Star Wars: In The Pits OOC
Hi guys, I have needed some time off, I'll get back to this game some time soon so I apologise for not letting everyone know
It's ok, at least we know why you were gone now.
Edited by ShlambateNo worries man, take care of what you need to take care of. Real life always comes first
Really thought this game had died. Phew.
I'm ready if the others are.
Ready as well
So should we assume this is dead/on infinite hiatus?
I don't know, @Richardbuxton seems to have left.
As far as I'm aware, Richardbuxton does want to continue, but is unable to do so at the moment.
Definitely on hiatus, but a game that still holds interest for me and I hope all of you. I’m having to be very careful with my time now, if I try to do too much then nothing gets done, real life is extremely busy. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to fit time in for you guys.
While we are in this limbo, we could try organising in a more anarchic fashion to finish the scene if everybody agrees.
On 11/4/2017 at 0:36 PM, Arctanaar said:While we are in this limbo, we could try organising in a more anarchic fashion to finish the scene if everybody agrees.
I’m down. Elaborate.
I will be unable to be active here much due to tomorrow's colloquium, but the idea is that we play without a GM for a while, with everyone making suggestions/decisions in place of one, using an RNG to help solve disagreements.
Edited by Arctanaar14 minutes ago, Arctanaar said:I will be unable to be active here much due to tomorrow's colloquium, but the idea is that we play without a GM for a while, with everyone making suggestions/decisions in place of one, using an RNG to help solve disagreements.
Anarchy then. Cool.
On 9/14/2017 at 9:46 PM, Revanchist said:Ugh so sorry folks. I am back. Ok, so if I want to use Harm on the beast I am currently engaged with, how will the boost from Bull affect me roll.
Alright, well I was going to take the next initiative slot and this was my question. What do y’all feel should be the answer in this case?
Sorry for disappearing, my life got quite a bit busier.
As for the answer to Revanchist's question, if it was spent on a boost die, it probably should not be applicable to your current check, unless it involves getting through the resistances. In that case, I would vote to just roll it separately and see if we get any advantages to spend on changing the environment a bit.
Edited by Arctanaar