Corillean Conflict vassal 2- Biggs & Co, vs Gink & Co.

By Ginkapo, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

Broba's fleet will be up soon - he just needs to adjust for the 15 points cost of the base.

I think he's like Pacific time or something. Definitely not CET. So could be while before he comes online.

(correct me if I'm mistaken)

Imperial Senate reports Polanis and Corfai are off limits this round.

Imperial Senate reports Polanis and Corfai are off limits this round.

The Emperor will be disbanding that Senate thing any day now...

BrobaFett attempts to liberate the poor souls of XyquinneII

BrobaFett attempts to liberate the poor souls of XyquinneII

Tarkin finds a Rebel base at Xyquine II, and a fleet under the command of General Rieekan (Kikaze) defending it.

Meanwhile Admiral Ackbar (Biggs) moves to intercept Imperial shipments coming out of Tralus (Hyperlane Assault Special).

BrobaFett attempts to liberate the poor souls of XyquinneII

Tarkin finds a Rebel base at Xyquine II, and a fleet under the command of General Rieekan (Kikaze) defending it.

Meanwhile Admiral Ackbar (Biggs) moves to intercept Imperial shipments coming out of Tralus (Hyperlane Assault Special).

Ackbar is horrified to see Konstantine waiting for him having regrouped from Aurea.

Vader assaults Saberhing without mercy, but with a spynet.

Spacers and spynets people!

Spacers and spynets people!

Well our spacers seem somewhat redundant...

Redundancy is the cornerstone of the Empire! That's why we built TWO Death Stars.

Spacers and spynets people!

Well our spacers seem somewhat redundant...

Vader being courteous. It's his specialty.

Mon Mothma and her skilled spacers meet Vader prepared to defend the Rebel base there.

Ackbar has a spynet reporting on the location of Konstantine's forces.

Mon Mothma and her skilled spacers meet Vader prepared to defend the Rebel base there.

Vader orders all ships to attack speed!

The Lord of the Sith has even brought some Trandoshan bounty hunters to the fight (YVs!).

Battle scheduled for Monday 5 pm CET (10 am US Central.)

Edited by Green Knight

A hard fought battle broke out of Tralus, and while Konstantine emerged victorious, at what costs? Sure he had damaged the Alderaan Beacon, and wiped out the rebel squadrons, but the Rebels had escaped with some extremely valuable cargo.

Ackbar congratulated his crews - the battle hadn't gone according to plan. A Victory-Class star destroyer he had dead to rights had managed to escape at the last moment, but still, some cargo had been recovered. Red Home's crew had received commendations for their gallantry (though more to keep up morale than anything else).

Rebel Veterans: Red Home (AFIIB - Fighter Support Kit)

Rebel Scarred: All my squadrons! Also Alderaan Beacon! (AFIIB - Gunnery Team Kit)

Net Resource Gain: +40 (2 tokens)

Imperial Gain: +40 (Imperial Victory)

Edited by BiggsIRL

Konstantine was worried about his bruised Victory, AKS Copenhagen, but fortunately it was able to skirt the battle providing squadron commands via Relay and made it home safe. Rhymer and his gang of merry chums put the hurt on an assault frigate, tearing it to pieces, before AKS Istanbul took it down mercilessly.

Soontir took a heavy beating from Biggs Xwing gang and sadly was blown apart. Enraged, Mithel tore them to pieces with help from Saber and Rhymer.

Imperial Veterans - Mithel, Saber, Rhymer, Istanbul (Interdictor)

Imperial Scarred - St Lucia (Gozanti), Antwerp (Gozanti), Soontir, Bruce (Tie Bomber)

Imperial passed heros - Prev (Tie Advanced)

40 resources sent home in honor of Prev.

Really great read guys, please keep posting!

Grand Moff Tarkin and General Rieekan square off Monday at 9:30 PST.

Should be a tense game for any interested in dropping by.

Little too late for me.

Lord Vader reports the rebel base at Saberhing destroyed and the rebel fleet fled into hyperspace.

According to Lord Vader the rebels were completely overwhelmed and would have been utterly destroyed, save for a very powerful and very much operational, ion cannon.

Losses on both sides were high, including the complete destruction of an imperial light cruiser.

Edit: kudos to Ryan for cunning use of strategic and the cannon. I felt I had everything under control through the whole assault, but those fighters and that **** cannon kept hitting and hurting.

Fun to try a base assault!

Edited by Green Knight

Imps lost 1 kitten, 1 adv and 1 yv permanently.

One gozanti, demo and the other adv scarred.

Rebs 1 x wing final death, plus cr90, foresight, gr75, 2 x wings, hwk and vcx.

Imp vets: Avenger

Rebs: not sure!

Edited by Green Knight

Rebel Vets: Shara and I can't remember if Tycho or someone else killed the glad. I think maybe the xwing.

Shara got the yv, I think. May well have been and x that rolled that red crit that took down demo.

Note to self: ecm helping very little, but rbd would have been great.

Rieekan stood on the bridge of his battlecruiser, looking at the advancing Imperials.

an ensign reported: "Tarkin's forces are ready for a fight, commander. we are heavily outgunned. "

at the outskirts of the battle, an E-wing squadron was already taking damage as the rebels gasped at the enemy pilots outnumbering them.

Rieekan yelled: "the Rebellion will not be cowed! we will fight them to our very last breath! show them no mercy as they shall show none to you!!! "

Hera';s voice on the comms rallied the fighters to follow her. soon, the ships were trading blows, planetary ion Cannons aiding the rebels' desperate struggle.

two corvettes were fighting two arquittens-class cruisers that attempted to flank the rebel formation, the four ships' silhouettes dancing a dance of death around meteorites.

on the other side, the Imperials subdued the rebels-only for Rieekan's forces to take them to the grave!!! In the end, very few brave pilots from both sides kept fighting, as a battered Arquittens stormed the station for repairs hunted be an equally battered corvette, their partners having been disabled long ago. seeing the chance to end this madness, Hera Syndulla , aided by brave E-wing squadron, managed to destroy the vessel, sealing the victory for one of the bloodiest battles ever.

rebels 486-Imperials 321. GG brobafett man :)

Rebels destroyed- one cr90, one gr 75

Rebels scarred- one more cr90, Battlecruiser, E-wing, corran horn

Veterans: the last surviving cr90 Corvette.

Imperials NOT scarred: colonel Jendon (veteran), Gamma Squadron.

(all others scarred)

Edited by Kikaze

****, now that is a fight.