Character Artwork Thread

By verdantsf, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Desslok, I would love to see an online comic strip with that art style.

But, it must include that Jedi and the Rodian. :)

I think I have some ancient comics lying around here somewhere about the Star Wars gang - I'll to see if I can find them and post 'em.

Okay, couple more pics, spoilered for Length:

This is Bic, an NPC recruiter for the Rebels, the guy that brought the PCs on board


Kel Dorian - his player's previous character was a drunk jedi that got killed one game, so we suddenly "found" his son next session


Zack again, but this time in his 007 best during an undercover spy mission


Man, I don't remember who this was. That's the problem with playing for 20 years, thousands and thousands of characters rattling around in your head.


Another Jane Doe, unfinished -


And lastly a planet killing Dark Jedi from the dawn of time that is no way at all inspired by Gozer the Gozarian.


Edited by Desslok

@ Desslok: Those drawings totally remind me of a cartoon artist, although I can´t quite put my finger on it...
​It was someone from Mad magazine tho. Anyways, cool stuff :)

​Here´s another one from me, Darth Sachmis:

​Tried to give her a bit of an egypt theme (as is super obvious in the name), while still keeping in line with
​sith fashion rules.
She´s a Zygerrian Sith Lord, and her Master was scheming his own sith schemes at another edge of the galaxy whilst palpatine
​was planning his takeover, each Sith completely unaware of the other.
​She is going to be either an antagonist or an ally to my group, depending on how far they are willing to go to
​save the is obvious that she is not to be trusted, but she is fighting the empire and has considerable power.
​Also the Rebel Group that my party is with is less concerned with morals than Leia and her entourage (the campaign precedes Rogue One,
​and I felt very reconfirmed when I watched the movie...)

@ Desslok: Those drawings totally remind me of a cartoon artist, although I can´t quite put my finger on it...

​It was someone from Mad magazine tho. Anyways, cool stuff :)

Sergio Aragone or Don Martin? That's the only two I could think of that would be close to similar. Mind you, when I started drawing WAAAAAAAY back in Highschool (you know, when Dinosaurs roamed the earth) I was strongly inspired by (AKA Shamelessly ripped off) Gilbert Shelton:


(Also, those sabers of hers must be a ***** to wield!)

Edited by Desslok

Yeah, Sergio Aragones!
​For the lightsabers, i tried to imitate the look of Khopesh swords w/o bending the saber blade :P
​I dunno too much about swordfight tho, what makes it unpractical this way?

More commissions for my group from the awesome Will Nunes!

How can one get in contact with Will, and does he take commissions?


How can one get in contact with Will, and does he take commissions?


You can get a hold of him through his email, which can be found on his website:

Edited by Rowler

So I'm not sure if this counts as "artwork" exactly, but what the hell. This is the crew of the Annual Pigeon. We started out playing in person and used these as counters. We have now moved over the Skype, but I keep these guys fairly up to date and sitting on my desk:


L to R:

Thoulyakk the Wookie Maurauder/Shi-Cho Knight

Jom Makaan the Duros Ace Hotshot

El the Twi'lek Assassin

Lok the Zabrak Technician (technically out of date since he finally got facial tatoos)

Tarth Arlos the Human Ataru Striker/Pathfinder

R2-KT the group's NPC astromech

Here is a drawing of the 8th sister, who is a Chiss Inquisitor.
It's been some time since I painted with waterpaints, so bee nice :D

Other than that she is inspired by Dookus servant Sev'rance Tann (before the Clone Wars were explored) and Azula from Avatar.


How can one get in contact with Will, and does he take commissions?


You can get a hold of him through his email, which can be found on his website:

Thank you very much!

I did another character commission for a F&D player :)


Edited by RodianClone

Dead thread?:/

8 hours ago, RodianClone said:

Dead thread?:/

I really hope not. I'm supposed to have a commission coming up... some time. But the artist has stopped responding to my emails. Here hoping they're safe!

7 hours ago, Kestin said:

I really hope not. I'm supposed to have a commission coming up... some time. But the artist has stopped responding to my emails. Here hoping they're safe!

What kind of style do you have in mind? I do commissions :)

Edited by RodianClone


" Statement: How the constant sloshing doesn't drive you mad, I have no idea..."
"You must wear the flesh to understand it!"

Just a little run in between the group and Creepio, a padorical Character of C-3PO, who is obsessed with merging organics and droids

The artist lives! So he'll hopefully be settled and finish the art next month. :P

19 hours ago, Ghost XV15 said:


" Statement: How the constant sloshing doesn't drive you mad, I have no idea..."
"You must wear the flesh to understand it!"

Just a little run in between the group and Creepio, a padorical Character of C-3PO, who is obsessed with merging organics and droids

Have you seen Triple Zero form the Vader comics?


9 minutes ago, Squirrelsan said:

Have you seen Triple Zero form the Vader comics?

I did and I love him and BT!
But Creepio is actually from Auralnauts Star Wars Parody

I'm back to put in my two cents again. Especially with this thread seemingly dead for a month.


This is Avvahri "Gülümser" Jakaris, an ex-slave crime lord that will be terrorizing my players in the near future. She's colloquially known as "The Grinning Lady" for her facial scars, and eschews modern blaster technology for her vicious vibro-machete.


This is ISB Agent Flynt Lor, a player in my main SWRPG game. He started out playing a sort of counter-campaign to the rest of the group, acting as the face of the Empire for the party as the entire group learned how to play. Now he's been captured by the party itself, and is threatening to defect if the party shows him how bad the Empire truly is from the outside.


This is Vasheira Andore, an ex-guerrilla who now sells her skills as a mercenary on Nar Shaddaa. Has an obsession with the largest weapons, including explosives, and is very protective of her junker of a speeder.

Hey all! Absolutely love this thread and I'm so, so impressed with all of the wonderful art that everyone has shared here. I recently commissioned art for the four PCs for My Kind of Scum, the PbP game that I'm running here in the beginner forums (link is here if you're interested!).

The first one up is Lang Shinqo, a grizzled ex-lawman with a troubled past (Mirialan Marshal)


Next is Caizu, the lovely Chiss con artist with 'uncanny luck' (Chiss Gambler / Force Emergent)


And now we have the stone-faced Dro-Kar, a ruthless Nikto bounty hunter who's quick to violence (Green Nikto Gadgeteer)


And last but not least we have HM-6T6 (though he goes by SixtySix, and sometimes, Mittens), a bulky Corellian Engineering Corporation starship maintenance and repair droid (Droid Mechanic)


Awesome character pics in those last two posts. Very good to see a male Mirialan for a change and a nice Chiss pic.

Wow, who's the artist who did those? They're awesome and I love to get a commission!

These are really stunning works of art. It's nice to see this thread up again. :)

On 3/13/2017 at 11:03 PM, Aurin said:

Hey all! Absolutely love this thread and I'm so, so impressed with all of the wonderful art that everyone has shared here. I recently commissioned art for the four PCs for My Kind of Scum, the PbP game that I'm running here in the beginner forums (link is here if you're interested!)


Next is Caizu, the lovely Chiss con artist with 'uncanny luck' (Chiss Gambler / Force Emergent)



I've got one word and one word only. GIMME !!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: