

at the same time the Wookiie Bountyhunter Grrwalryyhl came to Cathar for another kind of prey, a Black Sun bounty on a human guy called Arrther. He followed the tracks of his prey into the vast wildernes when suddenly a really big but calm seeming herd of Rontos became the wookiies wild predators scent into theire noses... and went berssek... the luck is perfect when his speeder loses it cooling unit and stops working... he is allready surrounded by the rontos once the group reaches at Arrthers side.

Up to now both are not ware of each other since they are running for theire lives. Who ever will win the initative will see the otherone at long range and recognize him (ether Grrwalryyhl will see his bounty target or Arrther will recognize the wookiie as an bounty hunter famous for subduing Force users (like Arrissa or cheevil)

Special rules:

Dust : the stamped really creats a cloud of Dust wich will decrease the visability with each range band. starting with one black at engaged up to 5 black at extrem.
Moving Obstacles: The running animals can really make it hard to hit something. starting at medium range all distance attack checks have an increased difficulty of +1

Stamping stampede: Those beast are a real danger to your lifes as long as you are between theire feet so be carefull.

A Player may use threats generated by the opponent to use:

2 Threats = Driven by the flood: the attacker is pulled by one rangeband away or closer to the target
3 Threads = Big Bad Stomp: The attack is hit by one of the beasts for 2 non-soakable damage and 2 non-soakable strain
1 despair = Taht was my foot!: The attacker is hit hard by a creature and gains an auto crit!

3 advantages = Tag Teaming with nature: The Target is hit by one of the creatures and gets adittional 2 non-soakable damage and 2 non-soakable strain
1 triumph = Hi Ho Ronto!: Some how you where piced up by one of the rontos and now you are mounted.

While mounted: One maneuver must be used to stay atop of the ronto, therefore you reduce the black dice for dust by 3. the target can't escape any further than medium.

good luck Hunters!

1 hour ago, Nightone said:

Destiny Pool: @awayputurwpn choose high or low, then @Richardbuxton shall roll the d100 winner decides on color.


Hmm, I think this is my favourite of the possible scenes, @Nightone your description is wonderful and I highly approve of the Threat options.

Who follows the light : 1d100 48

Ill choose Dark Side!!

Destiny Heat 4B : 1eF 1 Dark Side

1 for me

Destiny : 1eF 2 Dark Side

Initiative Heat 4B : 3eA 1 success, 1 advantage
a-s.png a-a.png a--.png

all yours away

// Question, I see the setbacks apply to visibility (so of course Perception checks)—what else do they apply to? Combat checks? Any other stuff? //

11 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

// Question, I see the setbacks apply to visibility (so of course Perception checks)—what else do they apply to? Combat checks? Any other stuff? //

Everythink you'll need your eyes for so yes mainly Perception, vigilance and combatchecks. (there may be some other occurences of which I didn't thought yet ^^)

12 hours ago, Richardbuxton said:

Hmm, I think this is my favourite of the possible scenes, @Nightone your description is wonderful and I highly approve of the Threat options.

Thanks, glad you like it!

It was really fun to think abaout a good scenario (and since this is one of the not chart enviorments also of working rules ^^)

Have fun Killing each other! (*insert GM-Laughter here*)

// None of our weapons are drawn, correct? I'll be drawing my gun as a maneuver and making a Ranged attack (removing 2 setbacks due to my enhanced optics suite), and just making sure I have Arrther's defenses right. //

(Just to chip in, but no weapons are drawn by default so your assumption is correct. ^__^)

Grrwalryyhl saw his target across the dust cloud. The stampede was thick, but if he could just draw a bead...

LRB attack on Arrther : 2eP+2eA+3eD+2eS 1 success
p-s-s.png p-a-a.png a-a.png a-s-s.png d-th.png d-f-th.png d-th.png s-f.png s-f.png

// That's 12 damage and 1 free Advantage from my Bantha's Eye, which I'll used to grant a Boost die to my next check //

Grrawlryyhl sights through the dust, allowing his tech to do a lot of the work for him in terms of aiming and scoping. He snaps off a quick shot at the Force user. Bring 'em down quick, don't let 'em use their sabers, he had always been told. And it always held true.

