Character Artwork Thread

By verdantsf, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Just photoshop stuff, here are some of the better ones imo.

Edited by FringerFrank

sw_edge_of_the_empire_character_collage_ sw_edge_of_the_empire_character_collage_

Edited by FringerFrank


sw_edge_of_the_empire_character_collage_ sw_edge_of_the_empire_character_collage_


​A recurring NPC and Potential Antagonist in my current Game...One of my players is indebted to him, and
​he used them to get revenge on someone who angered him. They did their job very well, and now he has taken
​an interest in the group....which is why he tricked them so the whole group will be in his debt :P
Thats just his style tho, he wouldn´t work with someone that isn´t owning him.

I know Hutts usually don´t wear armor or weapons or even clothes, but Bargos is a bit eccentric in that he doesn´t
​really follow the kajidic. After surviving an Assassination attempt he found fighting to be something finally capable of
​humoring his decadent and constantly-bored mind. Thats why he is often personally attending and even fueling turf wars
​to get his hands on more slaughter. The other Hutts are growing increasingly tired of his behavior and sent several Assassins after him,
​the irony of their actions being completely lost on them.

OK, I've been sitting on these for a while...some of them for months.

As a year end/holiday gift for my group, I had artwork commissioned of everyone's characters, which I then used to create custom campaign binders for them. The binders contain crew information (quick information about each character's name, player's name, basic position within the group, and in-game date of when they joined the crew, stat sheets for the ship and group landspeeders, ship's deckplan), personal information (customized for each character including a copy of each character's crew contract with information like job duties and percentage of a job's payout, and important information that applies only to that character), a summary of allies that the group has made, information on some of the important locations they've come across, recurring or significant in past sessions, a copy of the galactic standard calendar, along with the conventions for using dates and a listing of significant dates so far; all of which are designed to allow me to update and distribute new pages for each section as necessary. I also created 8x10 "portraits" of each character. We had our final session of the year today, and I gave them all the binders and portraits, to great success.

So, without further ado, I present the cast of Star Wars: The Raggedy Edge --

(Lots of pics, so they're behind spoiler space.)
















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Finally, a group shot composed of the individual pictures.



I am curious. What are all the species represented here? Wookiee, Zabrak, Twi’Lek, Human, Mon Calamari, these all seem fairly obvious.

But what about that one on the far left of the picture? It seems kind of like Zabrak, but not quite.

And the small white furry thing that kind of looks like it has the head of a fox?

And is the Wookiee supposed to be male or female? It’s hard for me to tell….


I am curious. What are all the species represented here? Wookiee, Zabrak, Twi’Lek, Human, Mon Calamari, these all seem fairly obvious.

But what about that one on the far left of the picture? It seems kind of like Zabrak, but not quite.

And the small white furry thing that kind of looks like it has the head of a fox?

And is the Wookiee supposed to be male or female? It’s hard for me to tell….

Far left is Zabrak. She's from Dathomir, so the artist and I took some liberty and gave her chalky skin similar to the Nightsisters. (The character's history is tied to the Nightsisters, but after last night's Rebels, there might be some retconning of details going on there.)

The furry guy is a Squib.

The Wookiee's male.

And balding. :lol:

(Had to subtly validate that the player was serious about that part.)

Man, looking at all this awesome art makes me want to get my Star Wars on! I wish my friends would play some Edge of the Empire with me :angry:

Bah, haven't been around much to say anything. My desktop is on life-support somewhere and my laptop wishes it was. I have a stinking cold and my gaming group is having one of its bizarre periodic dramas. So are some of the artists we work with. Just when I thought 2016 couldn't possibly get any worse... it does. It's been a horrible year and I wish it was over. Then out of the blue comes this piece of art, which we'd ordered months ago. I should get the players together to discuss a story for it but I'm just not up to it, so you'll have to do with Dire Straits lyrics instead for now.


"Through these fields of destruction...

Baptisms of fire...

I've witnessed your suffering

As the battles raged higher...

And though it did hurt me so bad

In the fear and the alarm...

You did not desert me, my brothers in arms..."

I think we'll move towards less fan-service next year, assuming we manage to keep it going. Not sure what this one says, really. That some days life is sweethearts and balloons and melting toffee-apples, and other days you're bleeding from the eyeballs in the smog of a battlefield? Anyway, the characters are Aleyna and Tallisibeth. I like the details on this one. It's nice that sometimes Aley has to lean on Llis instead of the other way around. Nice detailing on her Theed Arms Security S-5 too.

(My friends went to see Rogue One today; I wasn't up to it, emotionally or physically. One said 'you'll hate it', another said it was a bit more MarcyVerse than TFA, so I might like it a bit. Guess I'll see after Xmas. Marcy)

Edited by Maelora

I love the picture! Those two are my favorite MarcyVerse couple of them all!

And as always, I'm so sorry things have been so horrible for you this year, Marcy. I hope they get better real soon...

Never mind the tool, that doesn`t matter! Just draw every day and learn the basics as well as you can! Shapes and forms, structure and how to put it all together. Lots of great stuff on youtube!

Okay, it's a little bit cheesy - that's how we were back in the eighties, deal with it - but Secret City was awesome for honing my art skills growing up:

So many happy memories. I miss that show. TTnTT Btw, that guy is still alive, he does travelling drawing classes, a youtube channel, and an online course website.

Not character art per say but we made a friend and xmas gift.


Haha these Dice Pillows are awesome :D

Wow. He’s rolling only one Yellow and one Green. He better hope that he never sees anything more than Average difficulty on anything!


