Character Artwork Thread

By verdantsf, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Look at those abs... :wub:

Girl abs are... kind of a recurring theme for me :)

Witness the fitness.

I would love to have abs to flaunt myself, but I have an exceptionally low pain tolerance, so it makes extended lifting difficult. Part of the reason I got into martial arts (although the spiritual side was the biggest reason).

But I think I can make do looking at other girls' abs for now...

Wow, I'm in awe of anyone who can put themselves through that. I haven't done sports for years. I'm naturally short and skinny but I used to be fit, and now I'm just puny :(

Anyway, let's have moar cheesecake here! I'm not opposed to beefcake either, but that's not everyone's bag.

I agree!

...who brought the cheesecake? I don't have any...

I make a awesome chocolate cake....You are welcome to come over and have some...

Wow, I'm in awe of anyone who can put themselves through that. I haven't done sports for years. I'm naturally short and skinny but I used to be fit, and now I'm just puny :(

Anyway, let's have moar cheesecake here! I'm not opposed to beefcake either, but that's not everyone's bag.

But cheesecake is everyone's bag?

Mind you, I am all for the cheesecake, I just like being contrary :)

Haha, Absol, I get the feeling we could talk martial arts for long enough to get this thread locked. We should not, though.

Anyone know anything about commissioning artwork? I'm just starting to GM a new AoR play-by-post; so far I've managed to get 4 players and at least two are having trouble finding art that suits them.

...who brought the cheesecake?

Me. Here's Rhalia relaxing with Sw'gemu, her Corellian Sand Panther. She's a fun character; raised as a tribal on Dathomir but more than happy to learn about the wider galaxy and modern tech.


Edited by Maelora

That Zabrak lady makes me hungry for salad.

She does seem to change skin tone depending on who's drawing her. I like this version a lot :) ! There's just something about her I like. Can't quite put my finger on it... ;)

Wow, I'm in awe of anyone who can put themselves through that. I haven't done sports for years. I'm naturally short and skinny but I used to be fit, and now I'm just puny :(

Anyway, let's have moar cheesecake here! I'm not opposed to beefcake either, but that's not everyone's bag.

But cheesecake is everyone's bag?

Mind you, I am all for the cheesecake, I just like being contrary :)

I think it's generally accepted that, while not everyone is attracted to women, most people find them aesthetically pleasing. Me, I don't get why people don't find an attractive man aesthetically pleasing, but... hey. /shrug

She does seem to change skin tone depending on who's drawing her. I like this version a lot :) ! There's just something about her I like. Can't quite put my finger on it... ;)

She was meant to be a light-skinned black girl, something like Halle Berry or Rihanna Fenty. Different artists seem to draw her different shades of tan or light brown. Most of them get her features right though.

That Zabrak lady makes me hungry for salad.

I guess if she gets hungry, she can eat her outfit! :)

I think it's generally accepted that, while not everyone is attracted to women, most people find them aesthetically pleasing. Me, I don't get why people don't find an attractive man aesthetically pleasing, but... hey. /shrug

Oh, most people are ...

But it's socially acceptable for straight women to compliment other women.

Unfortunately, it's not socially acceptable for straight men to compliment other men. Unless you've scored a goal in football, when you can kiss and hug other guys just like primates do for sixty seconds.

I know a bunch of straight guys who borrow my Tom of Finland artbooks on the sly.

All these threads about Character art and Ship art and NPC art made me really inspired and they are amazing to say the least!

About Men complimenting other Men, I don't know who hijacked the Social Norm about what is right or not (i think it probably started when gay people were pushing for rights and acceptance and then some people started tagging others as being gay or not and then it became what we know today) but not that long ago, men were pictured holding hands with their men friends or even sitting on each others lap etc.

I too once felt awkward complimenting other men or being able to appreciate a man's beauty but as i got older and more secure and firm in myself it changed. I actually like complimenting others men or women because i know it makes people feel good (if it's not overdone, and also a compliment deserved just feels right). So i think it really comes to how a guy is "comfortable with himself". If he is, he really shouldn't be affected by what others say about him on that respect. Those others will see his confidence and wouldn't know what to do with themselves. :)

So Unite my fellow Men so we can all be able to appreciate ALL the beauty this world encompasses without filters who deny us those pleasures! (rolling leadership...)

Edited by Metushelah

I think it's generally accepted that, while not everyone is attracted to women, most people find them aesthetically pleasing. Me, I don't get why people don't find an attractive man aesthetically pleasing, but... hey. /shrug

Oh, most people are ...

But it's socially acceptable for straight women to compliment other women.

Unfortunately, it's not socially acceptable for straight men to compliment other men. Unless you've scored a goal in football, when you can kiss and hug other guys just like primates do for sixty seconds.

I know a bunch of straight guys who borrow my Tom of Finland artbooks on the sly.

You can however openly discuss, give advice on, compliment, envy, and generally be in awe of other mens beards. At least in my experience.

But remember to be humble, no putting your beard over others.

And most importantly: No dissing of other peoples beards, that's just bad form.

Slightly darker version. There's a slightly-less-clothed version if you know where to look :)


Edited by Maelora

You can however openly discuss, give advice on, compliment, envy, and generally be in awe of other mens beards. At least in my experience.

But remember to be humble, no putting your beard over others.

And most importantly: No dissing of other peoples beards, that's just bad form.

Bah, now I have beard envy, upset that I can't join in all the Y-chromosome fun!