Out of nowhere a Blaster bolt crashed into Arrthers armour, singing some skin beneath.

"Owww, What the heck!!" He yells Thank you dad for that talisman . L ooking desperately in the stampede for the source of the shot he spots an unwanted sight Over there, towards that rise, a Wookiee... is that Grrawlryyhl? Crap! More bounty hunters.

Crouching low Arrther flicks his wrist to draw his Saber, it's blade erupting with a neon glow. Unslinging his shield he then begins to move forward using the shield to keep any Ronto feet from inadvertently stomping him.

//That's an extra two defence, moving closer to half Long. He took 5 wounds from the shot 5/17, 0/13, 3 Dark //

Attacking Arrther with LRB : 2eP+2eA+1eB+3eD+4eS 5 successes, 2 threat
p-s-s.png p-s-s.png a-s-s.png a-s-s.png b--.png d-f-f.png d--.png d-f.png s-th.png s--.png s--.png s-th.png

Grrawlryyhl dodges several of the stampeding beasts, and then takes the opportunity to let another volley of blaster bolts from his light repeater fly towards the Jedi, trying to get around that shield. The dust was flying so fast and he couldn't quite see if his shots were having any effect, but so far it didn't seem like he was trying to deflect them with his lightsaber...

// That's 16 damage (Pierce 1, forgot to mention that earlier, but cortosis ignores Pierce anyway) and 1 auto Advantage—what did you want to do with the 1 Threat? //

// Using my maneuver to back up to "full" long range //

Edited by awayputurwpn

Arrther ducks and dives trying to keep the beasts between him and the carpet, but that barrage of bolts was relentless. Catching a couple with his Saber simply wasn't enough. But it was taking its toll on Grrawlryyhl too, he had to Strain hard to maintain balance amongst the stampede.

Arrther pushed forward, fighting hard to keep his foe in his sights, gaining ground until a final moment when he felt close enough. With immense effort the man leapt up above the herd and threw the Saber as hard as he could right at the foe.

The Saber flew true, smashing into the Wookiee, searing fleas and fur alike. Coming down from his leap Arrther caught the Saber deftly as the Force guided it into his hands YESSSS!!! It worked ! He managed to land on the back of one of the creatures, shield and Saber still held firmly in his grasp and ready for more!

//suffering 3 Strain to Reflect 5, Soak 7, that's 5 Wounds suffered. 1 Threat is to cause 1 Strain.

Double moving, suffering another 2 Strain to Attack, 2 more Strain to Falling Avalanche.

Saber Throw at Medium range : 2eA+3eP+1eF+3eD+5eS 2 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph, 2 Dark Side
a-s-s.png a-s.png p-tr.png p-s-s.png p-s-a.png f-ds-ds.png d--.png d-f-f.png d-th.png s-f.png s-f.png s--.png s-th.png s-f.png

I just needed a bit to finish the post, will suffer 2 Strain and Flip a Destiny to use both Dark Side for Saber hit and to return. It causes 6+2+5= 13 damage Breach 1.

Triumph is to land on a Ronto!

1 Threat is yours to spend.

9/17W, 9/13S, 1D/1L //

// 1 Threat will have to be 1 strain back at you ;) ! Will have an action up in the morning, gonna try and get back to sleep now though. //

I would let you finish your duel, but I've just gotta say, riding a Ronto stampede is bloody epic. XD

// And the 3-year-old has won the battle of wills; it apparently now wake time. Guess I'll get a turn in while she's having a very early breakfast :) //

// 1 Maneuver to close to short range //

Moving with the herd, Grrwalryyhl managed to grab onto a Ronto just long enough to get a snap shot off at the Jedi, allowing his tech to do all the scoping and calculating for him. He knew he wouldn't have another chance at this.