Bah, haven't been around much to say anything. My desktop is on life-support somewhere and my laptop wishes it was. I have a stinking cold and my gaming group is having one of its bizarre periodic dramas. So are some of the artists we work with. Just when I thought 2016 couldn't possibly get any worse... it does. It's been a horrible year and I wish it was over. Then out of the blue comes this piece of art, which we'd ordered months ago. I should get the players together to discuss a story for it but I'm just not up to it, so you'll have to do with Dire Straits lyrics instead for now.


"Through these fields of destruction...

Baptisms of fire...

I've witnessed your suffering

As the battles raged higher...

And though it did hurt me so bad

In the fear and the alarm...

You did not desert me, my brothers in arms..."

I think we'll move towards less fan-service next year, assuming we manage to keep it going. Not sure what this one says, really. That some days life is sweethearts and balloons and melting toffee-apples, and other days you're bleeding from the eyeballs in the smog of a battlefield? Anyway, the characters are Aleyna and Tallisibeth. I like the details on this one. It's nice that sometimes Aley has to lean on Llis instead of the other way around. Nice detailing on her Theed Arms Security S-5 too.

(My friends went to see Rogue One today; I wasn't up to it, emotionally or physically. One said 'you'll hate it', another said it was a bit more MarcyVerse than TFA, so I might like it a bit. Guess I'll see after Xmas. Marcy)

Brothers in Arms has been stuck in my head all day now. Probably be all week. Just to get me in the christmas spirit :(

Tho I will say, sorry about the drama, but remember the last line of the song....

Wow. He’s rolling only one Yellow and one Green. He better hope that he never sees anything more than Average difficulty on anything!


Sometime you just have to say 'I am one with the Force, the Force is with me'

Haha these Dice Pillows are awesome :D

The pic makes em look a little bigger than they are. They are actually fluffy dice for the car, a little oversized due to the difficulty of getting 2 symbols on a side.

Haha these Dice Pillows are awesome :D

The pic makes em look a little bigger than they are. They are actually fluffy dice for the car, a little oversized due to the difficulty of getting 2 symbols on a side.

Awww, but sitll cool

I'm back!

Those fuzzy dice are amazing! Now I want a pair...

More commissions for my group from the awesome Will Nunes! Most of these are for a variety of side games and roleplays that I run when the players get antsy for EotE and the main session is too far away. Some of these groups are incomplete, as some players were unable to pay for their characters at this time.

Main Game: Unlikely Heroes


Jinso Beldava, Force-Sensitive Class Clown, Male Human Guardian (Peacekeeper)

Side Game: The Badger and the Viper


Iskellia Sarken, Hot-headed Force-Sensitive, Female Human Smuggler (Scoundrel)


Lhevra Sarira, Dark Apprentice on the Run, Female Zabrak Sentinel (Shadow)

Side Game: Feathers and Durasteel


Fusilado, Repurposed Separatist Commando Droid, Soldier (Commando)

Side Game: The Stormhawks


Rowler Majuka, Wisecracking Force-Sensitive Swordsman, Male Human Seeker (Ataru Striker)


Erisay Ryden, Disillusioned AWOL Imperial Officer, Female Human Explorer (Archaeologist)

Edited by Rowler

Absolutely love Fusilado.

The bolted-on mustache and "monocle" are fantastic. I'm stealing this.

Edited by SFC Snuffy

Fusilado would work well with Princess RollyPolly - A droideka that is painted bright pink who vocalizes the words "I am a pretty princess!" as a battlecry.

Artwork Thread on Page 3?
​Not OK!
Here´s my interpretation of the pirate Bandin Dobah from "Trouble Brewing"
​He´s old, older than aqualish are supposed to be, and certainly older than pirates are supposed to be.
​Stolen Cybernetics and Technology are all that keep him alive. His age eased the notorious aqualish temper, and
​he genuinely cares about his crew. However: Those crewmembers who have mistaken his age and grandfatherly love
​for weakness are drifting aimlessly around the nothingness outside the pirates Asteroid fortress...

So over the Christmas break, I painted my room. In the process of cleaning up and putting everything in a box to clear out, I found an ancient folder of character sheets all the way back to 1989. And there was a ton of art in assorted states of completion:

(Spoilered because there's a lot of pics)

This is Dayana, a Jedi outdoorsman. Her main story arc for the game was the redemption of her father.
This Desslok is her father, main bad guy for the campagin. He didnt start out with that name - during his first appearance, I offhandedly mentioned that he dressed like the bad guy from Star Blazers, and the players couldn't remember his given name - so Desslok stuck.
Erinn Keshandran, a rebel officer and sister to one of the PC's
Ren, my character (well, one of them) and her baby sister Rhyssa
Janeth Tailslasher, a jedi from a primitive world that was kidnapped by the Empire
Commander Horchoba, the main rebel mission giver for the players
Skip Tracer Holst, tasked with repossessing the player's ship.
Zack Klexxis, a PC rebel pilot who spent more time crashing than he did flying.
R2-K2 - sassy Astromech from around the base. Chopper 10 years before Chopper was around.
A homemade race of bad guys - the Kryd. Warrior vikings klingons, but with bad tempers.
Rhyssa Kesandran - wearing a sundress and not at all looking like an engineer
Caton, my character from the Clone Wars era game we did. More a used car salesman or gameshow host than Jedi Knight
From left to right: Kareel, Ren, Saki, Brev Yarrow and Kavel, the game I ran in college
Brarakis, a clone master who wanted to start his own little clone wars.
Avetti, father of Kareel and quite the ladies man. Always be playin'.

Edited by Desslok