On 8/30/2018 at 1:09 AM, nickv2002 said:I heard back from @leacher he's waiting for his copy and will scan and upload once it arrives. Yay! Thanks all.
I feel bad for him, if it hasn’t arrived yet ?
On 8/30/2018 at 1:09 AM, nickv2002 said:I heard back from @leacher he's waiting for his copy and will scan and upload once it arrives. Yay! Thanks all.
I feel bad for him, if it hasn’t arrived yet ?
Thanks to scans from @leacher and @Oslatir along with lots of image editing work from @lorunks and @fabiofotomoto I’m pleased to have a version of the Lothal Wastes skirmish map ready:
You can find the full res version and printing instructions on the project website . I have not updated the printable strips yet, but will do so once the rest of this wave is ready which @fabiofotomoto is working on presently (you can also generate your own printable strips with the Python code).
We've made a few tweaks to the layout on this map including small symbols on the full-size map to help with setup. Please let me know if you have pro/con thoughts on these updates. The plan is to continue with these changes for the rest of the Lothal wave.
Edited by nickv2002This is great! Thanks for your hard work!
Again thanks to scans from @leacher and @Oslatir along with lots of image editing work from @lorunks and particularly @fabiofotomoto I’m pleased to have a version of the Lothal Battlefront skirmish map ready:
(Bit of a weird layout on this one because of it's size, but it should work fine like this.)
You can find the full res version and printing instructions on the project website . I have not updated the printable strips yet, but will do so once the rest of this wave is ready (you can also generate your own printable strips with the Python code). I did update the table of all maps on the main page as well as the JSON mapping for @kingargyle 's streaming software.
Wow, that map looks really fun to play. I like how both of those new maps have a pretty unique way of deploying! I hope this one goes into rotation soon too! Thanks for your great work.
Thank you for your efforts and support! Any news on the 4 player map?
Edited by robertpolsonAgain thanks to scans from @leacher and @Oslatir along with lots of image editing work from @lorunks and particularly @fabiofotomoto I’m pleased to have a version of the Lothal Spaceport skirmish map ready:
(I was able to crunch this into a narrow size so folks can save a bit of money on prints.)
You can find the full res version and printing instructions on the project website . I also updated the printable strips so you can print the current-ish tournament rotation of Uscru-Tarkin-Lothal as well as the 3 current Lothal-wave maps (though there are 2 more Lothal maps to create still).
Printi (for USA) and PixArtPrinting (for EU & rest of the world) both have Black Friday sales with about 30% discounts , so now is a great time to order. Check the details on each site but generally it look like PixArt ends on November 25th and Printi goes for a few more days ending on the 27th. (You might also try coupon code TRYPRINTI15 on Printi for an additional 15% off, just worked for me).
@robertpolson 4-Player from HotE is not being actively worked on but I still plan to do it when I have some free time after the Lothal maps are complete.
Edited by nickv2002Small mistake, but under the second mission I think it says "mach" instead of "match"... might be an easy fix.
Thanks so much for the work! I'm gonna print these out too!
4 hours ago, Mandelore of the Rings said:Small mistake, but under the second mission I think it says "mach" instead of "match"... might be an easy fix.
Thanks so much for the work! I'm gonna print these out too!
Fixed (you may need to refresh the page to see). Thanks for the proof-reading.
This thread has been like Christmas morning recently. One shiny new toy after another. Great Job everyone who is working on completing these images, we really appreciate the effort!
I just had all2playermaps 4, 6 and 8 printed, and they turned out great! Thank you everyone involved for all your effort.
One point of feedback: on the mission text the black tends to bleed a bit into the white lettering, making them rather faint. Would emboldening the letters so they stand out a bit more be an option?
Again thanks to scans from @leacher and @Oslatir along with lots of image editing work from @lorunks and particularly @fabiofotomoto I’m pleased to have a version of the Devaron Garrioson skirmish map from Sabine and Zeb's pack ready:
(Nice compact map 😀 )
You can find the full res version and printing instructions on the project website . I also updated the printable strips so you can print the current-ish tournament rotation of Uscru-Tarkin-Lothal as well as the 4 current Lothal-wave maps (only 1 more Lothal maps to create).
@Isnigu , in the Lothal wave I increased the font size for the rules. I'm waiting for my prints to arrive soon to see how it turns out, but let me know if it helps if you have before/after to compare.
