Character Artwork Thread

By verdantsf, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

58 minutes ago, Ni Fang said:

Jawas are awesome!

Indeed they are!
Now if we could only get FFG to include them in a sourcebook...

On 12/1/2017 at 11:20 PM, Kainrath said:

Indeed they are!
Now if we could only get FFG to include them in a sourcebook...

If they do I will be like "Shut up and take my money!!"

After all, Jawas can also be Jedi

Morl Oush'n-Do

Pollis Massan Seer/Sentry/Niman


Edited by TheShard
Cause i added his droid interpreter!

Is it ok to find someone else's art online, manipulate it, and then post it? Or is that not a cool way to treat the artist?


Just as it ok to sample music .

I think all of it is obviously a photoshop hack... If its obvious it gets judged as such. It would be different if i was to say its completely original.

7 minutes ago, TheSapient said:

Is it ok to find someone else's art online, manipulate it, and then post it? Or is that not a cool way to treat the artist?

Generally considered uncool, as I understand it. You should ask the artist's permission at the very least, I'd think, or mention who the original artist is so they get credit.

But I'm not an artist so I don't know current art etiquette. I was just thinking what if someone stole my predictions and claimed them as their own :) ?

Edited by Absol197

I think "claim as your own" is the key phrase.

These are obvious photoshop hack and slashes.

Everyone who looks at this knows that its not completely original, that tge art isn't in the drawing but in combining.

If this is bad then n you condemn all collage art, much of hip hop and electronic music it becomes silly.

I didn't mean to start a debate here. I just don't want to disrespect someone I am borrowing from, and was not sure of the norms and/or expectations around such things. I shot him a note.

Copywrite applies when you make money this is amateur and a hobby if the artist is annoyed id think they were a jerk.

42 minutes ago, TheShard said:

Copywrite applies when you make money this is amateur and a hobby if the artist is annoyed id think they were a jerk.

After some more thought, I agree with this. But since I asked the artist for permission, I'm just going to go with what he says.

Yeah i think if you asked permission then didn't follow it yeah then its on you...

Edited by TheShard
41 minutes ago, TheSapient said:

After some more thought, I agree with this. But since I asked the artist for permission, I'm just going to go with what he says.

You should pm it to me though either way ;)

On 3/14/2017 at 4:03 AM, Aurin said:

Hey all! Absolutely love this thread and I'm so, so impressed with all of the wonderful art that everyone has shared here. I recently commissioned art for the four PCs for My Kind of Scum, the PbP game that I'm running here in the beginner forums (link is here if you're interested!).

The first one up is Lang Shinqo, a grizzled ex-lawman with a troubled past (Mirialan Marshal)


Next is Caizu, the lovely Chiss con artist with 'uncanny luck' (Chiss Gambler / Force Emergent)


And now we have the stone-faced Dro-Kar, a ruthless Nikto bounty hunter who's quick to violence (Green Nikto Gadgeteer)


And last but not least we have HM-6T6 (though he goes by SixtySix, and sometimes, Mittens), a bulky Corellian Engineering Corporation starship maintenance and repair droid (Droid Mechanic)


Who did you commission those from, if I may ask?

Original artist was happy to have a mod of his art shared. ( Original here )

Phieslan Fei - Sluissi Engineer - Cyber Tech - Gadgeteer


Its been a while so I shall show off another shot or two of some of my characters, in this case, Cynthiana! Yes I have more shots for her!!


And then there is the folloowing shot also of Cynthiana however SWTOR is a bit too dark when it comes to pink for a saber color


And for now, sadly, that's it!

I tried every way to post an image but seems like anything I do it’s too large, I’ll try and see if I can’t find somewhere to host it. This is really a drag, how do others post?

Edited by Khazadune
3 minutes ago, Khazadune said:

I tried every way to post an image but seems like anything I do it’s too large, I’ll try and see if I can’t find somewhere to host it. This is really a drag, how do others post?

Get yourself a Deviant Art account.

1 minute ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Get yourself a Deviant Art account.

This! I don't even Art and I have one!

Just now, Absol197 said:

This! I don't even Art and I have one!

Yep. I have all of my art on DA, and best of all, a basic account is free .

I keep my writing on mine. No one ever reads it, but I can pretend that they do, and it (supposedly) motivates me to write more!

...not that it's been doing a very good job of that recently. But still! It's the thought that counts, right :P ?

Just now, Khazadune said:

Here is the link, this is not my work, I paid to have this commission done.

That is Celinas Vijarr, my Mirialian Mechanic who grew up on Coruscant’s lower levels until finding herself on the wrong side of the Dead Slugs swoop gang for the botched recovery of an ancient droid. (Long story)

On the run from the authorities for entering restricted areas, and with a small bounty on her head, she approaches a Miraluka Crime Boss known as the Master at his Sullustan restaurant. The unstable Master uses the force to smash through her meagre mental defenses leaving her feeling violated and betrayed. In his mind probe he ascertains the value of the droid and sends her back out to recover the droid, now with a more powerful adversary in someone she thought a friend.

Her story has had its ups and downs, she is a strong character but faces increadible challenges and doesn’t always come out okay.

39 minutes ago, Absol197 said:

I keep my writing on mine. No one ever reads it, but I can pretend that they do, and it (supposedly) motivates me to write more!

...not that it's been doing a very good job of that recently. But still! It's the thought that counts, right :P ?


My main SWRPG character at the moment is ‘Ferrous’ a Chief Rigger of the Corellian Engineering Corporation and a Red Verpine. (Like lobsters, sometimes a genetic defect can result in red coloration) (Art by Will Nunes)

My brothers character, Vinasa, a Jedi who has recently awoken from 2,000 years in cryo-sleep. She has returned to the galaxy to hunt down her ancient enemy, a Sith named Malefax whose spirit was destined to return. Before she took her nap she left a small cult behind to maintain a watch for the return of the Sith and awaken her when she was needed. The small group developed into a secret social club that forgot its true purpose in time. Now, as she awakens, the galaxy has forgotten the fear of Malefax except for a small group of descendants from those she once saved.

55 minutes ago, Ni Fang said:


Yay! If you read mine I'll read yours! My DA name is the same as here (I use the same handle EVERYWHERE)!