Character Artwork Thread

By verdantsf, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG


Commission by Will Nunes of my peppy, naive young Chadra-Fan Heavy Weapons expert Div Ipburn. Born and raised on a farming colony harassed constantly by enormous predatory beasts, he developed a knack for handling heavy weaponry in order to protect his homestead.

Now a fresh recruit in the Alliance, the young Chadra-Fan has been assigned to Mynock Squad, guided through the big new galaxy out of harms way by his older and wiser squad-mates; putting his skills of protecting his new friends to the test.

1 hour ago, ALFRED1182 said:


Commission by Will Nunes of my peppy, naive young Chadra-Fan Heavy Weapons expert Div Ipburn. Born and raised on a farming colony harassed constantly by enormous predatory beasts, he developed a knack for handling heavy weaponry in order to protect his homestead.

Now a fresh recruit in the Alliance, the young Chadra-Fan has been assigned to Mynock Squad, guided through the big new galaxy out of harms way by his older and wiser squad-mates; putting his skills of protecting his new friends to the test.


Please dont ask and just enjoy, Ghost is meant to be a humorful moment in a campaign scene between four characters {Radimus, Cynthiana, Gem, and Ghost}



I'm interested if RAW we could make a ghost as a alchemist/shipwright?

11 hours ago, TheShard said:

I'm interested if RAW we could make a ghost as a alchemist/shipwright?

Our GM gave me a way to Imbue Force into anobject; her house rules were "The Object Must have a SIL Equal to or less then character force rating", and since an A-Wing is Sil 2 and Gem's Force Rating is 4 Just a little too much Force went into Ghost and made it semi-sentient

So my old character Tacetta ? After we wrapped up that game, she had a kid! Meet Vandessa Durian:


Yes, she's got black skin. "But penguin! That's not canon! There are no black pigmented Twi'leks!" Phooey on you! There are now! And there are pink combat boots too.

Her thing? She's tired of living under the greatness of mom's shadow, so she's in her Punk Rock phase. Lace, mesh, leather jackets, bracelets, stud belts - the whole nine yards.

(Also, Twi'lek heads are hard as **** to draw! Humans are way easier. Ah well.)

17 hours ago, Desslok said:

(Also, Twi'lek heads are hard as **** to draw! Humans are way easier. Ah well.)

Yes they are! I found that they are MUCH easier if the Twi'lek is wearing a leku supporting hat.

I thought about that real hard, but Vandessa isn't really a hat/headgear sort of girl. Perhaps something kind of steampunk goggles when she's wearing her duster, kind of like Becky Lynch wears with her ring entrance gear. But otherwise, bare head time.

Ah well.

I'm a bit delayed in posting in this thread because I commissioned the following art as Christmas gifts for my PC's last year. I got them commissioned from Will Nunes (as seen frequently in this thread) and I was super impressed with his creativity and professionalism. I highly recommend him and I will definitely use him again next time I need character art.

We have three PC's in our party:

Al'drax (Human, Scoundrel): The party face, generally leading everyone directly into trouble at any opportunity. Is very creative in his use of fusion lamps. Probably shouldn't be the party face...


Gred (Drall, Mechanic): The brains of the party, a sworn pacifist, leading to many interesting decisions.


Rugnar (Wookie, Bodyguard): A Wookie of culture. Splendid musician, owner of a fine Wampa cape and a connoisseur of galactic cereal. Technically the muscle of the group but has a tendency to being distracted at the moment when the action breaks out.


On 3/4/2018 at 10:57 AM, ALFRED1182 said:

Commission by Will Nunes of my peppy, naive young Chadra-Fan Heavy Weapons expert Div Ipburn  .

I love how well this description is embodied in the artwork. Really good piece.

5 hours ago, senator52 said:

I love how well this description is embodied in the artwork. Really good piece.

Mr Nunes is definitely a talented one

I must admit that wookiee holding a saxophone is probably of the most terrifying and also amazing things I have seen.

4 hours ago, ALFRED1182 said:

I must admit that wookiee holding a saxophone is probably of the most terrifying and also amazing things I have seen.

It's what happens when you roll a triumph in a fancy dress shop looking for a disguise...

6 hours ago, senator52 said:

It's what happens when you roll a triumph in a fancy dress shop looking for a disguise...

I think I like it even more now XD

10 hours ago, senator52 said:

It's what happens when you roll a triumph in a fancy dress shop looking for a disguise...

Then rolling two more to actually have the SKILL to really rock the house with said sax


I fought myself and lost, I gave in and did it

I made a human A-Wing


I am after a picture of an Indian (Asian continental, not Native American) pilot for one of my PCs. My Google-fu has failed me so far. Anyone have one?

nice looking art.

On 8/18/2018 at 1:09 AM, Andreievitch said:

I am after a picture of an Indian (Asian continental, not Native American) pilot for one of my PCs. My Google-fu has failed me so far. Anyone have one?

I found this on DeviantArt, if you can do something with that Aussie jack on his sleeve.

Image result for helena nikulina the pilot

4 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

I found this on DeviantArt, if you can do something with that Aussie jack on his sleeve.

