quick PSA regarding Omega Leader's ability

By ficklegreendice, in X-Wing

It isn't too complex outside the palpie interaction, which is apparently being handwaved away by the designers

Modifying dice is nicely defined in the reference; it's just a question of being able to distinguish between that definitions and outliers (such as roll additional/fewer dice, +/- agility; range/obstruction bonuses etc)

I'll reorganize the OP later

Very interesting read so far. Slightly confused by Juke. That counts as modifying a dice so Juke on OL is a bad idea as it won't proc on targets he has TL'd? Or is it still usable because it's not the enemy ship modifying the dice? Alex Davey's response would seem to indicate it matters not where the modification comes from therefore couldn't be used. Maybe I'm being a bit dumb. Thoughts?

Very interesting read so far. Slightly confused by Juke. That counts as modifying a dice so Juke on OL is a bad idea as it won't proc on targets he has TL'd? Or is it still usable because it's not the enemy ship modifying the dice? Alex Davey's response would seem to indicate it matters not where the modification comes from therefore couldn't be used. Maybe I'm being a bit dumb. Thoughts?

The Omega Leader player can modify the dice (IE he can Juke), but the player locked cannot.

It isn't too complex outside the palpie interaction, which is apparently being handwaved away by the designers

I don't think it's being handwaived since the player is still modifying that ship's dice; it's just using another card on the board to do. so.

Very interesting read so far. Slightly confused by Juke. That counts as modifying a dice so Juke on OL is a bad idea as it won't proc on targets he has TL'd? Or is it still usable because it's not the enemy ship modifying the dice? Alex Davey's response would seem to indicate it matters not where the modification comes from therefore couldn't be used. Maybe I'm being a bit dumb. Thoughts?

The Omega Leader player can modify the dice (IE he can Juke), but the player locked cannot.

It isn't too complex outside the palpie interaction, which is apparently being handwaved away by the designers

I don't think it's being handwaived since the player is still modifying that ship's dice; it's just using another card on the board to do. so.

Thanks. That's what I was hoping for :)

Updated for recent HLC ruling

hey guys,

we've had one thread on this already, but given that we're about to see quite a bit of this amazing little FO, I thought it best to consolidate his ability here before people start asking for unnecessary FAQs


Players can modify dice by spending focus, evade,
and target lock tokens and by resolving card abilities.
Dice can be modified in the following ways:
To add a die result, place an unused die
displaying the result next to the rolled dice. A die
added in this way is treated as a normal die for
all purposes and can be modified and canceled.
To change a die result, rotate the die
so that its faceup side displays the new result.
To reroll a die result, pick up the die and
roll it again.
Dice can be modified by multiple effects, but a die
cannot be rerolled more than once.
Examples of Adding Results
Evade Token (adds an evade result, which then cancels damage. the token itself does not cancel damage)
C3po (adds an evade result before other dice modifiers, if you guess correctly)
Advanced Targeting Computer (adds a critical result)
Accuracy Corrector (adds two hit results)
Examples of Changing Results
Focus Token (changes focus to hits or evades)
Emperor (changes a die result to one of your choice. Yes, "el presidente" trumps the emperor. Remember that his ability on works when attacking him or being attacked by him , so stuff running over asteroids and changing the damage die is still valid)
Sensor Jammer (changes enemy hits to focus. remember, you cannot modify ANY dice against Omega; including his)
Juke (as above; changes enemy evade to focus instead)
Heavy Laser Cannon:
If a rule in this guide contradicts the Learn to Play
booklet, the rule in this guide takes priority.
Card abilities can override the rules listed in this
guide. Mission rules can override both card abilities
and rules from this guide.
If a card ability or mission effect uses the word
“cannot,” that effect is absolute and cannot be

overridden by other effects

FFG has ruled in favor of this. Though it makes little thematic sense, HLC cannot change its crit into a hit as the rules of the game give clear priority to Omega's "cannot" over HLC's "must"
Examples of Re-rolls
Target-locks (remember, you can only not modify dice. You'll still have TL for purposes of requirements such as Ordnance or Omega's Ability)
Predator/Lone-wolf/Seri (all self explanatory)
So, what doesn't Omega Leader ignore?
NOTE : A Word on the Emperor

According to the rules reference, the "you" in the emperor's card does not refer to the player, but to the ship bearing the emperor. The ship that the emperor is on is modifying the dice

Because Omega's ability specifies "Enemy ships that you have target-locked," there is nothing stopping the emperor from modifying your target's dice unless you're targeting the emperor's ship

