When FFG announced the end of UFS, they also announced the end of Kingdom Hearts and any future ccgs, concentrating instead on only lcg lines.
Which properties would you like to see in LCG?
Deadlands: Doomtown or 7th Sea. As noted in my previous post with reason for why they are good choices.
In Doomtown you can play the Lovecraftian family "The Whatleys" as a faction. Its Western and FFG has no Western games ATM. It was a hit for the years until it was canceled for unknown reason to me. The RPG was brought back and has sold well. Has an interesting backand story to evolve the LCG with. Unique mechanics for combat and deck building.
7th sea has pirates need I say more?
Someone had mentioned using Deciphers WAR TCG, the play mechanics and card types were carried over from there Star Wars CCG. I played a lot of Star Wars in that day and age, was upset when Wizards aquired the rights and butchered the game play badly.
That would be a great idea but I would like to see a LCG based off Star Wars (Wizards didn't renew their contract with Lucas), 40K (carry over from Sabertooth games), or a new Sci-Fi IP.
Bringing back the 40K CCG would be fantastic (and I'd rather have had that than Warhammer Fantasy) but maybe doing it using similar mechanics as Warhammer Invasion might be a nice idea. If Invasion can handle 8 factions, so could a 40K version.
I would like to see an lcg more focused on roleplaying - like GW's Inquisitor with cards. Core sets and big expansions may offer characters and skills while monthly packs could offer different environments with related creatures and quests for the characters to go through.
Algernon said:
I would like to see an lcg more focused on roleplaying - like GW's Inquisitor with cards. Core sets and big expansions may offer characters and skills while monthly packs could offer different environments with related creatures and quests for the characters to go through.
That's a good idea.
WARS TCG redone as a LCG would probably do just as poorly. It was an ok game(good rules set), even though it had bad Decipheritis with card distribution and useless pieces of paper. And the card design wasn't the most attractive. Finally, it was just a cheap clone of....
Star Wars CCG as an LCG would be great. A lot of the chaff could be eliminated. Card limits could be imposed. It'd be pretty balanced. We'd need to get four starters in the core set. One land and one space deck for each side (for the newbies..and to continue the draft idea started in W:I) As a sci-fi property... well, it's a household name. Too bad about the licensing and what not.
BSG and Firefly... Eh. Maybe it's just me, but I don't feel most photographic card art, unless it's from a truly nerd-iconic source (like Star Wars, Star Trek, or LOTR) I'd play a Battlestar LCG before I'd play Firefly. Shows that get canceled early provide little in the way of source material.
Battletech, anyone? Decent game. Decent art. Established sci-fi universe. Licensing may be a problem. 40k could be really cool as well, but I'd like to see an original version.
As for fantasy LCGs..... Middle-Earth would be a preferred version to get the LCG treatment, but the Decipher version was good.. until it got Decipheritis.
WoW may seem cool, but I like it where it is. The world is similar enough with Warhammer Fantasy that it doesn't seem like it'd be a moneymaker for FFG.
But, that being said, I'd be all over a Blood Bowl LCG.
HomerJ said:
3) Lord of the Rings. I secretly wish FFG would just buy the old Iron Crown license and take off from there.
i already like FFG quite a lot, but if they ever reprint the old MECCG, they will have my eternal love. alas, i dont think it will ever happen ...
Hey, we got LotR.
Algernon said:
I would like to see an lcg more focused on roleplaying - like GW's Inquisitor with cards. Core sets and big expansions may offer characters and skills while monthly packs could offer different environments with related creatures and quests for the characters to go through.
I would say you got your wish with the new cooperative LotR LCG
If done right, I would buy this. Something story or quest based, avoiding conflict, etc.
vermillian said:
Doctor Who... The last Doctor Who card game made makes me chuckle
I would like to see Mouse Guard as a LCG.
We still lack a modern/scifi LCG, so I'd say Metal Gear or Dune.
