Repairing Opposed rolls once and for all

By Jericho, in WFRP House Rules

Ok guys, I think I made some progress with the armor issue.

Made another topic on that here:

Now, some sleep, and after that, I get back to my "vs Target Defence" rules.


Sunatet said:


Now, some sleep, and after that, I get back to my "vs Target Defence" rules.


Waiting for those rules :)

idiotic idea of mine here....
but could we not replace the blue dices with white dices for the main characteristic and use the blue ones for any specialisation?
The % of success will dramaticaly?
Could this not solve the issue of high rate success?

Need the mathematicians here to tell me what they think about it?

geekoo said:

idiotic idea of mine here....
but could we not replace the blue dices with white dices for the main characteristic and use the blue ones for any specialisation?
The % of success will dramaticaly?
Could this not solve the issue of high rate success?

Need the mathematicians here to tell me what they think about it?

Fortune die: 33% for a success

Characteristic die: 50% for a success

Lower yes, but the stance dice would then become relatively better. It success rate isn't that big of a problem if you just tweak the challenge die a bit.

Making the chaos star count for a star, two challenges and a reroll of another challenge die is enough to make the success rate reasonable. Easy change and doesn't really have any bad side effects (like simply adding more dice does).

geekoo said:

idiotic idea of mine here....
but could we not replace the blue dices with white dices for the main characteristic and use the blue ones for any specialisation?
The % of success will dramaticaly?
Could this not solve the issue of high rate success?

Need the mathematicians here to tell me what they think about it?

As Gallows said, but after reading Alp's idea here: I will definitely try some tests on changing one type of die to another, and see what it comes from it.

And to check the success rates use this tool: , you don't have to be a mathematician to check how the success rates behave when you change your pool, just add/replace dice using this tool, and it will tell you how high your chance of success are.

Sunatet said:

As Gallows said, but after reading Alp's idea here: I will definitely try some tests on changing one type of die to another, and see what it comes from it.


I have a problem with the link. Am I doing something wrong? I cant find the topic. :)

geekoo said:

I have a problem with the link. Am I doing something wrong? I cant find the topic. :)

Hmmm... Yeah I have that problem with link too.

Well, here it is: