The Edmonton Trio's Christmas Surprise for the forums

By Eroecchi, in Hollow Bastion

Thanks for the offer guys. It's mostly done through the program provided by the company that's hosting it, so I don't think I could get any help with it even I wanted to...unless anyone knows of any other way.

The main help I'd like is a kick in of a few bucks here or there if anyone would be able to...I'll be adding a PayPal donation button to the site shortly, and 100% of the dontations will go toward keeping it up and running. I'll also add a link to the OXIII forums like Weird suggested.

What are your guys' impressions though? I know it's nothing close to amazing, but I wanted to help somehow and I figured this was the only way to go about it.

Also: The official site is up now...the address is:

EDIT: If anyone wants to help and mess around with the site a bit, I'll give a few of you the password to the account and you can play with the SiteBuilder program after you've downloaded it. It seems pretty in depth if you know what you're doing.

I like the site Dawn, simple and sleek. and good color choices. Once you get more into it, i bet photoshop images will look way better then just the card images. It would be helpful if you could pass me a password, that way i can just upload the scans directly.

preffered image size? and file size for the scans?

Also i suggest for the translations page a set up similar to Card of the day and the original tomy site where it was:

Card scan - Card text

Card scan - Card text

card scan - card text

in a table format, i hope my description is coming across.

And now an update on the cards themselves HURRAY (^,^)/

so cards have been opened and organized, and we have 49/54 and 69/72; Meaning were missing 8, i know 3 of the card names I'm missing

Choitz please email me at so we can start a communication about which cards you have(maybe some possible trading)

Ryo and i sat down and looked at our game plan and even translated one card today which looks great, it only took 2 mins to translate with our combined knowledge so this Friday were gonna see if we can maybe get them all done in one sitting(no promises)

Scaning will then commence Friday night as well.

and Does anyone remeber which set was which? as in i believe set 5 was endless darkness and set 6 was rejoin, can someone confirm please.

Ok first translation here it is:

Setzer Lvl 2

Att 5

Mag 1

Twighlight Town Icon

Friend Card

Endless Darkness 11/72


This Card can only be played by mysterious boy and roxas cards. If you discard this card from the field and 2 cards from your hand, it cancels the text of one nobody card on your world.

I forgot to get Ryo to specify if it was all or one nobody card on the world but i would assume one, and cancel is Ryos word i couldn't think of another "gaming term" to use. I chose Setzer randomly because the guys in my play group love FF6.



Here's a list as to how the sets are, from the Base Set onward in Japan.

Base Set (Set 1)

Force from a Dark Realm (Set 2)

Dawn of a Friend (Set 3)

Light and Darkness (Set 4)

Break of Dawn (Set 5)

Rejoin (Set 6)

Eternal Darkness (Set 7)

Other Sets:

Piece of Memory

Glico Wafers


Of course, FFG's done things a bit different, as they've merged certain sets 'n whatnot (such as Set 2 'n 3, 'n Set 4 'n Glico Wafers..).

Also note: It's not cards that I have, mate. It's the content I've found online, 'n have translated in my free time. Only nowadays, findin the cards are the ordeal. Though, I've been goin through the process of communicatin with a few people who may actually be able to gather full scans of all the cards (promos 'n such included) that they have 'n send them my way. Meanin I could be sittin atop a whole lotta card images from ten different sets.

Course, that requires them emailin me back.

Edit: I figured I'd throw in a quickie of what card I wish I could have translated if ever I get the data emails in.

Tidus Lvl 1 (Foil)

0 Attack

0 Magic

Destiny Island Icon

Friend Card (Ultra Rare)

Pieces of Memory 22/37

Card Text:

During your turn, you may choose to discard this card from your friend area. If you do so, select one Level 1 friend card on the field and discard it also.

Eroecchi said:

Ok first translation here it is:

Setzer Lvl 2


This Card can only be played by mysterious boy and roxas cards. If you discard this card from the field and 2 cards from your hand, it cancels the text of one nobody card on your world.

