SoCal Meta(s) - LA and San Diego

By Deathjester26, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

LaughingTree said:

badash56 said:

Hi guys, I'm going to be in the Burbank area for work Dec 2-14th. I was wondering if there are any game stores in the area where I could play some cards?



We play at Game Empire in Pasadena on Wednesdays which is 10-25 minutes from Burbank depending on traffic. Also sometimes on the weekends but its more irregular but we can keep you updated. Feel free to email me at and we can keep in touch

Cool - thanks! I will be there over the weekend with nothing to do, so I will probably at least check it out then. During the week might be tough with work sadly.

2 more weeks of Winter League before our finals start on Jan. 21st!

I'm brand new to LCG and AGoT, but I'm already hooked. Does San Diego still meet at Game Empire on Mondays? I looked at their calendar of events and didn't see it up there. Right now, I'm playing boardgames style where my friends and I play a few balanced decks, but I'm interested in expanding our card base if there's a large enough group to play against.

Absolutely! The calendar currently says "LCG Night" and lately we've had 10-15 folks in attendance. Sometimes more. Yesterday marked the start of the Netrunner League, but about half of us are still avid AGoT players so you won't have any trouble finding a game. Come by next week and ask for James (myself) or John (Deathjester26) and we'll be happy to either get a few games in with you or find someone who's looking to play.

Oh and it's apparently been some time since we've had an update here so… Congratulations to Joe (Gwanum) for winning the SoCal Thrones 2012 Winter League!

Thanks. Although I don't mind getting crushed while I'm learning, I don't want to be wasting anyone's time with a deck of mostly core/deluxe expansions. I'll get some chapter packs to put a respectable deck together and make it happen.

Bronson said:

Oh and it's apparently been some time since we've had an update here so… Congratulations to Joe (Gwanum) for winning the SoCal Thrones 2012 Winter League!

Thanks for catching that, Bronson :/

Somebody has been slacking on keeping up to date with posts.

Socrates Johnson… wasting people's time? Bah! Priority #1 is having fun. We'll try to get some games in in between Netrunner games. Plus, there are 4-5 people who are not in the league who play AGoT.

Look forward to meeting you.

AGoT Summer League starts this coming Monday at Game Empire, San Diego!

If you're interested, stop on by. Here are the rules we are using this season:

As part of LCG Night at Game Empire, we will be running an A Game of Thrones league!

June 3 rd – July 8 th , 6pm – 10pm Monday Nights @ Game Empire

League Rules

  • Each player will be given a score sheet to record their league games.
    • Score Sheets must be turned in at the end of each Monday night session.
    • Up to 25% of your total games may be played any time during the week. Just report these games the following Monday night.
  • Each player is allowed to record up to 3 games per opponent.
  • The last night for league games will be Monday, July 1 st .
  • Players will be ranked based on their W%.
  • The first tie breaker will go to the player who has played more games.
  • The second tie breaker will go to the player with the higher strength of schedule.
  • A minimum of 12 games must be played to qualify for the finals.
  • On July 8 th the top 8 players will be seeded and play in a single elimination tournament with 60 min. rounds (except for the final game) to determine the Summer League Champion!

Deck Building Rules

  • Players may play with a variety of decks throughout the league, but each deck must follow the standard deck building rules found in the rule book, FAQ, and in the LCG Tournament Rules.
  • During the finals, players will be allowed to play with only one deck.


  • For many of us, the community is the best part of AGoT. Several veteran players work hard to make sure the community is one of the friendliest around. Over the course of the league, remember it is your response to winning and losing that makes you a winner or loser. Be fair, honest, an ambassador of the game, and above all: have fun!

Sign Up!

  • $5 entry fee (all money will go towards tournament prizes on July 8 th )

After 3 weeks of league play, the numbers are finally in:

Player W% (W-L) {STR}
1. Chris S 0.818 (9-2) {65}
2. Ryan J 0.813 (13-3) {88}
3. James S 0.750 (12-4) {78}
4. Ram D 0.750 (3-1) {36}
5. John B 0.625 (5-3) {47}
6. Joe B 0.600 (9-6) {88}
7. John K 0.583 (7-5) {77}
8. Alex E 0.500 (7-7) {100}
9. Dan H 0.471 (8-9) {134}
10. Matt J 0.455 (5-6) {70}
11. Phil S 0.250 (1-3) {24}
12. Joseph B 0.143 (2-12) {112}
13. Nick P 0.143 (1-6) {67}
14. Shawn M 0.000 (0-10) {67}
15. Margo F 0.000 (0-5) {45}

House [RPI] W% (W-L)

1. Targaryen [0.560] 0.700 (7-3)
2. Lannister [0.533] 0.600 (18-12)
3. Greyjoy [0.523] 0.568 (25-19)
4. Baratheon [0.493] 0.458 (11-13)
5. Martell [0.484] 0.476 (10-11)
6. Stark [0.436] 0.314 (11-24)

Deck [RPI] W% (W-L) *Minimum 3 games to count RPI

1. Lannister/PBtT [0.569] 0.667 (4-2)
2. Stark/HoD Gates [0.559] 0.667 (4-2)
3. Martell/KotHH [0.549] 0.833 (5-1)
4. Greyjoy/TLV Choke [0.549] 0.444 (4-5)
5. Baratheon/Asshai [0.529] 1.000 (6-0)
6. Greyjoy/TLV [0.525] 0.250 (1-3)
7. Stark/None [0.522] 0.875 (14-2)
8. Greyjoy/Choke [0.520] 0.667 (4-2)
9. Lannister/TLV Clansmen [0.518] 0.750 (3-1)
10. Stark/NW [0.487] 0.571 (4-3)
11. Martell/TLV [0.483] 0.429 (3-4)
12. Greyjoy/Raiders [0.478] 0.364 (4-7)
13. Baratheon/Black Sails [0.462] 0.364 (4-7)
14. Martell/Quentyn [0.460] 0.375 (3-5)
15. Baratheon/TLV Asshai [0.456] 0.500 (3-3)
16. Lannister/PBtT Beric [0.454] 0.667 (2-1)
17. Lannister/HoD [0.452] 0.333 (1-2)
18. Stark/Tully [0.423] 0.667 (2-1)
19. Greyjoy/TLV Holy [0.419] 0.400 (2-3)
20. Greyjoy/Damphair [0.411] 0.286 (2-5)
21. Targaryen/KotHH Burn [0.405] 0.200 (1-4)
22. Lannister/PBtT Holy [0.370] 0.167 (2-10)
23. Targaryen/HttIT Dragons [0.313] 0.333 (1-2)

2 more weeks of play before the cut to the top 8!

Sorry, folks. Them deck stats from last week are all messed up. Things turn out that way with you have you W's and your L's switched. It's all fixed this week!

Player W% (W-L) {STR}
1. Ryan J 0.826 (19-4) {171}
2. John B 0.750 (12-4) {117}
3. Ram D 0.700 (7-3) {122}
4. Chris S 0.625 (10-6) {142}
5. Dan H 0.609 (14-9) {187}
6. Joe B 0.600 (9-6) {126}
7. James S 0.591 (13-9) {178}
8. Alex E 0.526 (10-9) {158}
9. John K 0.500 (8-8) {146}
10. Matt J 0.455 (5-6) {93}
11. Nick P 0.273 (3-8) {125}
12. Margo F 0.167 (2-10) {140}
13. Joseph B 0.143 (2-12) {141}
14. Phil S 0.143 (1-6) {75}

15. Shawn M 0.000 (0-15) {146}

House [RPI] W% (W-L)
1. Targaryen [0.552] 0.636 (14-8)
2. Lannister [0.527] 0.595 (25-17)
3. Greyjoy [0.526] 0.604 (32-21)
4. Martell [0.497] 0.459 (17-20)
5. Baratheon [0.486] 0.433 (13-17)

6. Stark [0.431] 0.304 (14-32)

Deck [RPI] W% (W-L) ***Minimum of 3 games played***
1. Targaryen/KotHH Burn [0.600] 0.857 (6-1)
2. Martell/TLV [0.554] 0.667 (6-3)
3. Greyjoy/TLV [0.541] 0.818 (9-2)
4. Greyjoy/Raiders [0.532] 0.636 (7-4)
5. Lannister/PBtT Holy [0.514] 0.800 (12-3)
6. Greyjoy/TLV Choke [0.514] 0.556 (5-4)
7. Greyjoy/TLV Holy [0.480] 0.600 (3-2)
8. Baratheon/TLV Asshai [0.477] 0.500 (3-3)
9. Baratheon/Black Sails [0.476] 0.533 (8-7)
10. Greyjoy/Damphair [0.468] 0.714 (5-2)
11. Lannister/HoD Tunnels [0.460] 0.833 (5-1)
12. Targaryen/KotHH [0.457] 0.500 (2-2)
13. Martell/Quentyn [0.448] 0.500 (7-7)
14. Stark/NW [0.448] 0.429 (3-4)
15. Stark/HoD Gates [0.442] 0.286 (2-5)
16. Greyjoy/Choke [0.423] 0.333 (2-4)
17. Lannister/TLV Clansmen [0.419] 0.143 (1-6)
18. Martell/KotHH [0.409] 0.286 (4-10)
19. Lannister/PBtT [0.406] 0.375 (3-5)
20. Targaryen/HttIT Dragons [0.400] 0.500 (3-3)
21. Stark/KotR [0.371] 0.000 (0-4)
22. Lannister/PBtT Beric [0.365] 0.333 (1-2)
23. Stark/None [0.359] 0.176 (3-14)
24. Stark/Tully [0.337] 0.333 (1-2)
25. Baratheon/Asshai [0.313] 0.000 (0-7)
26. Stark/Siege Direwolves [0.265] 0.667 (2-1)

Congratulations to Ryan for winning the Season 2 AGoT Summer League! A new name for the trophy.


1. Ryan (Lanni/PBtT Holy) def. 8. Alex (?)

2. John B. (Martell/KotHH) def. 7. John K. (GJ/Damphair)

3. Chris (Bara/Black Sails) def. 6. Dan (Lanni/HoD Tunnels)

4. Joe (Targ/?) def. 5. Ram (Martell/?)


1. Ryan def. 4. Joe

2. John B def. 3. Chris


1. Ryan def. 2. John B

Thanks everyone for all the games, and for making it fun!

Hi Everyone,

I live in San Diego, La Jolla area. can anyone direct me to a good place to find others that play aGoT board game or LCG?

I am an old aGoT CCG player, but I love to play the board game nowadays (or LCG) and can't find a meta.

Any help is appreciated.


Hey! Always good to see new faces. We play every Monday night at Game Empire in Clairemont Mesa- it's pretty much a straight shot from La Jolla on the 52. If you have Facebook, we have a SoCal Thrones group that we'd be happy to add you to. If you want any more info feel free to shoot me a PM.

Edited by imrahil327


I think I may have played with you guys sometime 5-6 years ago. I played a targ/wildling burn deck.

Do any of you guys play agot the board game?

I have been wanting to get a pick up game of that for a long time.

I will see you guys soon on a Monday real soon.

I have not been playing for that long, so it's likely I wasn't a part of it, but some have! We actually played a game of AGOT (board game) a few weeks ago and I brought one of the expansions back from GenCon, so it's certainly something we'd be up for. Welcome back :)

I have not been playing for that long, so it's likely I wasn't a part of it, but some have! We actually played a game of AGOT (board game) a few weeks ago and I brought one of the expansions back from GenCon, so it's certainly something we'd be up for. Welcome back :)

where was I?

San Diego Game Empire league starts next week! :D

lol... thanks imrahil327. I'm too slow.

No post-world's hangover this year!

Our next league will be from 11/18 to 12/30 at Game Empire, San Diego.

We currently has 13 players signed up. If you are not one of these players, let me know here if you'd like to join.

