Though he doesn't show it, Balthazar is alarmed by Konrad's last comment. While the head of security is currently unaware of the Acolytes' Inquisitorial backing, he clearly can tell that something is amiss. If it is really so easy to be discovered, Balthazar needs to make sure that this information does not find its way to the Consortium. The last thing the Acolytes need is for that powerful group to know they are under suspicion before they even begin their investigation. If the head of security can be convinced to keep Balthazar and the Sisters' involvement secret, their job might be much easier.
Balthazar responds to Konrad once again. "Our task is one of great importance, and perhaps it is above your head of security's clearance. But perhaps he could help us carry out the Emperor's work? He sounds like a very capable man who keeps aware of his surroundings, and I would like to speak with him in person. My conversation with him well be quite brief, as I imagine he must focus his every moment on official duties."