Which properties would you like to see in LCG?

By Frostyfrog, in Living Card Games

I would expect the next LCG from FFG to be based on an existing property, and one tht FFG already has the rights to. I'm basing this on the one big cost of a start-up card game artwork. When a Core Set comes out, it requires a large card pool, usually made up of at least 160 new cards. Which means 160 new pieces of art. And that can be a huge investment. If they can base it off of something they already own, they can reuse the artwork. Which means 40K or Twilight Imperium, or possibly even Cosmic Encounter are strong candidates.

Myself, I'd love to see them acquire the rights to Shadowrun as a LCG. That would totally rock. And bring Shadowar into a UFS LCG. They spent the time designing the property, might as well get their the money's worth.

Hopefully it won't be Mutant Chronicles. THe minis game was impressive, but how many people besides me had heard of the property before.

One last note. AS someone already mentioned, FFG has already acquired the rights to the AH Dune game, but can't publish it as Dune, as the Frank Herbert estate wouldn't resell the license. But they have the rules and the "engine," as it were, and are going to rerelase the game my guess is as a reinvention of their old Hex game, Thunders Edge.

Honestly, I'm excited about anything new period to start from the ground floor. I would love a Sci-Fi game. Personally, I'd love to play Firefly/Serenity.

JerusalemJones said:

Hopefully it won't be Mutant Chronicles. THe minis game was impressive, but how many people besides me had heard of the property before.

I have heard of it before and own quite a bit of it, Minis, books, and the original CCG Doomtrooper that I bought boxes for cheap a few years ago on ebay when a friend of mine, who is a huge MC fan, got me into the card game. It's a great setting but has never seemed to really do very well sadly after Target games went under back in the late 90's.

I would suspect we will probably see a 40K card game, which if its anything like the Sabertooth one I will not play or Twilight Imperium which would be interesting, but it will defintely I think be something sci fi, it just makes the most sense.

I just had a thought, another great one would be a Doomtown, that game had great battle mechanics and might catch on with the increased interest in poker in recent years. I have no idea who owns the rights to the Deadlands and Doomtown setting though.

Toqtamish said:

I just had a thought, another great one would be a Doomtown, that game had great battle mechanics and might catch on with the increased interest in poker in recent years. I have no idea who owns the rights to the Deadlands and Doomtown setting though.

Pinnacle Entertainment, but AEG has the perma-license, so I wouldn't expect to see it.

My money is still wtih JJones, I think it will be an existing property, half just so they can reuse artwork, whether from or to another product. They certainly have enough 40K art stockpiled already with all the RPG's. It's high quality, so don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, it makes business sense for them. I also have faith that it will be fun as very little I buy from FFG isn't.

I have heard of Mutant Chronicles before, but I've never really been impressed. There's a lot of awesome settings out there, so it takes a good bit to stand out anymore.

UFS could be brought back if they used ShadoWar, but I don't think it was very popular. The game engine was okay, but to me the only thing that kept me in that game was being able to play Ken or a Darkstalker vs. other people. I could easily see why LCG's wouldn't be able to support that kind of license fee, and without the licenses the game is just meh IMHO.

What I would like the best is if they came up with something completely original that players can impact. I always enjoy games like that.

T.I....... that it. they have 10 races and tons of art for it calready. I think it should be done in a planet controling format like CoC story control. That would work ready well. Just my 2 cents gran_risa.gif

FangsFirst said:

Netrunner - god this game was amazing for only getting two sets

I would so buy this in LCG format. Deckbuilding rules would need to be revised though. One of my runner decks had 8-9 copies of some rares, can you imagine having to buy nine core sets. Ouch.

mkultra said:

FangsFirst said:

Netrunner - god this game was amazing for only getting two sets

I would so buy this in LCG format. Deckbuilding rules would need to be revised though. One of my runner decks had 8-9 copies of some rares, can you imagine having to buy nine core sets. Ouch.

You wouldn't have to buy nine core sets.

Rakshasa said:

You wouldn't have to buy nine core sets.

Yeah right...I didn't have to buy 3 core sets and each BP x 3 either...but I did. I have no self control. I even payed retail.

mkultra said:

Rakshasa said:

You wouldn't have to buy nine core sets.

Yeah right...I didn't have to buy 3 core sets and each BP x 3 either...but I did. I have no self control. I even payed retail.

Good man. Local gaming stores need people like you. Just found out that another game store in MN recently closed its doors, and to be honest ours is hanging on by the skin of our teeth and the loyalty of our customers. Just wish FFG had printed more starters, because I hate running out and asking players to wait until a reprint/restock.

It gets worse...I just got a fourth to give to a friend.