2013 Winter League Week 1 Numbers

Player W-L (W%) {STR}

1. John B 6-2 (0.750) {16}

2. Alex E 5-0 (1.000) {12}

3. Ram D 4-3 (0.571) {17}

4. Joe B 4-0 (1.000) {5}

5. Matt J 3-2 (0.600) {13}

6. James S 3-1 (0.750) {12}

7. Chris S 3-2 (0.600) {11}

8. Dan H 2-4 (0.333) {24}

9. John K 2-3 (0.400) {15}

10. Joseph B 2-3 (0.400) {11}

11. Ryan J 2-1 (0.667) {3}

12. Troy M 1-2 (0.333) {14}

13. Laura H 1-3 (0.250) {8}

14. Margo F 0-4 (0.000) {16}

15. Nich P 0-4 (0.000) {16}

16. Shawn M 0-4 (0.000) {11}

*Head to Head is the 2nd tie breaker, but I will only look at that for the final cut.

House [RPI] W% (W-L)

1. Baratheon [0.555] 0.619 (13-8)

2. Greyjoy [0.513] 0.526 (10-9)

3. Stark [0.513] 0.500 (3-3)

4. Lannister [0.474] 0.375 (3-5)

5. Targaryen [0.464] 0.438 (7-9)

6. Martell [0.459] 0.333 (2-4)

Deck [RPI] W% (W-L) *minimum 3 games played*

1. Baratheon/Holy [0.547] 1.00 (5-0)

2. Greyjoy/Song of Ice [0.535] 0.800 (4-1)

3. Targaryen/KotHH Burn [0.496] 0.500 (5-5)

4. Greyjoy/HoD Grief [0.486] 0.333 (1-2)

5. Baratheon/KotR [0.464] 0.400 (2-3)

6. Martell/Quentyn [0.46] 0.00 (0-3)

7. Lannister/PBtT [0.415] 0.333 (1-2)

8. Targaryen/Dothraki [0.41] 0.500 (2-2)

9. Baratheon/None [0.404] 0.571 (4-3)

10. Greyjoy/Damphair [0.404] 0.375 (3-5)

11. Martell/Song of Fire [0.398] 0.667 (2-1)

12. Greyjoy/Holy [0.394] 0.667 (2-1)

13. Lannister/Song of Fire [0.299] 0.00 (0-3)

Edited by Deathjester26

Winter League Week 2 Numbers

Player W-L (W%) {STR}

1. Chris S 7-2 (0.778) {28}

2. James S 6-2 (0.750) {32}

3. Joe B 6-3 (0.667) {31}

4. Alex E 6-3 (0.667) {41}

5. John B 6-2 (0.750) {29}

6. Margo F 4-6 (0.400) {49}

7. John K 4-6 (0.400) {44}

8. Ram D 4-3 (0.571) {24}

9. Matt J 3-2 (0.600) {17}

10. Dan H 2-4 (0.333) {29}

11. Ryan J 2-1 (0.667) {5}

12. Joseph B 2-6 (0.250) {40}

13. Nich P 2-6 (0.250) {30}

14. Laura H 1-3 (0.250) {13}

15. Shawn M 1-6 (0.143) {28}

16. Troy M 1-2 (0.333) {14}

*Ranked by Wins / Head to Head / Strength of Schedule

House [RPI] W% (W-L) *By RPI*

1. Martell [0.531] 0.611 (11-7)

2. Neutral [0.530] 0.500 (1-1)

3. Greyjoy [0.510] 0.522 (12-11)

4. Lannister [0.508] 0.455 (5-6)

5. Baratheon [0.498] 0.500 (13-13)

6. Stark [0.491] 0.500 (7-7)

7. Targaryen [0.451] 0.400 (8-12)

Deck [RPI] W% (W-L) *By PRI, minimum 2 games*

1. Martell/KotHH [0.607] 0.500 (1-1)

2. Martell/Quentyn [0.603] 0.571 (4-3)

3. Greyjoy/Song of Ice [0.591] 0.800 (4-1)

4. Baratheon/Holy [0.578] 0.833 (5-1)

5. Greyjoy/HoD Grief [0.505] 0.333 (1-2)

6. Stark/Kindly Man [0.494] 0.714 (5-2)

7. Martell/Song of Fire [0.467] 0.833 (5-1)

8. Baratheon/None [0.443] 0.571 (4-3)

9. Baratheon/HoD Iron Throne [0.443] 0.500 (1-1)

10. Neutral/TLV [0.443] 0.500 (1-1)

11. Targaryen/KotHH Burn [0.441] 0.462 (6-7)

12. Stark/HoD Gates of Winterfell [0.377] 0.0 (0-2)

13. Martell/Knights [0.377] 0.333 (1-2)

14. Greyjoy/Holy [0.369] 0.667 (2-1)

15. Targaryen/Dothraki [0.363] 0.500 (2-2)

16. Baratheon/KotR [0.358] 0.250 (2-6)

17. Greyjoy/Damphair [0.357] 0.364 (4-7)

18. Lannister/PBtT [0.332] 0.400 (2-3)

19. Lannister/Song of Fire [0.285] 0.000 (0-3)

20. Baratheon/Black Sails [0.253] 0.000 (0-2)

21. Stark/KotR [0.243] 0.250 (1-3)

Thanks for playing everyone! See you next week.

