((He's right to not expect it, Balthazar isn't trained in Deceive! I'm spending a Fate Point before rolling for a +20 bonus on the test. I didn't refund the Fate Point with my Shrine World ability.))
((Target number: 38+20-20+10=48. Rolled a 40 for one DoS. It's better to be lucky than good.))
Balthazar had never met an Imperial Navy Confessor in his life, but the other priest didn't need to know that. He felt uncomfortable lying to another man of faith, but his mission was of utmost importance. Let the Emperor alone judge his methods, for his motives were just.
"True, it's unusual for Thaurian priests to become Navy Confessors. Our typically morbid outlook and gallows humor don't instill much confidence in voidship crews. But the circumstances surrounding his career change were also unusual.
"One day, the battered Battlefleet Askellon frigate "Blade of Juno" limped into orbit above Thaur. It was badly damaged following a battle with recidivist pirates, and the captain needed to take on more crew to make it back to port. A brother of my order named Rothellus was among those recruited to oversee the spiritual well-being of the crew on the journey home. I heard rumors that he might be in the orbital and want to catch up with him."