Character Artwork Thread

By verdantsf, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Wow, so much great Art!!
Just made an account here so I could share my own Artwork :)
Here´s my own Character, a Trandoshan Explorer Big Game Hunter/ Archeologist hunting for
information on new life forms (so basically a Pokemon Trainer :P )

Its kinda wip, as I still want to add a BG and an animal once he acquires one (still rather early in the campaign)

I also made an 8Bit Version of our ship, the Dragontooth


Hope You guys like it :)

Oh, and i also illustrated a childrens book cover for someone elses character:


My Jedi character Conrad Reed's helmet close up.

I'm really happy with the results. :)

SuperArppis, it's got a strong oni/samurai feel to it that I really like. Your work? Nice job!

Maelora/Marcy, I'm all about women being brought together by a love for freedom, adventure, and cheap revealing black synth-leather clothing! The boots are really a nice touch. My Aurebesh is rusty; what does her tattoo say?

SuperArppis, it's got a strong oni/samurai feel to it that I really like. Your work? Nice job!

Maelora/Marcy, I'm all about women being brought together by a love for freedom, adventure, and cheap revealing black synth-leather clothing! The boots are really a nice touch. My Aurebesh is rusty; what does her tattoo say?

Oh no, it's my friend's work. Here's his DeviantArt page:

Glad you like it. I wanted to go for bit of intimidating mask, because my character is Aggressor in the game and he uses the fear as his weapon. I was going for "blank dark helmet" at first, that wouldn't show any features, just a smooth dark helmet surface. But then I thought it would be bit too plain. And I was thinking of skull face? But that would have been bit too over used and maybe a bit lame too. Then I remembered those samurai masks and wanted him to draw one of those. He wanted to go for the skull at first, but I was pretty persistent about the samurai mask.

It turned out quite nicely! Now my problem is to come up with the background story for the mask. Because I want it rooted to Star Wars universe somehow, but I can't think of a planet where they use anything similar. :)

SuperArppis, it's got a strong oni/samurai feel to it that I really like. Your work? Nice job!

Maelora/Marcy, I'm all about women being brought together by a love for freedom, adventure, and cheap revealing black synth-leather clothing! The boots are really a nice touch. My Aurebesh is rusty; what does her tattoo say?

Oh no, it's my friend's work. Here's his DeviantArt page:

Glad you like it. I wanted to go for bit of intimidating mask, because my character is Aggressor in the game and he uses the fear as his weapon. I was going for "blank dark helmet" at first, that wouldn't show any features, just a smooth dark helmet surface. But then I thought it would be bit too plain. And I was thinking of skull face? But that would have been bit too over used and maybe a bit lame too. Then I remembered those samurai masks and wanted him to draw one of those. He wanted to go for the skull at first, but I was pretty persistent about the samurai mask.

It turned out quite nicely! Now my problem is to come up with the background story for the mask. Because I want it rooted to Star Wars universe somehow, but I can't think of a planet where they use anything similar. :)

Make one up. :)

SuperArppis, it's got a strong oni/samurai feel to it that I really like. Your work? Nice job!

Maelora/Marcy, I'm all about women being brought together by a love for freedom, adventure, and cheap revealing black synth-leather clothing! The boots are really a nice touch. My Aurebesh is rusty; what does her tattoo say?

I remember they had a 'samurai' version of Fett and Vader a few years back... this one looks a lot like that. Great work anyway.

And Snuffy, yeah, I soooo want those boots! :)

Jo's ink reads 'Krayt' on that side, and 'Dragons' on the other side. It was her idea, she thought up the name for their smuggling group; 'the Krayt Dragons Free Trade Without Borders Consortium'. Jo's an Entreprenuer when she's not throwing spaceships around, and she handles the books. After 'Crates of Krayts', they killed the Hutts and set up a little farm for the baby Krayt Dragons on Soccor- I mean, on a little planet somewhere in the Outer Rim. (With a view, I think, to a hair-brained idea about painlessly extracting their pearls when they are all grown up...) And naturally, their ship is the fabled 'Krayt Fang' - every smuggler says their battered old freighter is the 'best hunk of junk in the galaxy', but in Cynn's case, it's actually true :)

Edited by Maelora

Make one up. :)

"What would George Lucas do????"

I remember they had a 'samurai' version of Fett and Vader a few years back... this one looks a lot like that. Great work anyway.