Edited by Deathjester26

2013 Winter League Week 3 Numbers!

Player W-L (W%) {STR}

1. James S 9-3 (0.750) {60}

2. Alex E 8-4 (0.667) {71}

3. Chris S 8-4 (0.667) {54}

4. John K 7-8 (0.467) {77}

5. Joe B 7-6 (0.538) {61}

6. John B 6-2 (0.750) {42}

7. Margo F 5-9 (0.357) {83}

8. Dan H 5-4 (0.556) {46}

9. Matt J 5-4 (0.556) {43}

10. Ram D 4-3 (0.571) {38}

11. Ryan J 4-1 (0.800) {23}

12. Nich P 3-8 (0.273) {62}

13. Brian C 3-1 (0.750) {19}

14. Joseph B 2-9 (0.182) {73}

15. Shawn M 2-7 (0.222) {47}

16. Laura H 1-5 (0.167) {33}

17. Troy M 1-2 (0.333) {14}

House [RPI] W% (W-L) by RPI

1. Lannister [0.542] 0.600 (12-8)

2. Martell [0.515] 0.556 (15-12)

3. Stark [0.513] 0.556 (10-8)

4. Neutral [0.496] 0.333 (1-2)

5. Baratheon [0.488] 0.474 (18-20)

6. Greyjoy [0.487] 0.462 (12-14)

7. Targaryen [0.463] 0.429 (12-16)

Deck [RPI] W% (W-L) by RPI minimum 2 games

1. Targaryen/Treaty Bara Draft [0.938] 1.000 (2-0)

2. Lannister/Draft [0.750] 0.500 (1-1)

3. Lannister/Kneel [0.717] 1.000 (3-0)

4. Lannister/Kingsguard [0.664] 1.000 (2-0)

5. Baratheon/Holy [0.621] 0.833 (5-1)

6. Greyjoy/Song of Ice [0.605] 0.800 (4-1)

7. Stark/Kindly Man [0.604] 0.778 (7-2)

8. Martell/KotHH [0.565] 0.400 (2-3)

9. Martell/Quentyn [0.559] 0.545 (6-5)

10. Lannister/Treaty Mart Draft [0.542] 0.750 (3-1)

11. Baratheon/Draft [0.542] 0.500 (1-1)

12. Neutral/TLV [0.535] 0.333 (1-2)

13. Baratheon/KotHH Recursion [0.527] 0.833 (5-1)

14. Martell/Song of Fire [0.525] 0.833 (5-1)

15. Greyjoy/HoD Grief [0.510] 0.333 (1-2)

16. Baratheon/Black Sails [0.499] 0.00 (0-2)

17. Targaryen/KotHH Hoppers [0.482] 0.333 (2-4)

18. Baratheon/HoD Iron Throne [0.475] 0.500 (1-1)

19. Baratheon/None [0.466] 0.571 (4-3)

20. Targaryen/Dothraki [0.426] 0.500 (4-4)

21. Lannister/Song of Fire [0.424] 0.250 (1-3)

22. Stark/HoD Gates of Winterfell [0.420] 0.000 (0-2)

23. Targaryen/KotHH Burn [0.420] 0.444 (4-5)

24. Martell/KotR [0.403] 0.333 (1-2)

25. Greyjoy/Holy [0.400] 0.667 (2-1)

26. Baratheon/KotR [0.397] 0.222 (2-7)

27. Stark/KotR [0.385] 0.333 (2-4)

28. Greyjoy/Damphair [0.366] 0.286 (4-10)

29. Lannister/PBtT [0.317] 0.400 (2-3)

