2 Sisters of Battle Looking for a play by post Game

By Servant of Dante, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

FYI, Lynata suggested I check out the Desperado role since it's Role Ability is reminiscent of the Seraphim's table-top Hit and Run rule.

Looking at the Desperado, I am sold on it (I get Finesse!), and will be switching over my character sheet as soon as I can (hopefully tonight).

The Desperado is one of my favorite classes, actually. I like that it offers a mix of survival, shooting and social skills, and the role ability is surprisingly useful. It would be a god fit for a Seraphim who wanted some social ability in addition to combat skills.

Yep; a big part of being a Sororitas is also to function as inspiration for others. Perhaps it is less about being "social" in the traditional meaning of the term, and more about making a good leader or hold morale-raising speeches for allied forces. There's got to be some suitably demagogue'ish Skills or Talents that have the Fellowship Aptitude!

On a sidenote, we've started to discuss shared background details for our characters and already came up with something we consider to be a cool detail. More to come! ;)

I should be home in about an hour, then I'll give Homeworld and Roles a final pass and report back here so that Doc can roll them bones.

I look forward to seeing what characters you two create! Depending on what sort of non-combat abilities you two possess, I might adjust my home world and background to tighten Balthazar's focus and ensure we've got everything covered.

I should be home in about an hour, then I'll give Homeworld and Roles a final pass and report back here so that Doc can roll them bones.

Cool, sounds good.

I look forward to seeing what characters you two create! Depending on what sort of non-combat abilities you two possess, I might adjust my home world and background to tighten Balthazar's focus and ensure we've got everything covered.

Feel free, I'd like to know if you end up doing it. Thaur not to your liking? Or just a modification based on mechanics?

Hey Lyn I don't want to keep you waiting, and I'm not going to be on the rest of the evening so I'm rolling 2 d10's and posting the results for you.

The first, Emperor's Blessing result: 7

Wounds Result: 5 (on a 1d10)

After a lot (and I mean a lot ) of consideration, I've finally settled on a Garden World Assassin.

I really thought I'd end up with a Fanatic or Penitent at first (before dropping my focus on the terminology and instead analysed only the mechanical effects), and also considered Shrine and Feudal Worlds, but in the end all the thinking and mulling-over also helped me gain a lot of new insight into the character I am making. :)

Apologies for taking this long, and thank you for rolling those dice! As Wounds would use d5's, I assume the roll is effectively a 3? If so, this would mean 3 Fate Points and 10 Wounds. Can you toss a d100 for Expanded Divination too, once you're back online?

As I've now started to eye other areas of the character sheet, I may have another request in terms of equipment: Would it be possible to swap Weapon Training: Chain and the chainblade for Weapon Training: Low-Tech and either a mono-knife or a mono-saber/sword? Chain knives in general don't feel like a very "Sister" weapon to me (or even very 40k in general -- has anyone ever seen a mini with a chainblade?), and I could argue I'm not actually gaining an advantage with this change.

Furthermore, how much "wiggle room" do we have on additional clothing, meaning anything we'd want to wear in addition to actual armour? Does it count as a standard acquisition during chargen?

Finally, are we going to post our character sheets in the forum, or on a wiki, or should I make a google drive account as well?

Edited by Lynata

If Lynata switches away from the chain blade (which is weird, but I generally don't question RAW), I will too.

One last check in.

Yes that means 3

D100 result is 36 (or 63)

Alright, since you are both willing to tradeout and Mono and Chainblade are both Scarce I will allow you to make the switch. (The God Emperor is benevolent on occasion.)

Arguably you are weakening yourselves in a few ways, so you aren't trading up or anything which is also a big factor.

I'd just get a Drive, I'm not planning on making a wiki. I just like having a copy of the character sheets for myself.

Edited by ThenDoctor

The chain-thing is probably meant as goodwill from the writers, actually, as a Sororitas character has a high chance of going for a chainsword sooner or later -- so a player would save some XP by starting with this Weapon Training already. But personally, I'd rather pay the extra XP yet wield a more suitable weapon right from the start.

Thank you! For the roll as well. :)

Yeah, I can understand it, and like I said it's essentially a lowering so in all not that bad. I'll just add it in as an option in terms of home rules.

And yeah I looked at the divination result, not bad either way really lol.

Character sheet updated to Desperado! I still can't afford Jaded if I want to take Dodge tests at +10, but I can afford the Known level of Acrobatics, and I now have Quick Draw instead of Rapid Reload.


I gave some pattern names to my stuff. The Flak Armour is just "Munitorum-issue," but the laspistols are Nanteik-pattern twin laspistols (left and right), and the knife is a Kendachi-pattern mono-knife.

That last one is a reference to something . . . :P :lol:

Edited by Servant of Dante

Sounds fine as long as it's just a narrative thing since there are some patterned equipment examples in DH2 in some places.

But yeah, I definitely think that Google Drive will be the easiest thing to try out the idea of the battle mat.

I can just make the field and upload it with something like "Turn 1 Mat", then do an update and make it "Turn 2"

Then if you don't look at it I don't have to worry about it.

Certainly will have to see how cumbersome it become.

Remember, until Lyn finishes their sheet everything is malleable, so feel free to peruse over it again if you want.