Oh man!

1) Superheroes! UDE's bungling of VS System has made a huge opening for a good superhero-based game. The upcoming release of Marvel Superstars will be an epic failure. Basing a game on DC, Marvel, or even Darkhorse Comics characters would be huge. And, even though it's a bit of a cop-out, some of the existing games could EASILY be converted to a super-hero genre. I did my own mock-up of super-hero game based on the Call of Cthulhu engine and it worked amazingly well. The Story cards can be based on story-arcs in the comic universe (Secret Wars, Blackest Night, etc . . .) the icons just get adjusted to be more comic related (Terror becomes Mind Control, Investigation becomes Technology, etc . . .). Anyway, super heroes is the way to go.

2) Space. I don't care if it's Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, or even Battlestar Galactica. Some sort of science fiction license should be explored. Heck, BSG continues to be one of the most popular shows out there. So much so that Caprica is getting big-time ratings. Managing spacecraft and away-teams matched up against cyborgs, aliens, and planetary invasions!? Awesome.

3) Lord of the Rings. I secretly wish FFG would just buy the old Iron Crown license and take off from there. But a new game would rock.

4) BPRD. I think the BPRD universe could be huge. You get the creepy, the fantasy, the science-fiction, and the superhero mentality, all wrapped up in once license. Tannhauser already has that feel, and could be pushed into a LCG format without the investment in a license, but I think a lot of people would like to play with Hellboy, Liz, Abe, and the rest.

So... what about World of Warcraft as an LCG? The possibility just got realistic.

Personally, I had to quit WoW TCG because of the expense, but I'd be willing to give an LCG a shot, as I'm sure legions of fans would as well.

Slipstream said:

So... what about World of Warcraft as an LCG? The possibility just got realistic.

Personally, I had to quit WoW TCG because of the expense, but I'd be willing to give an LCG a shot, as I'm sure legions of fans would as well.

I was wondering when someone was going to say it. I mean, FFG already *does* have a working relation with Blizzard due to the board games...

Pretty sure no one said it because they figured WoW TCG was doing well, and it is. It's no Magic, but its doing its fair profits. I think an LCG would do exceptionally well. I mentioned it earlier in the thread, but is anyone think the last ? box on the front page is an LCG? It seems to fit the core box shape...

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing them try the fireborn setting as an LCG. The rpg had a lot of possibility, and its a shame to see that IP go to waste.

Masi said:

Battlestar Galactica and Dune... that would be really great!

Dune +1

Blood Bowl +2. This could be really wonky and fun, in the vein of Privateer Press' card games. Or just re-do the board game.

40K with very original game play+1

New Sci Fi Setting +1

~all in multi-player format (at least 3). My friend wouldn't buy the Warhmamer LCG because it wasn't designed for multi-player.

Actually, Warhammer appears to have multi-player rules come out in a later expansion. The cards are already templated for multi-player games, and although the game is currently setup for 1v1, it is pretty clear that they intend for this to be a multi-player game down the road. And considering the design team, I do not think that this will be "tacked-on" mp rules, but rather something they have had planned from the beginning.

Locally we have "experimented" with different types of mp rules (all out attack vs. hunter/prey style of V:tes) and the game does seem to flow naturally in both of these types of environments.

JerusalemJones said:

Actually, Warhammer appears to have multi-player rules come out in a later expansion. The cards are already templated for multi-player games, and although the game is currently setup for 1v1, it is pretty clear that they intend for this to be a multi-player game down the road. And considering the design team, I do not think that this will be "tacked-on" mp rules, but rather something they have had planned from the beginning.

Locally we have "experimented" with different types of mp rules (all out attack vs. hunter/prey style of V:tes) and the game does seem to flow naturally in both of these types of environments.

Thanks, we shall check this out

Please no LotR LCG. I would love a scifi LCG (Battlestar Galactica -> CoC like, WH40K, Dune, TI, etc. ). Hmm WoW would also be a possibility...

For those interested in a sci-fi CCG/LCG there is the newly released Dog Fight: Starship Edition


I know there are already two fantasy setting LCGs, but how cool would a Midnight Chronicles LCG be?

I would love to see Decipher's WARS TCG as a Living Card Game. It was a great SCI-FI game, with its own background, and great mechanics. I think it died to quickly.

Someone said Iron Kingdoms earlier, that would be incredibly awesome, but I think Privateer Press would rather make it themselves than give the rights to another company.

So I'll keep hoping for 40k I suppose. Though, what's happening with the Kingdom Hearts card game? Did FFG give up the rights? (Also, it'll never happen but I'd love a Legend of Zelda card game in the LCG format. I've thought of a lot of plans for such a game.)