Whats Your Username Orgin Story?

By clontroper5, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

I was disappointed to hear Stasy's story. I had been shocked and pleased that there was a woman playing Armada lol! My story's not so interesting, I encountered the name in the first FFG game I owned: X-wing. I thought it sounded cool, so I took it. If I could change it, would totally be The Sensei of the Squeegee . It was a name I had when I was a pizza boy at an Italian restaurant in my junior year of high school.

I was disappointed to hear Stasy's story. I had been shocked and pleased that there was a woman playing Armada lol! My story's not so interesting, I encountered the name in the first FFG game I owned: X-wing. I thought it sounded cool, so I took it. If I could change it, would totally be The Sensei of the Squeegee . It was a name I had when I was a pizza boy at an Italian restaurant in my junior year of high school.

I remember reorganizaing my card binder and rediscovering it, I was like OMG there's ANOTHER pilot! (This was like a year into owning the game lol)

After getting to my duty station in 2002, I needed a user name for the Internet. Well, I was a United States Marine 0311 Rifleman at the time and so I got the "marinegrunt" from that. I threw the "01" as that was the year I joined. Still use it to this day as I've never seen it taken on any site I've joined.

Edge of the Empire Gand Player Character.

When it came to naming my character, I worked on combining Roy and Saarlac.

On Google I'm Roy Solo. The Solo has nothing to do with a certain smuggler, but rather is representative of the fact that Roy often has to game solo.

I think simply replying to this explains so much about what really happened on the Death Star . . .

I think simply replying to this explains so much about what really happened on the Death Star . . .

TK 421

Why aren't you at your post?

"Artifixprime" comes from a few sources.

Artifix should actually be "Artifex" - this comes from the Neal Stephenson book, "The Diamond Age" where the profession of one of the characters is an Artifex (engineer). The book has a sort of steampunk/cyberpunk setting with lots of wood/brass and mechanical thingys. I left college with a masters degree in mechanical engineering so this held a certain appeal for me.

Originally I wanted to have a username simply as Artifex (for what I forget), but that was taken, so i added "prime" to the end of it as it gave it a vaguely 40Kish Adeptus Mechanicus sort of ring to it.

This was all sounding quite clever until I misspelled it and Artifexprime became Artifixprime :)

I was disappointed to hear Stasy's story. I had been shocked and pleased that there was a woman playing Armada lol! My story's not so interesting, I encountered the name in the first FFG game I owned: X-wing. I thought it sounded cool, so I took it. If I could change it, would totally be The Sensei of the Squeegee . It was a name I had when I was a pizza boy at an Italian restaurant in my junior year of high school.

I played a woman once in Armada. She kicked my ass. Badly.

My username started probably 20 years ago with a simple mistype of my name, (Dan -> Dab). Then I was reading the X-Wing series of books and there was a mention of the Darklighter family being large, so I just added that on as a last name.

It has served me well on the internet for quite some time.

I was playing soem Star Wars roleplay game where my character's name was Julien Norell. I loved the name so much it became a permanent nickname. Even my coplayers called me that :)

Long time 40k player with a fondness for using plasma weaponry but limited skill in the use of numbered cubes, which has led to a lot of my marines having to eat their own plasma. At the appropriate point during one game my brother pounced on the latest victim and replaced him with a base upon which he'd modelled a pair of melted boots. When it game to picking an online gaming persona I decided to own my glorious defeats.

Edited by Plasmafest

Long time 40k player with a fondness for using plasma weaponry but limited skill in the use of numbered cubes, which has lead to a lot of my marines having to eat their own plasma. At the appropriate point during one game my brother pounced on the latest victim and replaced him with a base upon which he'd modelled a pair of melted boots. When it game to picking an online gaming persona I decided to own my glorious defeats.

That's some hilarious Imagery :P

Mine's pretty simple:

I love all sorts of sci-fi/fantasy shows/movies, which includes Star Wars and Star Trek.

Martok is taken from my favorite Klingon character in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, that of General (who eventually became Chancellor) Martok.

2112 of course from RUSH's great album.

Oh hey. I randomly decide to click over to Off-Topic for the first time in almost ever and find myself called out at the top of the page.

Mine's super nerdy.

Needed a second WoW character name for my Blood Elf when BC dropped in 2005/6ish, and I thought I was going Shadow (my 2's partner had been playing shadow since release, and was undead which is way more thematic anyway, so I ended up taking up the Holy/Disc mantle and never looked back).

In Sindarin (Tolkien elvish):

Ar : "high"

Dae : "dark"
Edhel : "elf"

Reasoning being that in Warcraft lore, the blood elves are descended from ancient high elves, so my dude was a perversion of his high elf ancestors.

And nobody else in the whole world has ever used it except some poseur on a European server, so I stick with it for convenience. And because it's funny hearing people try to pronounce it.


Edited by Ardaedhel

In Sindarin (Tolkien elvish): Ar : "high"

Dae : "dark" Edhel : "elf"

My life is. Complete now :P

You heard about the halfling rock star right?

Elvish Presley? :D


I feel like there's a Sean Connery joke in there somewhere too...

I feel like there's a Sean Connery joke in there somewhere too...

Ha ha ha ha! Touche!

Oh hey. I randomly decide to click over to Off-Topic for the first time in almost ever and find myself called out at the top of the page.

Mine's super nerdy.

Needed a second WoW character name for my Blood Elf when BC dropped in 2005/6ish, and I thought I was going Shadow (my 2's partner had been playing shadow since release, and was undead which is way more thematic anyway, so I ended up taking up the Holy/Disc mantle and never looked back).

In Sindarin (Tolkien elvish):

Ar : "high"

Dae : "dark"

Edhel : "elf"

Reasoning being that in Warcraft lore, the blood elves are descended from ancient high elves, so my dude was a perversion of his high elf ancestors.

And nobody else in the whole world has ever used it except some poseur on a European server, so I stick with it for convenience. And because it's funny hearing people try to pronounce it.


Actually, in Sindarin dh is pronounced most like th in English the . It is not pronounced like normal d .

So it would be Arr-day-eth-ell.

I know this because I have spent way too much time in the study of The Silmarillion and The Lord Of The Rings.



aka Armegil ("Noble Sword") on LANDROVAL in LOTRO.

Well, I'm "Q"...

I may be square but I'm still cool...

I reveal that secret only when Drunk.

The last time was back in March '00, at the Sergeant's Mess at East Sale RAAF Base.

They had Dollar Pints and .50c Shots.

Half a Point if you can work out Why were drunk on that day.

It was a big deal in that corner of the world, after all... But I dare say the Northern Hemisphere barely noticed.

You cloned a sheep?

As for me, well as it happens almost exactly 14 years ago I was looking for a user name, and this came on.

Edited by thecactusman17

My username origin story is a simple one. Two words plucked from my two favourite songs:



What I didn't know, until I googled it is that Idris means "ardent lord". So my username could be translated Lord Starman. Which I think is cool.

For the record I'm not Welsh. But that song is awesome!

My handle's origin?

Daht's a secret.

My handle's origin?

Daht's a secret.

Mine is what happens when you don't listen to your parents' advice about internet safety and use your real name.