After Lyn gets one in I'll ask for final iterations of all the sheets.

I remember Lyn said they'd been communicating to you some ideas for background. Want to share some stuff? Or is it still tentative?

We do seem to have a few ideas "locked in" already, so if you really want to be teased, we can share. Although it'd probably be a nicer read to have the whole package. Your call! ;)

As for the map, have you considered Roll20 ? We would not actually play there, obviously, but it's super easy to upload a map and then move pieces/characters around simply by dragging and dropping them. You'd save the trouble of having to edit an image every single time, and this way you could actually try the "update every turn" thingie!

Lynata beat me to my reply!

Hmm, I don't know.

I was meaning to use a physical map and just take a picture of it.

But I do have a Roll20 account lying around somewhere, so I might look into seeing if it isn't a haste to do.

Matter of time to invest really.

As for background it can wait until you're done with it. I'd like to see it when it's done though that way I might work some stuff in.

Weasels did you end up changing your homeworld or sticking with Thaur? Or are you still moving things around/considering it?

Any updates guys?

Well, my character is basically ready to play. I'm a little busy to write much in the way of background myself right now . . .

Any change to my character will mostly be for mechanical reasons. I like Thaur and think it will make an interesting homeworld, but if Lynata has the social angle covered with an Assassin Palatine style character I'll be free to specialize Balthazar a bit more.

I might change his background to Adeptus Astra Telepathica and select the Defense aptitude instead of Social. I would also change homeworld to gain Intelligence so I can be very knowledgeable. With those, Balthazar could be a strong but stern mentor figure full of advice for his charges, whether they want to hear it out not :)

For my and Dante's part, we have made progress with our backstory in that we've come up with more "shared events" that help shape and portray the different personalities we are going to develop. :)

Also, I've showed Dante my character sheet .. though just now I remember I should update it to account for your graciously permitted Low-Tech weapon swap. :ph34r:


I still need to find a good avatar picture, and of course add in the background history, though. Also, I'd expect the dress robes would be changed for something civilian once the characters join the Inquisitor's team -- in my case I was thinking of a wide duster or something similar.

Well, my character is basically ready to play. I'm a little busy to write much in the way of background myself right now . . .

Sounds good, even then as long as there are some events known it'll be easier for your characters to be comfortable around one another. You can always come up with a few minor things as we go along.

Any change to my character will mostly be for mechanical reasons. I like Thaur and think it will make an interesting homeworld, but if Lynata has the social angle covered with an Assassin Palatine style character I'll be free to specialize Balthazar a bit more.

I might change his background to Adeptus Astra Telepathica and select the Defense aptitude instead of Social. I would also change homeworld to gain Intelligence so I can be very knowledgeable. With those, Balthazar could be a strong but stern mentor figure full of advice for his charges, whether they want to hear it out not :)

Alright, then I guess that means we need to make sure Lyn is locked in.

For my and Dante's part, we have made progress with our backstory in that we've come up with more "shared events" that help shape and portray the different personalities we are going to develop. :)

Also, I've showed Dante my character sheet .. though just now I remember I should update it to account for your graciously permitted Low-Tech weapon swap. :ph34r:


I still need to find a good avatar picture, and of course add in the background history, though. Also, I'd expect the dress robes would be changed for something civilian once the characters join the Inquisitor's team -- in my case I was thinking of a wide duster or something similar.

Does this mean you are mechanically sound in your character and the only stuff left is back story?

As for your dress that's all you. I mean it's the Imperium lots of different wear for lots of different places.

I may still make one or two minor tweaks to the equipment, but Skills and Talents can be considered "locked in".

Ariel is going to be a close range combatant, mainly relying on her shotgun, but I also aim to give her some martial arts capabilities (inspired by the Divination). She's also going to be somewhat perceptive, agile, she can sing, and she will acquire one or two more church/sisters-based knowledge skills later on to represent what I'd consider minimum insight for a member of the Adepta Sororitas -- though her quiet/distanced demeanour (contrasting the more brazen/ attitude of Servant's character) will mean that she may function more as a supporting repository of specialised knowledge rather than a "face" character who will confront others with this information.

I may still make one or two minor tweaks to the equipment, but Skills and Talents can be considered "locked in".

Well, if you could, try and get those changes in and send a link to the final version of the starting character when you can.

That way I can get everyone else to getting on their way lol. Everything else sounds good to me.

Any change to my character will mostly be for mechanical reasons. I like Thaur and think it will make an interesting homeworld, but if Lynata has the social angle covered with an Assassin Palatine style character I'll be free to specialize Balthazar a bit more.

Seems like we'll be getting at least some Ecclariarchal knowledge in there based on their latest post.

Well what started out as just getting a rough idea of the inquisitor ended up with me building them.

I did end up working out what i feel is the proper math for applying IP and CP to created characters at higher levels. 1d3/1000 XP split between the two as seen fit, making Sister Inellia helped me with that.

Weasels any update on your end of things with Lyn now having their Skills and Talents locked in?

My charater's name will probably be Estelia Dolan, with the last name having been given by the Schola.

I think I'll keep Balthazar as he stands know. Consider him "locked in" as well.