The character is 25/26, I'm 43 and don't have that much hair anymore, btw the lightsaber I ordered from Vader's vault hasn't come yet, this was me at age 25 so it's not terribly different from those 2 corran horn pics.
The character is 25/26, I'm 43 and don't have that much hair anymore, btw the lightsaber I ordered from Vader's vault hasn't come yet, this was me at age 25 so it's not terribly different from those 2 corran horn pics.
Huh, you actually look a lot like Corran Horn, but I dont think I can actually make a piece and make it look animated right from the game world though, I can easily add a lightsaber to a live action shot however, but I am not so sure about making live action look handdrawn or gamelike
4 hours ago, Ni Fang said:Huh, you actually look a lot like Corran Horn, but I dont think I can actually make a piece and make it look animated right from the game world though, I can easily add a lightsaber to a live action shot however, but I am not so sure about making live action look handdrawn or gamelike
That was me at 25
BTW color changes to either of the 2 corran horn pics I posted above. Also the character has shoulder length hair tied back in a loose ponytail.
Edited by EliasWindrider
This was me 2 Octobe2s ago
You still look good
1 hour ago, Ni Fang said:You still look good
Last almost 2 years (since my son was born), especially the last 7 months (since my wife has been pregnant with our second child) been hard on me, I'm greying for starters, and I'm getting a gut (been eating less healthy, e.g. drinking cherry coke to get caffeine because I hate coffee, and cherry coke zero makes my kidneys hurt). Not sure how much of it is age vs. Not getting enough sleep vs...
This is currently a work in progress so stuff may change. but here is Cynthiana Kuat my Jedi Knight turned starship constructionyard owner
Hey all, me again this time with some character art of a friend of mine, a Chiss Jedi, in Skyrim! her name is Ammison
On 5/8/2019 at 5:26 PM, EliasWindrider said:The character is 25/26, I'm 43 and don't have that much hair anymore, btw the lightsaber I ordered from Vader's vault hasn't come yet, this was me at age 25 so it's not terribly different from those 2 corran horn pics.
* Notices the "character artwork" thread and figures, why not check in? It's been a while.
* Opens the thread to the last page.
* This is the first image.
* Slowly backs out from thread...
How much is a commission from Nunes anyway? I can't seem to find any information about that on his webpage.
Edited by OddballE8Ask him directly. He is a very nice guy and will answer quickly.
Totally worth the money.
On 8/20/2019 at 9:56 AM, Seam said:Ask him directly. He is a very nice guy and will answer quickly.
Totally worth the money.
I was mainly asking here so as to not bother him with it, since I won't be doing any commission from him any time soon anyway.
Just curious about the cost.
(don't have a group right now)
12 hours ago, OddballE8 said:I was mainly asking here so as to not bother him with it, since I won't be doing any commission from him any time soon anyway.
Just curious about the cost.
(don't have a group right now)
PM send.
9 hours ago, Seam said:PM send.
Send that to me as well? I don't want to contact the artist and get their hopes up, if I can find out beforehand it would be helpful
On 6/15/2018 at 9:59 AM, senator52 said:
Al'drax (Based on art by Will Nunes)
Human, Scoundrel of @senator52 created in Lego form
I got an updated design of my Mandalorian character from Will Nunes, and I very much love what he's done with it!
On 3/31/2016 at 1:38 PM, Maelora said:
Oh, trust me, she's 'fully functional'.
Your games are clearly more fun than mine!
Edited by Vondy
Here is Cal Coda, my long-running Jedi Knight character. In our game he was one of the last Jedi knighted before the Clone Wars erupted. He survived Order 66 and withdrew to a remote refuge planet where he lay down his saber and started a new life before being drawn into Bail Organa's nascent rebel movement. Our current year is 10 BBY. I'm not sure who the artist is, but the only edit I made was to remove his... mullet. Whaaaat?!
On 12/1/2019 at 4:56 PM, Vondy said:That is really sweet.
Oh wow I just noticed this post {has it really been that long that this post was made last year ?!} Thanks! I think at this point I can consider it done.
You guys remember me working out the stat block for a Lothcat that I was making, her name being Lee and such ? Well, the guys in the game enjoyed her I mentioned her in another game online and everyone wanted me to do another version. So I made some art {NOTE: I have no idea who the model is, but man she looks catlike!} {apparently too large to upload as a upload, so here is the link}
Like I said I dont know the model; but the live action very brief instance of the Lothcat in The Mandolorian was totally worth it and perfect!
In the new game, Lee's goal is to find Ezra to help her mother, The White Lothcat AKA The Ghost Lothcat, Lee, thanks to her mother, is able to tinker with technology and made herself, somehow with aid of the force, a Hardlight hologram of a humanlike woman.
In other words, the human woman is etheral, beautiful and very quick on her feet. But inside, shes a mess of a chaotic Tooka punching buttons and yanking levers.
I even made her in Skyrim! {picture soon}
I see all the sweet Will Nunes illustrations. Anyone give me an idea roughly how much he charges?
Boi, the start of this thread has a lot of broken image links.
Shows you that "stuff stays on the net forever" is a myth.
Thanks for sharing everyone.
The point of "stuff stays on the internet forever" is not that it stays in the same place.
I have some images in my archives with the original source long gone - but using picture search I still find a lot of other places where it still exists.
On 1/11/2020 at 7:55 AM, Stethemessiah said:I see all the sweet Will Nunes illustrations. Anyone give me an idea roughly how much he charges?
Not sure of the going rate, but several years ago my whole group commissioned him. It was roughly $50/character. He is amazing to work with- great communication, can adjust poses, colors, all sorts of things. Highly recommended. It's worth it!