I forgot to get Ryo to specify if it was all or one nobody card on the world but i would assume one, and cancel is Ryos word i couldn't think of another "gaming term" to use. I chose Setzer randomly because the guys in my play group love FF6.



okay i have an idea for what the "official text could be:

This card can only be played with "Mysterious Boy" cards. If you discard this card from your Friend Area and two cards from your hand, select one Nobody Card on your World:

to loose its card text


and it looses its card text.

(suggestions greatly appreciated :D )

oh one more thing if another roxas player card was released that is not considered a "Mysterious Boy " card then we need to change it to "Mysterious boy" AND "Roxas" which i highly doubt since all the current friends say they only work with "mysterious boy"

*EDIT* (i changed the effect after i forgo to put the MB restriction :D

After seeing Choiz's translation of a card i have come up with a third translation (because im cheap like that :D )

This card can only be played with "Mysterious Boy" cards. During your turn, you may choose to discard this card from your Friend Area along with two cards from your hand. If you do so, one Nobody Card on your World looses its card text.

I think its better :D

I also made some minor changes to the other card texts :D

Eroecchi said:

I like the site Dawn, simple and sleek. and good color choices. Once you get more into it, i bet photoshop images will look way better then just the card images. It would be helpful if you could pass me a password, that way i can just upload the scans directly.

preffered image size? and file size for the scans?

Also i suggest for the translations page a set up similar to Card of the day and the original tomy site where it was:

Card scan - Card text

Card scan - Card text

card scan - card text

in a table format, i hope my description is coming across.

Indeed it is sir...I recall the original look of the TOMY site and it did work quite well. I trust you enough to send ya the password, and your very correct that it'll be a million times easier just being able to upload the scans yourself. Shoot me an email and I'll pass along the password.

Eroecchi said:

Ok first translation here it is:

Setzer Lvl 2

Att 5

Mag 1

Twighlight Town Icon

Friend Card

Endless Darkness 11/72


This Card can only be played by mysterious boy and roxas cards. If you discard this card from the field and 2 cards from your hand, it cancels the text of one nobody card on your world.

I forgot to get Ryo to specify if it was all or one nobody card on the world but i would assume one, and cancel is Ryos word i couldn't think of another "gaming term" to use. I chose Setzer randomly because the guys in my play group love FF6.

Here's how I'd word it:

This Card can only be played by "Roxas" and "Mysterious Boy" Cards. If you choose to discard this card from your Friend Area as well as 2 cards from your hand, select one Nobody Card on your Current Topmost World Card and Negate it's Card text.

WayToTheDawn said:

Here's how I'd word it:

This Card can only be played by "Roxas" and "Mysterious Boy" Cards. If you choose to discard this card from your Friend Area as well as 2 cards from your hand, one Nobody Card on your Current Topmost World Card and Negate it's Card text.

D: thats really different from what i put... there a are a cuple of words that i would've taken out like current topmost and i think negate is just a wierd word to use here D:

I've had a lot of experience with card texts, from just playing a bunch of different CCGs, to working on the card texts for this game I've got a good grasp on how a card needs to be worded. You've got to be as clear as possible without being too wordy, but you've also got to make sure the text flows right.

Granted "Current Topmost World Card" is a bit too much, I may be clarifying too much there...but just saying "Your World Card", or "Your Current World Card" isn't descriptive enough IMO.

As for Negate...I'm not sure why you don't think it's needed here...what else would you call blanking one card's text because of another card's effect?

I'm goin to go out on a whim here 'n just agree with Dawn's text translations for various reasons such as the followin:

Peter Pan lvl X,

White Mushroom lvl 2,

Merlin lvl 3... etc.

Each one states somethin along the lines of an effect bein lost, 'n people have constantly ask'd questions bout 'well, what about blah?'. I'd say make it as clear as possible, as simple as possible, 'n heck, if you have to add in a few choice words to make the card even more understandable, then I'd say go for it.

