I think a lot of people would want to see a Warhammer 40k LCG. I know I would. I even have my fantasy Core Set (Imperium, Chaos, Eldar, Ork) and expansion (Tyranids vs. Tau) in mind
. A Lord of the Rings LCG would also be highly welcome. What properties would you guys like to see?
Which properties would you like to see in LCG?
Anyone remember the Guardians CCG? That would make a lovely LCG and couldn't be too hard for someone to pick up the rights to these days....
I'm figuring they'll make a sci-fi LCG next. They've got horror and fantasy already and that's a natural one to do. The rumors are a WH40k which would be a great game. A Twilight Imperium game could be fun.
Even sort of a mystery/cops and robbers kind of game.
I think I wouldn't buy a 40k game. First (the small issue) I'm not a big fan of the 40k universe, second I don't see any possibilities for a not-combat based card system and I would like to see something different, like the COC LCG. Since we already have a good combat-based system with WH:I.
I would see more possibilities in the Twilight Imperium universe, for example, for something different.
I'd like a sci-fi one, and I'd like it to be ship based. Something based off of the lost fleet series might be doable if they want an exisiting IP (thats not too expensive). In house they do have access to the Warhammer one, and they also have a contract for BFG so those are probables too, but i always felt that even there its wasn't so much about the ships in combat as it was about the mood/people. Lost fleet is all about ship combat (and things like time lag and coordination issues in space).
Doctor Who... The last Doctor Who card game made makes me chuckle
Twilight Imperium seems like a logical choice. Would be awesome to see more of the universe expanded.
Graet prpoerties to make into LCG?
Doctor Who would be pretty cool and should be wacky good fun.
If 40K LCG could be properly supported, it would be a pretty good IP to take advantage of, though it still bears the stigma of Sabertooth failed attempt...
Personally, the one that FFG could do the most justice to would be Dune . The last attempt at making a Dune CCG wasnt a huge success as the game was a trifle bit lame, but great ideas with intrigue.
Dune really needs to be revisted again especially since there is an abundance of new material to work from wich could keep the LCG going for quite some time with profits if it turned out to be popular enough.
Dune, just like Lovecrafts stories, has a pretty huge following. If FFG makes it, they will come.
Horus Heresy.
... or Space Fleet Gothic.
Battlestar Galactica has the potential to be an awesome LCG if it kept the Silon rules from the board game somehow. A co-operative LCG as opposed to a straight up 1v1. Kinda like V:TES
Marvel/DC since UDE canned Vs
Indy Comic characters
Battlestar Galactica and Dune... that would be really great!
Frostyfrog said:
A Lord of the Rings LCG would also be highly welcome.
Although I am currently in the process of buying up as much of the old tcg format as I can, I would love to see FFG do a LOTR lcg one.
I, for one, would like to see and original IP for the new LCG.
Don't get me wrong, LotR and WH40K are awesome, but FFG has the option to create a new world and franchise (preferably sci-fi).
Battlestar Galactica and Dune... that would be really great!
Dune would be great, but the chance are around 0,0 %. FFG didn't got the licenses for the DUNE-background to use it for their coming DUNE Reprint, why should they get it for a LCG ?
Don't make an other "medieval-fantasy-heroic" LCG.
Warhammer and AGOT is awesome, and I think that is not a good idea to add an other "fantasy" game. LOTR by decipher stay in heart's player like a famous game, but a big deception. Don't !!!! :'(
But, a SF game, yeees!
I don't like very well SF, but you must "mr Edge" have a SF LCG
Wizard has Star Wars but don't use. Decipher has Star Trek (good joke
)... W40K LCG or Twilight Imperium are certainly good background to make a perfect FFG LCG SF GAME
Twilight Imperium could be interesting, I don't know much about it or its setting though. But something new and sci fi would be good. 40K has the potential to be good but the original CCG by Sabretooth sucked so it would have to be something new to be good.
My vote is for Twilight Imperium.
tech7 said:
Because the license for a Card game is likely cheap since it has not been used in a decade.
Heres another reason why they should do as much with Dune IP as possible. Free advertising.
Wheres the free advertising you may ask? Simple. New movie.
FFG really should get the old avalon hill rights to that boardgame from days gone by as well, but thats a topic for a different thread.
DieStar said:
I, for one, would like to see and original IP for the new LCG.
Don't get me wrong, LotR and WH40K are awesome, but FFG has the option to create a new world and franchise (preferably sci-fi).
There's nothing quite fresh like playing a Original IP cardgame especially in a genre like LCGs. The Shadowar series from UFS was pretty cool and I'd like that to comeback as a LCG since it's already FFG's IP. Why make something so unique and let it go to waste?
