Sorry About The Mess: Arena A

By Richardbuxton, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

An arena for the PvP contest.



As player ONE in my matchup I choose the range of 51-100 for the DP decision (player two makes all three rolls?)

Destiny Point Use : 1d100 23

@Nightone I'll be using Light Side

Edited by Imperial Stormtrooper

Destiny Point Roll : 1eF 2 Light Side

DP Check:

1eF : 2 Light Side [1eF=LS/LS]

Total Pool 4 white

Location Check : 14 Starship Passage

Battles aboard starships present their own special hazards. While most personal weapons are not capable of easily cutting through a
ship's hull, most parts of a ship house myriad other system components, conduits, and cables that can be damaged; this is where the fun

dertermin Initative: 74 = Vigilance

determin range : 84 = long Range

Initative :

2eA+1eP : 3 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph [2eA=S/A, S] [1eP=Tr]
a-s-a.png a-s.png p-tr.png

who ever starts I would say if you don't roll an triumph I`'ll get one free maneuver befor start (If you get an triumph, nobody gains this, if you get 2 triumphs you'll get the extra maneuver. ok?)

DP Pool stands at 4 White

WT:0 ST:0

1 hour ago, Nightone said:

who ever starts I would say if you don't roll an triumph I`'ll get one free maneuver befor start (If you get an triumph, nobody gains this, if you get 2 triumphs you'll get the extra maneuver. ok?)

Sounds good to me, but its not possible for me to roll a triumph, so you'll be getting that.

Initiative : 2eA 2 successes, 2 advantage
a-s-a.png a-s-a.png

Close but not enough. You have the first turn.

So we're starting with all weapons holstered correct?

Since we're in a starship, I'm assuming that it's not just one corridor but more than one all connected? Not sure on this part...

WT: 0 ST: 0

Edited by Imperial Stormtrooper
41 minutes ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Sounds good to me, but its not possible for me to roll a triumph, so you'll be getting that.

Initiative : 2eA 2 successes, 2 advantage
a-s-a.png a-s-a.png

Close but not enough. You have the first turn.

So we're starting with all weapons holstered correct?

Since we're in a starship, I'm assuming that it's not just one corridor but more than one all connected? Not sure on this part...

WT: 0 ST: 0

I would say so. As ref, if someone says otherwise with mor authority I'll step down

On 5.8.2017 at 2:23 AM, Matt Skywalker said:

Since we're in a starship, I'm assuming that it's not just one corridor but more than one all connected? Not sure on this part...

Yeah would say since we start on LONG range and with vigilance we both just went through a Blast door, those can be reopened by a maneuver, 2 Advantage or dispair can be used to close other doors.
ok? (That way everyone has a chance to catch up or escape)

For my Free maneuver I pass down half of the distance to medium.

Then on the beginning of My true turn I'll use twomaneuvers (one is a transformed action) to go to medium and then to Short Distance.

Bulk was looking for something to smash... he was angry because his favorite Rylly-beans had been sold out a the vendormashine, when he wanted to ask some passengers about sharing theires... they just ran of screaming... BULK hates people doing this. He went through a door on the long passage of the ship, there was a man...a Kuzuuu something difficult spell, but good to smash... looked like a fighter... good! He Starts running while starring at the suprised face of his now choosen enemy... .

WT:0/25 ST:0/13 DP: 4W

(edited some crude misktakes in spelling...)

Edited by Nightone

So before I take my turn, what would you say that Stealth would be opposed by in this case Perception or Vigilance? Also would you think there would be any setbacks for the situation?

For stealth no.

If gear affects it then yes.

I'd say perception

No? Why would you say it is not an option in this case?

Just now, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

No? Why would you say it is not an option in this case?

For what, a setback. It seems the starship is not damaged so it is lit.

You don't seem to be God ng behind anything

Stealth is what I was asking about.

1 hour ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:
1 hour ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Stealth is what I was asking about.

Edited by Matt Skywalker
Oops ugh

That last one doesn't matter

You can, I said no boosts or setbacks

Ah, my bad misunderstood what you wrote.

@Nightone Does that sound good to you? Stealth vs. Perception no boost or setbacks from the environment.

