Corillean Conflict vassal 2- Biggs & Co, vs Gink & Co.

By Ginkapo, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

Mon Mothma's narrow defeat at the hands of Vader weighing on her, her fleet sped out of the dark side of a moon to surprise Vader's ships...and hopefully reek havoc with their leadership due to what she is sure will be a few changes the topic positions of the fleet.

Vader is pleased. Last time Mothma managed to slip away, thanks to that accursed ion cannon. This time she will not be as lucky.

Dodonna prepares to lead his fleet and make his presence known by attacking tarkin's convoys in a daring hyperlane raid! In forvano

Edited by Kikaze

Tarkin is standing ready with the Imperial reserve fleet at Corellia, ready to respond to just such an incursion.

Next time, our drydock workers must redouble their efforts.

Tarkin's fleet rushes out of the yards to respond to the hyperlane raid in Forvano. Tarkin shoots a worried glance at one light cruiser, sparks occasionally cascading out of a ragged gash in it's superstructure that was not repaired.

Vader's spies have warned him of the approaching rebel fleet (spynet).

One spacer to each of Takin and Konstantine (not that it matters - objectives are set).

Mon Mothma prepares to defend the people of Phemis from a vicious and unjustified show of force. (We are starting our game in about 45 minutes or earlier depending.)

Edited by ryanabt

For posterity, I'm holding the spynet token.

Just in on HoloNet News: Battle rages over Phemis. Tune in to watch Demolisher blow up unarmed civilian stations...

Just in: unregistered YT-2400 shot down by Zetrik Strom!

...only to be taken out by rebel fighters!

Also just in: Emperor offers 10.000 credit reward for whomever made the vassal dice roller!

I want him alive. No disintegrations!

Edited by Green Knight

Breaking news: actual shots fired by actual ships at actual ships!

Also in: Admonition is annoying.

And now for some commercials. Stay tuned!

(resuming Monday 10 am central US/5 pm CET)

Edited by Green Knight

Tarkin and Dodonna are scheduled to clash monday at 10am PST barring the arrival of my son who could quiet literally arrive at any moment.

1 hour ago, BrobaFett said:

Tarkin and Dodonna are scheduled to clash monday at 10am PST barring the arrival of my son who could quiet literally arrive at any moment.


Thanks! We are super excited for him to get here...

3 hours ago, ryanabt said:


Hell yeah!

And we're back!

Brobafeet v Kikaze wrapped up with a win for myself. Details below:

Rebels (Kikaze)

All ships scarred, one X-Wing scarred, one X-Wing veteran.

Imperials (Brobafett)

All squadrons except Colonel Jendon either destroyed (Firespray, Advanced, Defender) or scarred (Maarek Stele, Gamma Squadron). ISD II and Gladiator I veteran.

Honestly a very close game until turn five, when my ISD unleashed an unholy fury, one shotting a flotilla and hurting Yavaris badly, then finishing off Yavaris and one shotting (with a ram) a Pelta on turn 6. So essentially, we were both very nearly full strength going into the end of the game, until my ISD just turned into a monster. Some very unlucky squadron whiffs kept my screen and my scarred Arquitens alive longer than they had any right to be, while whiffing black dice on my part kept the MC80 Lib alive an extra turn or 2 as well while it flakked my squadrons to dust.

Vader and Mon Mothma met again, this time as Vader cruelly decimated the outpost stations on Phemis.

Mon Mothma's noble forces were unable to protect the innocent victims as Vader's use of Demolisher tore through the Rebel defenses.

Mon Mothma
Scarred: Admonition, YT2400
Lost: Corvette, Lancer, and an Xwing
Veteran: GK needs to help me out on this. I think perhaps Foresight

Scarred: Raider I X2, YV666, Rudor, Zertik Strom, and Tie Advanced
Veteran: Demolisher


Your scarred hwk also went down, killed fairly early, during the round when I needed like eight blue dice to score a single hit :-)

Plus both flots are still scarred, and same with that X-wing.


Instigator died to the lancer (who perished to quad laser counter). The nameless raider got killed by trc from Mothma's flagship. Foresight dished out a lot of damage to both isd and instigator, but didn't kill anything. So no veteran ships.

Shara killed Valen, but she's already a veteran. Not sure if Tycho did the final shot against any of the other squads. He may have taken out the plain Advanced. I simply can't remember.

Demo is already a veteran for me, my raiders got scarred and so did my squads. So no more veterans for me.


Dice were strange Ryan pointed out, the blue dice were kind of average, only he got most of the hits. Unbelievably cold as.

On the other hand Ryan's red dice were a were his bomber rolls.

And my Demolisher volleys were top of the class. Even accounting for Vader and oe they were really, really good.

Edited by Green Knight

Important points.

The campaign takes 12 pts to win. Score is currently 2-2 with Biggs and I going into a game worth 2pts.

When a team is on 8 or more pts, they can declare an all out assault. This seems likely to be round 6 at the moment. Plan accordingly.

bah i botched it completely.

while i agree that Broba was lucky (4 shots of the ISD, 1 of them sideshot; he killed 3 ships. also, end of turn 4 mc80 had -1 shield total, end of turn 5 it has 1 hull by just squadrons and GSD)

it wasnt just luck though, fair is fair; he also outplayed me because i made a crucial mistake trying to bomb the scarred arquittens instead of bombing the GSD ; instead i just relied on the mc80. mc80 scored only 1 acc(unlucky but not too much), most of its damage was mitigated, and i payed for my mistake. makes me think i shouldnt have joined a teamgame before gathering more experience as a player. gg brobafett man;) .

Edited by Kikaze