Whats Your Username Orgin Story?

By clontroper5, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

Mine is what happens when you don't listen to your parents' advice about internet safety and use your real name.

Oh boy.

Whatta mistaka to maka.

Most of my life people have been treating me like I'm worthless, useless, unwanted and stupid. Always I'd try to gain approval only to be mercilessly shot down.

I was depressed.


Felt like there was no point going on.

Then I thought:

"If I'm not good enough for you, then you're not good enough for me! I'm going to be me and if you don't like it then naff off!"

The only way you can expect to be respected by others is if you first respect yourself. Just grow a pair and stop trying to people please your way through life. Because anyone who expects you to change who you are, all the while treating you like detritus, isn't worth your time and effort.

Sounds harsh. But it's true.

Now I have friends who love and respect me. They're quality over quantity and we're family. Real family. Not pretenders who think biology makes a family, and I should just accept their hate because "we're family".

Tritus De is an anagram of detritus.

I wear that former insult with pride. To spit in the face of bullies and abusers. Being unworthy of their respect and companionship is a complement to all good, decent people of whom I'd rather be associated.

Edited by Tritus De

Strength is respectable.

Most of my life people have been treating me like I'm worthless, useless, unwanted and stupid. Always I'd try to gain approval only to be mercilessly shot down.

I was depressed.


Felt like there was no point going on.

Then I thought:

"If I'm not good enough for you, then you're not good enough for me! I'm going to be me and if you don't like it then naff off!"

The only way you can expect to be respected by others is if you first respect yourself. Just grow a pair and stop trying to people please your way through life. Because anyone who expects you to change who you are, all the while treating you like detritus, isn't worth your time and effort.

Sounds harsh. But it's true.

Now I have friends who love and respect me. They're quality over quantity and we're family. Real family. Not pretenders who think biology makes a family, and I should just accept their hate because "we're family".

Tritus De is an anagram of detritus.

I wear that former insult with pride. To spit in the face of bullies and abusers. Being unworthy of their respect and companionship is a complement to all good, decent people of whom I'd rather be associated.


Anyway I'm glad you were able to figure out that changing for people that dint respect is a Bad proposition. Good luck in life!

I died, then I got better.

I died, then I got better.

Like did your heart stop?

Its no big deal. Happened to me a few times.

I got turned into a newt once.

Its no big deal. Happened to me a few times.


Of course I have a heart.

Finders Keepers, after all....

I live in Montana. We (Montanans) have a thing about vigilantes (our Air National Guard squadron is named the Vigilantes and the most famous signature of the Montana vigilantes was, "3-7-77" which adorns both the aircraft of the Montana Air National Guard and the cars and badges of the Montana Highway Patrol, the state's primary law enforcement agency) - kind of like Robin Hood, but with less wealth re-distribution and somewhat more hanging by the neck until dead (of criminals and corrupt public officials, including at least one sheriff who was actively involved in robbing stage coaches).

I'm also fond of the popular 19th Century American name Virgil.

Plus people who aren't from Montana generally don't get it about the vigilante thing and the name is commonly taken.

So Vigil. Sounds like Virgil and it's an element of Vigilante. (On other forums, I commonly use VigilantRaven - because I like ravens, it incorporates an element of vigilante, and it sounds vaguely like a US military operation back when their names were randomly assigned, like OP: Gothic Serpent, rather than chosen by policy-makers, like OP: Enduring Freedom.)

Well my surname is Murphy and as far as I can remember my nickname has been smurf. (Shortened surname to murph then it became smurf)

Wedge Antilles has always been one of my favourite characters in the SW universe especially after all the Xwing books.

Hence smurfwedge.

Kinda works as it's one of a kind and I've never needed to add any numbers to it

Mine originates from back in the early days of the Internet when the main social network was IRC. I used to frequent in many IRC channels where the letter Z was used quite frequently...mainly for zero day downloads and such (WareZ comes to mind). As a result, I began substituting the phrase "it's" with "itz" because it sounded the same but looked cooler (at least in MY eyes...lol). About that same time, I also signed up for my first email account using Hotmail with the address of [email protected] . I have used it ever since...

Edited by itzSteve

Maybe I should check this section more often. Lots of interesting posts. :)

Anyone ever played Shadowfist? or the Feng Shui rpg?

