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Episode 1 - Hope's Gamble
You are that Resistance cell.
Get your men out of there!! Shroryyk bellows as the interpreter translates over the com.
Its a frelling traaaaap!!
Jaycen Ildis motions that hes almost done downloading from the terminal. This isn't a normal shipment, normally its foodstuff, blasters and occasionally manufacturing supplies. This haul is different, rare ores, tankers of gases you've never heard of. Something is going on here.
You pull everything off the computer core, and take the personal data pad of the dead Imperial captain.
Commander Caess yells through the com for the boarding party to retreat. You all manage to make it back to the ship in one piece.
When you blow the docking clamps you see carnage, ship wreckage and laser fire. An interdictor cruiser looms in the backround.
You gotta leave, Hit the hyperdrive in 10-9-8-7-6-5-4..... Shroryyk pilots the CRoc into the side of the Interdictor blowing a huge chunk out of the wedge.
It begins to list. You jam the hyperdrive and are gone.
No more "Old Man", Shroruyk is dead.
Ready or not, Caess Aral assumes leadership, no time to mourn, you must regroup, rebuild... The best way to pay respect to fallen comrades.
Going over the files you "recovered" from the dead Imperial captain, you notice an investigation, two suspicious individuals, of classified designation. At first its just a curious fact. However it doesn't feel right.
After some digging, Ildis manages to decode ghost traces of transmissions made months ago on a secure channel. The words leap off the screen. "Potential Force Users - Extreme Caution - Pursue and Investigate". Last known whereabouts was an unverified sighting on a near Jubilar.
With little supplies, and fewer men, Caess leads the survivors on a desperate gamble, find these two before the Empire, maybe the hold the key to turning the tide. Maybe the Jedi arn't dead.
You land on the sad grey planet. Its name is bad irony. All you see is miles of rigid slab buildings of rough duracrete. Occasionally an industrial processing center or patch of grey desert breaks the routine.
The long depressing expanse of prison camps and work buildings finally comes to an end in an even more depressing sight, that of the main town. Lovingly called "Dying Slowly".
If one could imagine all of the sc um and filth of Nar Shadda compressed into a single level then tossed and scattered haphazardly over a patch of gritty nothingness combine that with the mindset of a small bored and isolated town... You'd be thinking of "Dying Slowly".
It is here you find the two you are looking for.
Parked over a few roaring fuel drum fires, a few dozen or so sketchy figures drink and poke at plates of cheap food. The brief excitement of the "gladiator match" has already ebbed, no more matches tonight. The crowd has mostly dispersed. Just regulars and scattered hangers on stay, with nothing better to do than kill time.
Two figures amongst the sparse crowd match who you are looking for.
You pause thinking of what to do, but time is running out, someone points to the sky, a star destroyer's silhouette contrasts against the setting sun.
Edited by TheShard