Character Artwork Thread

By verdantsf, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I never saw the original series, just the kick-butt series with Winchester/Stapleton. Winchester is now lead actor on Chicago Justice and Stapleton is lead actor on Blindspot. The chemistry (dialogue) between these two men on Strike Back was very well written, as was the entire show. Great direction, cinematography, and (of course) musical scoring. Oh, and the show's actresses also kicked serious butt. As well as being nice on the eyes.

The guys were chosen for their looks as much as the women. just look at them.

Yeah Strike back was pretty effing awesome...great chemistry between the Leads and great stories and actions...and not afraid to kill off cast members...8)

Origins was alright, more thinking than acting but not bad.


Edited by Mattimeo84

I don't much care for the species of the subject in that piece of art, but the artist is exceptionally talented. The bird is stunningly drawn and colored, and the woman's clothes are well done. Boots could have used some more detail, perhaps.

9 minutes ago, ShadoWarrior said:

I don't much care for the species of the subject in that piece of art, but the artist is exceptionally talented. The bird is stunningly drawn and colored, and the woman's clothes are well done. Boots could have used some more detail, perhaps.

Thanks! Its cobbled photoshop job for a character I just created. I take no credit for the art. All I did was change the skin color and place the bird on the shoulder.

Very smooth work in photoshop. You did a good job with the color change, and adding the bird was well done, too. If I wanted to be nitpicky I'd mention the lack of shadows for the bird's legs on the arm, but one has to look real close to notice that.


I know about the shadow, but when it scales down into the Character generator, it just wasn't worth the time or effort.

4 hours ago, Mattimeo84 said:


I'm just seeing a grey "no entry" sign. Is this some adult filter thing I didn't know about? Or a hotlink blocking device?

34 minutes ago, Squirrelsan said:

I'm just seeing a grey "no entry" sign. Is this some adult filter thing I didn't know about? Or a hotlink blocking device?

It's just you. I can see his image just fine. Obviously, or I wouldn't have commented on it. And it's odd that you're getting filtered, because I first saw it at a public library that has an extremely strict set of content filters.

Edited by ShadoWarrior

wont display for me either

Same here. I feel I'm on a... one way street... moving in the wrong direction.

Yeah, I'm getting the same little grey symbol. And I can assure you I don't have a web filter.

IMG URL directs to a field of transparency with the same "wrong way" symbol in gray on it.

The problem has to be something specific to you guys. Something that all of you have in common, but that I don't share.

Changed host, see if that worked...

26 minutes ago, Mattimeo84 said:

Changed host, see if that worked...

Yup! And good job on the 'shop.

Shard (and Aye) from various pbp's on these forums:



Vic J. Verno, ex-cop... And one pissed Ewok, who has never heard of an Ewok. Raised in the far outer rim.


Edited by TheShard

Other shard with out scars


More Aye concepts...


Really cool and strange drawings TheShard. I like them! :)

My pantoran thief/charmer Phenn Liun.


On 10/8/2016 at 10:11 PM, Nytwyng said:

Tvrrourr - A Warrior Aggressor/Shii-Cho Knight who's had to have an arm replaced with cybernetics and has developed an affinity for loud tropical shirts.


This is my spirit animal. I actually go thrifting for the most obnoxious tropical shirts in existence. I love them and I don't know why.