Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

Though he doesn't show it, Balthazar is alarmed by Konrad's last comment. While the head of security is currently unaware of the Acolytes' Inquisitorial backing, he clearly can tell that something is amiss. If it is really so easy to be discovered, Balthazar needs to make sure that this information does not find its way to the Consortium. The last thing the Acolytes need is for that powerful group to know they are under suspicion before they even begin their investigation. If the head of security can be convinced to keep Balthazar and the Sisters' involvement secret, their job might be much easier.

Balthazar responds to Konrad once again. "Our task is one of great importance, and perhaps it is above your head of security's clearance. But perhaps he could help us carry out the Emperor's work? He sounds like a very capable man who keeps aware of his surroundings, and I would like to speak with him in person. My conversation with him well be quite brief, as I imagine he must focus his every moment on official duties."

Balthazar responds to Konrad once again. "Our task is one of great importance, and perhaps it is above your head of security's clearance. But perhaps he could help us carry out the Emperor's work? He sounds like a very capable man who keeps aware of his surroundings, and I would like to speak with him in person. My conversation with him well be quite brief, as I imagine he must focus his every moment on official duties."

Konrad shrugs not inclining one way or the other, "If it is your wish for such a thing I can certainly introduce you to him. I'm not sure how...calm or helpful he'll be with the morning they've been having."

"What is below the underhive? I thought this term would refer to everything .. well, under a hive."

The armsmen seems to perk up at this question since it's so specific about Desoleum, *static* "Well it is usually. Desoleum, the hive Desoleum not the planet, is built upon a sort of giant spike. no one really knows what it is, but we call it the Spine. Anyways it goes down well below the Underhive since it's the very foundation of Desoleum. So you can get lower than the underhive when you follow the Spine. You may think the underhive is dark and gloomy but you haven't seen anything until you're down there..." *static*

With a grimace, Estelia responds, "The primary interest of all mankind is the preservation and expansion of the Emperor's domain. To think otherwise . . . "

The armsmen would look aghast if you would see their face, *static* "The Consortium preserves the production capabilities of Desoleum, Desoleum's only use to the Imperium is to provide manufacturing services. Err go what the Consortium protects is in the effort of the preservation and expansion of the Emperor's domain. Citizens are cogs in the machine, we know our place, we know what we owe and are owed in return, and if that is misaligned with the Consortium then they...change the arrangement one way or another. But we all owe one way or another to them, and they owe to Lady Desoleum, and she owes to the...sector head? and so on and so on until the Emperor is owed." *static*

Estelia is still not sure that you can truly serve the Emperor if you put your duty to the one directly above you before all else, but different planets worship Him in different ways. Besides, they are trying not to bring attention to themselves. She wonders if Father Thorne is having any more luck than they are. Hopefully they can leave soon, and she can have her knife back. The idea of someone else holding one of her weapons made Estelia distinctly uncomfortable.

In any case, there was nothing to do but wait.

Furrowing her brows - a somewhat characteristic gesture, albeit one usually reserved for Estelia - the undercover Sororitas-in-training digests the armsman's explanation. "No one knows?", she repeats incredulously. Her order did not exactly prize curiosity, quite the opposite, but Ariel had always harboured a hidden fascination for myths and history. The Drill-Abbots' tales of the Imperium's past had always been one of her favourite lessons at the Schola.

She tried to shake off her brief indulgement of conduct unbecoming, dismissing the nature of this strange spike as likely not relevant to their task at hand. By all accounts they would not even venture planetside, though she did not want to dismiss the possibility entirely yet. Instead, she followed the conversation of her fellow novice. The soldier's explanation made a weird kind of sense, but of course she would have to go with Estelia's scepticism here. No-one is beyond doubt, certainly not the Consortium, and if push came to shove a true servant of the Emperor owed their loyalty to only one man: Him-on-Earth.

Balthazar thanks Konrad, making the sign of the Aquila. "Perhaps I may soothe some of his worries. If he knows why we are here, it may make his job a little easier."

