“Hacker, what’s he chirping about?”
Jedi Quest IC thread
As the First Order base sinks to the ocean floor...
"He says, if his master's gone, he's gotta show you what he stole from dat base."
The astromech buzzed a pleasant little tune.
"He's R7-D7 by the way, his friends call him Sevendee-Seven."
The astromech spun his dome around and started making a lot of calculating noises.
"He made a copy of that place's secured database. Hes got all the top secret stuff they were workn' on down there. And he's got everythn' they know about ur little party. They think y'all are terrorists workn' for the big green guy who calls himself 'The Blackguard'. He's got a huge rapsheet from the New Republic too, mostly vigilante stuff. Everybody's got bounties on em."
Then the astromech made a low whistle.
"Oh, and he's still decrypting most of it, but he's got all their intel on force people throughout the galaxy too."
Just then, the clouds parted above them revealing a Resurgent-class Battlecruiser thundering out of hyperspace into low-orbit, ready to retrieve the transports escaping from the base.
Edited by Mychal'elDo a scan of the hull, I believe there's a tracker on the ship, I saw that Dark Sider throw one on the Bounty Hunter's ship. Get in touch with him too, if you can, and tell him to do the same. I'm gonna make a be-line for the other side of the planet.
A tracking device is detected on the dorsal side of the ship.
Communications seem to be jammed.
Tie-Fighters are inbound.
On 1/2/2018 at 7:35 PM, Mychal'el said:A tracking device is detected on the dorsal side of the ship.
Communications seem to be jammed.
Tie-Fighters are inbound.
"S3, get that tracker off the hull. Hacker, break through that jamming. I'm plotting a course out of here."
Going all out Full Throttle with all upgrades of the talent in play, so I can use Full Throttle as a maneuver and boost the ship's speed by 2 for the next two rounds and using Enhance to boost my piloting skill. This takes the Jedi Star 's speed to 5 for the next two rounds.
1 success, 1 threat, 8 Light Side
I use the 8 Lightside pips to gain additional Advantages, canceling out the last threat and take advantage of the enemy ships' and pilots' weakness in tracking low flying aircraft.
Edited by Tramp Graphics
The area around the city was a dead zone for transmissions so nothing was getting through. But the others in the hangar were all watching the same show that Korath witnessed, and at least some of them looked like they knew how to take care of themselves.
The Jedi Star accelerated out of range of the fighters and their mothership. Saltwater sprayed the transparisteel cockpit windows as they flew low over the vast planet-wide ocean at full speed.
The only other known point of interest above water is Tipoca City, which is a quarter way around the world in the opposite direction. In atmosphere the Jedi Star does not have enough fuel to outrun a First Order Destroyer at sublight speed for more than a few hours (Galactic Standard Time). Moving out of orbit at sublight speed now will mean moving back into range of the Destroyer.
Edited by Mychal'elKorath takes the ship around to the opposite side of the planet before pulling up out of the atmosphere, making sure to keep the planet between himself and the enemy.
“ S3, make sure to properly tether yourself out there, and get that tracker off the hill ASAP.”
Edited by Tramp GraphicsKorath sees a vision of the consequence of flying around a whole planet within atmosphere:
~~The cutting edge First Order ships kept up with their prey easily from orbit, conserving fuel and patiently waiting for the Freighter to waste all of it's energy fighting gravity, atmospheric pressure, and the frequent stormy Kaminoan weather.
Above the clouds two Tie-fighter groups of four were in attack formation. The massive Destroyer, nearly three thousand meters long, was looming above the fighters and blocking out the sky.
The Jedi Star's low fuel alarms pierced the artificial air inside the cockpit and the lights switched to emergency red.~~
In this scenario: Korath's droid can safely remove the tracker with an average mechanics check now that the Jedi Star is in low orbit. The Jedi Star has enough fuel for one jump to Hyperspace and use of it's Reaction Control System (basic satellite steering) but not the sublight engines. The Destroyer's tractor beam is not yet in range but the fighters are.
Edited by Mychal'elThe newcomer astromech chirped abruptly. Hacker translated, "Sevendee-Seven says he's got a contact on Kafrene who can help us loose some of this heat and refuel."
Edited by Mychal'elKorath hit hit the boosters, accelerating to a blistering 1200 KmpH, pushing the Jedi Star’s speed well beyond its normal capability, and dropping down to skim just above the waves, temporarily losing the First Order TIE fighters, and heading for the horizon. After a few minutes, the TIEs reaquire the tracker’s signal, albeit somewhat garbled by the waves, and take off in pursuit.
“S3,” Korath called out over the comms. “ How’s it coming?!”
S3 bleats our a “raspberry“ at the Jedi. The speed and constant dodging and weaving made it difficult for S3 to work removing the tracker from the hull. Eventually though, after the ship slowed down briefly, the tracker popped off, and the droid signaled with an excited beep.
“ Get in here with it and meet up with Hacker.” Korath said as he hit The boosters again, leaving his pursuers in his wake, as a huge fifty meter rogue wave crashed into one of the TIE fighters, sending it crashing into the sea.
” Hacker, take the tracker down to the forward missile launcher. I want you to replace one of the warheads with it.”
Once S3 descended down the top hatch, he and Hacker head down to the lower level, under the cockpit, and pull the front most concussion missile from the magazine. Working with utmost skill, Hacker efficiently removed the warhead and hooks up the tracker on its place. He even managed to improve the thruster’s fuel efficiency allowing it to fly exponentially farther than normally could.
“ Dis should be good,” Hacker chuckled while reloading the rigged missile back into place in the launch tube. ”All set boss!” He then called up to Korath.
Aiming skyward, in his current heading, Korath hit the trigger, firing the tracker towards orbit befor making a hard left and heading off around to the other side of the planet before taking off for space, leaving the remaining TIE fighters and the Star Destroyer in orbit chasing a phantom. “ I wonder how long it’ll take them to figure out they’ve been punked,” He wondered aloud.
"Laying in course for Kafrene"
Using Intuitive Navigation with my Astrogation check, assisted by the Jedi Star's Astrogation droid brain (3 ranks in Astrogation compared to Korath's 1 rank), Give me a Difficulty.
Edited by Tramp Graphics