30. Martell/Treaty Targ Draft [0.292] 0.500 (1-1)

31. Baratheon/Treaty GJ Draft [0.292] 0.000 (0-2)

32. Baratheon/Treaty Lanni Draft [0.229] 0.000 (0-2)

*I'd love to do a minimum of 3 games played, but want the draft decks on here :)

Edited by Deathjester26

2013 Winter League Week 4 Results

Player W-L (W%) {STR}

1. Chris S 12-5 (0.706) {88}

2. James S 10-3 (0.769) {81}

3. Joe B 10-7 (0.588) {101}

4. John K 9-9 (0.500) {120}

5. Ryan J 8-1 (0.889) {51}

6. Alex E 8-7 (0.533) {115}

7. Margo F 7-11 (0.389) {131}

8. John B 6-2 (0.750) {51}

9. Matt J 6-6 (0.500) {73}

10. Dan H 5-4 (0.556) {58}

11. Ram D 4-3 (0.571) {40}

12. Nich P 3-8 (0.273) {81}

13. Brian C 3-4 (0.429) {51}

14. Joseph B 2-13 (0.133) {126}

15. Shawn M 2-7 (0.222) {60}

16. Laura H 1-5 (0.167) {47}

17. Troy M 1-2 (0.333) {14}

House [RPI] W% (W-L) ranked by RPI

1. Lannister [0.558] 0.643 (18-10)

2. Martell [0.510] 0.528 (19-17)

3. Stark [0.509] 0.571 (12-9)

4. Neutral [0.502] 0.333 (1-2)

5. Greyjoy [0.482] 0.462 (12-14)

6. Baratheon [0.481] 0.44 (22-28)

7. Targaryen [0.462] 0.433 (13-17)

Deck [RPI] W% (W-L) ranked by RPI minimum 3 games

1. Baratheon/Rush [0.695] 0.750 (3-1)

2. Lannister/Kneel [0.629] 0.875 (7-1)

3. Baratheon/Holy [0.620] 0.833 (5-1)

4. Greyjoy/Song of Ice [0.592] 0.8 (4-1)

5. Stark/Kindly Man [0.546] 0.700 (7-3)

6. Lannister/Treaty Mart Draft [0.542] 0.750 (3-1)

7. Martell/Quentyn [0.533] 0.529 (9-8)

8. Martell/Song of Fire [0.522] 0.714 (5-2)

9. Martell/KotHH [0.515] 0.400 (2-3)

10. Greyjoy/HoD Grief [0.513] 0.333 (1-2)

11. Baratheon/KotHH Recursion [0.499] 0.556 (5-4)

12. Lannister/Song of Fire [0.495] 0.429 (3-4)

13. Neutral/TLV [0.495] 0.333 (1-2)

14. Baratheon/None [0.472] 0.571 (4-3)

15. Targaryen/KotHH Hoppers [0.470] 0.429 (3-4)

16. Greyjoy/Holy [0.454] 0.667 (2-1)

17. Baratheon/KotR [0.426] 0.214 (3-11)

18. Targaryen/KotHH Burn [0.410] 0.444 (4-5)

19. Targaryen/Dothraki [0.404] 0.444 (4-5)

20. Martell/KotR [0.385] 0.333 (1-2)

21. Greyjoy/Damphair [0.361] 0.286 (4-10)

22. Stark/KotR [0.345] 0.333 (2-4)

23. Lannister/PBtT [0.319] 0.400 (2-3)

See you all next week!