And Snuffy, yeah, I soooo want those boots! :)

Jo's ink reads 'Krayt' on that side, and 'Dragons' on the other side. It was her idea, she thought up the name for their smuggling group; 'the Krayt Dragons Free Trade Without Borders Consortium'. Jo's an Entreprenuer when she's not throwing spaceships around, and she handles the books. After 'Crates of Krayts', they killed the Hutts and set up a little farm for the baby Krayt Dragons on Soccor- I mean, on a little planet somewhere in the Outer Rim.

(With a view, I think, to a hair-brained idea about painlessly extracting their pearls when they are all grown up...) And naturally, their ship is the fabled 'Krayt Fang' - every smuggler says their battered old freighter is the 'best hunk of junk in the galaxy', but in Cynn's case, it's actually true :)

HUH? Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait! Is the farm ACTUALLY on Socorro, or are you just messing with me? And was that before or after...

Teasing me like that is not nice, Marcy >_< !

Edited by Absol197

Make one up. :)

"What would George Lucas do????"

He would retcon something!

He would retcon something!

Nah, he'd instantly make something up, immediately forget it ever existed, then saddle the poor canon players with something he pulled out of his posterior for a single scene...

Then he'd get JJ Abrams to retcon it!

Edited by Maelora


HUH? Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait! Is the farm ACTUALLY on Socorro, or are you just messing with me? And was that before or after...

Teasing me like that is not nice, Marcy >_< !

Long, long ago (early 2015), in a gamer den far, far away (Yorkshire, England)...

Players: 'So where is the Krayt Farm and Scoundrel's Luck, anyway?'

Evil GM Marcy: 'No idea. Some small desert planet in the Outer Rim? Do we need to be more specific than that for now? I don't want it to be Tattooine, as that's too obvious. Let's keep it vague until one of us has a really cool idea of where it is, or the new movies give us something we think would fit.'


Long, long ago (early 2015), in a gamer den far, far away (Yorkshire, England)...

Players: 'So where is the Krayt Farm and Scoundrel's Luck, anyway?'

Evil GM Marcy: 'No idea. Some small desert planet in the Outer Rim? Do we need to be more specific than that for now? I don't want it to be Tattooine, as that's too obvious. Let's keep it vague until one of us has a really cool idea of where it is, or the new movies give us something we think would fit.'

:) mean... >_<

I don't know if this bodes well for me, bodes exceptionally ill for me, or will have no impact on me whatsoever. But what I DO know is that I will undoubtedly find out...In a horrible, horrible way, most likely...

I don't know if this bodes well for me, bodes exceptionally ill for me, or will have no impact on me whatsoever. But what I DO know is that I will undoubtedly find out...In a horrible, horrible way, most likely...

Horrible , no. Interesting? Possibly... It's my job as GM to make the players feel awesome , after all...

Thing is, the MarcyVerse is built one brick at a time. We built the world around our first EoE characters, and built outwards from there. By the time AoR came out, we had a good grip on the factions and what the Imperium and the Systems Alliance were like. By the time F&D rolled around, we'd worked out just what we wanted our returning Jedi to be. The holders for all these things were in place - we knew the Jedi were retuning from their Exodus, but didn't know why or what they'd be like.

I try not to go for obvious retcons or reboots, honestly! :) Facts are established bit by bit, but when established, they are 'canon' for us. For instance, until Ana Racine joined the Krayt Dragons, the Krayt Fang was 'just' a highly-modded YT1300. But when Racine joined, we established the backstory, that the Fang was her personal beloved prototype, and Trex had murdered her boyfriend and stolen the ship from her. And behold - ! It had all these hidden features (Racine's Rigger abilities) that they didn't know it had, and only the creator could get to work !

That was cool, because it added another layer, without contradicting what we know. This is why I like the players to keep their backstories a little bit mysterious, if possible, so we can add in 'new' facts later. For instance, we know Cynn ran away from Ryloth to avoid being 'dowry fodder', in her own words. But that's about it - we can still say that her father's a feared bounty hunter maybe, or that the dowry she ran from belonged to a powerful crime lord who wants her back...! There's enough room to add new stuff without retconning what we know.

So changing species is certainly out, but it's possible that a given character could 'suddenly develop' Force Sensitivity, with a good enough story (this happened to Shae, who was possessed by the spirit of a young girl who was killed during Kandria's 'I Don't Like Mondays' moment with the Emergent Project...) Building on new layers is cool, but I wouldn't, for example, allow this:

Cynn's player: "Hey guys, the rules for Ortolans are out! So, maybe I can make Cynn an Ortolan? Um, she'd still be blue, floppy ear things and everything...!"