Funnily enough, we are Aussies, so this is very appropriate! Thanks :)



My Zabrak Executioner character in my current Force and Destiny campaign - Lana Skye. The most cheerful psychopath you'll ever meet. Also probably the deadliest.

Facial tattoos aren't accurate, per se, but I created this using The Sims 4 and had to work within the limitations of the pre-rendered art assets.

17 hours ago, General Skeevus said:



My Zabrak Executioner character in my current Force and Destiny campaign - Lana Skye. The most cheerful psychopath you'll ever meet. Also probably the deadliest.

Facial tattoos aren't accurate, per se, but I created this using The Sims 4 and had to work within the limitations of the pre-rendered art assets.

Interesting, though the eyes look a bit odd for a Zabrak.


So a server buddy on the swrpg discord server whipped this photohack up quickly upon request. A few tweaks will happen after I get back a laptop.

Besides some cleanup, I'm gonna cut off a bit of the gun barrel as well as the brace that extends past his arm. I'm gonna tone down the hat color a bit and I'm tempted to cut the height down a bit on the crown. Give the cigar a brighter cherry and add a utility arm and and maybe even an intilligent toolkit on his back. And a set of goggles on his brim.

What i have....

Eebra "PackRat"

Species: Drall

Specs: Sleeper Agent/Imp. Cadet/Analyst

Specializes in tactical and strategic considerations.

His first real job was at Sorosuub, where he befriended a sullistan with a knack for underground piloting. They used to field a team in an amateur Sullistan racing league. They've kept in sporadic contact every since.

Later he is employed as a statistician for the corellian shipbuilder's union. From their he made a minor name for himself having provided the winning prices of evidence in more than a few cases defending Union actions.

While the Republic still had a few who saw it as worth defending, he was recommended for a position in the republic controlling corruption through audits and investigations during the clone wars, though much of his time was spent loaned out to logistics departments sorting out screwed up supplies problems.

However he was used to digging deep, he squirreled away what time he could and slowly started uncovering evidence of a grand conspiracy that seem to reach the highest seat of power.

One day he was cautiously reprimanded by a supervisor who encouraged him to apply for a promotion, one that would coincidently get him far away from his investigation... The boss implied it was for his own good in a way that was more than just professional concern but a warning. He applied for it, his last day before switching to the new job he disappeared along with his terminal, guns and a bunch of office datapads and flimsiplast files. He left.

(Still deciding if he faked his death in a shuttle explosion or just quit and disappeared.)

His supervisor without knowing exactly why, took the risk to cover the loss of of files.

He is now a rebel conspirator trying to build a cell.

Very much a Sherlock or Hannibal (A-Team) type of character. Always prepared. Knows everyone. Not necessarily charismatic. Think old proffessor, maybe a bit Admiral Ackbar.

Edited by TheShard

I am looking for recommendations and gear suggestions for him. What would a bureaucrat inspector/auditor turned rebel conspirator have? What tools of the trade might he of repurposed for more rebellious activities?

3 hours ago, TheShard said:


So a server buddy on the swrpg discord server whipped this photohack up quickly upon request. A few tweaks will happen after I get back a laptop.

Besides some cleanup, I'm gonna cut off a bit of the gun barrel as well as the brace that extends past his arm. I'm gonna tone down the hat color a bit and I'm tempted to cut the height down a bit on the crown. Give the cigar a brighter cherry and add a utility arm and and maybe even an intilligent toolkit on his back. And a set of goggles on his brim.

What i have....

Eebra "PackRat"

Species: Drall

Specs: Sleeper Agent/Imp. Cadet/Analyst

Specializes in tactical and strategic considerations.

His first real job was at Sorosuub, where he befriended a sullistan with a knack for underground piloting. They used to field a team in an amateur Sullistan racing league. They've kept in sporadic contact every since.

Later he is employed as a statistician for the corellian shipbuilder's union. From their he made a minor name for himself having provided the winning prices of evidence in more than a few cases defending Union actions.

While the Republic still had a few who saw it as worth defending, he was recommended for a position in the republic controlling corruption through audits and investigations during the clone wars, though much of his time was spent loaned out to logistics departments sorting out screwed up supplies problems.

However he was used to digging deep, he squirreled away what time he could and slowly started uncovering evidence of a grand conspiracy that seem to reach the highest seat of power.

One day he was cautiously reprimanded by a supervisor who encouraged him to apply for a promotion, one that would coincidently get him far away from his investigation... The boss implied it was for his own good in a way that was more than just professional concern but a warning. He applied for it, his last day before switching to the new job he disappeared along with his terminal, guns and a bunch of office datapads and flimsiplast files. He left.

(Still deciding if he faked his death in a shuttle explosion or just quit and disappeared.)

His supervisor without knowing exactly why, took the risk to cover the loss of of files.

He is now a rebel conspirator trying to build a cell.

Very much a Sherlock or Hannibal (A-Team) type of character. Always prepared. Knows everyone. Not necessarily charismatic. Think old proffessor, maybe a bit Admiral Ackbar.

What’s really funny is that, as a rule, Drall don’t wear clothes.

Well he's spent most of his life off world and in the mid, and inner rim worlds of the Republic in republic uniform. Especially helps to not look overly Drallish if you want to appear indistinguishable...