Character Artwork Thread

By verdantsf, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

We like the subtle gals and the sexy ones, Phee :) We like 'em all!

Yes! More of both and everything in between please! :)

It's not guys doing all those Slave Leia cosplays, is it? (At least, I hope not!)


Spoilered for those sensitive to copious male body hair.





I could go on...

I'm not arguing by the way, more than half my gamer friends are girls, I just thought I would share.

We like the subtle gals and the sexy ones, Phee :) We like 'em all!

You don't have to tell me! I'm a big fan of both, as well ;) .

(although the mind fairly boggles at what an alternate Kemna and Auna would be like if they were part of the Fabulous Killjoys scenario! :) )

Actually, the heck would they work? I guess she could be a spy for the group, with the incredible amount of extra-sensory abilities she possesses. But the question remains of would she spy them? They may be fighting the good fight, but they are still fighting , after all...


Spoilered for those sensitive to copious male body hair.

I asked for that, huh? I was half-expecting Desslok to post his 'SW Celebration' con pics :)

And meh - I've dated plenty of guys like that. I'm happy for guys to be guys, with beards and body-hair. Boyish girls are fine though :)

Actually, the heck would they work? I guess she could be a spy for the group, with the incredible amount of extra-sensory abilities she possesses. But the question remains of would she spy them? They may be fighting the good fight, but they are still fighting , after all...

Aww, she'd probably be dragged along as poor Kimber was, against her better judgement. :(

(I was thinking more how she'd look in torn stockings and pink leopardskin *cough!* ) :)

Edited by Maelora

Actually, the heck would they work? I guess she could be a spy for the group, with the incredible amount of extra-sensory abilities she possesses. But the question remains of would she spy them? They may be fighting the good fight, but they are still fighting , after all...

Aww, she'd probably be dragged along as poor Kimber was, against her better judgement. :(

(I was thinking more how she'd look in torn stockings and pink leopardskin *cough!* ) :)


Not only is she personally reserved, all that extra attention she'd be getting would be murder on her poor brain! She can barely focus through all the mental noise at times as it is, when is NOT all directed at her!

Edited by Absol197


Spoilered for those sensitive to copious male body hair.

I asked for that, huh? I was half-expecting Desslok to post his 'SW Celebration' con pics :)

And meh - I've dated plenty of guys like that. I'm happy for guys to be guys, with beards and body-hair. Boyish girls are fine though :)

Boyish girls, manly men, girly girls, girly guys. It's all good! Let's accept everyone! .. And make interesting characters and character art;)

Sqirrelsan, that is so WRONG on soooooo many levels. It reminds my of "Popey the Sailor Moon" ( a guy who looked like Schneider from the old '70s sitcom One Day at a Time , dressed up as Sailor Moon) from OtaKon way back when.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

So looking at a lot of the pictures in this thread inspired me to have a go at drawing on the computer, so I bought a cheap sketchpad and I am enjoying it quite a bit. I am still working out what a lot of the tools do (I had almost completed the body before I found out you could add and swap between layers on paint pro :/) but I thought I'd throw up my first attempt. It is not the most exciting being a repeat of the sketch I put up previously but I thought I'd start with something I know.

​Thurora Mathudan, Arkanian/Sephi hybrid and pilot for the rebel alliance:


The Original Sketch for reference:


Edited by Storn

I said earlier if I fpund them I'd throw up sketches from the main campaign of some of my other characters although I apologise for the quality they are quite old and I was only just getting back into drawing at the time.

The first is my character in the Main Campaign a Nautolan Mechanic named Oric Gynt, the next three were all characters introduced into a Hutt Kajidic whilst embroiled in a gang war on Nar Shaddaa.



Edited by Storn

Sqirrelsan, that is so WRONG on soooooo many levels. It reminds my of "Popey the Sailor Moon" ( a guy who looked like Schneider from the old '70s sitcom One Day at a Time , dressed up as Sailor Moon) from OtaKon way back when.

I wonder if that's the same as " Sailor Bubba ". I don't know why this is a surprise to anyone, never heard of Rule 63 ?

Sqirrelsan, that is so WRONG on soooooo many levels. It reminds my of "Popey the Sailor Moon" ( a guy who looked like Schneider from the old '70s sitcom One Day at a Time , dressed up as Sailor Moon) from OtaKon way back when.

I wonder if that's the same as " Sailor Bubba ". I don't know why this is a surprise to anyone, never heard of Rule 63 ?

Nope. Completely opposite body type, but just as disturbing.

This was Shneider from One Day at a Time .


Now, imagine a guy who looked similar to him dressed up as Sailor Moon.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Just curious.. Why do some people think it`s so disturbing to see a man in women`s clothing? Are women in men`s clothing really disturbing to them too?

I know I`m a crazy norwegian liberal socialist and all, but I don`t get it... :P

Edited by RodianClone

Just curious.. Why do some people think it`s so disturbing to see a man in women`s clothing? Are women in men`s clothing really disturbing to them too?

I know I`m a crazy norwegian socialist and all, but I don`t get it...

It's not just seeing a man in women's clothing. It's the combination of the very specific clothing in question as well as the specific individual's (lack of) attractiveness.

Just curious.. Why do some people think it`s so disturbing to see a man in women`s clothing? Are women in men`s clothing really disturbing to them too?

I know I`m a crazy norwegian liberal socialist and all, but I don`t get it... :P

It's not just seeing a man in women's clothing. It's the combination of the very specific clothing in question as well as the specific individual's (lack of) attractiveness.

Ah, I see :P

Imagine this woman in a bikini or Japanese schoolgirls' Sailor Fuku, and you get the jyst of what I mean:


There are just some things certain people should not be seen in.

Imagine this woman in a bikini or Japanese schoolgirls' Sailor Fuku, and you get the jyst of what I mean:


There are just some things certain people should not be seen in.

Yes, she looks absolutely too old to be in school! She could be a teacher I guess.... An arts teacher of some sorts I would guess. Fitting for this thread when I think about it.

Body shaming actually makes me alot more uncomfortable than imagining someone in an outfit :/

Edited by RodianClone

Maybe we should steer this lovely thread away from body shaming and back to character artwork before it turns into something nasty and get's locked.

Maybe we should steer this lovely thread away from body shaming and back to character artwork before it turns into something nasty and get's locked.

Amen, and yes, please!

Yes. Lets. I'm waiting on a commission from an artist whose work was posted waaaaay earlier in the thread and I'd like to happily be able to add it here.

In the spirit of christmas (or jul as we heathens in the north still call it), here is my christmas themed piece from last year. It has some pop-culture references mixed with some other symbolism :P

Chritsmas 2015

Sith Nik VS. Jedi Krist


Edited by RodianClone


Edited by RodianClone


I'll try re-posting. New to this forum and DA as of this week. I still can't figure out how to add to my gallery here.

Edit: I figured out how to post images on here.

Edited by FringerFrank