Many Ship card abilities use the word “you” to refer
to the corresponding ship. Upgrade and Damage
cards that use the word “you” refer to the ship to
which the card is assigned.
Most importantly, Omega Leader doesn't ignore dice canceling. His hit results and yours can still be canceled by green dice, as that occurs in a step outside modifying dice known as Compare Results .
This means you can use Crackshot on him without issue (but not Juke, as that changes an evade into a focus during dice modification), and it means that he likes to carry Juke because he can't ignore naked
green dice on his own.
Abilities that govern what can or cannot be canceled (such as numb), or which cancel dice (ion/flechette cannons & T-beams, Wampa) are also unaffected.
Secondly, Adding Results is not Adding Dice (re: rolling additional dice). Range bonuses and obstruction still come into play. Subtracting dice (rolling X less dice) is also not mentioned under Modifying Dice, so Kanan (pilot) is good to go, Strom is still the man and Weapons Failure still sucks
Omega Leader also does nothing against abilities that add or reduce agility, such as Cloak, Gemmer, or Wedge.
Extra attacks, such as TLT or even gunner, have nothing to do with modifying dice (except for Luke Crew's focus --> hit, that gets shut down)
Finally, remember Omega is only about Modifying Dice. Tokens exist to modify dice, but their actual acquisition and expenditure isn't dependent on being able to Modify Dice (so Keyan can still spend his stress to modify nothing, for example). This also means that guys like Carnor or Palob can still deny/yoink tokens without issue.
with all that out of the way, go enjoy flying (or getting murdered by) our new glorious FO overlord ^_^

Great post. Can't multiple like, or I would.

I face a lot of Palpmobiles in my local meta. Using the TL from OL (who often is my endgame ship) is just too cheeky not to try. Perhaps not the most optimal use of his ability, but still fun to try I think.

Very interesting read so far. Slightly confused by Juke. That counts as modifying a dice so Juke on OL is a bad idea as it won't proc on targets he has TL'd? Or is it still usable because it's not the enemy ship modifying the dice ? Alex Davey's response would seem to indicate it matters not where the modification comes from therefore couldn't be used. Maybe I'm being a bit dumb. Thoughts?

it's the one in bold (Juke, i.e "you" i.e Omega Leader, is modifying the dice)

OL doesn't shut himself down :P


It isn't too complex outside the palpie interaction, which is apparently being handwaved away by the designers

I don't think it's being handwaived since the player is still modifying that ship's dice; it's just using another card on the board to do. so.

going purely by RAW, "You" --> the ship bearing the upgrade and not the player


Many Ship card abilities use the word “you” to refer
to the corresponding ship. Upgrade and Damage
cards that use the word “ you ” refer to the ship to
which the card is assigned.*
which doesn't mention the player at all
it is a sort of hand wave, as technically it's the shuttle modifying the dice and Omega Leader specifies "ships you have locked" as his ability target

mind you, I'd love it if Omega > Palpatine and I don't mind at all that FFG would step in to make it so, just pointing out the technicality

Edited by ficklegreendice

Does R2-F2's ability count as dice modification? If I have a Biggs with R2-F2 target locked as Omega Leader, can he use his ability?

Does R2-F2's ability count as dice modification? If I have a Biggs with R2-F2 target locked as Omega Leader, can he use his ability?

R2-F2 doesn't touch dice which is helpful. You can use R2-F2 as that Action in the Activation phase, and then when Biggles is involved in combat he uses the adjusted agility value to determine how many dice he'll roll.

Modifying the dice would be rerolling/adjusting them during the dice rolling part of combat: Focus, Evades, Target Locks, etc

I just came across this thread and think it's fantastic!

Since HLC vs Omega Leader has been ruled on now (HLC shots do not convert to hits from crits when OL has you locked) I thought you might want to update your original post FGD. Also, it looks like it may not have been updated after the words from Alex that someone shared.

Great work on this topic!

If you consider "ruled on" being an email some guy has in his inbox... I have an email that says you have to send me 5 dollars.

Since the HLC dice change is now considered a modify, and the defender has to modify results before the attacker... I guess shooting someone with HLC skips the step where defenders get to modify dice, sweet!

I just came across this thread and think it's fantastic!

Since HLC vs Omega Leader has been ruled on now (HLC shots do not convert to hits from crits when OL has you locked) I thought you might want to update your original post FGD. Also, it looks like it may not have been updated after the words from Alex that someone shared.

Great work on this topic!

If you consider "ruled on" being an email some guy has in his inbox... I have an email that says you have to send me 5 dollars.

Since the HLC dice change is now considered a modify, and the defender has to modify results before the attacker... I guess shooting someone with HLC skips the step where defenders get to modify dice, sweet!

There's no need to be quite so worked up about it. It's a modification inherent to the attack, much like using a Concussion Missile or Proton Torpedo; those absolutely happen before "the defender has to modify results" and have not been an issue. The best part of Guidance Chips is that it actually happens during the normal "Attacker Modifies Dice" step and can help undo Sensor Jammer etc.