(But srsly, as someone who likes both genders, I really like the new fashion for guys - younger guys especially - to have beards again. There's loads of young guys where I work - influenced by the Welsh football and rugby teams - sporting proper beards. Not just natty goatees, but the full-on Mountain Man look. As someone who actually appreciates the difference between genders, I wholeheartedly approve.

Edited by Maelora

Slightly darker version. There's a slightly-less-clothed version if you know where to look :)

I think I like the darker one better. ;)

Bah, now I have beard envy, upset that I can't join in all the Y-chromosome fun!

(But srsly, as someone who likes both genders, I really like the new fashion for guys - younger guys especially - to have beards again. There's loads of young guys where I work - influenced by the Welsh football and rugby teams - sporting proper beards. Not just natty goatees, but the full-on Mountain Man look. As someone who actually appreciates the difference between genders, I wholeheartedly approve.

The amount of effort that goes into proper beard-care alone is worthy of appreciation.

Most of the time my beard is just the result of not shaving, while simultaneously lamenting the fact that I will never have a lumberjack beard. :(

Edited by RicoD

You can however openly discuss, give advice on, compliment, envy, and generally be in awe of other mens beards. At least in my experience.

But remember to be humble, no putting your beard over others.

And most importantly: No dissing of other peoples beards, that's just bad form.

Bah, now I have beard envy, upset that I can't join in all the Y-chromosome fun!

At least you have an excuse . I'm over here with my Y chromosome and my sad stubble wondering why I've yet to become a real boy despite being 23 in a few weeks. ;)

I think it's generally accepted that, while not everyone is attracted to women, most people find them aesthetically pleasing. Me, I don't get why people don't find an attractive man aesthetically pleasing, but... hey. /shrug

Oh, most people are ...

But it's socially acceptable for straight women to compliment other women.

Unfortunately, it's not socially acceptable for straight men to compliment other men. Unless you've scored a goal in football, when you can kiss and hug other guys just like primates do for sixty seconds.

I know a bunch of straight guys who borrow my Tom of Finland artbooks on the sly.

Ah. Being more of less recently unconcerned with worries about my sexual orientation and just being interested in who and what I find myself interested in, it's not really a thing I get. Although I've noticed I have higher standards for men than I do women. I have theories. And a psychology degree that lets me discuss those theories (although this is one of those rare instances where a sociology and anthropology degree might be more apropos).

... You know, I should really learn to draw, so I can at least add art when I contribute to the derailment of this thread.

After tries and tries of growing a beard i decided i don't like the feeling and the hassle involved that i just prefer go "face naked" (very lewd images appear in my head now :( ) and be happy with that. I will have to simply contend with changing my clothes or the face reaction to commune a younger or older look.

Besides Marcy not many girls i talked to seem to enjoy a man's beard and it seems only men berate other men for their "lack off". Doesn't seem to me all that worth it really?

After tries and tries of growing a beard i decided i don't like the feeling and the hassle involved that i just prefer go "face naked" (very lewd images appear in my head now :( ) and be happy with that. I will have to simply contend with changing my clothes or the face reaction to commune a younger or older look.

Besides Marcy not many girls i talked to seem to enjoy a man's beard and it seems only men berate other men for their "lack off". Doesn't seem to me all that worth it really?

It depends really, though I enjoy my beard I'm perpetually unsatisfied with it.

I just feel like shaving regularily is the greater of the two struggles, really.

Occasional trimming is mandatory though, at least if you don't have the density for the lumberjack/viking/full wizard.

But even then you have to take good care of it if you don't want to go for the hobo look.

One of my players swears on beard-oils.

I like my beard oil, and it really helps keep your face from itching. After being in the Army and then the National Guard for half my life, I never had the opportunity to grow a proper beard for more than a few weeks at a time. Since my retirement, I've been doing the "baldy-beardy" look. My wife says it makes me look like Outlander's Dougal Mackenzie/Graham MacTavish, so that's not so bad. ;)

To keep this from going too far afield, I will say that it's difficult to find sci-fi artwork that depicts facial hair (apparently depilation is compulsory in the future). I also find it remarkable that of all of the alien species in Star Wars that are mammalian or pseudo-mammalian, few seem to exhibit body hair.

Marcy, what have you done!


I like my beard oil, and it really helps keep your face from itching. After being in the Army and then the National Guard for half my life, I never had the opportunity to grow a proper beard for more than a few weeks at a time. Since my retirement, I've been doing the "baldy-beardy" look. My wife says it makes me look like Outlander's Dougal Mackenzie/Graham MacTavish, so that's not so bad. ;)

To keep this from going too far afield, I will say that it's difficult to find sci-fi artwork that depicts facial hair (apparently depilation is compulsory in the future). I also find it remarkable that of all of the alien species in Star Wars that are mammalian or pseudo-mammalian, few seem to exhibit body hair.

Except for the ones that are all hair. :P

But I never considered this.

Time to build a badass old as dust wizard-bearded Zabrak Sith-Sorcerer! :rolleyes:

Edited by RicoD

Marcy, what have you done!


I'm second only to Desslok for derailing threads.

Although I have posted pictures in the spirit of the thread, albeit cheesecake.

Anyway, beards are Good. I like guys to be guys (I'm happy with girls being tomboyish though! Prefer that to the ultra-girly types...)

If I recall, Desslok and Brad Knowles and a few others here have some impressive facial fuzz. The resurgence in manly beards makes the Hipster thing tolerable for me. I see all these young, good-looking guys with serious beards smoking their vaping e-cigarettes outside of my office and wish I was twenty years younger... :(