((With that, Balthazar is ready to meet the head of security. He would like a discreet word with the Sisters on the way without being overheard -- is this possible in our current environment?))

"No one knows?", she repeats incredulously.

The armsman shrugs *static* "Well...the Mechanicus might? But I don't know, and no one I know has ever had any real idea. Just the usual myths and legends." *static* ((If you have any pertinent lore you might make a test if you'd like))

In any case, there was nothing to do but wait.

Balthazar thanks Konrad, making the sign of the Aquila. "Perhaps I may soothe some of his worries. If he knows why we are here, it may make his job a little easier."

((With that, Balthazar is ready to meet the head of security. He would like a discreet word with the Sisters on the way without being overheard -- is this possible in our current environment?))

"Well that or give him a conniption," Konrad adds with a chuckle. He stands and gives the sign of the Aquilla to Father Thorne, "May He let you guide the fires to the shadows, and leave no debts along the way."

((You might ask the armsmen, or even the head of security about such a thing. Nothing near you that you'd know about. Since you wouldn't know that Inellia managed to have a private conversation with you.))

((Then our private conversation will wait until a little later.))

"And may you hold His torch high and keep the shadows at bay. It was a pleasure speaking with you, Father Konrad. Thank you for your time."

((Ready to go! Are we following Konrad to the head of security's office, or are we walking there ourselves?))

((I think we can get a scene with you asking the armsmen. That way Lyn and Dante can get one last interaction with them on their own.))

Balthazar strides out of the room and smiles at the armsmen. "Hello again, officers. I feel much more at ease after speaking with Father Konrad. He seems like an exemplary Confessor, and it must be reassuring to have his presence aboard the orbital. I trust you are enjoying the company of these two?" He knows that the girls are very far removed from their prior experience, and he smiles reassuringly at the two Novices before returning his attention to the officers.

"Before I leave your company, I would like to pay a short visit to your head of security. I hear that a number of recent matters have troubled him greatly, and I have some counsel that may put his mind at ease. Would you please show me to his office?" He leaves his hammer in the Sisters' possession for the moment.

Edited by Covered in Weasels

((Gah sorry for the long delay again))

Estelia is not especially interested in this "Spine," but it was good to know what to expect if they somehow ended up there. The Novice would have been unconciously (and unintentionally) fiddling with the safety of one of her pistols, but she was to nervous about Father Thorne's staff to hold it in one hand, so she runs her fingers over its head instead, tracing and retracing its contours.

Edited by Servant of Dante

((sadly I only have a single Lore skill so far, which would not be applicable here))

"Like what?"

Unlike with the other novice, Ariel's interest in the sort of 'myths and legends' the armsman mentioned was quite pronounced, although she knew nothing of Desoleum aside from the most basic information kept on record in the vast librariums of the Convent Sanctorum -- assuming, of course, that said records were not legend disguised as fact.

Just as the girl had posed the question, however, their Thaurian priest returned from his private conversation. Quickly she inclined her head in a gesture of respect, and to signify that the smalltalk the group had been indulging in was to be cut short, unless Balthazar somehow decided to join in and rekindle the discussion. Hearing his words, however, Ariel assumed they would be leaving right away, as the cleric seems to have located the next leg of their journey.

"Before I leave your company, I would like to pay a short visit to your head of security. I hear that a number of recent matters have troubled him greatly, and I have some counsel that may put his mind at ease. Would you please show me to his office?" He leaves his hammer in the Sisters' possession for the moment.

Estelia is not especially interested in this "Spine," but it was good to know what to expect if they somehow ended up there. The Novice would have been unconciously (and unintentionally) fiddling with the safety of one of her pistols, but she was to nervous about Father Thorne's staff to hold it in one hand, so she runs her fingers over its head instead, tracing and retracing its contours.