As for the whole 'Topmost Current World Card', I'd say it makes sense. I'd prolly shorten it to 'Current World Card', but ya know what? You have cards such as Clayton 'n Tornado Step 'n Aquatank that uses various versions of 'World Card'. Yes, bein specific is tedious. But I'd rather know what I'm playin the card for instead of havin to make up twenty bonus rules that only can be read by those that hop online on a forum of a company that closed down the very same game that we're tryin to build back up again.

Though, there is one thing I'd prolly edit on the whole thing, Mr. Dawn. Instead of 'If you choose to discard...', I'd say somethin along the lines of 'Durin your main phase, you may choose to discard... If you do so,...', so we don't have to go through the whole 'Beast/Discard' blah ordeal again.

Just my two cents.

That's what I was goin' for with the "If you choose to" because that's what cards like Beast were missing was the words "Choose to"'s amazing how two little words can clarify so much.

but your wording clarifies it even more...and as you said, that is never a bad thing.

Also Eroecchi! I found this...might be of some use to you's a pdf list of every set by Card Name, Type, Rarity, and Number...Could help with the translations at the least? possibly?

D: did anyone even look at mine? oh and i say wierd cause ...well idk it just is cause you dont really see it in this game.

WayToTheDawn said:

Also Eroecchi! I found this...might be of some use to you's a pdf list of every set by Card Name, Type, Rarity, and Number...Could help with the translations at the least? possibly?

maybe off topic but, i just glanced through those lists and saw "Forgetfulness Castle", thats probably castle oblivion right?

WayToTheDawn said:

Here's how I'd word it:

This Card can only be played by "Roxas" and "Mysterious Boy" Cards. If you choose to discard this card from your Friend Area as well as 2 cards from your hand, one Nobody Card on your Current Topmost World Card and Negate it's Card text.

i felt like i wasn't being specific enough when i commented on your card so i will just point out the things i thought were unnececary

i dont think you need to add the "roxas" there since there is only one roxas (i think) and it is also treated as mysterious boy

"if you choose to" should probably be changed to "you may" since it implies the same thing in less words

"current topmost" is useless because you cant put world cards on other world cards with heartless on them so emphisizing that detail would be pointless since your topmost world could be the only world with heartless on it

i have no real reason for "negate" other than peter pan having "looses" instead of "negates" which is more of the ccg's style IMO :P

it's just my opinion i mean you no harm just constructive critisism D: (and yes i cant spell to save my life)


My bad i assumed you actually had them and were translating them, can i shoot you an e-mail with a the list of cards i'm missing and if you happen to have the scans can you pass them back, of course i have nothing from Pieces of Memory (Which i actually had no clue exsisted). Thanks to Dawn i actually have the card names of thoese i'm missing.

@ Dawn

I really think that lay out will be best. Once i have everything translated i'll send you a word document to paste in, i'll try better sticking to the game terms, like "you may" and "current world" to keep your editing simple. Of course it will just be the card name/card text/card type as i'm quite sure everyone can read: Lvl, att/mag card number and rarity from the image. Oh and thanks for that site as i said above to Choitz it gave me the card names i was missing. I saved your e-mail i'll shoot you an e-mail for the password once the images are ready.


Tonight i actually got to scanning, so right now all cards are scanned into massive pictures of 3X3s and i need to edit them to individuals and probaly resize. Do we want a water Mark? plus i scaned the back of a japanese card(which is pretty much the same) to write image unavalible on and be used as such.


You are correct there is no mysterious boy card unless its in the Pieces of a Memory set as i havn't looked thru that set at all.

Anyways thats it for now, probaly edit some images tommorow between classes, and if i meet up with Ryo in a block of time may do a few translations tommorow, cuz quite frankly i am super excited - tho i probably wont do anymore spoilers and stick to set releases of information.


my bad, just went thru the Pieces of Memory PDF

Nazo No Shounen is Mysterious Boy (;=^,^=)

then if thats true all cards should just say "mysterious boy" instead of including "roxas" since it really isn't needed since both player cards are considered "mysterious boy"

WayToTheDawn said:

Here's how I'd word it:

This Card can only be played by "Roxas" and "Mysterious Boy" Cards. If you choose to discard this card from your Friend Area as well as 2 cards from your hand, one Nobody Card on your Current Topmost World Card and Negate it's Card text.

