Beyond the Wall: E-Town, The next generation

By Fat Bob, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

I may have to coach a game at 2 around the U. I will work on not having to coach and let you know.

So, I think we had a great game session of GOT today. Nice combo of joust and melee and a nice combo of deck types.

For Fatbob, I would like to officially apologize if I offended you in any way during Dave and my discussion of the value of other card games. It was not to suggest that anybody who played specific games was to be considered in a negative light. In fact, if fatbob wanted to get together casually to play said game then I would of course oblige. It was suggested that my disdain for said game was impacting your sense of self worth and I am very sorry for that. I hope that you can find it in yourself to forgive me and come back to playing thrones when you return to the city.

That goes ditto for me. But yeah, sometime when you get back you should come out for Thrones. Old decks are perfectly cool and cheap. I don't know how many Put to the Swords or Tears of Lys I've seen since getting back in the game. Maybe like six and all played by Matt against Hoser.

No offence taken. You guys like your game, and I understand the geeky mindset that what you like just has to be the best sometimes. And, as much as I hate to admit it, I do sort of like to argue sometimes. =)

Man, sure am glad to see that E town is still bringing the class! and Fat Bob too! zing!

Staton said:

Man, sure am glad to see that E town is still bringing the class! and Fat Bob too! zing!

Man, have you seen this place? We are nothing BUT class up here.

It sure is good you here from you, Staton. Though, I am a little sad it was just after yourmom shamed me into apologizing to fatbob. It really took a lot of shame at that. Otherwise, we have managed to get a few games in here or there, but the best part is the good natured burning and such that goes on with a comfortable meta. So, I now make Staton tucker.

Of course Fat Bob doesn't recognize the class! He couldn't recognize class even if it nailed his mother!

Also, I've never gotten the tucker thing, so I'm just going to assume its the Canadian Jesus.

Nah, it's actually this guy .

The story behind Tucker is there once was a poster of him up at a store we were gaming at and someone just said "you're Tucker" to someone else. The end. And the beginning.

Staton said:

Of course Fat Bob doesn't recognize the class! He couldn't recognize class even if it nailed his mother!

You are trying to hard, Stanton. First I can't recognize class, and then class nails my mother? Just take it easy. Stick with the "I don't know class" line and then save the "Class nails my mother' for a comeback later. No need to blow your load all in one shot...

Like Tucker did on your mom lastnight! Hi-O!

Aye, Fat Bob, you have the right of it. You have shown me that it is in fact me who knows no class. :(

Don't feel bad though Staton. Fat Bob is like Sinatra in a tuxedo t-shirt, he's that classy. You never had a chance.

In other news, anyone up for cards Sunday, weather permitting me wanting to drive on what may be hideous ice roads? Or is everyone and Staton's mom going to Pure Spec?

In order to save Staton's mom, and return this board to some kind of intellectual class, I will play thrones on Sunday on two conditions:

1. Fatbob shows up. If not he is tucker immortalis.

2. Youmom can drive in the winter city that he has spent his whole life in. If not he shares tucker immortalis.

3. not a condition. Major props to yourmom for linking to a picture of tucker. That link, plus the banter that followed has made this thread the classic joy that only a handful of people have enjoyed for years now. It is puff wheat squared to the max!

Response to 1: Let me know a time on Sunday when you are going, Hoser. Even thought I don't have a deck put together or anything Ill come out and be social at the very least.

Response to 2: Yourmom is made physically ill by the city of Edmonton. The air is like posion and people like beasts to him. That's why he always has the perfumed, lace handkerchief under his nose and the powdered wig on. Or does he wear the wig just cause he likes it? We may never know.

Response to 2 addendum: He wears it cause he likes it.

We usually start around 1. Why don't you bring a deck of the other game as well and maybe we can all play a variety of games.

See you guys on Sunday. I'll be wearing my powdered wig, which is actually just snow.

So good games this weekend guys! I'm pretty amazed I managed to get 5 first turn wins! I guess Targ Rush really is overpowered!

We did have some good games, aside from Hoser trying some shady business with Ours For the Taking my Alchemist's Guild Halls, which then created a petty hostility culminating in Fat Bob winning our melee round.

But tell me more about this Targ rush. I want to steal it.

Well there are two ways to build Targ Rush. Both use Heir to the Iron Throne. The first one chooses to do no intrigue challenges and does a pretty standard rush with all the dragons and Dany. I don't really like that deck. The other deck chooses to not do military challenges. You might think that this gimps you a bit, but I don't think so. The majority of the killing of characters comes from resets, right? So why even both doing a military challenge? Especially when there is an agenda that you can build around that lets you do extra of another type of challenge. You supplement your character base with some maesters and alchemist shop from Martell. Throw in some superior claim and make an example and you are good to go. Hell with the attachments in there you might as well throw in King Viserys too. Just keep him in hand until you are at 10-11 power. Throw in down with four or five attachments and bam! gg.

I never bought the Queen of Dragons expansion, so I keep forgetting what's in the set. That sounds pretty good. I'll have to mock up some kind of a deck like the ones you described just cause I like to have a deck for every house handy when teaching the game or playing melee with friends who don't own their own cards.

Except I will still include a few too many useless cards to ensure they lose.

If you have octgn I'd be up for some games to test decks. I have a few odd decks I want to test.

I'll try and install it today. My schedule is pretty full though between Uncharted 3 and napping.

I think it might be interesting to see what kind of decks are lurking in the expansions and chapter packs. There are a lot of cards out in the field and there are probably some sick sleeper decks out there. The targ expansion came out a while ago and was kind of missed in our meta. It would be nice to see what else is waiting to be rediscovered. Maybe yourmom will make a crazy control deck next?

The only control that yourmom knows about know I got nothing. I feel like there is a joke there, but I just can't think of it. Fatbob you want to help me out here?

Hoser said:

I think it might be interesting to see what kind of decks are lurking in the expansions and chapter packs. There are a lot of cards out in the field and there are probably some sick sleeper decks out there. The targ expansion came out a while ago and was kind of missed in our meta. It would be nice to see what else is waiting to be rediscovered. Maybe yourmom will make a crazy control deck next?

It's cause I hated the Daenerys chapters in the books that I have never been drawn to Targ. I did however start building a rush deck like Staton was describing, then realized it's not my type of deck, so instead have shamelessly ripped-off Twn2dn's Targ Maester control deck and am now revamping it to suit my playstyle. Also being a computer n00b, I was intimidated by OCTGN and haven't dl'd it yet.

As far as making a burn about control? I tried to think of something in the direction of bladders, but don't have anything good.