Edited by Deathjester26

2013 Winter League Week 5 Numbers

Player W-L (W%) {STR} by # of Ws

1. Chris S 15-6 (0.714) {136}

2. Joe B 14-8 (0.636) {162}

3. James S 11-6 (0.647) {127}

4. John K 10-11 (0.476) {169}

5. Matt J 9-10 (0.474) {159}

6. Alex E 8-7 (0.533) {135}

7. Dan H 8-7 (0.533) {128}

8. Ryan J 8-1 (0.889) {66}

9. Margo F 7-11 (0.389) {159}

10. John B 6-2 (0.750) {62}

11. Brian C 5-4 (0.556) {79}

12. Joseph B 4-15 (0.211) {182}

13. Nich P 4-10 (0.286) {117}

14. Laura H 4-6 (0.400) {89}

15. Ram D 4-3 (0.571) {48}

16. Shawn M 3-12 (0.200) {138}

17. Troy M 1-2 (0.333) {14}

House [RPI] W% (W-L) by RPI

1. Lannister [0.554] 0.649 (24-13)

2. Greyjoy [0.499] 0.500 (15-15)

3. Martell [0.491] 0.465 (20-23)

4. Stark [0.488] 0.500 (14-14)

5. Baratheon [0.487] 0.462 (30-35)

6. Targaryen [0.478] 0.472 (17-19)

7. Neutral [0.478] 0.333 (1-2)

Deck [RPI] W% (W-L) by RPI, minimum 3 games played

1. Baratheon/Holy [0.629] 0.833 (5-1)

2. Lannister/Kneel [0.622] 0.769 (10-3)

3. Greyjoy/Song of Ice [0.591] 0.800 (4-1)

4. Baratheon/Rush [0.588] 0.750 (6-2)

5. Martell/KotHH [0.558] 0.500 (3-3)

6. Stark/Kindly Man [0.545] 0.727 (8-3)

7. Lannister/Treaty Mart Draft [0.542] 0.750 (3-1)

8. Martell/Quentyn [0.534] 0.500 (9-9)

9. Martell/Song of Fire [0.528] 0.714 (5-2)

10. Greyjoy/HoD Grief [0.514] 0.333 (1-2)

11. Baratheon/KotHH Recursion [0.512] 0.533 (8-7)

12. Lannister/Song of Fire [0.512] 0.545 (6-5)

13. Greyjoy/Holy [0.500] 0.667 (2-1)

14. Targaryen/KotHH Hoppers [0.489] 0.429 (3-4)

15. Baratheon/None [0.477] 0.571 (4-3)

16. Martell/HoD Dorne [0.473] 0.200 (1-4)

17. Targaryen/Dothraki [0.468] 0.538 (7-6)

18. Neutral/TLV [0.462] 0.333 (1-2)

19. Targaryen/KotHH Burn [0.426] 0.444 (4-5)

20. Baratheon/KotR [0.414] 0.263 (5-14)

21. Greyjoy/Damphair [0.409] 0.389 (7-11)

22. Martell/KotR [0.370] 0.200 (1-4)

23. Stark/KotR [0.361] 0.250 (3-9)

24. Lannister/PBtT [0.337] 0.400 (2-3)

One more week to go!

Edited by Deathjester26

Here are our final numbers! Next week our finals will start at 6pm.

Remember, number of Ws was used to make the cut to 16, but players are seeded by W%.