I think we're missing door info on the mini-map of Devaron Garrison (mission B)
Here is a picture of the maul map + lothal map side by side text. Printed at the same time, so all other parameters are equal.
The difference is noticable, and an improvement. The maul one is actually less clear than the picture would suggest, due to the camera picking up the contrast better than it looks irl. Perfectly readable, but you have to put some effort in iso just being able to read it at a glance. I think going a font size larger still wouldn't be a bad thing, but as is it's better than it was already.
14 hours ago, ricope said:I think we're missing door info on the mini-map of Devaron Garrison (mission B)
I added doors (though not to the printable strips yet, I'll pick up those changes in the next Lothal map generation). You may need to refresh the page to see changes here.
Interestingly, the door between the outdoor and indoor areas is incorrectly placed in the middle of a space (see picture).
and I agreed it made more sense moved towards the indoor area so I did so on my map. LMK if there's an official ruling that moves it elsewhere though.
The final map from Lothal is ready! Again thanks to scans from @leacher and @Oslatir along with lots of image editing work from @lorunks and particularly @fabiofotomoto I’m pleased to have a version of the Imperial Tower skirmish map from Thrawn's pack ready:
(Woah, 2 floors is different! 😳 )
You can find the full res version and printing instructions on the project website . I've updated all the printable strips for Lothal and the full set of all maps too. JSON metadata is also complete for @kingargyle streaming software.
BTW: I got my printouts for some maps on this wave a few weeks ago: the tweaks we made with larger font sizes and on-map indicators are a nice upgrade. Maybe worth upgrading previous maps... someday .
As for the 4 player map from HotE, I'm kinda burned out right now but if someone wants to take charge of editing tiles and assembling, you're welcome to get in touch so I can share the files with you.
Edited by nickv2002When will the next map rotation occur? I just downloaded the tournament document and it indicates the 3 current maps began July 23.
Seems silly to print those three now...
Edited by Farseerixirvost10 hours ago, Farseerixirvost said:When will the next map rotation occur? I just downloaded the tournament document and it indicates the 3 current maps began July 23.
Seems silly to print those three now...
I believe it will rotate few weeks prior Worlds.
13 hours ago, Farseerixirvost said:When will the next map rotation occur? I just downloaded the tournament document and it indicates the 3 current maps began July 23.
Seems silly to print those three now...
two of those maps will be the same, and it will likely be Lothal Wastes rotating in for Mos Eisley back alleys, followed relatively soon by the map from the Maul pack. I say print them all, haha.
yeah, print 'em all. Let FFG sort 'em out.
actually I wish they'd increase the pool of competition maps to 4. add a bit more variety. they could cycle in some really old ones...
I also wish they'd get creative with the maps and maybe design something weird that you couldn't make with the tiles but you could print or buy a roll out copy of. New terrain types and art from different worlds... weird map shapes... three player maps! you could design some pretty cool stuff if you weren't limited to the tiles...
@Fightwookies found a mistake in the Tarkin Labs map with the position of the experimental weapons next to the yellow console on the minimap. Sorry that this mistake wasn't caught earlier, but luckily is was symmetric and should have had only a minimal effect on gameplay. Here's the fixed & updated map:
Note that the updated map has indicators overlaid onto the main map to help differentiate it from the previous version. I also bumped the text size of the instructions to be the same size as newer printouts since there was plenty of room.
Edited by nickv20025 minutes ago, nickv2002 said:@Fightwookies found a mistake in the Tarkin Labs map...
Great catch. I was just about to send All2PlayerMaps_6, 7 and 8 to the printer. Will you be updating Maps_7.pdf as well? Thanks!
23 hours ago, thestag said:Great catch. I was just about to send All2PlayerMaps_6, 7 and 8 to the printer. Will you be updating Maps_7.pdf as well? Thanks!
Yes, won't have time today probably but will do it this weekend for sure. I'll update
this post
when done.
Regen is done. You might want to redownload any you were planning to print as the
regeneration touched a few PDFs
PS: FWIW Printi.com vinyl seems to be out of stock right now . I hope this comes back soon otherwise we'll have to find another US-based printer.
Edited by nickv20022 hours ago, nickv2002 said:PS: FWIW Printi.com vinyl seems to be out of stock right now . I hope this comes back soon otherwise we'll have to find another US-based printer.
Guess I won't be sending those to the printer any time soon. So go ahead and take your time editing that pdf.
Thanks again!
Does anyone here have older maps they want to sell?