Jo's Player (scowling): "No."

Edited by Maelora

What I heard:

"Blah blah blah, I'm the coolest GM ever, yadda yadda yadda..."


EDIT: But anyway, we should probably move the Marcy and Phee show elsewhere, so these nice folks can get back to their pretty pictures!

Sorry guys! When you get two master thread-derailers in one place, staying on topic can be hard :) !

Edited by Absol197

What I heard:

"Blah blah blah, I'm the coolest GM ever, yadda yadda yadda..."


EDIT: But anyway, we should probably move the Marcy and Phee show elsewhere, so these nice folks can get back to their pretty pictures!

Sorry guys! When you get two master thread-derailers in one place, staying on topic can be hard :) !

Especially when the topic relies on a steady stream of something that requires hard work to create. :P

Korath Lorren battles his nemesis, the evil Mathis Karr.


Korath Lorren battles his nemesis, the evil Mathis Karr.


Obo Deema
Twi´Lek Smuggler and Hutt Cartel Punching Ball


My group is entirely new to the system, including the GM(me). We did some Saga for a long time, but never got anything commissioned for our campaigns. This time we decided to get a group commission outright, and we went to the awesome Will Nunes for it, who has already had some of his commissions posted here earlier.

So here are the members of the ISDT Corporation's First Survey Team.

xTwPDX4.jpg From left to right we have R3-D0, Miriss 'Miri' Devani, Devora Abnawaa, Jhoren Zaul, Zeth J'raal, and Azalee Sivron.

I've got a couple of new pieces I just finished:




This is a drawing I did of the character I play in a side campaign of ours. Her name is Thurora Mathudan and is an Arkanian/Sephi hybrid (think Arca Jeth). She serves as a fighter pilot for the rebellion working out of a small outpost on Belkadan due to a promise she made to a rebellion general after he spared her life.

I'll try to find some of the other ones from our actual campaign and put them up although I am not the best artist, mostly I am terrible at drawing anything with fur (which is kind of a problem due to the squib in this campaign as well as the Selonian and Togorian in the main one). We were actually looking at getting commissions done at one point for all of the characters so who would you all recommend?

Not bad, except for one small detail. Arkanians only have four fingers including the thumb.

Not bad, except for one small detail. Arkanians only have four fingers including the thumb.

She does if you look closely, but dark gloves on the dark gun makes it a bit hard to tell in this photo I admit. There are only two fingers gripping the handle, one on the trigger and one resting on the back of the gun. Although now you point it out I might try make it clearer on the original.

And thanks :)

Edited by Storn

I've had a horrible few weeks, and today I had my purse and phone stolen in the Xmas shopping rush :(

But I thought I'd drop by and post this one -if for no other reason to show that the MarcyVerse isn't quite the sex-parody you might think just from looking at all the fanservice pictures.

Anyway, all the feels... Here's one of our PCs, Alliance Commander Karae Palladane saying an emotional farewell to her daughter:


This one has quite a sad story. Mari here is a Force Sensitive, which causes all kinds of unfortunate repercussions... Without proper training, self-taught Force Adepts are a real danger to themselves and others, risking such things as the loss of control of their powers, mental breakdowns and possession by warp entities. Karae's faction actively recruits all of their Sensitives into their own military program, the Emergent Project, where initiates are trained as battlefield support. They are well-treated, placed in elite units and generally treated as great heroes... but there are all kinds of rumours about the Project's quietly-hidden failures, including suicides, nervous breakdowns and the occasional mass slaughter by a student who snaps.

Mari Palladane is a cute little soul who is better suited to picking flowers than squashing stormtroopers with ATATs. And her mother - despite having fought for the Alliance for 20+ years, refuses to sacrifice her daughter's happiness for the war effort. She's even considered handing her over to the Jedi, who know about the Force than anyone, despite being mostly arrogant jerks. Problem is that the Alliance are involved in a bitter war with the Jedi/Sith faction, making such things extremely problematical, to put it mildly. So Mom here is casting around for another solution ( *cough*PlayerCharacters*cough*) and trying to find someone who might look after a naive young Sensitive...

Edited by Maelora

Aww :( . Poor little Mari...I know a young togruta woman who would love to train you...

And lots of hugs for Marcy, too! I'm so sorry you've been having (yet another) rough time. This year has sucked extraordinarily much. I just lost another grandfather a couple of days ago. That's a dad, two grandfathers, and a good friend this year so far.

So I guess what I'm saying is, I know it's rough, but hang in there, okay :( ?


Edited by Absol197