Ill-advised LRB attack on Arrther (short range, aim as incidental) : 2eP+2eA+2eB+1eD+2eS 1 success, 4 advantage
p-a-a.png p-s-a.png a-s.png a-a-a.png b-s.png b--.png d-f-f.png s--.png s-th.png

// That's 12 damage minus soak—Reflect? //

Edited by awayputurwpn

//I'll actually just cop that on the chin, no Reflect, so that's 5 more damage.//

// For the 3 Advantage, "the target is hit by one of the creatures and takes an additional 2 non-soakable damage and 2 non-soakable strain ." I'll use the remaining 1 Advantage for a Boost die on my next action. //

Grrwalryyhl shoots at Arrther, and even though the Jedi's inexplicable—mystical?—protection is holding up, he seems to have taken a solid hit. For good measure, Grrwalryyhl shoots the ronto that Arrther was riding in the back of the neck, causing the creature to falter and Arrther to get thrown around by the other nearby pack animals. That should give me some room to maneuver, the Wookiee told himself, and quickly injected a bacta-stim into his side.

// I'll use an incidental to drop my gun, and another to grab my stimpack off my military pouch, and suffer 2 strain for a second maneuver to inject it, healing 5 wounds. //

Edited by awayputurwpn

Gah! Finally, given up on his dam blaster Arrther thought to himself as the hailstorm of fire finally ceased. The pause gave him the chance to get some space from those crazed Ronto around him so he just pushed further forward to the Wookiee.

With another desperate lunge he threw the Saber again, so close now he surely couldn't miss... but keeping these darned beasts from trampling him had been exhausting and there wasn't his usual strength behind the attack.

//Move to Short, Throw again and hope for some advantage with Light Side...

Saber Throw at Short range : 2eA+3eP+1eF+1eD+4eS 2 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Dark Side
a-s-a.png a--.png p-s-s.png p-s.png p-s-a.png f-ds.png d-th.png s-f.png s-f.png s--.png s-f.png

So that's a hit... Advantage to recover the strain the Dark Side cost, as well as flipping a Destiny Point. But the Saber doesn't return, it's somewhere on the ground near us. 8 Damage Breach 1.

then an incidental to draw a Stimpack, 2 more strain and a manoeuvre to use it.

13/13 S, 9/17 W, 2 Light Side//

// 1 maneuver to engage, -1 dust setback from my enhanced optics suite, and a boost from last round. //

Running to Brawl with Arrther, Backhand shock glove : 4eP+1eB+2eD+2eS 1 success, 2 advantage
p-s-a.png p-s-a.png p-a-a.png p-s.png b--.png d-f.png d-f-th.png s--.png s-th.png

// Okay. So that's 7 stun damage, which DOESN'T EVEN MAKE A DENT, but... //

Grrwalryyhl vaults over a smaller ronto and leaps towards Arrther, forcefully kicking his shield out of the way and following through with a spinning back hand that knocks the Jedi momentarily senseless. The Wookiee removes his backhand shock glove, putting it back into his pack, before slowly approaching the reeling Jedi as the stampeding rontos coming dangerously close to crushing both of them.

// 2 Advantage to activate Concussive 1, and taking two more strain for a maneuver to disarm the shock glove. Stupid slow-firing :) //

Gah! Finally, given up on his dam blaster Arrther thought to himself as the hailstorm of fire finally ceased. The pause gave him the chance to get some space from those crazed Ronto around him so he just pushed further forward to the Wookiee.

With another desperate lunge he threw the Saber again, so close now he surely couldn't miss... but keeping these darned beasts from trampling him had been exhausting and there wasn't his usual strength behind the attack.

//Move to Short, Throw again and hope for some advantage with Light Side...

Saber Throw at Short range : 2eA+3eP+1eF+1eD+4eS 2 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Dark Side
a-s-a.png a--.png p-s-s.png p-s.png p-s-a.png f-ds.png d-th.png s-f.png s-f.png s--.png s-f.png

So that's a hit... Advantage to recover the strain the Dark Side cost, as well as flipping a Destiny Point. But the Saber doesn't return, it's somewhere on the ground near us. 8 Damage Breach 1.

then an incidental to draw a Stimpack from the military belt pouch, 2 more strain and a manoeuvre to use it.

13/13 S, 9/17 W, 2 Light Side//

[for some one reason I wrote all this hours ago and got distracted before hitting post, sorry.]