Character Artwork Thread

By verdantsf, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I need a dodecahedron shaped object but that would be a really neat gift for the player.

Look no further. This guy sells laser-cut terrain for miniature games like 40K and Infinity, and he happens to have a softball-sized d12 as a game aid. You can get it printed on plywood or acrylic, with custom designs on the faces. The price is pretty reasonable, I think.

I've considered getting one made with a SW:TOR-style design to represent a holocron. If you go that route, let me know how it turns out.

So I need an acrylic one, slightly opaque blue and I need to rig it with some LEDs. When I have the funds, I think I will commission one. Thanks!

Edited by GroggyGolem

So I need an acrylic one, slightly opaque blue and I need to rig it with some LEDs. When I have the funds, I think I will commission one. Thanks!

I think all of his acrylics are clear, but since you'll be assembling it, I think some paint on the inside will achieve the effect you're looking for. I believe Krylon sells a rattle-can that's supposed to mimic the effects of sea glass, which sounds perfect; not sure how it would work on the acrylic, though. Good luck!

I hadn't thought about lighting it... I was just going to get it in wood & paint it. Hmm.

Edited by SFC Snuffy

That's not a dodecahedron. Tiila's holocron is, however. Still, really cool and if I had access to a 3d printer I'd make one in a heartbeat.

Anyway, I plan to start drawing up all my player's characters and some more of my NPCs. When I have more, I'll post them here.

That's not a dodecahedron. Tiila's holocron is, however. Still, really cool and if I had access to a 3d printer I'd make one in a heartbeat.

Search on Thingiverse for “dodecahedron”, and you’ll turn up many examples of such a shape. Some of them would take very little modification to turn into a holocron.


Edited by RodianClone

Just sketched this handsome smuggler archetype.. Sketching with reference practice :)


That's a toy, not an accurately sized replica. The Tedryn Holocron, for instance was sized to fit comfortably within the palm of the hand, and, based upon the images I've found, is about 2"x2"x2". As I said, while some may be larger, the standard is palm sized, and that's about 2" on a side.

Terdyn Holocron (held by Leia, who stands at only 1.5 meters/4'11" tall):


Sith Holocron:


This is the Holocron prop I made several years ago. It's made from a Golfball display cube, and measures in at 2" on a side with an inner cube measuring 1.5" on a side:


If you want to use examples from canonical sources, then the TV show “Star Wars: Rebels” is one guide we can reference. Specifically, Kanan’s holocron cube. All of these look to me like they’re about three inches per side:




If you want to use examples from canonical sources, then the TV show “Star Wars: Rebels” is one guide we can reference. Specifically, Kanan’s holocron cube. All of these look to me like they’re about three inches per side:




I disagree. They look more like 2" on a side, especially the pic of Ezra, since his hand is quite a bit smaller than an adult's hand. Now, there's nothing saying some holocrons can't be 3" or more, the Great Holocron certainly was much larger. But the original Holocron was stated to be palm sized, specifically, able to fit comfortably within the palm of the hand. 3" is actually a bit too large to fit comfortably and completely within the palm of the hand. A 2" cube does fit perfectly within the palm of the hand, even a relatively small hand.

I disagree. They look more like 2" on a side, especially the pic of Ezra, since his hand is quite a bit smaller than an adult's hand.

Now, check the picture of that same holocron in the hands of Darth Maul:


Now, there's nothing saying some holocrons can't be 3" or more, the Great Holocron certainly was much larger. But the original Holocron was stated to be palm sized, specifically, able to fit comfortably within the palm of the hand. 3" is actually a bit too large to fit comfortably and completely within the palm of the hand. A 2" cube does fit perfectly within the palm of the hand, even a relatively small hand.

Depends on whose palm you’re talking about. A Rubik’s Cube that is three inches on a side fits perfectly into my palm. And I have a fairly average adult-sized hand.

In that pic with Maul holding the holocron it looks about 2" on a side. And he's holding it mostly with his fingers, not resting in his palm. I've met Ray Park, and, at 5'9", he's not much taller than I am (I'm only 5'6" tall), so his hands aren't overly large. It should also be noted that the holocron in that picture is a different one than the one I referenced. I referenced the Tedryn Holocron, Also that third pic you posted was a larger hand than Ezra's and the holocron fits fully in the palm, that also suggests a 2" on a side cube. As for the Rubic's Cube reference. Those fill quite a bit more than the palm of my hand.

Holocron highjack? ....

Why can't holocrons look like a million different things? More interesting if they can look different and be unique..

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Holocron highjack? ....

Why can't holocrons look like a million different things? More interesting if they can look different and be unique..

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Back to topic....

So, RC...have you ever considered trying your hand at a non-Lego version of the Freemakers? I think they'd fit your style quite nicely.


Edited by Nytwyng

In that pic with Maul holding the holocron it looks about 2" on a side. And he's holding it mostly with his fingers, not resting in his palm. I've met Ray Park, and, at 5'9", he's not much taller than I am (I'm only 5'6" tall), so his hands aren't overly large.

I’m 5’9”. My hands are of average size. I have one of those blue cubes, which I know happens to be 3” on a side. Here’s the pictures I just took to prove what it looks like when I hold it the same way in my own hands:




It should also be noted that the holocron in that picture is a different one than the one I referenced. I referenced the Tedryn Holocron, Also that third pic you posted was a larger hand than Ezra's and the holocron fits fully in the palm, that also suggests a 2" on a side cube.

The Tedryn holocron might very well be just 2” on a side. But that’s not the standard holocron size for which we have a canonical reference.