Metal Gear would be commercially more appealing, expecially to younger people...
I agree with Kennon, I would love to see a Guardians LCG, or something like it. Lots of other great suggestions here, too. But something akin to Guardians' wonderful art style and sense of humour would be awesome.
A good Sci-Fi card game would perk my interest, but I am not sure I would care to invest in something like the Star Wars or Star Trek licenses (maybe Battlestar Galactica). The WARS setting is a very cool sci-fi setting, and IMHO, died mainly because the embezzlement problems that were the root of all of Decipher's problems during that time period.
But, if FFG were to create a LCG based around Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series they would have the vast majority of my free spending money for some time (I may even quit smoking to get more of that cardboard crack!!
Here's my wishlist: - Mafia gang wars LCG
- Warhammer 40 000
- Deadlands or any weird western ideas
- A gothic horror setting in victorian's age in a fictional world LCG
+1 Decipher's Wars
+1 Mouseguard
+1 Dune
+1 for 40K (but similar to Cthulhu where you compete to "take over areas of planets or planets themselves" using characters and units from the 40K universe and compete to win the battle over a sector. ) Adding in a mechanic similar to WHFB LCG where you can combine characters and units from other factions (for a cost) to show them having to battle together against a greater threat would be very cool.
+1 Wheel of Time
+1 Netrunner
WWII game with similar mechanics to Cthulhu but the goal is to win battles with various axis or allied units (different nations are used in the same manner as the cthulhu factions) while attempting to keep your supply lines open with the ultimate goal of winning the most battles in a theater.
~Other properties that might make exciting LCGs~
Terry Goodkind's The Sword of Truth
John Scalzi's Old Man's War
Raymond E. Feist's Riftwar
Terry Brooks' Sword of shannara
Mark Chadbourn's Age of Misrule/ Dark Age
S.M. Stirling's Dies the Fire
I would love to see Terry Prachett's Discworld books turned into an LCG.
Christcenteredgamer said:
I would love to see Terry Prachett's Discworld books turned into an LCG.
Good call.
I am actually quite amazed that between those many science-fiction universes one is still missing which provides all there is needed for a great game:
- a massive and great universe full of technology, wonders and politics
- great fleets of many, many races (look at the miniature game with over 15 different fleets)
- a plethora of characters who develop throughout the series of events (quite many races)
- diplomacy, intrigue and a lot of dealings with greater forces
- a good and truly faithful fans
It is the last, best hope for a LCG game... The year: 2010. The name of the station: Babylon 5.
(Could not help myself but use in-series monologue. It's just so epic.)
Btw, there is a bit of talk at the BordGameGeek forums of the (long-dead) Babylon 5 CCG about the possibilities which a conversion into an LCG game would bring to the product. I think it would be worth it and I would certainly buy it instantly as would many others I know.
(Btw, I also like the Dune universe however I am not sure, I would buy the game... I have the feeling that none - films or games - can capture the uniqueness and beauty of the books. And then... maybe I would if it would be more of an adventure style game. Somebody talked about the free advertising: would be cool with the new movie scheduled to come out soonish but I am not sure this would make the licence cheap, rather a bit more expensive if a success is guaranteed.)
My List:
Dresden Files
Werewolf the Apocalypse
Forgotten Realm's
Neil Gaiman's American Gods
Hellfury said:
Christcenteredgamer said:
I would love to see Terry Prachett's Discworld books turned into an LCG.
Good call.
Yea I'm all in for that!
Wing Commander or Strike Commander.
The old WC TCG was not good but you can make much more out of this.
A World War 2 card game.
highpriestrsw2 said:
+1 Netrunner
I'd give an arm an a leg for a netrunner LCG. The original game IS the best CCG that ever graced the market and 15 years later it's 2010 and we're still playing it. Doubt it will ever happen, as WotC hold the license and Zvi Moshvitz tried to resurrect Netrunner some time ago and WotC shut the idea down.
Still, who knows?