Player W-L (W%) {STR}

1. Ryan J 8-1 (0.889) {72}

2. John B 14-3 (0.824) {184}

3. Chris S 15-6 (0.714) {152}

4. James S 15-8 (0.652) {209}

5. Joe B 15-11 (0.577) {223}

6. Ram D 4-3 (0.571) {58}

7. Brian C 5-4 (0.556) {85}

8. Dan H 8-7 (0.533) {142}

9. Matt J 11-11 (0.500) {210}

10. Alex E 10-10 (0.500) {222}

11. John K 11-15 (0.423) {253}

12. Laura H 4-6 (0.4) {93}

13. Margo F 7-11 (0.389) {182}

14. Nich P 4-10 (0.286) {132}

15. Shawn M 3-12 (0.200) {152}

16. Joseph B 4-19 (0.174) {252}

17. Troy M 1-2 (0.333) {22}

Round 1 Match-ups for next week:

1. Ryan v 16. Joseph

2. John B v 15. Shawn

3. Chris v 14. Nich

4. James v 13. Margo

5. Joe v 12. Laura

6. Ram v 11. John K

7. Brian v 10. Alex

8. Dan v 9. Matt

House [RPI] W% (W-L) by RPI

1. Lannister [0.559] 0.674 (29-14)

2. Greyjoy [0.509] 0.529 (18-16)

3. Martell [0.491] 0.468 (22-25)

4. Targaryen [0.485] 0.489 (22-23)

5. Baratheon [0.478] 0.434 (33-43)

6. Neutral [0.476] 0.333 (1-2)

7. Stark [0.474] 0.467 (14-16)

Deck [RPI] W% (W-L) minimum 3 games played, by RPI

1. Baratheon/Holy [0.623] 0.833 (5-1)

2. Lannister/Kneel [0.601] 0.733 (11-4)

3. Greyjoy/Song of Ice [0.589] 0.800 (4-1)

4. Greyjoy/Holy [0.557] 0.667 (2-1)

5. Targaryen/KotHH Hoppers [0.544] 0.600 (6-4)

6. Lannister/Treaty Mart Draft [0.542] 0.750 (3-1)

7. Baratheon/Rush [0.541] 0.600 (6-4)

8. Martell/Song of Fire [0.536] 0.714 (5-2)

9. Stark/Kindly Man [0.534] 0.667 (8-4)

10. Martell/Quentyn [0.525] 0.500 (10-10)

11. Baratheon/KotHH Recursion [0.510] 0.533 (8-7)

12. Lannister/Song of Fire [0.508] 0.545 (6-5)

13. Lannister/PBtT [0.500] 0.667 (6-3)

14. Baratheon/A Nobel Cause [0.494] 0.500 (2-2)

15. Martell/KotHH [0.489] 0.500 (4-4)

16. Baratheon/None [0.475] 0.571 (4-3)

17. Targaryen/Dothraki [0.465] 0.533 (8-7)

18. Targaryen/KotHH Burn [0.456] 0.444 (4-5)

19. Neutral/TLV [0.452] 0.333 (1-2)

20. Martell/HoD Dorne [0.447] 0.200 (1-4)

21. Martell/KotR [0.439] 0.200 (1-4)

22. Greyjoy/Damphair [0.427] 0.389 (7-11)

23. Baratheon/KotR [0.412] 0.250 (6-18)

24. Targaryen/KotHH Dragon Pit [0.407] 0.200 (1-4)

25. Stark/KotR [0.355] 0.250 (3-9)

Good luck next week everyone!

Edited by Deathjester26

Congrats to John B, our 2013 Winter League Champ!!!

Here's a break down of the top 16

#16 Joseph B def. bye

#2 John B def. #15 Shawn M

#3 Chris S def. bye

#4 James S def #13 Margo

#12 Laura H def #5 Joe

#11 John K def bye

#10 Alex E def #7 Brian C

#8 Dan H def #9 Matt J

#8 Dan H def #16 Joseph B

#2 John B def # 10 Alex E

#3 Chris S def #11 John K

#4 James S def #12 Laura H

#4 James S def #8 Dan H

#2 John B def #3 Chris S

#2 John B (Lanni No Agenda) def #2 James S (Greyjoy KotHH)