Just for chuckles and grins, here’s a picture of that same holocron fitting in the palm of my hand:


As for the Rubic's Cube reference. Those fill quite a bit more than the palm of my hand.

A Rubik’s Cube that is also 3” on a side is precisely the same size in my hand as the blue holocron cube I show above, which is also 3” on a side.

I played extensively with Rubik’s cubes when I was in high school, although I never got to competitive level with speed solving. A friend of mine did, and I could never understand how he did it. But I definitely remember them fitting quite well in my hands when I was much younger, and my hands were a bit smaller.

Wanna do this relative to Darth Maul’s head? Because I have a life-size Darth Maul that was designed by my brother-in-law, and he went to China to oversee it’s production for Lucasfilm and Pepsi/Frito-Lay, as a promotional item for when the movie “The Phantom Menace” was being released.

You know the guys at Lucasfilm — the ones that literally count the hairs in each row on the back of Yoda’s head? The ones who oversaw and approved the creation of this life-size figure?

Edited by bradknowles

I also happen to have a box that is 2” on a side. Let me show you:









Open palm:


Why can't holocrons look like a million different things? More interesting if they can look different and be unique..

I agree completely.

But if someone wants to argue with me on the one canonical Jedi holocron that we have seen of so far, they’re going to have to be prepared to back up their claims with more than just a claim of “looks like”.

Edited by bradknowles

Holocron highjack? ....

Why can't holocrons look like a million different things? More interesting if they can look different and be unique..

Back to topic?

Back to topic....

So, RC...have you ever considered trying your hand at a non-Lego version of the Freemakers? I think they'd fit your style quite nicely.


Sorry, not familiar. Is it good?.. What is a non-Lego version of something Lego? :P

Holocron highjack? ....

Why can't holocrons look like a million different things? More interesting if they can look different and be unique..

Back to topic?

Back to topic....

So, RC...have you ever considered trying your hand at a non-Lego version of the Freemakers? I think they'd fit your style quite nicely.


Sorry, not familiar. Is it good?.. What is a non-Lego version of something Lego? :P

It's fun. It's silly. It's what we've come to expect from the Lego Star Wars shows, expanded out to a 12-episode season, and focusing on original characters, with some appearances by canon characters like Luke, Leia, Lando, Maz, and Hondo. It follows the Freemaker family - a sister and two brothers - who operate a salvage and vehicle repair business from the Wheel with the help of their cowardly salvaged battle droid, Roger. When the youngest Freemaker, Rowan, discovers he can "hear" the call of the fragments of the legendary Kyber Saber (a crystal saber believed to be the original precursor to the lightsaber, and immensely powerful in its own right), hijinks ensue.

Non-Lego = presented as "regular" humans, rather than minifigs. ;)

Why can't holocrons look like a million different things? More interesting if they can look different and be unique..

I agree completely.But if someone wants to argue with me on the one canonical Jedi holocron that we have seen of so far, they’re going to have to be prepared to back up their claims with more than just a claim of “looks like”.

There's another canon holocron from the clone wars, when Cad Bane breaks into the Jedi temple on Coruscant. If I recall correctly, it's dodecahedron shaped.

Non-Lego = presented as "regular" humans, rather than minifigs. ;)

Got it :P Why would my style fit these guys then? What does my style and this show/characters have in common? :)

There's a certain lightness and fun in your style that I think would make a good match for the whimsy of the Lego properties. :)

In that pic with Maul holding the holocron it looks about 2" on a side. And he's holding it mostly with his fingers, not resting in his palm. I've met Ray Park, and, at 5'9", he's not much taller than I am (I'm only 5'6" tall), so his hands aren't overly large.

I’m 5’9”. My hands are of average size. I have one of those blue cubes, which I know happens to be 3” on a side. Here’s the pictures I just took to prove what it looks like when I hold it the same way in my own hands:




It should also be noted that the holocron in that picture is a different one than the one I referenced. I referenced the Tedryn Holocron, Also that third pic you posted was a larger hand than Ezra's and the holocron fits fully in the palm, that also suggests a 2" on a side cube.

The Tedryn holocron might very well be just 2” on a side. But that’s not the standard holocron size for which we have a canonical reference.

Just for chuckles and grins, here’s a picture of that same holocron fitting in the palm of my hand:


As for the Rubic's Cube reference. Those fill quite a bit more than the palm of my hand.

A Rubik’s Cube that is also 3” on a side is precisely the same size in my hand as the blue holocron cube I show above, which is also 3” on a side.

I played extensively with Rubik’s cubes when I was in high school, although I never got to competitive level with speed solving. A friend of mine did, and I could never understand how he did it. But I definitely remember them fitting quite well in my hands when I was much younger, and my hands were a bit smaller.

I also happen to have a box that is 2” on a side. Let me show you:









Open palm:


That three inch toy holocron looks larger in your hand than the one in the show does in Maul's, even presuming that your hand and Maul's are the same size. The 2"per side cube fits the palm better. It is actually palm sized , unlike the 3" per side cube. If you look more closely at the screen capture of Maul holding Kanaan's holocron, it doesn't sit within his palm the way he's holding it. As with your 2" box, it fits within the crease of his fingers. so he is holding it only by the fingers . It is not resting in his hand. And, when you do let both cubes rest in your palm, it is the 2"x2"x2" cube which fits perfectly within the palm, not the 3"x3"x3" cube. Thus, the 2"per side cube is more accurate. But, as I said, some holocrons are larger, such as the Great Holocron, but the basic standard size is about 2"--small enough to fit perfectly within the palm of the hand .