Just as the girl had posed the question, however, their Thaurian priest returned from his private conversation. Quickly she inclined her head in a gesture of respect, and to signify that the smalltalk the group had been indulging in was to be cut short, unless Balthazar somehow decided to join in and rekindle the discussion. Hearing his words, however, Ariel assumed they would be leaving right away, as the cleric seems to have located the next leg of their journey.

The armsman snaps to attention at the appearance of Father Thorne again in the hallway.

*static* "Of course, I'll lead you there right now. The security offices are right back down the hall." *static*

The armsman leads you back down the hall to the door that we saw earlier, *static* "I'll let Officer Lemant know you're here, if you'll excuse me." *static* and leaves into the office.

A few moments pass and you can hear a loud yelling muffled by the thick metal of the station's construction. Eventually the armsman returns.

*static* "He'll...uh see you now. Uhm your two apprentices are requested as well, you can...you can just take the hammer with you." *static*

((I'll give you a moment to discuss anything before assuming you go in.))

Estelia hands the hammer back to Father Thorne. Much more at ease now, she looks at Ariel, "He doesn't sound happy to see us." Realizing what she said, the Novice grinns briefly before thumbing the safeties on her pistols off.

Edited by Servant of Dante

Estelia hands the hammer back to Father Thorne. Much more at ease now, she looks at Ariel, "He doesn't sound happy to see us." Realizing what she said, the Novice grinns briefly before thumbing the safeties on her pistols off.

((roll me a Sleight of Hand -10 please? I'm just wanting to see how noticeable that is.))

Believing that the security guards would not let the cleric keep his hammer, or at the very least keep the group separated if they wanted to set a trap for them, Ariel refrains from suspecting foul play and simply assumes a position next to and slightly behind the priest.

Estelia's quip causes her to return the other novice's look, thus noticing her fiddling with her pistols. She refrains from remarking on what seems like excessive caution to her, instead judging the blonde with a frown.

"Let's just see what they have to say", she adds, herself not entirely content with the situation as she is still unaware of why exactly this meeting occurs.

((I don't have the rulebook on hand. It's -20 for using an untrained skill right?))

Estelia doesn't make any special effort to hide her actions.

Agility 35-10-20(untrained)= 5 :P Roll: 89 http://orokos.com/roll/462757 for 8 DoF. Like I said, not trying to hide anything.

Responding reflexively to Ariel's expression, Estelia says, "I'm not going to stand before the Emperor having died because I left the safety on my weapon a moment too long. As if the security chief can fault proper vigilance. Besides, he's not . . . "

The girl had been about to say 'a member of the Sororitas' since the level of trust and respect such a person would deserve from Estelia (even if she wasn't the most courteous girl in the galaxy) was much greater than that which she would give an armed stranger, whatever his office, though especially since he was not a man of the Ministorum. The Novice trailed off, realizing what she had been about to say, and, now with a worried expression pointed at Ariel, hoping that the armsman was not paying too close attention.

((I didn't intend it originally, but how's that for 8 DoF))

Edited by Servant of Dante

Balthazar retrieves his hammer from Estelia and stows it on his back. He addresses the Novices: "I can see you are uneasy, young ones. We are going to ask the head of security a few questions -- from what Father Konrad told me, he is a loyal servant of the Emperor who is simply trying to protect the orbital's inhabitants. If we judge him to be as loyal as the Father says he may be helpful in our investigations." He lowers his voice, making sure nobody else can hear. "If not, we will say nothing of our true motives and he will be none the wiser."

"He doesn't sound happy to see us." Realizing what she said, the Novice grinns briefly before thumbing the safeties on her pistols off.

Estelia says, "I'm not going to stand before the Emperor having died because I left the safety on my weapon a moment too long. As if the security chief can fault proper vigilance. Besides, he's not . . . "

((I didn't intend it originally, but how's that for 8 DoF))

((Yes. it's -20 for untrained))

With a noticeable click you hear the armsman's weapon click it's safety off, *static* "You're gonna put those safeties back on before you do something I regret." *static*

"Let's just see what they have to say", she adds, herself not entirely content with the situation as she is still unaware of why exactly this meeting occurs.