I used to play it when I was late teens with my friends, and The Eastern King, was a character from a faction called the Ascended (Animals transformed into human form) and he was a Dragon, I played this faction a lot, and I was born in the year of the Dragon. So I used it back when I was playing MMOs and kinda stuck with it.


tenchi = Tenchi Masaki , 2a was just because when I first started use it 20+ years ago it was the first #letter comb that I got to work been using it ever since.

Edited by tenchi2a

I'm a military history enthusiast, Eskandare is the Farsi translation of Alexander the Great's name, and is also my first name.

Is Alexander or Eskandare your name? Cause I've never met an Eskandare, but I think it's pretty rad.

Well...my first name is Richard and my second name is Thomas. I thought to myself that an underscore in the middle would make things easier to read and I can't honestly remember why I put one at the end. Maybe someone else has Richard_Thomas?

Not the most exciting of stories I'll grant you.

Is your last name Harrison?

Because that would be awesome.

On other forums I often use "Big **** Heroine", as a woman and a Firefly fan. Here I just used my middle name, which is cool since it sounds kind of "Star Wars-y".

On other forums I often use "Big **** Heroine", as a woman and a Firefly fan. Here I just used my middle name, which is cool since it sounds kind of "Star Wars-y".

Named after the titan goddess?

Hhmm, guess I was waiting to be directly asked... or something. Could be that it's semi awkward. Ah well.

Story begins years and years ago, something around 2000 with the Armoured Core series. I built a gaudy white and orange mech, a light thing, called the Vixen. Anyway, it did shockingly well against a lot of players from my school, and I eventually upgraded it to a heavier model. To keep with the now antiquated '3 letter Arcade' thing, I named it the 'Vix'. Someone got irritated with not being able to outdo it and asked aloud in the music room on a rainy day, "Alright, who the **** is Vix?!" to which the words, "Eh." were spoken. So I kept the name and the fox motif, particularly the arctic variety.

Since then I've used 'Vix' pretty extensively, got to be a fairly prominent and important sorts in the Elder Scrolls community for a while (Published a lot of fan work and the like, some of which is still floating around to this day) and one of the Skyrim expansion packs ended up making a snow fox named 'Vix' after running an article of mine. I did a bunch of work but eventually suffered from pretty severe burnout as I was working through University on 100+ page reports at the same time as browsing and researching all of the Elder Scrolls lore stuff (If you know the series: Morrowind, Skyrim, etc, you know what I'm talking about. all in all, I think somewhere around 3,500 works). Got antsy, took a break when some personal stuff cropped up, was gonna come back but my account had been auto-wiped due to inactivity and killed most of my work with it (about 40+ research articles). I left my stuff in trust, they didn't back it up, and thus the blame fell on me when it got wiped out. Some people there assumed I was dead, but others insisted that they knew the truth: I had returned under another name to spitefully delete my work, prompting a number of close friends to curse my name or stab me in the back. I figured it didn't matter what the truth was, or what I said, what was done was done.

So I broke ties and wandered in the void under a few derivative names for a bit. Made the similar sounding name 'Vykes' for here, learned it was Lithuanian for 'accomplished/successful' after, which felt darkly humerous. Ta-da, the not-so-humble and penitent, Tr-uh, Vykes.

I do wish there was a fox picture I could use. Meh, C'est la vie, eh?

Edited by Vykes

Simple story in my case. Back when I was a kid my father would play an old space exploration computer game, and his username was StarFire. I always liked the sound of it for some reason. Then in Star Wars, I loved all the starfighters and their call signals. Gold Leader, Red Leader, Rogue Leader... so I combined the two and thus StarFire Leader was born.

Simple story in my case. Back when I was a kid my father would play an old space exploration computer game, and his username was StarFire. I always liked the sound of it for some reason. Then in Star Wars, I loved all the starfighters and their call signals. Gold Leader, Red Leader, Rogue Leader... so I combined the two and thus StarFire Leader was born.

I feel ooooold.

As a kid I spent numerous hours playing Hasbro's computer game version of the Axis and Allies board game. At the end of every game round a newspaper would appear with headlines based on the current game state. My favorite (since I liked playing an Germany) was "German juggernaut surges forward" or something like that. I really liked the word juggernaut, and my first and middle initials are "J", so when I ventured into the online world and needed usernames, JJ's Juggernaut seemed to fit, also I'm a fan of alliteration.