I joked about it earlier on the LCG announcement that popped up about the chapter packs, but I'm serious now: a Lord of the Rings /Middle-earth inspired LCG or a Starcraft one. However I wonder if Upper Deck is already sitting on that, waiting to bring that one out since they currently have WoW. However Starcraft is not nearly big enough imo for a TCG. LCG on the other hand could work. Not much of a 40K fan, but I would be willing to give it a shot if they released it. I do like the art style for Rogue Trader.
Decipher had make by the past a SF CCG: WARS
A invented background; berk
I prefer a background who exist already
I think we can logically expect a 40K game if they make a new LCG. It just makes sense. They made a WH Fantasy Big box game then LCG (or other way round), now they've announced a 40K big box, so a LCG seems to follow suit. Why would they let the license go to waste? Plus I'd have to imagine 40K has as large a fan base as you'll find, not to mention a larger intersection, then most of the properties mentioned. Although a new property would be good in getting in a cross section of new players with proper advertising.
Still, i wouldn't mind seeing a Twilight Imperium or other original IP. I don't so much mind what setting they do it in, that will only add to how cool it is. I buy different games incessantly because I like new systems. The Invasion LCG is a good example of new mechanics for card games while not re-inventing the wheel. I like setting, just make sure that the system is fun. The perfect marriage is a cool IP with a fun system that makes sense for the world, as with Invasion.
As to what others have said: Upper Deck didn't lose the Marvel license, they just stopped Vs. They have a new card game coming out this year called Marvel 2010 (codename).
Star Wars isn't going to happen; on top of the large licensing fee, it's currently held by Wizards who are owned by Hasbro, in which Mr. Lucas has a very large stake. They'll sit on the license before they let anyone else get it. Plus, to be honest, there's really not that much buzz around Star Wars anymore and FFG can get a lot more out of a much less expensive license. Not saying it wouldn't work, but it wouldn't be the return on investment they'd be looking for, methinks.
As for the Avalon Hill board game, see above as it too is owned by Wizards. The only thing they do under that title now is Axis and Allies Minis and the occasional memorial piece (thank god they reprinted Diplomacy), but they'll just sit on those properties.
Not saying that those games wouldn't be cool, I just wouldn't expect to see them. I have to admit that there are some properties that I'd love to see in an LCG that I most likely never will:
Netrunner - god this game was amazing for only getting two sets
Legend of the Burning Sands - AEG, but I never got a chance to play it. Hey, there was L5R discwars way back when, so I can hope, right? :^D
Spycraft - This game was awesome but a little hard to teach. Being able to play any card as anything you wanted was a bit tricky for people to grasp
Lord of the Rings - I would like something with more of an ICE spin, not Decipher. In fact the Middle-Earth Quest board game looks somewhat reminiscent of this style.
Starcraft - You know it would be cool, come on. Esp with 2 coming out this year (most likely), and it fills the SciFi niche that's currently vacant in CCG's or LCG's. I wouldn't hold out my breath unless UDE gives up the WoW TCG. I wouldn't be surprised if they were sitting on the Starcraft license.
Diablo - Why isn't there Diablo licensed anything? Not even the manga? I have to imagine this is some kind of legal thing, but there was a Diablo campaign/starter set of D&D (2nd ed I think) when Diablo 2 came out and nothing since besides toys.
Iron Kingdoms - once again dreaming, but I can't get enough of this setting. Also redundant with fantasy and one of the main competitors for Games Workshop, but I think there could definitely be some awesome product here.
Blood Bowl - Ooooooooo. That could be awesome and definitely a fun niche not filled right now. Heck, I wish they could just take over blood bowl period. Probably the most fun of the Games Workshop "other" games. That one's actually a possibility too!
FangsFirst said:
Not saying that those games wouldn't be cool, I just wouldn't expect to see them. I have to admit that there are some properties that I'd love to see in an LCG that I most likely never will:
Netrunner - god this game was amazing for only getting two sets
Charitsune said:
DieStar said:
I, for one, would like to see and original IP for the new LCG.
Don't get me wrong, LotR and WH40K are awesome, but FFG has the option to create a new world and franchise (preferably sci-fi).
There's nothing quite fresh like playing a Original IP cardgame especially in a genre like LCGs. The Shadowar series from UFS was pretty cool and I'd like that to comeback as a LCG since it's already FFG's IP. Why make something so unique and let it go to waste?
Agreed. UFS wasn't sci-fi, but what an awesome game. Bring it back as an LCG.
Oh, so I'm not the only one who'd love to see UFS in LCG format!
(I love it, but I'll never buy a single card as long as it's still CCG, same I did with A Game of Thrones and Call of Cthulhu)
Blood Bowl - Ooooooooo. That could be awesome and definitely a fun niche not filled right now. Heck, I wish they could just take over blood bowl period. Probably the most fun of the Games Workshop "other" games. That one's actually a possibility too!
A Blood Bowl LCG would be an auto-buy for me.