Balthazar retrieves his hammer from Estelia and stows it on his back. He addresses the Novices: "I can see you are uneasy, young ones. We are going to ask the head of security a few questions -- from what Father Konrad told me, he is a loyal servant of the Emperor who is simply trying to protect the orbital's inhabitants. If we judge him to be as loyal as the Father says he may be helpful in our investigations."

*static* "A good idea. The security overseer just wants to meet you all, and trying to deal with the hammer makes it overly complicated." *static*

Estelia looks at the armsman for a moment than laughs briefly. Shaking her head she returns the safeties to the "on" position, "I suppose I should give him the benefit of the doubt."

Edited by Servant of Dante

Tensing as the armsman addresses the other girl, Ariel's thumb slowly slides towards her weapon's own safety, located just above the combat shotgun's trigger guard. The digit presses against the crude switch, but does not actually flick it -- yet.

((requesting an Untrained Sleight of Hand roll vs the Armsman's Awareness just to clarify whether he notices the aforementioned movement; Ariel's roll would be set at 15, unless you want to add further bonuses or penalties))

Leaning ever so slightly towards Estelia's position, she cannot help but hiss a brief rebuke, albeit never taking her eyes off the soldier:

"See? Do you want us to get into trouble?"

((Sure go ahead same pen as Estellia.))

((oh, I thought you'd roll for us if requested :P I appreciate the trust, I just thought it'd feel more transparent for everyone this way. but if you want to use my roll, it would be a 74))

((oh, I thought you'd roll for us if requested :P I appreciate the trust, I just thought it'd feel more transparent for everyone this way. but if you want to use my roll, it would be a 74))

((I'm sorry I misunderstood your intentions. Next time, for my sake, as explicitly for me to do the roll. I thought you were asking for permission to make a roll lol.))

Balthazar sighs and shakes his head at the two Sisters. "My instructor would have stuck me across the wrist for that behavior," he says, half to himself. He arrives at the door, ready to enter the security head's office.

Estelia looks at the armsman for a moment than laughs briefly. Shaking her head she returns the safeties to the "on" position, "I suppose I should give him the benefit of the doubt."

"See? Do you want us to get into trouble?"

The armsman offers no more words, but their hand doesn't leave their weapon. Nor do they reengage the safety mechanism.

Balthazar sighs and shakes his head at the two Sisters. "My instructor would have stuck me across the wrist for that behavior," he says, half to himself. He arrives at the door, ready to enter the security head's office.

*static* "After you, Officer Lemant dismissed me from escorting you for the time being, so I am returning to my previous guard position. It was...interesting." *static* with that the armsman makes a slight bow and a sign of the aquila and promptly leaves.

((I'll assume you all go in.))

The door slides open with the stereotypical scifi "swish" metal noise and you are revealed to the security headquarters of Kappex Orbital. you can see in the dim light at least two dozen cogitators blinking in various states of operation and flashing differing screens some data readouts, some camera views. cables trail all over the place across the ceilings and floor but not obviously obstructing movement through the area. A dozen of the stations are currently manned by naval officers and at least one tech right performing some ritual on a machine.

A tinge of incense graces the area, a differing scent than what you smelled across the rest of the station.

At the head of the area sits a larger chair sectioned off from the rest of the area with a more impressive looking cogitator than the rest. You can't see it's screen currently, but the back of it looks more impressive at least. You cannot see who sits at the area but it is manned, and that person is attended by who we saw as an audience earlier to be the servitor aide.

This aide approaches you now, "Greetings. I am the aide of. Head Security Officer Lemant. You are expected. Would you accompany me?" It waits for your reply. This servitor seems much more advanced that what you are likely used to, at least from your earlier encounter. Obviously not too much was changed for the operational needs.