I'd replace "it's Card Text" with "that Nobody's card text". It's even clearer.

This card can only be played with "Mysterious Boy" cards. During your turn, you may choose to discard this card from your Friend Area along with two cards from your hand. If you do so, one Nobody Card on your World looses its card text.

I put this text a while back but since it apears no one read it then I'll put it again >.>

Fun facts bout the differences between Roxas 'n Mysterious Boy:

Mysterious Boy translation:

Mysterious Boy lvl 1 (Picture of a hooded Org XIII Roxas with no face/face hidden)

Hp: 8 Att: 3 Mag: 1

At the beginning of the game, search through your deck for an 'Oathkeeper' equipment card and equip it to this card. Then shuffle your deck. You may not equip any other equipments to this card other than 'Oathkeeper' and 'Oblivion'. You may play only 'Twilight Town' friends in your friend area.

Super Rare '11/37'


Roxas translation:

Roxas lvl 1 (Picture of... Roxas. Nuff said)

Hp: 8 Att: 3 Mag: 1

Treat this card as if it were 'Mysterious Boy'. At the beginning of the game, search through your deck for an 'Oathkeeper' equipment card and equip it to this card. Then shuffle your deck. You may not equip any other equipments to this card other that 'Oathkeeper' and 'Oblivion'. You may play only 'Twilight Town' friends and Samurai Nobodies in your friend area.

Super Rare '9/162'

Player/Org XIII

Now for the kicker, which I find funny.

Samurai lvl 1

POW: 7

'Twilight Town' icon

This card can be played in the friend area of 'Mysterious Boy' and 'Roxas' player cards. If played in the friend area of 'Roxas', this card receives +5 to its POW.

Common '101/162'


Now, please note the text of the Samurai card. It does make a difference whether the card states either 'Roxas' or 'Mysterious Boy'. If the card itself states both 'Roxas' and 'Mysterious Boy', then they must both be included for the text to be 100% effective for other cards to be worthwhile as well. Yes, 'Roxas' and 'Mysterious Boy' are the same thing (technically), but on the flip side, no, they're not.

Also, fun fact: Roxas is an Org XIII player, while Mysterious Boy is a Light player.

Some things are key differences that we don't know about just yet. So let's just wait 'n see what the cards state, shall we?

Choitz said:

Fun facts bout the differences between Roxas 'n Mysterious Boy:

Mysterious Boy translation:

Mysterious Boy lvl 1 (Picture of a hooded Org XIII Roxas with no face/face hidden)

Hp: 8 Att: 3 Mag: 1

At the beginning of the game, search through your deck for an 'Oathkeeper' equipment card and equip it to this card. Then shuffle your deck. You may not equip any other equipments to this card other than 'Oathkeeper' and 'Oblivion'. You may play only 'Twilight Town' friends in your friend area.

Super Rare '11/37'


Roxas translation:

Roxas lvl 1 (Picture of... Roxas. Nuff said)

Hp: 8 Att: 3 Mag: 1

Treat this card as if it were 'Mysterious Boy'. At the beginning of the game, search through your deck for an 'Oathkeeper' equipment card and equip it to this card. Then shuffle your deck. You may not equip any other equipments to this card other that 'Oathkeeper' and 'Oblivion'. You may play only 'Twilight Town' friends and Samurai Nobodies in your friend area.

Super Rare '9/162'

Player/Org XIII

Now for the kicker, which I find funny.

Samurai lvl 1

POW: 7

'Twilight Town' icon

This card can be played in the friend area of 'Mysterious Boy' and 'Roxas' player cards. If played in the friend area of 'Roxas', this card receives +5 to its POW.