Concussion missiles don't have the word immediately . So they happen during the normal modification step.

Card Ability

Since HLC cannon is now considered an immediate modify, like I said, it is now illegal for the defender to modify any of the attack dice, because the normal way for him to do that has to be finished before the attacker modifies. He no longer has a window of opportunity.

Stellar set of rulings here.

Especially that interpretation of the ship-type only upgrades also meaning ship-type only pilot abilities .

You guys just going to believe anything you read on the internet now? Godzilla just ate the Empire State Building, better buy lizard insurance.

Edited by Vulf

The omega L ruling is an extension of the golden rule where abilities/scenario rules with "cannot" trump everything

I added it to the OP yesterday

NOTE : A Word on the Emperor

According to the rules reference, the "you" in the emperor's card does not refer to the player, but to the ship bearing the emperor. The ship that the emperor is on is modifying the dice

Because Omega's ability specifies "Enemy ships that you have target-locked," there is nothing stopping the emperor from modifying your target's dice unless you're targeting the emperor's ship

FYI you added the Emperor to the list of things that get blocked, but still have this paragraph in there which runs counter to the ruling .

Great thread, thanks!

EDIT: The counter ruling got countered! Revert! Revert!

Edited by TheMaster42

so, to double check, you CANT use evade tokens???

so, to double check, you CANT use evade tokens???


Adding results counts as modifying under the modify defense dice part of the rules reference.

Using an evade token is adding an evade result.

Clear as mud. If you can't use evade tokens, why does the range 3 die get added to the defense pool?

Edited by heliodorus04

I'm going to ask a few more second opinions. Fickle??

Adding an unrolled die isn't a modification.

The question is. Does adding a evade result via a evade token count as a modification (of a die)?

Clear as mud.

It depends on what Evade tokens actually do:

Add a die, then modify it to an evade result (not clear what the die showed before)


Add a die that already shows an evade result and not counting as a modification (placing the die on the table with the evade side up)

Either way the extra die can theoretically be modified further or even rerolled again outside of the Omega Leader scenario.

Can a die be modified before it even hits the table?

I asked FFG about evade tokens (amongst other things, hence the other stuff in this) about Evade tokens and got this reply:

Omega Leader does prevent a ship from using Juke against him. Additionally, C-3PO and evade tokens cannot be used against it since adding dice results is a dice modification.
As for Juke in general, it is an ability the attacker uses to modify defense dice. These dice modifies occur during step 5 (“Modify Defense Dice”). The attacker has to modify defense dice first, then the defender modifies defense dice second . So, evade tokens add evade results too late for the attacker to modify them. C-3PO on the other hand occurs immediately after the defender rolls defense dice and before the Modify Defense Dice step. Therefore the evade result added by C-3PO occurs before the defender has the opportunity to use Juke.
Thanks for playing,

Frank Brooks
Associate Creative Content Developer

Fantasy Flight Games

It depends on what Evade tokens actually do:

Add a die, then modify it to an evade result (not clear what the die showed before)


Add a die that already shows an evade result and not counting as a modification (placing the die on the table with the evade side up)

I got a response from FFG about Omega Leader and Palpatine on a third ship. Palpatine is able to modify the dice.

I posted the response here .

I got a response from FFG about Omega Leader and Palpatine on a third ship. Palpatine is able to modify the dice.

I posted the response here .

I'm going to ask a few more second opinions. Fickle??

Adding an unrolled die isn't a modification.

The question is. Does adding a evade result via a evade token count as a modification (of a die)?

Clear as mud.

Adding results is

Had my Zeta L slap an enemy Omega L around due to this :)

Edited by ficklegreendice

I'm going to ask a few more second opinions. Fickle??

Adding an unrolled die isn't a modification.

The question is. Does adding a evade result via a evade token count as a modification (of a die)?

Clear as mud.

This is all in the rules, by the way.

I got a response from FFG about Omega Leader and Palpatine on a third ship. Palpatine is able to modify the dice.

I posted the response here .

RAW won out, I see

It makes things easier when it does.

Evening all,

For clarity, at what point does the target lock need to be on the opponent for them to not be able to modify dice?

The situation:

OL uses his action to target lock Prince Xizor who is focused.

OL shoots at Prince Xizor and rolls 1 hit and 2 blanks.

OL uses his TL to re-roll the 2 blank dice.

Can Xizor now modify his defence dice as the TL is gone?

My (rather new and limited) understanding is that the target lock would have to be on Xizor during the "Declare Target" sub-phase of an Attack to prevent the target from modifying their defence dice?