Edited by Imperial Stormtrooper

Well what is the intension? We are in a corridor and since I spotted you via the won initative, I am now just some meter bevor you (short range) and you are in Front of an atm closed door... I don't see any possiblity for you to vanisch anywhere... except you have a smokebomb to do it Nina style...

For all general terms:

If it is to just hide something of your equipment for my eyes I don't have a Problem with the Check against perception.

For anything else it would be vigilance since I'm already in battlemode so I'll be vigil upon my enemys actions.

Edited by Nightone
1 hour ago, Nightone said:

I don't see any possiblity for you to vanisch anywhere... except you have a smokebomb to do it Nina style...

Hmmm good point. This character doesn't work very well in confined spaces... against a brawler...

So in that case, first maneuver to pull out a shaped thermal grenade from my utility belt, suffer 2 strain to take cover behind some crates or debris. @Nightone I would think that crates would make sense, but if you don't think it would I can flip a DP. Then once we agree on the cover I'll edit this post with my combat attack.

WT: 0/18 ST: 2/14 DP: 4 Light

yeah I think also that there should be Obstacles to take cover. No need for the DP.

Ok I'm ready for the S-TD... this will so much hurt ... :wacko: (crossing my fingers for an unlikely miss ...)

Edited by Nightone

Changed my mind just going to make a new post.

Shaped Thermal Grenade vs. "The Bulk" : 3eP+2eA+1eD+1eS 3 successes, 2 advantage
p-s.png p-a.png p-a.png a-s-s.png a-s-s.png d-f.png s-f.png

+1 advantage from Blind Spot so 3 Successes, 3 Advantage.

So that's 20+3 damage against cortosis soak 9 so 14 damage after all that. Correct? Then 2 advantage for a crit at +50 ( @Nightone who should roll this? me, you or our ref @Matt Skywalker ?), and then I'll recover 1 strain with the last advantage.

Omega had just come through the door, when he looked up and saw a massive Nikto charging him. this is a problem he thought to himself I was supposed to take out the target quietly... oh well. Pulling a grenade off his utility belt Omega ducked behind some nearby crates and flung the grenade at his target the resulting explosion engulfed the hallway for a few seconds in a loud roar, but, the Nikto was still there somehow...

WT: 0/18 ST: 1/14 DP: 4 Light

Edited by Imperial Stormtrooper


You may roll the crit.

Critical Against "The Bulk" : 1d100+50 89

That is Compromised: "Increase difficulty of all skill checks by one until the end of the encounter."

and if you attack this round I'll be using both ranks of dodge.

The D100 is not on my side... ok I'll have to go all out in one hit!

First I move to engage with the first maneuver. I'll suffer 2 Strain to aim.

Then I suffer 1 additional strain to Upgrade my brawlcheck once as incidental

Battle check

2eA+4eP+1eB+1eD+2eC: 2 successes, 4 advantage, 1 Triumph [2eA=A, S/A] [4eP=Tr, S, S/A, A] [1eB=A/A] [1eD=Th] [2eC=F, F/Th]

Ok that will hurt.
I'll suffer 2 more strain to add my cooercian skill of 4 to the damage.
so 16 damage against your soak of 5 equals 11 Wounds.
I'll use 1 advantage to crit, 2 to disorient you for one turn and 1 for a boost next round.
I'd like to use the Triumph to upgrade your next difficulty once
48 + 10 = 58
but since I don't like it, I'll suffer 2 more strain to activate improved precision strike and Set the number to 79: overwhelmd.
I'm allowed to attack once more right away with the same dice pool.
2eA+4eP+1eB+1eD+2eC: 1 success, 5 advantage, 1 Despair [2eA=A, S] [4eP=S/A, A/A, S, S/A] [1eB=-] [1eD=F] [2eC=D, F]
Adds up to 11 -5 = 10
I'll use 1 Adv. to Crit and add the 4 other Advantage to the crit roll.
94 + 60 =154
You are gone my friend...sorry for the mess.
Will write the RP part once I'm awake again.
WT: 14/26 ST: 7/14 DP: 4 White
Edited by Nightone
correct the martial grace mistake


21 minutes ago, Nightone said:

Again I'll add my coordination skill to the damage while suffering 2 more strain.

I believe Martial Grace is a once per round talent, but even just spending an advantage to Crit and add 40 with the others the Droid is no more.