Common '101/162'


Now, please note the text of the Samurai card. It does make a difference whether the card states either 'Roxas' or 'Mysterious Boy'. If the card itself states both 'Roxas' and 'Mysterious Boy', then they must both be included for the text to be 100% effective for other cards to be worthwhile as well. Yes, 'Roxas' and 'Mysterious Boy' are the same thing (technically), but on the flip side, no, they're not.

Also, fun fact: Roxas is an Org XIII player, while Mysterious Boy is a Light player.

Some things are key differences that we don't know about just yet. So let's just wait 'n see what the cards state, shall we?

um okay... first of all samurai doesn't say "mysterious boy" AND "ROXAS" (i just checked my card) it just says mysterious boy (when it talks about the friend area). It also says if your player card is Mysterious boy...not roxas (when it talks about the POW boost). This means that samurai was intended to get the POW bonus from both players not just roxas since both player cards above are treated as "Mysterious Boy"

i'm not trying to be mean or anything but if we are going to make cards we need to make sure what were doing i keep saying "roxas" isnt needed since he IS also mysterious boy (the text says he is mysterious boy as well) we need to make efficient text that doesnt contain useless words. Also i would appreciate it if we revised already existing card text (like Dawn's) to make sure we have the best text possible D:

But of course. The Samurai that we currently have translated doesn't state 'Roxas'. FFG never intended to make the 'Mysterious Boy' card.

Heck, Set 4 isn't entirely correct for that matter (as we are missin a couple cards that were replaced with 'Oathkeeper' 'n 'Oblivion' equipments).

'N to make irony even funnier, our Set 4 is Japan's Set 5.

So really, what we're dealin with here is the translations of what the Japanese originally stated in their text boxes 'n what FFG placed in the ones we own. Are the cards that we own correctly translated? Nope, not entirely (see Set 4 Meg lvl 0, Herc lvl 3, 'n Hades lvl 8 for rantin purposes).

Does this mean I'm incorrect? Nope. I'm goin off what data I have (slim with the interweb always changin... gah!) that I've found to tell folks what cards actually stated before (rant bout Stealth Sneak) 'n what we current have (Stealth Sneak again).

On that note:

Let's look at the differences in Stealth Sneak's translation 'n see how well we know our cards.

FFG 's Stealth Sneak says:

All Damage done to this card is reduced to 0.

Now, let's look at Japan 's Stealth Sneak's translation:

All attacks, magic, and techs are not effective against this card.

Hmm... I dunno bout you, but I'm not readin the 'exact same card translation' as I own. 'N to think, I actually like Japan's text better. *coff*

Edit: Also note that Japan's Stealth Sneak makes a certain Creeper Plant (You may discard this card. If you do so, choose a dark or nobody card in play 'n deal 1 damage to it) no longer useless. Along with that, it allows a particular Axel to have 'Rings' that are useful for an Org XIII world runner deck. Just FYI.

IT DOESNT MATTER GRAH! If you are saying "Mysterious Boy" and "Roxas" it doesnt matter because roxas is treated as "mysterious boy".

If the effect was: This card can only be used by mysterious boy...or this card can only be used by mysterious boy and roxas

it means the exact same thing

also if ffg didnt intend on makin the mysterious boy player card..why did they bother making all the TT friends say they could only be used with "mysterious boy" and make roxas be treated as...mysterious boy >.> im getting very frustrated now.

Nobody21494 said:

IT DOESNT MATTER GRAH! If you are saying "Mysterious Boy" and "Roxas" it doesnt matter because roxas is treated as "mysterious boy".

If the effect was: This card can only be used by mysterious boy...or this card can only be used by mysterious boy and roxas

it means the exact same thing

also if ffg didnt intend on makin the mysterious boy player card..why did they bother making all the TT friends say they could only be used with "mysterious boy" and make roxas be treated as...mysterious boy >.> im getting very frustrated now.

Well because The Mysterious Boy is Roxas in the Data Twilight Town and Roxas is the real Roxas like in 358/2 Days. In short they combined the cards with Roxas' name and The Mysterious Boy's effect.

i dont even know what thats supposed to mean but im not talking about the video game at all